Dreams - Hipster rant (original) (raw)

Mon, Mar. 14th, 2011, 09:30 pm

seraficradiance: Dreams - Hipster rant

I had an anti anti-hipster PSA dream this morning. It was surprising well-produced, I didn't think it was a dream until I woke up and realized it was impossible for that to exist anywhere but a dream. It was so well acted and lit and the script wasn't in my voice at all. It opened in a class room with a bunch of young people gathered around a table on which some clothing was scattered. There was a black guy and short [some ethnicity] girl that seemed to be the stars of the commercial and they told two girls to come up stand before the group. Then asked the group, "which one looks more like a hipster to you?" The group's answer was split and the short female host said "What, no [girl A] is totally what I think of when I think hipster." Then two more people stepped up and were asked to "choose the hipster item" (kinda like a hipster dali lama choosing the right toy from a past life) and this time the black guy was the one who said "What, I think [the other one] is totally what hipster's like.

Then all the kids stood together and basically said, "Don't let people tell you not to 'follow the group' and be a hipster because they themselves are just following a different group and being dicks to everyone who isn't like them. It's OK to follow a group, since everyone follows some group, just don't follow a group that acts like a bunch of assholes."

This dream was def spawned of my hatred of the current over and MIS-use of the word "hipster." The things that originally went into the defition were all traits that would be found in the definition of the word "douchebag" maybe 2-4 years ago. Then it got put into the word hipsterm which was one problem. But then a whole host of unrelated shit started to get added to the definition and now its just a word, basically 4chan and everyone who think they aren't a hipster uses for things they don't like.
For example, there was, apparently, a huge anti-Scott Pilgrim the movie, movement around here because it was "a hispster movie." My friends Josh and his GF Dayna said the same thing to me, and I was never so shocked and surprisd by something these wine-tasting event going, country club scouting, living-off their parents' money, YUPPIES ever said. Because since when, I wondered, did a movie about do-nothing college aged kids who are in a band become hipster? When did silly white boys in a band in their parent's house living move from being shitty garage bands to being "wannabe indie?" This amazing, entertaining, true to its audience (immature young adults, and gamers of many ages, and action movie fans) movie was pushed aside because some asshole on 4chan decided that anyone wearing skinny jeans and messy hair was a hipster, and a bunch of other assholes agreed.


The second dream I remember was me calling Sajeeb, from my room. My in-dream script let me know that this was something I'd done this alot, called him to talk about life like we did in SBU. the camera showed him in his place and he was taking a shower and he said "do you wanna come in here?" and so I literally went through the phone and ended up on the other end, in his bathroom with him. The shower was actually mine from my apt upstairs, the one with blue tiles. Umm then we had shower sex. I remember I made sure to dream the paint of penetration. Then I woke up for work, late.

This dream took the script from an event that happened a few weeks ago, when I visited Sajeeb in chicago. I was crashing because it was raining ICE and i couldnt get back to where i was staying by bus. I was prepping to sleep on the couch when he said "you can sleep here if you want", referring to in his bed with him. I watched enough coming of age gay films to let the fantasy run in my head that we'd end up cuddling or spooning or something. In fact I couldn't sleep much that night and just stared at him as he slept wondering when would be a good time to try and put my arm around him.