a newbie (original) (raw)
hey, this is my first post, i just joined. i started looking for this community after my sometimes boyfriend emailed me about a dream he'd had last night. we'd like someone to help interpret it for us.
some background: we met through a mutual friend in june of 2002 while he was visiting her from Pennslyvania. we hooked up while he was in town, kept in touch and the next thing i knew he was flying out to see me. then, about 6 months later, he'd dumped me as quickly as we got together.
around November we started talking again and he came back out to see me 2wks ago; now he's planning on moving to chicago to be with me.
anyway, theres the readers digest version of our history. what follows is copied and pasted directly from his email. its sort of sexual in nature at first, so consider yourself warned. (and we're both boys...in case that bothers you. though it really shouldnt)
i had a dream that we were attending a beatles concert. yes i know
they are no longer to-gether, but they got back to-gether in order to
go on tour, I figured it was a desperate attempt to make money. at
first i thought it was the three of them excluding john, as i forgot
george had passed, and it was in fact just paul and ringo. it was in
pennsylvania in this venue in the middle of the woods, behind the stage
were many tall trees as in a PA forest. you were there and there was
also this boy you knew, that apparently we had both been sleeping with.
at one point we actually found somewhere in the woods to have sex. i
went down on you first which we both enjoyed, you told the other boy
how good i was at this, and then i went down on him. his dick was
small and didn't feel right in my mouth, i felt like i was using my
teeth and didn't enjoy what i was doing.
we went back to the concert, they played various beatle songs that i do
not recall. all of a sudden, i'm not sure what happened, but the
concert stops. i turn around and the audience in the stands behind me
is gone. i have to go to the bathrrom, and proceed into the stands to
find one (we were on a lawn in front of the seating.) there are
various signs posted around that say "bathrooms will not have water
nightly at 4:23am for scheduled maintenance." some woman informs me
that it is now amazingly after noon. i go into the bathroom and it is
very large and oddly designed. it is as huge as the stadium is, with
many aisle with cement floors. i go down the nearest aisle, and there
are porcelain fixtures at various levels along the very tall stadium
height walls. i find a urinal, which looks like a sink, and it very
high up, i have to aim up, and i realize this is impossible for me to
do this without making a mess. i think i see someone coming and
continue down the aisle. i find another urinal which is right next to
a sink, i fear it may be a sink, but it's low enough for me to use so i
don't care. while i'm peeing, i notice in the sink there is a plastic
container which looks a bunch of different sized funnels melded
to-gether. they are different measures for alcohol, labeled like "gin,
triple sec. etc." it occurs to me that people come in the bathroom and
use this to make drinks. i also recall that this is the kind of things
homeless people use on the street to make drinks (as if they are making
drinks.) i accidently pee on this at some point and the urine drains
through it, i rinse it out and put it back where it belongs.
i return to the venue which is huge. there are many people left we
keep running into, for instance, we come accross my sister and my
father (both who like the beatles a lot.) we realize that we can't
leave this place, and that somehow we lost all of this time. we
weren't sure if the concert was this long or what happened. we start
to head towards the exit. we pass an ice cream stand with a sticker on
it promoting the use of marijuana, it is closed. there's a large
gulley between us and where the cars are parked. over it however, is a
bunch of clouds. we climb onto them, and intend to just float across.
they are not moving and i realize we can just reach down and grab on to
something to pull ourselves along. we can't see exactly what we are
grabbing on to, but it's pretty consistent the whole way across, and we
make it to the other side.
the cars are somehow trapped. we realize that us being trapped there
is all part of some evil plan by the person who owns the venue, that he
is going to use us for something. we going into a small shed type
thing, and apparently, every car needs an oil change before they can
leave. it occurs to me this seems rather contrived, and that he may
actually want us to escape since the damage to our vehicles is not
irreparable. we find an oil gun, and put a new bottle of oil in it. i
proceed to use it to destroy the venue owners personal belongings which
happen to be in here for revenge. i spray down a picture of his
girlfriend. some clothing. i don't know, just random items, it's
strange. now that the oil gun is working we can proceed to change the
oil of all the cars in the area. we continue on to various other sheds
located in the area to get their oil guns working so we can prepare all
the cars and leave.
that's pretty much all i remember. someother things happened, i don't
remember what happened to the other boy we having sex with- he appeared
to be asian to me at one point which explained his small penis (jake
has made a point recently of telling me how small asian penises are and
how they are all bad in bed) there's more of a plot with the evil
venue owner, i remember him driving in a jeep through the woods
plotting something. i think dinosaurs might have been involved as
well. i'll let you know if anything else occurs.
anyone have any inter