Dr. Hugo Heyrman, Lady Desert: The Venus of Nevada, 1992 (original) (raw)
Dr. Hugo Heyrman, Lady Desert: The Venus of Nevada, 1992
★ I N T R O: Ongoing online project of "Ways of Seeing"—photographs made by travellers/visitors, of the “3D-Venus” at the Goldwell Open Air Museum. Each viewpoint is part of an infinity of aspects, shared as a form of Cubism in time and space —to discover here online. ★ A R T W O R K: Belgian artist Dr. Hugo Heyrman, painter and net.art pioneer was invited by Albert Szukalski, artist and founder of the Goldwell Open Air Museum, a desert setting of great magnificence. Dr. Hugo created a site-specific, monumental, Cubist sculpture entitled “Lady Desert: The Venus of Nevada”. The artist modeled the shape of the female nature into an iconic geometric abstraction. Her "skin" painted in pink, yellow and red. ★ I N S P I R A T I O N: Inspired by the idea of a tribute to all women, the artist wanted to represent the embodiment of a nude woman as an icon. To be naked is to be oneself. She is Venus, a symbol of female beauty and body, the power of sexuality and her life-giving potential. She is surrounded by the magic of mountains and desert silence. ★ C O N T E X T: The 3D pixel-project is an evocative large-scale sculpture (in reinforced concrete) condensed into the proportions of a female body. With its computer generated beginning, she at once refers to the classical Greek sculpture of a woman as goddess (to be adored and feared) while maintaining a firm presence in the highly technological/digital world of the 21st century. ★ S U B J E C T: In an actual way, “Lady Desert: The Venus of Nevada” becomes then an iconic sculpture, that helps us re-experience and re-interpret a subject firmly rooted in the Western fine art tradition. Dr. Hugo’s sculpture is actualizing and reframing the human figure, especially the beauty of the female nude, as it was millennia ago in Greece and Roman culture. The female nude is one of the art history’s oldest subjects. The famous "Venus of Willendorf" dates back to around 28,000–25,000 B.C. ★ TO P I C: "Culture" meets "Nature". Iconology of a 3D-artwork. She, "The Venus of Nevada", also known as the "natural blonde" has stood the test of time as one of the Museum’s most photographed works. #Hashtags are used as a reference to the source of the images. ★ L O C A T I O N: The Goldwell Open Air Museum, just outside Beatty, on the road to Death Valley, near Rhyolite "Ghost City of Golden Dreams", about 115 miles northwest of Las Vegas, USA. The Museum has been seen by millions of visitors from around the world. Enjoy the visit online!