Weird dreams - need help interpreting. (original) (raw)

Ok... here is some background info that pertains to the dreams.

1 - I HATE my mother. I honestly despise her. We had a BIG fight almost 5 years ago and have barely talked since

2 - I'm terrified of spiders

3 - My husband is my "hero". Not only is he in the military, but he helped me when all of the crap with my mom started (we were still just dating at the time). Also, I almost NEVER dream about my mom when he's home, but almost ALWAYS do when he's gone (he was on temporary duty in the middle east for a month recently and I had several weird dreams and several about my mom - just don't remember those anymore). He was gone last because he is camping with a coupple of guys he works with.

4 - The house in my dream was almost mansion-like, but it was pretty dark in the "house" (as if it were the middle of the night or something), but in some parts of the house, it looked old/run down.

I guess that's all that I can pick out from the dream that are things that would possibly tie into my life. I'm really hoping someone can interpret it for me. I asked a couple of friends and they were completely lost. lol

Thanks all.

Now, on to the dreams... x-posted to several dream communities, so REALLY sorry if you see this more than once (which is mainly why I put it behind a cut).

I ended up having nightmares last night and my mom was in every one of them (I always have dreams with her in them when Kris is gone). First she was trying to get in my house so she could see me, but I didn't want her to. So, I was hiding in the bathroom and someone (no idea who) was at the front door telling my mom I wasn't there and that she should leave. Well, fos eome reason, there was a 2nd door in the bathroom leading outside, so my mom tried to get in through that door. She ended up getting in, so I ran off to hide, but she'd already seen me.

Then I guess I woke up.

The other dream started. I was in my room I guess (it was the same house from the first dream - well, the room was at least). I came out of the room and there were HUUUUGE spiral staircases all over the house (not the little skinny ones, but the wider ones). Well, I took off running and I saw my mom, so I darted under a staircase and hid while she was going upstairs (the whole time, my brother just sat there while I tried to run/hide). I was coming out from under the staircase, but couldn't fit (which I thought was weird since it's the way I got under there... and yes, I thought it was weird while still dreaming) and it made some weird noise (almost like the sound you make when you crinkle a plastic bag). As soon as I got out from under the stairs, my mom had found me and she turned the light on and there were these HUUUUUGE spiders next to her and she told me that she bought them to turn loose in the house for some reason (can't rememeber what) but told me it was ok to kill them if/when we saw them and then she ordered the spiders to go. They took off for every freaking room and I kept trying to run somewhere they weren't.

Then I woke up.