Best Treatments & Remedies for Tendonitis (original) (raw)

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Tendonitis Symptoms, Causes and Treatments (Including Home Remedies)

September 27, 2023

Tendonitis - Dr. Axe

People who are over 40 years old tend to get tendonitis more than younger people, but really anyone can development symptoms depending on how damaged versus elastic tendons become. It’s true that as we age our ligaments, bones and tendons slowly weaken with everyday wear and tear, so we’re more likely to experience things like muscle or joint pain.

Tendonitis is treated in different ways depending on where it’s located on the body, how long it’s been present and the person’s physical activity level. If you visit an orthopedic or doctor to help treat your tendonitis, he or she might prescribe a treatment plan involving getting plenty of rest, taking time off from exercise, using ice/heat packs, attending physical therapy, or taking pain-killing and anti-inflammatory medications.

Most of the time drastic measures like having surgery performed or getting ongoing injections aren’t needed, but in the case where a tendon ruptures, these can be used to manage the situation quickly. Learn about tendonitis symptoms, causes and what you can do the help alleviate tendonitis pain.

What Is Tendonitis?

Tendonitis (which is also sometimes spelled tendinitis) is a form of painful inflammation in the tendons, which are the chord-like parts of the body that connect muscles to bones. Usually caused by repetitive movements (like exercise or sitting in the same position for many hours), injuries or built-up inflammation over time, tendonitis can cause a lot of pain.

Tendonitis comes down to experiencing inflamed tendons that are more susceptible to stress, strain, movement and tears. Despite what most people assume, this can affect people of all ages, sizes and physical activity levels, not just serious athletes or the elderly.

Is tendonitis the same as tendinopathy? Not quite, as tendinopathy is a broader term that encompasses painful conditions occurring in and around tendons in response to overuse, and it usually means a degeneration of the collagen protein that forms the tendon. Tendonitis, meanwhile, is simply inflammation of the tendon. Both are painful conditions to deal with.

Signs and Symptoms

Tendonitis symptoms can vary in terms of how long they last, some healing within a couple weeks with others lasting for more than a few months. It really all depends on how severe your injury is, how long it’s been going on and how much inflammation has developed.

The sooner you address the problem, rest and seek treatment, the quicker you should be able to see symptoms subside.

Some of the common areas of the body where tendonitis can develop include the knees, shoulders, heels, elbows, wrists, hips and hands. Different types of tendonitis go by various names depending on how and where they form. For example:

Some common signs indicating that you might have tendonitis include:

Common Causes

Because repetitive movement is one of the most common causes of tendonitis, everyday activities like typing, cleaning, running or playing sports can trigger its development. In fact, even though an injury can kick-start the development of tendonitis, usually it’s someone’s job or hobbies that mainly cause the problem. This is especially true when someone begins these activities abruptly (like a workout plan, for example) and does too much too soon.

Some of the many activities that can cause tendonitis to form include:

Don’t get the wrong idea just yet — the risk for developing tendonitis isn’t an excuse to avoid exercise and being active! These activities aren’t the only things that can trigger your tendons to become inflamed.

Existing medical conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, gout, thyroid disorders, infections and reactions to certain medications can also place added stress on the tendons.

Poor posture and certain abnormal bone or joint developments, like having legs or arms that are not equal in length, can also set the stage for tendonitis.

In some cases, older people can form tendonitis after bracing themselves during a fall, which triggers inflammation in the joints or tendons. Because tendons are chords of “fibrous” tissue, really any type of stressful movement or internal infection or cause of swelling can strain them to the point of injury.

While there are hundreds of tendons throughout our bodies, only a number of specific ones seem to cause the vast majority of tendonitis cases. That’s because these tendons are used the most in everyday life and also might receive less blood flow.

Poor blood supply and difficulty getting nutrients to tendons can contribute to tissue damage and inflammation, which is why it’s important to do what you can to improve circulation, nutrient intake, blood pressure levels and bodywide inflammation.

Conventional Treatment

Diagnosis of tendonitis typically only requires a physical exam. To rule out other conditions that might be behind symptoms, X-rays or other imaging tests might be used.

The overarching goals of tendonitis treatment is to relieve pain, reduce irritation and return the person to their normal activities. However, recovery can often take several months.

1. Rest

For many tendonitis sufferers, self-care that includes rest, ice and pain relievers is all that’s needed. If you’re an athlete or someone who regularly exercises, you might be disappointed to hear that many people need to take time off from the gym, group sports and other workouts in order to let their tendons fully heal.

Your healthcare provider can try and pinpoint which type of activity could have contributed to the development of your tendonitis — such as running or tennis — so you know that it’s best to at least temporarily stop doing that activity.

How long do you need to rest and hold off exercising? This all depends on which tendon is affected and how severely its inflamed, but experts typically recommend a rest period of about three to six weeks.

You actually don’t want to rest for too long, since this can leave your tendons stiff. Try to give yourself enough time to heal so you notice pain and swelling has gone down. Aim to gradually restart exercise when your pain allows, remembering to keep things at a low intensity for a while, stretch and take breaks regularly.

If you do continue to stay active in some sort of low-intensity way, make sure to avoid any activities that cause your pain to get worse. If you continue to exercise in a way that strains your tendons, you’re only doing further damage and ultimately prolonging the period it’s going to take to solve the problem.

2. Ice and Then Heat

Within the first three days of the tendonitis injury/pain, icing the area for 15 to 20 minutes every four to six hours can help reduce both pain and swelling. Common area of tendonitis pain include the shoulders, elbows, wrists, knees and heels (Achilles tendons). Place a towel or cloth between the ice pack and the skin.

Remember, however, that icing these areas does not speed up healing. After those initial three days, consider using heat instead, as it can be more effective for chronic tendonitis pain.

Heat tends to increase blood flow and help promote healing of the tendon area. It also can relieve pain by relaxing the muscles.

Heat packs or heating pads can work well but it shouldn’t be overly hot and painful to the touch. Often 15 to 20 minutes can suffice but also consider longer sessions, such as a warm bath or sauna, that can work better for severe pain or stiffness.

3. Painkillers

There are many types of pain relievers, including aspirin, ibuprofen and acetaminophen. There are also creams that can be applied to the skin. These products may help relieve pain. One study pointed out that while NSAIDS and corticosteroids (see below) appear to provide pain relief in the short term, their effectiveness in the long term has not been demonstrated.

4. Corticosteroid Injections

Sometimes a healthcare professional might recommend that a patient gets steroid injections to help quickly reduce pain and swelling. Generally, this isn’t a good method for preventing or treating tendonitis long-term, but it can be a quick-fix solution when the injury is severe enough.

Injections do come along with some side effects sometimes, like changes in skin color, weakening the tendon and causing increased swelling. Most people need to wait six weeks or more between injections, so in this time period it’s important to focus on solving the problem by addressing other factors like rest and recovery.

5. Physical therapy

Some people choose to try physical therapy for tendon injuries, which involves seeing a specialist who works with you to prescribe special isolated movements. The goal of physical therapy is to slowly start stretching the injured tendon in a controlled matter, while increasing flexibility and strength in the supporting muscles around the tendon.

6. Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT)

Some healthcare providers might recommend you try ESWT, especially if you have tried other remedies and are still experiencing persistent symptoms. ESWT is a low-pain treatment that sends shock waves through your skin to the tendon in order to help break up deposits that have built up. Like injections, this comes with side effects and shouldn’t be your first choice of treatment.

7. Surgery

Surgery is another option but considered a last resort, as it carries complications like side effects to anesthesia and medications, infections, scarring, and rupturing the tendon. Arthroscopy is one type of popular surgery performed on people with “tennis elbow,” a common type of tendonitis, that is said to result in less recovery time since it isn’t as invasive as other forms of surgery.

Home Remedies

1. Start New Exercises Slowly and Take Enough Rest Days

One of the common triggers for tendonitis is beginning an exercise routine too quickly or failing to take enough rest between workouts. Overworking the body and running down your immune system can cause inflammation levels to go up, which sets the stage for tendon, muscle or joint injuries to development.

This not only causes ongoing pain, but it can stop you right in your tracks, forcing you to give up most forms of activity for a period.

Your tendons need time to catch up with any new form of movement and activity, so start slowly with anything that you’re not used to normally doing (like yoga, sprinting, cycling or knee-strengthening exercises, for example). Even if you’re a seasoned athlete or have been doing regular exercise for years, make sure you still take recovery/rest days.

Rest between workouts is crucial for allowing enough time to go by for your worn-down tissue to repair itself. In fact, in between workouts is when we actually grow stronger, not while we’re doing them.

2. Follow an Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Like nearly all injuries and even diseases, chronic inflammation only makes matters worse. The foods you put into your body can have a drastic impact on your overall inflammation levels, some helping you heal more quickly and prevent injuries, while others trigger swelling and delay recovery.

Some of the most healing anti-inflammatory foods that you want to regularly eat include:

On the other hand, these foods can increase inflammation and make tendonitis worse:

Tendonitis - Dr. Axe

3. Consider Wearing a Splint or Brace

Adding some extra support around your tendons — by wearing a bandage, splint or brace, for example — can help make sure you keep the affected body part from moving too much. Isolating the tendon that’s inflamed helps reduce swelling and supports healing of the damaged tissues.

4. Alternative Treatments

A number of different soft tissue therapies may be able to help treat the underlying causes of tendonitis as well. Consider visiting a trained practitioner (such as a physical therapist) in one of the following manipulative therapies, which have been shown to help eliminate joint and/or muscular pains and help people overcome injuries:

5. Helpful Supplements

To give your immune system a boost, lower inflammation and nourish damaged tissue, you can try these supplements that fight pain and swelling: