Dwayne Rodgers | Drexel University (original) (raw)

Papers by Dwayne Rodgers

Research paper thumbnail of Pressure Washing The cars

www.pressurecoach.com, 2020

Pressure washing the car has always been a cause of concern for people who love their cars. Thoug... more Pressure washing the car has always been a cause of concern for people who love their cars. Though it seems a great option, the concern of pressure washer damaging the car haunts some. People always seem to think that the pressure washer is only best for deck stains and sealers or best used as driveway and concrete cleaners. But you would be rather surprised that it is one of the best options to clean your cars.

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Research paper thumbnail of Top 5 Mountain Biking Destinations Around The World

reviewscast.com, 2019

If you have ever gone off the track riding over rough terrain, then you can relate with the feeli... more If you have ever gone off the track riding over rough terrain, then you can relate with the feeling one gets, after a long ride with life’s best mountain bike when sweat is dripping and muscles are tired but we still laugh and enjoy the landscape. This conqueror feeling does tremendous healing to our mental stress, anxiety, and insecurities. As health concerns including obesity, heart disease, mental health, and diabetes are on the rise, physical exercise, especially in the outdoors while inhaling fresh air without the requirement of best air purifiers, is becoming more critical to our health as individuals and as a society.

And if have never gone to such a magical ride then let me tell you, that you are missing out some intrepid experience in your life. The time for action is now. It’s never too late to do something adventurous like this, start sifting through some old lonely planet guide or browsing some travel blogs to find your dream destination for this astonishing sport.

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Research paper thumbnail of How To Save Your Home From Indoor Air Pollution

bestcarpetscleaner.com, 2019

We always think that air pollution is always in smoke-filled markets and hustling cities. We neve... more We always think that air pollution is always in smoke-filled markets and hustling cities. We never even in our wildest dreams think that your home sweet home could be part of the problem. The fact that gives you jitters and shock is that air inside your home is two to five times more polluted than the air outside. If you think you have the best air purifier installed and think all is fine, then you are gravely wrong. This is not made up of the story rather it is based on the data provided by the environment protection agency. The even scarier part is that some factors can make the indoor air toxic to 100 times.

Most of the family members, especially children and the elderly spend 90% of their time indoors. With this kind of toxicity present in the home, they are bound to fall sick and contract some serious allergies.

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Research paper thumbnail of Catch them young-Why Your Child Should Learn Golf At a Young Age

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Research paper thumbnail of Some Crime Facts In Us 2011 for quora.docx

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Research paper thumbnail of How Trolling motor makes fishing easier.docx

www.reviewscast.com, 2019

I you have never gone fishing then it is hard for you to understand people’s love for fishing. Th... more I you have never gone fishing then it is hard for you to understand people’s love for fishing. The magic effect of fishing can be understood by the fact that it is the number 1 recreational activity in many countries likes USA and Australia. People are so much into fishing that it is close to obsession. If you ask any angler why he loves fishing, you would be surprised to hear that it is not about the size of the fish caught, they don’t even bother if no fish is caught. It is all about that amazing fun filled and adventure filled experience. So that is why selecting the best trolling motor becomes so much important. If we talk about fishing. So the question is whether the trolling motors make fishing easier or it does not even matter.

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Research paper thumbnail of Why baby Monitors are important for every caring parent

www.reviewscast.com, 2018

The paper shows the importance of baby monitors in a parents life. Specially if the parent or mot... more The paper shows the importance of baby monitors in a parents life. Specially if the parent or mother is working.

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Research paper thumbnail of Carbon Monoxide the silent killer

www.reviewscast.com, 2019

This article is written in www.reviewscast.com

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Teaching Documents by Dwayne Rodgers

Research paper thumbnail of Birdwathing -Discover a New World During Quarantine


Corona Virus has changed the whole world. It has changed all the pre-existing notions around the ... more Corona Virus has changed the whole world. It has changed all the pre-existing notions around the word. Mankind has been humbled before nature. Almost every human is under quarantine. In these gloomy and frustrating times, Birdwatching or birding can become your refuge and comfort. It has the power to transform your whole world for good. Looking and observing birds can be a soul healing experience in the present times. It can help you overcome this whole grief and fear and can fill you up with enthusiasm and hope. Birding can bring you close to mother nature and make you a better human.

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Research paper thumbnail of 5 Interesting Facts About Jupiter

www.MyTelescopio.com, 2020

Jupiter is the biggest planet of the solar system, with around 70 moons. It is fifth from the sun... more Jupiter is the biggest planet of the solar system, with around 70 moons. It is fifth from the sun with an orbital period of 12 years. Four of the main moons of Jupiter are Ganymede, Io, Europa, Callisto. The mass and dimensional values contribute to its massiveness. It is a mass giant with no confirmed solid surface but has an inner core of about the size of the Earth. In modern times even the kids can see explore this massive planet through telescopes for kids. The modern-day Astro studies have provided beneficial information regarding these heavenly bodies. Here are 15 such amazing facts about this enormous planet.

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Research paper thumbnail of Interesting Facts About The Planet Mercury

www.mytelescopio.com, 2020

Mercury has always fascinated the space enthusiasts. It is always a favorite planet to gaze throu... more Mercury has always fascinated the space enthusiasts. It is always a favorite planet to gaze through your portable telescopes. It gets its name as being the Roman messengers to gods. Mercury is the nearest planet to the sun but can only be seen during the twilight. This is because of its closeness to the sun. The mercury is a very fascinating planet and there are many interesting and unknown facts about this planet that people don’t know about. So let’s learn some fun and interesting facts about this closest planet to the earth.

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Research paper thumbnail of Interesting Facts About The Planet Saturn

www.Mytelescopio.com, 2020

Planet Saturn has always fascinated mankind with its magical appearance. Saturn is the most spect... more Planet Saturn has always fascinated mankind with its magical appearance. Saturn is the most spectacular planet of our solar system. When you look through your portable telescope you can see the beauty of this amazing planet. Saturn got its name as the father of Jupiter who is a god in Greek mythology. The Saturn and Jupiter have similar rotation and composition. Both planets are identical. There are very interesting facts about this 6th planet from the sun and second-largest among all.

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Research paper thumbnail of Golf Rangefinders: A Boon or Bane to the game

www.mytelescopio.com, 2020

The use of golf range finder is increasing day by day in the game of golf. With the best golf ran... more The use of golf range finder is increasing day by day in the game of golf. With the best golf rangefinders coming in laser and GPS it is transforming the interacting pattern of the players. It is improving the players understanding of the environment and improving their gameplay for both professionals and leisure players. Whether you are using your best golf rangefinder or not using at all these are here to stay. Though the golfing community is divided on whether these are good for the game or are spoiling it, the truth is that more and more golfers are using these and improving upon their game. In fact, it is really a hard call to say no to a gadget that assists you in distance needed to be accurate and fast. In fact, polls show that nearly 70 percent of the golf players in the US use the rangefinders. Rangefinders are no doubt becoming popular among the golf players, but traditionalists still not prefer it. You would rather trust your gut or would take your caddie's word for it. The range finder is still not accepted by old-timers. So is the golf finder good or bad that is the question that arises?

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Research paper thumbnail of Interesting facts about the Sun

www.MyTelescopio.com, 2020

Leave a Comment / Blogs / By My Telescopio Whenever we look at our sky in the morning or at any o... more Leave a Comment / Blogs / By My Telescopio Whenever we look at our sky in the morning or at any other time of a normal day we see clouds and a small round shiny thing we like to call the Sun. Sun has always fascinated mankind. But it is almost impossible to watch it through a naked eye and it is also advisable not to look at it thorough your best portable telescope or binocular also. As it may damage your eyes and also the telescopes. You would be surprised to know that the small round thing is 3,30,000 bigger than the earth we live on. The Sun is a G-type Main-sequence star at the center of our Solar System which consists of 8 planets including our earth. It is a perfect sphere in shape and is made of hot plasma. Earth has many minor sources of energy but so far the Sun is the biggest source of energy. Sun's mass mostly consists of hydrogen(73%) and the rest 27% consists of mostly Helium(25%) and other heavier elements in very small quantities i.e-oxygen, carbon, neon, and iron. For humans, the main role that the Sun plays is that it warms our seas, stirs our atmosphere, generates our weather and energy to flora to grow which further provides food and oxygen to the inhibiting life on earth. Other than Heat and light there are other heavily important and necessary things that the Sun does that we don't know. Here are 10 important facts about the Sun that would surely amuse you. The Sun has a very powerful magnetic field

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Research paper thumbnail of 6 Interesting Facts About The Planet Mars

www.MyTelescopio.com, 2020

Mars which was named after the Roman god of war is the second smallest planet in the solar system... more Mars which was named after the Roman god of war is the second smallest planet in the solar system. This 'Red planet' as it is called has always fascinated mankind. In fact, scientists are so peculiar about this fourth planet from the sun that there are 56 mars missions send so far, more than any other missions sent to space. There are many amazing and mysterious facts about mars that would startle and amaze you. Here we have assembled 6 such top interesting things about the fascinating planet that it would force you to buy the best portable telescope and gaze at Mars from your backyard. So here are the 6 Interesting facts about the planet mars:

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Research paper thumbnail of How to Find the Best Telescope for Your Child

www.MyTelescopio.com, 2020

A child’s mind is very curious and it always searches for new things. The night sky has always fa... more A child’s mind is very curious and it always searches for new things. The night sky has always fascinated the young mind. Giving your child the best telescope for kids would be a life-changing experience for your child. Gazing the night sky and searching for planets, stars and moons would enhance your child’s curiosity and make him more focused and determined. Moreover, it would be a great alternative to video games and the Internet which is turning our kids into zombies. But before you get a new telescope for your child, you need to understand the telescope better, so that you can get the best one for your child.

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Research paper thumbnail of Amazing Gifts For Bird Lovers And Bird Watchers

www.mytelescopio.com, 2020

Birds are nature’s most amazing and fascinating creatures. Can you imagine a world without birds?... more Birds are nature’s most amazing and fascinating creatures. Can you imagine a world without birds? I am sure the answer would be a sure no. The birds give us a reason for joy while Watching and even listening to them. They have been an inspiration to numerous poets, writers, and musicians since time immortal. Every sane human being with a tender heart is a bird lover. So when you gift someone with anything related to birds like binoculars for birding through which they can watch the birds closely or a dress with a bird print they would love you for that.

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Research paper thumbnail of Top 5 Space Discoveries Made By Amateur Astronomers

www.MyTelescopio.com, 2020

The world of astronomy has always been indebted to amateur astronomers for their priceless contri... more The world of astronomy has always been indebted to amateur astronomers for their priceless contribution to the field of astronomy. Big organizations like NASA are constantly working in the field of space exploration and research. They have heavy, modern and quality telescopes and other gears for their research. Yet the history is full of numerous examples of amateur astronomers who with their portable telescopes and limited capability, have made some amazing and path defining contributions in the field of astronomy and space exploration. These people not only contributed to the astronomy but also opened new possibilities to the scientist to understand and explore the vast space.

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Research paper thumbnail of Mind-Blowing Facts About Our 8 Planets For Kids

www.MyTelescopio.com, 2019

Our universe is simply amazing, breathtaking and full of wonders. It is any day give the Harry po... more Our universe is simply amazing, breathtaking and full of wonders. It is any day give the Harry potter fantasy run for the money when it comes to mysteries. We know only a minute percentage of our universe. Gazing through the night sky with your best telescopes for kids can mesmerize you like anything. Our own solar system is a wonderful place. Our sun and the 8 planets orbiting it make one awesome view. We are always eager to know more about these planets in our solar system. We have always searched for habitable conditions in these planets so that someday humans can settle in some of these planets or their moon for that matter.

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Research paper thumbnail of Interesting and fun facts about birds

www.mytelescopio.com, 2019

Birds are the most remarkable species of the earth. They are so beautiful, diverse and amazing th... more Birds are the most remarkable species of the earth. They are so beautiful, diverse and amazing that we stand in awe of them. Watching birds is a popular hobby among millions of people around the globe. People with their best binoculars for birding watch birds for hours, studying and watching their life and living pattern.

Each species is special, from a common house sparrow to the majestic bald eagle birds are spectacular. Such is the cultural, demographic and historic importance of birds that, many nation’s flags have birds as their national symbol. So here are 15 interesting and amazing facts about birds:

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Research paper thumbnail of Pressure Washing The cars

www.pressurecoach.com, 2020

Pressure washing the car has always been a cause of concern for people who love their cars. Thoug... more Pressure washing the car has always been a cause of concern for people who love their cars. Though it seems a great option, the concern of pressure washer damaging the car haunts some. People always seem to think that the pressure washer is only best for deck stains and sealers or best used as driveway and concrete cleaners. But you would be rather surprised that it is one of the best options to clean your cars.

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Research paper thumbnail of Top 5 Mountain Biking Destinations Around The World

reviewscast.com, 2019

If you have ever gone off the track riding over rough terrain, then you can relate with the feeli... more If you have ever gone off the track riding over rough terrain, then you can relate with the feeling one gets, after a long ride with life’s best mountain bike when sweat is dripping and muscles are tired but we still laugh and enjoy the landscape. This conqueror feeling does tremendous healing to our mental stress, anxiety, and insecurities. As health concerns including obesity, heart disease, mental health, and diabetes are on the rise, physical exercise, especially in the outdoors while inhaling fresh air without the requirement of best air purifiers, is becoming more critical to our health as individuals and as a society.

And if have never gone to such a magical ride then let me tell you, that you are missing out some intrepid experience in your life. The time for action is now. It’s never too late to do something adventurous like this, start sifting through some old lonely planet guide or browsing some travel blogs to find your dream destination for this astonishing sport.

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Research paper thumbnail of How To Save Your Home From Indoor Air Pollution

bestcarpetscleaner.com, 2019

We always think that air pollution is always in smoke-filled markets and hustling cities. We neve... more We always think that air pollution is always in smoke-filled markets and hustling cities. We never even in our wildest dreams think that your home sweet home could be part of the problem. The fact that gives you jitters and shock is that air inside your home is two to five times more polluted than the air outside. If you think you have the best air purifier installed and think all is fine, then you are gravely wrong. This is not made up of the story rather it is based on the data provided by the environment protection agency. The even scarier part is that some factors can make the indoor air toxic to 100 times.

Most of the family members, especially children and the elderly spend 90% of their time indoors. With this kind of toxicity present in the home, they are bound to fall sick and contract some serious allergies.

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Research paper thumbnail of Catch them young-Why Your Child Should Learn Golf At a Young Age

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Research paper thumbnail of Some Crime Facts In Us 2011 for quora.docx

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Research paper thumbnail of How Trolling motor makes fishing easier.docx

www.reviewscast.com, 2019

I you have never gone fishing then it is hard for you to understand people’s love for fishing. Th... more I you have never gone fishing then it is hard for you to understand people’s love for fishing. The magic effect of fishing can be understood by the fact that it is the number 1 recreational activity in many countries likes USA and Australia. People are so much into fishing that it is close to obsession. If you ask any angler why he loves fishing, you would be surprised to hear that it is not about the size of the fish caught, they don’t even bother if no fish is caught. It is all about that amazing fun filled and adventure filled experience. So that is why selecting the best trolling motor becomes so much important. If we talk about fishing. So the question is whether the trolling motors make fishing easier or it does not even matter.

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Research paper thumbnail of Why baby Monitors are important for every caring parent

www.reviewscast.com, 2018

The paper shows the importance of baby monitors in a parents life. Specially if the parent or mot... more The paper shows the importance of baby monitors in a parents life. Specially if the parent or mother is working.

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Research paper thumbnail of Carbon Monoxide the silent killer

www.reviewscast.com, 2019

This article is written in www.reviewscast.com

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Research paper thumbnail of Birdwathing -Discover a New World During Quarantine


Corona Virus has changed the whole world. It has changed all the pre-existing notions around the ... more Corona Virus has changed the whole world. It has changed all the pre-existing notions around the word. Mankind has been humbled before nature. Almost every human is under quarantine. In these gloomy and frustrating times, Birdwatching or birding can become your refuge and comfort. It has the power to transform your whole world for good. Looking and observing birds can be a soul healing experience in the present times. It can help you overcome this whole grief and fear and can fill you up with enthusiasm and hope. Birding can bring you close to mother nature and make you a better human.

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Research paper thumbnail of 5 Interesting Facts About Jupiter

www.MyTelescopio.com, 2020

Jupiter is the biggest planet of the solar system, with around 70 moons. It is fifth from the sun... more Jupiter is the biggest planet of the solar system, with around 70 moons. It is fifth from the sun with an orbital period of 12 years. Four of the main moons of Jupiter are Ganymede, Io, Europa, Callisto. The mass and dimensional values contribute to its massiveness. It is a mass giant with no confirmed solid surface but has an inner core of about the size of the Earth. In modern times even the kids can see explore this massive planet through telescopes for kids. The modern-day Astro studies have provided beneficial information regarding these heavenly bodies. Here are 15 such amazing facts about this enormous planet.

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Research paper thumbnail of Interesting Facts About The Planet Mercury

www.mytelescopio.com, 2020

Mercury has always fascinated the space enthusiasts. It is always a favorite planet to gaze throu... more Mercury has always fascinated the space enthusiasts. It is always a favorite planet to gaze through your portable telescopes. It gets its name as being the Roman messengers to gods. Mercury is the nearest planet to the sun but can only be seen during the twilight. This is because of its closeness to the sun. The mercury is a very fascinating planet and there are many interesting and unknown facts about this planet that people don’t know about. So let’s learn some fun and interesting facts about this closest planet to the earth.

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Research paper thumbnail of Interesting Facts About The Planet Saturn

www.Mytelescopio.com, 2020

Planet Saturn has always fascinated mankind with its magical appearance. Saturn is the most spect... more Planet Saturn has always fascinated mankind with its magical appearance. Saturn is the most spectacular planet of our solar system. When you look through your portable telescope you can see the beauty of this amazing planet. Saturn got its name as the father of Jupiter who is a god in Greek mythology. The Saturn and Jupiter have similar rotation and composition. Both planets are identical. There are very interesting facts about this 6th planet from the sun and second-largest among all.

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Research paper thumbnail of Golf Rangefinders: A Boon or Bane to the game

www.mytelescopio.com, 2020

The use of golf range finder is increasing day by day in the game of golf. With the best golf ran... more The use of golf range finder is increasing day by day in the game of golf. With the best golf rangefinders coming in laser and GPS it is transforming the interacting pattern of the players. It is improving the players understanding of the environment and improving their gameplay for both professionals and leisure players. Whether you are using your best golf rangefinder or not using at all these are here to stay. Though the golfing community is divided on whether these are good for the game or are spoiling it, the truth is that more and more golfers are using these and improving upon their game. In fact, it is really a hard call to say no to a gadget that assists you in distance needed to be accurate and fast. In fact, polls show that nearly 70 percent of the golf players in the US use the rangefinders. Rangefinders are no doubt becoming popular among the golf players, but traditionalists still not prefer it. You would rather trust your gut or would take your caddie's word for it. The range finder is still not accepted by old-timers. So is the golf finder good or bad that is the question that arises?

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Research paper thumbnail of Interesting facts about the Sun

www.MyTelescopio.com, 2020

Leave a Comment / Blogs / By My Telescopio Whenever we look at our sky in the morning or at any o... more Leave a Comment / Blogs / By My Telescopio Whenever we look at our sky in the morning or at any other time of a normal day we see clouds and a small round shiny thing we like to call the Sun. Sun has always fascinated mankind. But it is almost impossible to watch it through a naked eye and it is also advisable not to look at it thorough your best portable telescope or binocular also. As it may damage your eyes and also the telescopes. You would be surprised to know that the small round thing is 3,30,000 bigger than the earth we live on. The Sun is a G-type Main-sequence star at the center of our Solar System which consists of 8 planets including our earth. It is a perfect sphere in shape and is made of hot plasma. Earth has many minor sources of energy but so far the Sun is the biggest source of energy. Sun's mass mostly consists of hydrogen(73%) and the rest 27% consists of mostly Helium(25%) and other heavier elements in very small quantities i.e-oxygen, carbon, neon, and iron. For humans, the main role that the Sun plays is that it warms our seas, stirs our atmosphere, generates our weather and energy to flora to grow which further provides food and oxygen to the inhibiting life on earth. Other than Heat and light there are other heavily important and necessary things that the Sun does that we don't know. Here are 10 important facts about the Sun that would surely amuse you. The Sun has a very powerful magnetic field

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Research paper thumbnail of 6 Interesting Facts About The Planet Mars

www.MyTelescopio.com, 2020

Mars which was named after the Roman god of war is the second smallest planet in the solar system... more Mars which was named after the Roman god of war is the second smallest planet in the solar system. This 'Red planet' as it is called has always fascinated mankind. In fact, scientists are so peculiar about this fourth planet from the sun that there are 56 mars missions send so far, more than any other missions sent to space. There are many amazing and mysterious facts about mars that would startle and amaze you. Here we have assembled 6 such top interesting things about the fascinating planet that it would force you to buy the best portable telescope and gaze at Mars from your backyard. So here are the 6 Interesting facts about the planet mars:

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Research paper thumbnail of How to Find the Best Telescope for Your Child

www.MyTelescopio.com, 2020

A child’s mind is very curious and it always searches for new things. The night sky has always fa... more A child’s mind is very curious and it always searches for new things. The night sky has always fascinated the young mind. Giving your child the best telescope for kids would be a life-changing experience for your child. Gazing the night sky and searching for planets, stars and moons would enhance your child’s curiosity and make him more focused and determined. Moreover, it would be a great alternative to video games and the Internet which is turning our kids into zombies. But before you get a new telescope for your child, you need to understand the telescope better, so that you can get the best one for your child.

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Research paper thumbnail of Amazing Gifts For Bird Lovers And Bird Watchers

www.mytelescopio.com, 2020

Birds are nature’s most amazing and fascinating creatures. Can you imagine a world without birds?... more Birds are nature’s most amazing and fascinating creatures. Can you imagine a world without birds? I am sure the answer would be a sure no. The birds give us a reason for joy while Watching and even listening to them. They have been an inspiration to numerous poets, writers, and musicians since time immortal. Every sane human being with a tender heart is a bird lover. So when you gift someone with anything related to birds like binoculars for birding through which they can watch the birds closely or a dress with a bird print they would love you for that.

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Research paper thumbnail of Top 5 Space Discoveries Made By Amateur Astronomers

www.MyTelescopio.com, 2020

The world of astronomy has always been indebted to amateur astronomers for their priceless contri... more The world of astronomy has always been indebted to amateur astronomers for their priceless contribution to the field of astronomy. Big organizations like NASA are constantly working in the field of space exploration and research. They have heavy, modern and quality telescopes and other gears for their research. Yet the history is full of numerous examples of amateur astronomers who with their portable telescopes and limited capability, have made some amazing and path defining contributions in the field of astronomy and space exploration. These people not only contributed to the astronomy but also opened new possibilities to the scientist to understand and explore the vast space.

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Research paper thumbnail of Mind-Blowing Facts About Our 8 Planets For Kids

www.MyTelescopio.com, 2019

Our universe is simply amazing, breathtaking and full of wonders. It is any day give the Harry po... more Our universe is simply amazing, breathtaking and full of wonders. It is any day give the Harry potter fantasy run for the money when it comes to mysteries. We know only a minute percentage of our universe. Gazing through the night sky with your best telescopes for kids can mesmerize you like anything. Our own solar system is a wonderful place. Our sun and the 8 planets orbiting it make one awesome view. We are always eager to know more about these planets in our solar system. We have always searched for habitable conditions in these planets so that someday humans can settle in some of these planets or their moon for that matter.

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Research paper thumbnail of Interesting and fun facts about birds

www.mytelescopio.com, 2019

Birds are the most remarkable species of the earth. They are so beautiful, diverse and amazing th... more Birds are the most remarkable species of the earth. They are so beautiful, diverse and amazing that we stand in awe of them. Watching birds is a popular hobby among millions of people around the globe. People with their best binoculars for birding watch birds for hours, studying and watching their life and living pattern.

Each species is special, from a common house sparrow to the majestic bald eagle birds are spectacular. Such is the cultural, demographic and historic importance of birds that, many nation’s flags have birds as their national symbol. So here are 15 interesting and amazing facts about birds:

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Research paper thumbnail of Interesting And Fascinating Facts About Our Milky Way

www.mytelescopio.com, 2019

The Milky Way galaxy is an incredible 13 billion years old formation of billions of stars and pla... more The Milky Way galaxy is an incredible 13 billion years old formation of billions of stars and planets. It also includes in itself billion of moons, asteroids comets and plenty of other known and unknown fascinating things. All of this celestial beauty spans an estimated area of around 120000 light-years. The most mesmerizing fact that makes the Milky Way unique is that it is the birthplace of humanity. When you see it through your best portable telescopes you only see a glimpse of this amazing phenomenon.

Our milky way is full of known and unknown wonders. The more science progresses and explores the Milky Way, the more mysterious it gets. So let’s look at 10 interesting and incredible facts about this mighty system that we call the Milky Way galaxy:

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Research paper thumbnail of What Is The Best Way To Start Astrophotography

www.MyTelescopio.com, 2019

Astrophotography is tough, it can be truly stated as the hardest form of photography. Even when y... more Astrophotography is tough, it can be truly stated as the hardest form of photography. Even when you try your hardest you would not get satisfying results. It is so tough that many stop this pursuit and call it quits. Passion and determination are what you need to succeed in this genre. If you are really interested in astrophotography and are keen on taking the breathtaking photos of nebulae, star clusters, our milky way, planets, this blog is just for you.

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Research paper thumbnail of Birding-The Best Hobby That You Can Develop In Your Child

www.MyTelescopio.com, 2019

Children today have the most chaotic world to live in. They are more connected to the gadgets and... more Children today have the most chaotic world to live in. They are more connected to the gadgets and less to the mother nature. Family time is shrinking day by day. Children today are losing the touch with nature and hence with their inner self. Developing a hobby like birding can transform their world altogether. It is a perfect hobby that has the ability to bring them closer to their immediate surroundings, and develop an appreciation for their environment and fellow species. As a parent introducing your child to the world of birds would be the greatest of gifts that you can give to your child. It would be a hobby that would remain with your child lifelong. It would develop the qualities of compassion, patience, and love in your child. Qualities that the world is loosing fast. Thus a simple act of giving your child with the best binoculars for birding can change your child's life forever. The benefits of birdwatching on the kids are amazing: Brings your child closer to Nature: Today kids are confined to the walls of their house or schools. They have lost their connection with nature. All their time is consumed by smartphones, computers or video games. They have lost touch with their environment and surroundings. As a result, children are losing the necessary emotions of being compassionate, caring and loving. When you introduce your child to briding, you change all that completely. Birding introduces your child with a completely new world. Watching a bird fly, building its nest, feeding its children and playing with other birds dazzles your child. And with good birding binoculars, your child sees all this very close to his or her eyes.

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Research paper thumbnail of Bird Watching- A Hobby That Can Transform Your Life

www.MyTelescopio.com, 2019

In this fast-moving world, where everyone is just running in a mad circle. Birdwatching comes as ... more In this fast-moving world, where everyone is just running in a mad circle. Birdwatching comes as a gentle breeze of relief. It is a hobby that can really transform your life for good. It would enhance the positive energy within you and make you appreciate the nature around you. You would be mesmerized with the life of the birds. You would feel one with mother nature and your heart would be filled with joy and delight. Nothing can be more ecstatic than watching the beautiful creation of the nature that is Birds.

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Research paper thumbnail of 5 Smart Gifts For Your Child On Birthday

www.reviewscast.com, 2019

Choosing the right gift for your child on his or her birthday can be a very scary experience. Cor... more Choosing the right gift for your child on his or her birthday can be a very scary experience. Correct selection of the gift can be a make or break situation. Wrong selection of gift can spoil the child's mood and your enthusiasm. As a parent you also have to make sure that your child receives something that would be beneficial for him or her. As many gifts may seem to be popular with the kids but can be harmful for their overall mental and physical health. So we have made a list keeping in mind all the positive aspects of the gifts. We have also evaluated the benefits that the child would have from these gifts in the long run. We have complied the list of gifts that would enhance the kid's life quality and would also build good lifelong habits in their life. These gifts can develop a healthy and smart life choice in kids and would be the best gifts for their growing years. Mountain Bikes: What could be more likable and healthier gift than a mountain bike? Surprise your child with the best mountain bike and see their priceless expression of joy. It is the perfect gift for your child's birthday. It is attractive, healthier and has the potential of developing a lifelong healthy hobby in your child. A mountain bike would also bring your child closer to nature and he or she would develop a liking towards the surroundings.

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Research paper thumbnail of How To Make Camping Fun And Safe For The Whole Family

www.reviewscast.com, 2019

Are you thinking of taking your whole family camping? Camping in the wilderness gives a lot of fu... more Are you thinking of taking your whole family camping? Camping in the wilderness gives a lot of fun and is one of the best ways to connect with nature and explore the natural beauty around you. If you’re camping for the first time, you may surely be a little nervous about what to pack and how to prepare a memorial camping trip for the whole family. Just don’t worry because all you need is your best tents for camping and some helpful hacks mention below to make camping fun and at the same time a safe experience for your whole family.

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Research paper thumbnail of Mountain Biking Is A Great Way To A Healthy And Happy Life

www.reviewscast.com, 2019

“Mountain biking is not a luxurious choice but I think it is a necessity of the human spirit.” O... more “Mountain biking is not a luxurious choice but I think it is a necessity of the human spirit.”

Over the last few years, mountain biking has become one of the most popular outdoor recreational activity. According to the Outdoor Industry Foundation, nearly 40 million people in the U.S. go on biking with their best mountain bike every year. Living in a society where obesity, heart disease, and diabetes are on the rise, mountain biking is like a drug-free antidepressant for us.

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Research paper thumbnail of Unique Baby Shower Gifts For Soon To Be Mothers


Parenthood is a big transition. In this stage, mom-to-be and dad-to-be are preparing for the bigg... more Parenthood is a big transition. In this stage, mom-to-be and dad-to-be are preparing for the biggest change in their lives. So, the best way to support their transition is, giving them some useful and unique gifts. Gifts that would make their parenting easier like-breast pumps for mothers. There was a time when the baby shower was exclusively female events and the gifts were simple. These days, it is addressed to both parents and with the growing technology the range of the gift for to-be-parents and coming child has become wide. Here are some unique and useful gifts that you can give to your to-be-mom friend.

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