Anxiety Natural Remedies: 15+ Ways to Relax & Find Calm (original) (raw)

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March 21, 2024

Natural remedies for anxiety - Dr. Axe

Anxiety can be a disabling condition that’s accompanied by long-term stress and a decline in overall health. It contributes to many chronic diseases, even when treated with conventional medications. That’s why we need to use natural remedies for anxiety and other mood disorders that address the root of the problem instead of putting a Band-Aid on your anxiety symptoms.

In fact, anxiety can affect people of all ages, with an estimated 31.1 percent of adults in U.S. experiencing symptoms at some point in their lives. In addition, 40 percent to 67 percent of people with anxiety experience signs of depression, which makes it an even more serious and difficult condition to treat properly, and the lifetime prevalence is estimated to be between 4.3 percent and 5.9 percent..

Research shows that people with anxiety have difficulty successfully achieving short- or long-term remission, with remission rates remaining as low as 38 percent after five years.

The good news is that there are many natural remedies for anxiety that are safe and don’t cause adverse side effects like so many anti-anxiety medications. By eating a clean and well-balanced diet that contains important nutrients like B vitamins, magnesium and omega-3s, and using essential oils for anxiety, you may notice an immediate difference in your mood, energy levels and sleep patterns.

Plus, there are many supplements and lifestyle changes that serve as natural remedies for anxiety as well.


What Is Anxiety?

Anxiety is a normal response to stress or a dangerous situation. It’s often referred to as the “fight or flight” response.

It’s also the most prevalent mental health condition. Anxiety becomes problematic when it is constant or in reaction to inappropriate circumstances, which over time can negatively affect your day-to-day life.

In fact, there are a number of anxiety disorders, including generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, social anxiety disorder and panic disorder. Anxiety is also a big part of phobias and other issues, such as autophobia (the fear of being alone) and the Sunday scaries.

Causes and Risk Factors

Causes of anxiety include:

In addition, research shows that risk factors for anxiety disorders include being female, experiencing stressful life events in childhood and adulthood, having a family history of mental health disorders, having limited economic resources, and being shy in childhood.

Signs and Symptoms

Although anxiety is characterized by excessive worrying and tension, other physical and psychological symptoms of anxiety can include:

Natural Remedies for Anxiety


1. Eat a Clean and Well-Balanced Diet

Several studies show that there is a connection between the diet choices and psychology, physiology and behavior. Dietary choices impact a person from the moment he or she is born to adult life.

Consuming too many or too little calories can increase anxiety symptoms and other psychological or emotional disorders. Also, poor diet can lead to many anxiety symptoms, including moodiness, fatigue and abnormal blood sugar levels that cause nervousness and the jitters.

A poor diet can also lead to weight gain, and this can impact your body image and bring on feelings of worthlessness and self-doubt.

Eating anti-inflammatory foods can be a natural remedy for anxiety because they are important for neurotransmitters synthesizing and balancing your mood and stress response. In addition, it’s also important to eat healthy fats, unrefined carbohydrates and lean protein.

To improve anxiety symptoms, make sure to add vitamin B foods, magnesium-rich foods, foods high in calcium and omega-3 foods — some of the best mood-boosting foods — to your diet too, including:

2. Avoid Sugary and Processed Foods

Research shows that consuming foods that have a high glycemic index can contribute to anxiety and depression. Sugar and refined carbohydrates can give you blood sugar highs and lows throughout the day, increasing anxiety, nervousness and fatigue.

These foods can cause mood swings and alter your energy levels, making it more difficult to get your anxiety symptoms under control. They also contribute to inflammation and alter your brain structure and neurotransmitter function.

To maintain normal blood sugar levels and improve your anxiety symptoms, stay away from refined foods, including baked goods (like pastries and cookies), sweetened beverages, fast foods, fried foods, processed meat and refined grains (which can be found in cereals and packaged breads).

One specific dietary option that covers many of these bases and may actually influence anxiety is the keto diet. Preliminary research in animals has found that following this high-fat, low-carb diet may result in a lowered risk for anxiety.


3. Limit Caffeine and Alcohol

Too much caffeine or alcohol can increase anxiety symptoms like moodiness, nervousness and the jitters. A study published by the British Journal of Psychiatry found that abstinence from alcohol is associated with a lower risk of anxiety. To reduce anxiety, avoid alcohol completely, or limit your alcohol intake to one to three drinks per week — but no more than two at a time.

Research also shows that consuming too much caffeine can induce anxiety symptoms, and people with panic disorder and social anxiety seem to be particularly sensitive to the effects of caffeine. Limit coffee or black tea to no more than one cup per day.

Natura remedies for anxiety - Dr. Axe


4. Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is an adaptogen herb that is often used as a natural remedy for anxiety because it helps stabilize the body’s response to stress. In a systematic review that assessed data on the effectiveness of ashwagandha as a treatment for anxiety, researchers found that most studies concluded with significant improvement in anxiety symptoms with ashwagandha therapy.

However, ashwagandha is not only a stress reliever. It also protects the brain from degeneration, and it works to improve anxiety symptoms by destroying free radicals that cause damage to the brain and body.

Research shows that ashwagandha helps improve focus, reduce fatigue and fight anxiety without the side effects of most anti-anxiety medications.

5. Kava Root

Research shows that kava root can be used to treat anxiety because it’s a nonaddictive and non-hypnotic anxiolytic. Kava is used to improve mood, ease anxiety and boost sociability.

It’s also used in homeopathy. It works by stimulating dopamine receptors and inducing euphoria.

In fact, a randomized, controlled trial conducted in Australia found that kava can be considered a first-line therapy for generalized anxiety disorder, and it’s shown to be safe for people undergoing treatment. A meta-analysis reported by Cochrane that involved seven trials suggests that there are significant effects from kava treatment for anxiety with few side effects, which are all considered mild.

Take kava under the guidance of your health care provider, as it can interact with certain medications. Also, do not consume alcohol if you are using kava, and be aware of the most common side effects, including headache, drowsiness and diarrhea.

6. 5-HTP (5-hydroxytryptophan)

Supplementing with 5-HTP, which is synthesized from tryptophan (an essential amino acids that acts as a mood regulator), can help treat a number of issues that are associated with anxiety, including trouble sleeping, moodiness and headaches. 5-HTP increases serotonin, which is a calming neurotransmitter that transmits signals between the nerve cells and alters brain functions that regulate your mood and sleep patterns.

Studies show that 5-HTP therapy is associated with a significant reduction in anxiety due to its calming effects. However, it’s important that you do not take 5-HTP with any prescription anti-anxiety or antidepressant medications.

7. GABA (Gamma aminobutyric acid)

GABA is an amino acid that is responsible for decreasing anxiety in the nervous system, and it also helps relax your muscles. It’s used for a number of conditions in addition to relieving anxiety, including reducing PMS, relieving insomnia, stabilizing blood pressure, treating ADHD, burning fat and relieving pain.

GABA is also an inhibitory neurotransmitter that can cause a sedative effect, helps regulate nerve cells and calms anxiety. Anti-anxiety drugs, like Xanax and Valium, work to increase the amount of GABA in the brain.

There are GABA supplements available in your local health food or vitamin store. Another option is to use valerian root, which naturally increases your brain’s GABA level and helps calm anxiety.

8. Magnesium

Magnesium plays many important roles in the body, and magnesium deficiency is one of the leading deficiencies in adults. If you’re struggling with anxiety, you may want to try taking a magnesium supplement.

Magnesium helps relax your muscles and calm the nervous system. Also, it’s vital for GABA function and regulating certain hormones that are crucial for calming the brain and promoting relaxation.

Magnesium is commonly used to combat anxiety, poor digestion, muscle spasms and trouble sleeping. Look for magnesium in citrate, chelate and chloride, which are forms that the body absorbs better.

However, be aware that too much magnesium can cause diarrhea, so be careful with the dose. Because of this, start with smaller amounts of magnesium, and work your way up to a dose that’s effective for you.

9. Vitamin B Complex

B vitamins help combat stress and stabilize your mood. Vitamin B6, in particular, serves as a natural remedy for anxiety because it works to boost mood, balance blood sugar levels and maintain a healthy nervous system. In fact, symptoms of a vitamin B6 deficiency include anxiety, irritability, depression, changes in mood, muscle pains and fatigue.

In addition, vitamin B12 is also important for fighting chronic stress, mood disorders and depression. It helps improve your concentration and energy levels and allows your nervous system to function properly.

Other supplements that show potential as natural remedies for anxiety include:

Essential Oils

10. Lavender Oil

Lavender oil has been shown to reduce anxiety and help relax the body. A multi-center, double-blind, randomized study conducted in Germany found that Silexan, an oral lavender oil capsule, was just as effective as benzodiazepine, anti-anxiety medication that usually induces sedation and had a high potential for drug abuse.

Research also shows that using lavender oil topically or inhaling lavender can help induce calmness and relieve symptoms of anxiety, like nervousness, headaches and muscle pain.

Put three drops of lavender oil in your palm, and rub it onto your neck, wrists and temples. You can also diffuse lavender oil at home or at work, inhale it directly from the bottle for immediate relief, or add five to 10 drops to warm bath water to fight anxiety naturally.

11. Roman Chamomile

Roman chamomile essential oil is used to calm nerves and reduce anxiety because of its mild sedative and relaxation-promoting properties. Inhaling it works as an emotional trigger because the fragrance travels directly to the brain to help fight anxiety symptoms.

A study published in Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine found that when chamomile oil is taken orally, it causes a significant reduction of anxiety and depression symptoms when compared to a placebo.

Diffuse five drops of Roman chamomile oil at home or at work, inhale it directly from the bottle, or apply it topically to the neck, chest and wrists. Roman chamomile is also gentle enough for children to use as a natural remedy for anxiety.


12. Physical Activity

Regular physical activity helps improve sleep quality, reduce inflammation, boost confidence, improve energy levels, and ease stress and tension. People with anxiety can benefit from exercises like yoga and tai chi because they promote relaxation and involve deep breathing techniques that help reduce stress and muscle tension.

A 2012 review published in Alternative Medicine Review found that of the 35 trials that addressed the effects of yoga on anxiety and stress, 25 of them noted a significant decrease in stress and anxiety symptoms as a result of practicing yoga.

In fact, yoga changes your brain by impacting your GABA levels and suppressing neural activity.

Besides yoga and tai chi, you can practice other exercises that help calm the body. For example, running, walking or hiking outdoors, lifting weights, and even dancing can help combat stress.

13. Get Enough Rest

Researchers at the University of Berkeley found that a lack of sleep can amplify anticipatory anxiety by stimulating regions in the brain that are associated with emotional processing. This means sleep deprivation can contribute to common anxiety symptoms. These symptoms include excessive worrying, and by restoring proper sleep patterns, people with anxiety can reduce feelings of fear, worry and tension.

Aim to get seven to nine hours of sleep every night in order to reduce stress, balance your hormones, prevent moodiness and reduce fatigue. You can also diffuse lavender or Roman chamomile essential oil in your bedroom to help induce relaxation.

14. Meditate

A 2013 randomized, controlled trial published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry found that mindfulness meditation had a beneficial effect on anxiety symptoms and improved stress reactivity and coping mechanisms when faced with a stress challenge.

If you’re new to this, try guided meditation as one of your natural remedies for anxiety, which is available on YouTube and podcasts. It helps reduce your cortisol levels, improve your sleep quality, boost your productivity at home and at work, and treat your anxiety.

15. Find Support

In your effort to overcome anxiety, finding support from your family, friends, community and professional therapists can be extremely helpful. For example, cognitive behavioral therapy is a type of psychotherapy that focuses on a person’s underlying thoughts in determining how that person acts and feels. Therapists help change your thought patterns and reactions so you can better handle stressful situations.

If your anxiety affects your quality of life, consider joining a local support group or connecting with other people who are dealing with anxiety. Together, you can use these natural remedies for anxiety with members of your community and work through tough situations with their support.

Other potential natural remedies for anxiety, according to research, include:

Conventional Treatment

Typically, anxiety is treated with a combination of psychotropic drugs and cognitive behavioral therapy. Pharmacologic interventions for anxiety include:

The controversial botanical substance kratom is also sometimes used to alleviate anxiety and help with pain relief. Thankfully, there are natural remedies for anxiety to try as well.


If you choose to use any of these natural remedies for anxiety, do so under the guidance of your health care provider. Also, make sure that he or she knows what other medications you are taking in order to avoid dangerous interactions.

For example, some of these natural remedies for anxiety, including kava root, 5-HTP and GABA, do interact with commonly prescribed anti-anxiety and anti-depression medications. Do not use these supplements or herbs along with prescribed drugs.
