ds_team_whimsy - Profile (original) (raw)

on 17 June 2008 (#15889813)

dS Match: Team Whimsy's Castle in the Clouds

due South challenge community

Please note: only members of Team Whimsy (including backup writers) are permitted to join this community! Team sign-ups will begin on July 9th, at noon Chicago time, over at ds_flashfiction.

If you're not on the team, but would like to follow the action, we suggest ds_team_root and, of course, ds_flashfiction, the Home of the Match.

The captain of Team Whimsy is zabira, and the managing moderator is china_shop. If you have an admin/mod question, please feel free to email dsmatchmod@gmail.com.

Special thanks to catwalksalone for our wonderful Team Whimsy banner.


aliens, apocalypse, bodyswaps, challenge, crack, diefenbaker, due south, fairies, fanfic, flights of fancy, fraser, ghosts, kowalski, love potions, made of awesome, magic, mpreg, rain of toads, snow is pretty, supernatural intervention, talking cats, team spirit, telepathy, tentacles, transformation, unicorns, vecchio, weird aus, wingfic