Are Oats Gluten-Free? (original) (raw)

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Are Oats Gluten-Free? The Truth About Oats & Gluten

December 2, 2020

Are oats gluten-free? - Dr. Axe

Oats are often praised as one of the healthiest breakfast options around — but many people are also confused about how oats are made and what makes them different from other cereal grains, including wheat.

Are oats gluten-free? Some people choose to give them up all together without knowing the full story. Are they healthy or likely to lead to gluten sensitivity, indigestion and other issues, much like refined carbohydrates do?

Below we cover whether different types of oats are gluten-free, plus pros and cons of including them in your diet. And find out if you you can eat oatmeal on a gluten-free diet.

Yes, according to, oats are technically gluten-free grains since they aren’t a type of wheat, barley or rye grain.

Certified, gluten-free oats are considered safe for most people with a gluten allergy, also called celiac disease.


They are also typically easier for most people to digest and less likely to cause negative reactions than certain other grains, so they tend to be tolerated by those with gluten intolerance symptoms too, as long as that person is careful about how the oats are manufactured and processed.

Studies indicate that while most celiac patients don’t react to oats in their diet, the many different varieties warrant further study.

How do you know if oats are gluten-free?

If someone with a known gluten allergy or sensitivity wants to buy and eat gluten-free oats, he/she should be careful that they’re sourced from a provider that guarantees there hasn’t been cross-contamination with wheat, rye or barley. These types of gluten-free oatmeal brands are labeled “certified gluten-free” (from the Gluten-Free Certification Organization (GFCO)).

Keep in mind that organic labeling doesn’t tell you anything about gluten content. Be sure that even if you buy organic oats, you check that they’re certified gluten-free, too.

Which brands of oats are gluten-free?

Here’s how to be sure yours are gluten-free:

Oats vs. Wheat

Wheat, barley and rye grains are the three groups of whole grains that naturally contain the protein gluten. Instead of containing gluten, oats actually have a protein called avenins.

While oats themselves don’t contain gluten, in many cases they are grown on the same land and in rotation with gluten-containing grains (wheat, barley and rye). Gluten grains can grow within oat crops if they’re planted in the field the previous year, in which case the oats become contaminated with gluten.

Although oats are considered an unprocessed whole grain and have certain health benefits that wheat generally does not, it’s still recommended to consume whole grains in moderation. While they provide important nutrients and can be found in gluten-free verities, grains still have the potential to cause digestive issues and contribute to weight gain and blood sugar imbalances when eaten in excessive amounts.

Risks and Side Effects

Even when someone doesn’t have a negative reaction to eating gluten, it’s possible that he or she might experience some symptoms when eating gluten-free grains.

What are the potential side effects of oats? These may include gastrointestinal troubles, including bloating, cramping or diarrhea.

This might be caused by the high level of fiber found in these grains. It is more likely to be a problem for people who aren’t used to eating high-fiber foods very often. With some time, these should go away.

Soaking grains overnight and drinking lots of water can also help get rid of digestive problems. Like all other whole grains, soaking oats helps reduce antinutrients and enzymes that can mess with nutrient absorption and digestion.
