Starling D Hunter | Duke University (original) (raw)

Papers by Starling D Hunter

Research paper thumbnail of On the “missing link” between formal organization and informal social structure

Journal of organization design, Jul 3, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of On Information Technology and Organization Structure

Academy of Management Journal, Sep 1, 1964

... HAK CHONG LEE State University of New York at Albany ... forces and their skills before (1955... more ... HAK CHONG LEE State University of New York at Albany ... forces and their skills before (1955) and after (1962) the computer installation.7 Detailed descriptions of all jobs in the affected departments were made in order to properly classify each job into the mana-gerial or the ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Social Construction of Napster

RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Mar 5, 2004

© 2003 by David Spitz, Starling Hunter. All rights reserved. Short sections of text, not to excee... more © 2003 by David Spitz, Starling Hunter. All rights reserved. Short sections of text, not to exceed two paragraphs, may be quoted without explicit permission, provided that full credit including © notice is given to the source. ... This paper also can be downloaded without charge ...

Research paper thumbnail of Design of the Times: Restructuring for E-Commerce and the Market Value of the Firm

Research paper thumbnail of If Ever the Twain Shall Meet: Graph Theoretical Dimensions of Formal and Informal Organization Structure

International Journal of Social Science Studies, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Showrunners’ Scripts are More Cognitively Complex

Studies in Media and Communication, Jul 20, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Predicting Box Office from the Screenplay: An Empirical Model

Research paper thumbnail of Predicting box office from the screenplay: A text analytical approach

Journal of Screenwriting, Jun 1, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Combining Theoretical Perspectives on the Organizational Structure-Performance Relationship

Journal of organization design, Aug 28, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Pricing Banner Advertisements in a Social Network of Political Weblogs

This paper employs social network analysis to explain variation in the pricing of 846 banner adve... more This paper employs social network analysis to explain variation in the pricing of 846 banner advertisements appearing in a community formed by 89 "Liberal" and 84 "Conservative" weblogs. As predicted, weblogs that bridge "structural holes" between otherwise disconnected segments of the community command significantly higher prices for their advertisements. Also as predicted, the price of banner ads increases with the number of impressions received, with the size of the ad, when the ad is located higher on the page, and when fewer other ads appear.

Research paper thumbnail of II. Research Methods and DATA...................................................739 A. Our Data SET.....................................................................................739

Research paper thumbnail of 1 Organizational Design, Organizational Learning, and the Market Value of the Firm*

This paper also can be downloaded without charge from the

Research paper thumbnail of Predicting Nielsen Ratings from Pilot Episodes Scripts: A Content Analytical Approach

Series. International journal of tv serial narratives, 2019

Textual and content data were extracted from the pilot episode scripts of 183 new, dramatic telev... more Textual and content data were extracted from the pilot episode scripts of 183 new, dramatic television series and used to predict the 18-49 demo ratings for the first five episodes of each series’ first season. As expected, the originality of a series’ premise, the track record of success of the its creator(s), and the cognitive complexity of its pilot episode script each explain a statistically significant proportion of the variance in the Nielsen ratings over the first five episodes.

Research paper thumbnail of W(h)ither the Full Season: An Empirical Model for Predicting the Duration of New Television Series’ First Season

Advances in Journalism and Communication, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Predicting the Success of New Cable Series from their Pilot Episode Scripts: An Empirical Approach

Business and Management Studies, 2017

In this study we develop an empirical model to explain failure rates of new television series. Sp... more In this study we develop an empirical model to explain failure rates of new television series. Specifically, we test the ability of three factors to predict the success of new dramatic series appearing on 31 cable networks over the last 10 years. Those factors are the originality of the story, the track record of its creator(s), and the cognitive complexity of its pilot episode script—all of which are known well in advance of a network’s decision to greenlight a new series. As predicted, we find that all three variables—both individually and in combination—strongly predict the success rate of new dramatic series in their first two seasons.

Research paper thumbnail of A Semi-Automated Method of Network Text Analysis Applied to 150 Original Screenplays

Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Social Dynamics and Personal Attributes in Social Media, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Using Publicly-Available Information for Strategic Organizational Diagnosis and Design

Information and Organization Design Series, 1998

The purpose of this chapter is to assess the feasibility of using publicly-available information,... more The purpose of this chapter is to assess the feasibility of using publicly-available information, rather than inside or first-hand knowledge, for strategic organizational diagnosis and design. The chapter provides a detailed example of how business and popular press accounts on the leading U.S. biomedical firm, Medtronic, were identified, collected, analyzed, and transformed into inputs for the Organizational Consultant (OrgCon).

Research paper thumbnail of A Network Text Analysis of Fight Club

Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of A Novel Method of Network Text Analysis

Open Journal of Modern Linguistics, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of On the Feasibility of Improving Patent Quality One Technology at a Time: The Case of Business Methods

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2005

Research paper thumbnail of On the “missing link” between formal organization and informal social structure

Journal of organization design, Jul 3, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of On Information Technology and Organization Structure

Academy of Management Journal, Sep 1, 1964

... HAK CHONG LEE State University of New York at Albany ... forces and their skills before (1955... more ... HAK CHONG LEE State University of New York at Albany ... forces and their skills before (1955) and after (1962) the computer installation.7 Detailed descriptions of all jobs in the affected departments were made in order to properly classify each job into the mana-gerial or the ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Social Construction of Napster

RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Mar 5, 2004

© 2003 by David Spitz, Starling Hunter. All rights reserved. Short sections of text, not to excee... more © 2003 by David Spitz, Starling Hunter. All rights reserved. Short sections of text, not to exceed two paragraphs, may be quoted without explicit permission, provided that full credit including © notice is given to the source. ... This paper also can be downloaded without charge ...

Research paper thumbnail of Design of the Times: Restructuring for E-Commerce and the Market Value of the Firm

Research paper thumbnail of If Ever the Twain Shall Meet: Graph Theoretical Dimensions of Formal and Informal Organization Structure

International Journal of Social Science Studies, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Showrunners’ Scripts are More Cognitively Complex

Studies in Media and Communication, Jul 20, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Predicting Box Office from the Screenplay: An Empirical Model

Research paper thumbnail of Predicting box office from the screenplay: A text analytical approach

Journal of Screenwriting, Jun 1, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Combining Theoretical Perspectives on the Organizational Structure-Performance Relationship

Journal of organization design, Aug 28, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Pricing Banner Advertisements in a Social Network of Political Weblogs

This paper employs social network analysis to explain variation in the pricing of 846 banner adve... more This paper employs social network analysis to explain variation in the pricing of 846 banner advertisements appearing in a community formed by 89 "Liberal" and 84 "Conservative" weblogs. As predicted, weblogs that bridge "structural holes" between otherwise disconnected segments of the community command significantly higher prices for their advertisements. Also as predicted, the price of banner ads increases with the number of impressions received, with the size of the ad, when the ad is located higher on the page, and when fewer other ads appear.

Research paper thumbnail of II. Research Methods and DATA...................................................739 A. Our Data SET.....................................................................................739

Research paper thumbnail of 1 Organizational Design, Organizational Learning, and the Market Value of the Firm*

This paper also can be downloaded without charge from the

Research paper thumbnail of Predicting Nielsen Ratings from Pilot Episodes Scripts: A Content Analytical Approach

Series. International journal of tv serial narratives, 2019

Textual and content data were extracted from the pilot episode scripts of 183 new, dramatic telev... more Textual and content data were extracted from the pilot episode scripts of 183 new, dramatic television series and used to predict the 18-49 demo ratings for the first five episodes of each series’ first season. As expected, the originality of a series’ premise, the track record of success of the its creator(s), and the cognitive complexity of its pilot episode script each explain a statistically significant proportion of the variance in the Nielsen ratings over the first five episodes.

Research paper thumbnail of W(h)ither the Full Season: An Empirical Model for Predicting the Duration of New Television Series’ First Season

Advances in Journalism and Communication, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Predicting the Success of New Cable Series from their Pilot Episode Scripts: An Empirical Approach

Business and Management Studies, 2017

In this study we develop an empirical model to explain failure rates of new television series. Sp... more In this study we develop an empirical model to explain failure rates of new television series. Specifically, we test the ability of three factors to predict the success of new dramatic series appearing on 31 cable networks over the last 10 years. Those factors are the originality of the story, the track record of its creator(s), and the cognitive complexity of its pilot episode script—all of which are known well in advance of a network’s decision to greenlight a new series. As predicted, we find that all three variables—both individually and in combination—strongly predict the success rate of new dramatic series in their first two seasons.

Research paper thumbnail of A Semi-Automated Method of Network Text Analysis Applied to 150 Original Screenplays

Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Social Dynamics and Personal Attributes in Social Media, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Using Publicly-Available Information for Strategic Organizational Diagnosis and Design

Information and Organization Design Series, 1998

The purpose of this chapter is to assess the feasibility of using publicly-available information,... more The purpose of this chapter is to assess the feasibility of using publicly-available information, rather than inside or first-hand knowledge, for strategic organizational diagnosis and design. The chapter provides a detailed example of how business and popular press accounts on the leading U.S. biomedical firm, Medtronic, were identified, collected, analyzed, and transformed into inputs for the Organizational Consultant (OrgCon).

Research paper thumbnail of A Network Text Analysis of Fight Club

Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of A Novel Method of Network Text Analysis

Open Journal of Modern Linguistics, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of On the Feasibility of Improving Patent Quality One Technology at a Time: The Case of Business Methods

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2005

Research paper thumbnail of If Ever the Twain Shall Meet: Graph Theoretical Dimensions of Formal and Informal Organization Stucture

Formal and informal organization structure have been described as “opposing poles of a duality”—o... more Formal and informal organization structure have been described as “opposing poles of a duality”—one which has yet to be fully resolved. The aim of this paper is to detail an approach to treating both structures in a comparable way, an approach that explicitly recognizes core and underlying commonalties. Two distinct analytical strategies are employed to this end. The first involves a detailed comparison and contrast of selected and relevant structural dimensions drawn from the two research streams. The second strategy involves the application of these dimensions to the study of network graphs of both the formal and informal structures of the same organization at the same point in time.

Research paper thumbnail of A Network Perspective on Organization Design

Journal of Organization Design, vol. 4, no. 2, Aug 2015

Much of the literature linking organizational design to performance falls into two broad streams.... more Much of the literature linking organizational design to performance falls into two broad streams. One conceptualizes structure bureaucratically, i.e. in terms of a hierarchical pattern of authority or reporting relationships, as well as the degree of standardization, formalization, specialization, etc. The impact of structure and other elements of design on performance is most typically contingent upon other factors such as strategy, task characteristics, and environmental conditions. The other stream conceives of structure more informally, i.e. as a network of interpersonal and intra-organizational relationships. Properties of informal structure are typically shown to have a more direct (less contingent) impact on organizational performance. Despite these rather pronounced differences, considerable overlap and complementarity exists between the two streams. Little of it has been systematically examined, however. In this paper I compare and contrast a pair of exemplars from each stream—the information-processing perspective and the social network perspective—with respect to their conceptualizations of organization design and its relationship to performance. The paper concludes with several specific recommendations for future research combining the two approaches.

Research paper thumbnail of Information technology, contextual factors and the volatility of firm performance

This study uses previous theory developed in the IT implementation literature and the information... more This study uses previous theory developed in the IT implementation literature and the information processing view of the firm to empirically investigate the impact of IT investments and several contextual variables on the volatility of future earnings. We use InformationWeek 500 data on IT spending from 1992–1997 to find evidence that IT investments increase the volatility of future earnings but that this impact is highly contingent upon three firm level contextual factors—sales growth, unrelated diversification, and size. These factors can lead to conditions in which IT increases or reduces
earnings volatility. Taken together, these results may help explain what has recently been termed the“new productivity paradox,”i.e., the apparent under-investment in information technology despite evidence of highly positive returns for doing so, and suggests settings where managers may be under- or over-discounting returns on IT investments.

Research paper thumbnail of Using Publicly-available Information for Strategic Organizational Analysis and Design

Chapter 11 of Burton & Obel (1998): Strategic Organizational Diagnosis & Design--Developing Theor... more Chapter 11 of Burton & Obel (1998): Strategic Organizational Diagnosis & Design--Developing Theory for Application

Research paper thumbnail of Contested codes: The social construction of Napster

Abstract In the 5 years since its inception, some interpretations of the software program known a... more Abstract In the 5 years since its inception, some interpretations of the software program known as Napster have been inscribed into laws, business plans, and purchasing decisions while others have been pushed to the fringes. This article examines how and why certain assumptions about Napster have gained greater currency while others have not.

Research paper thumbnail of Information technology, organizational learning, and the market value of the firm

Abstract: This paper compares the mean and variance of cumulative abnormal returns following anno... more Abstract: This paper compares the mean and variance of cumulative abnormal returns following announcements of two types of information technology (IT) investments: those which entail the" exploitation" of firm's current capabilities vs. those which involve the exploration of new capabilities. The paper addresses two understudied questions in research on the contribution of IT to firm performance: the contingent nature of those contributions and the impact on risk (or variance), as well as on return (mean).

Research paper thumbnail of Have Business Method Patents Gotten a Bum Rap? Some Empirical Evidence

Abstract: This study presents the results of an empirical test of two hypotheses concerning the q... more Abstract: This study presents the results of an empirical test of two hypotheses concerning the quality of a group of data processing patents on methods of doing business. The hypotheses are motivated by two frequently voiced criticisms of these patents: that their scope is overly broad and that they cite too little" prior art"(the extant body of knowledge or the array of prior solutions to the problem which the patented invention purports to solve).

Research paper thumbnail of On the Feasibility of Improving Patent Quality One Technology at a Time: The Case of Business Methods

On the Feasibility of Improving Patent Quality One Technology at a Time: The Case of Business Met... more On the Feasibility of Improving Patent Quality One Technology at a Time: The Case of Business Methods By John R. Allison? and Starling D'. Hunter* Table of Contents i. introduction 730 ii. research methods and data 739 A. Our Data Set 739 B. Categorization of Patent and Nonpatent Prior Art References 741 III. ANALYTICAL METHODS 744 A. Control Variables 744 1. Examiner experience effects 744 2. Foreign Inventor Effects 745 B. Statistical Techniques 746 IV. RESULTS 748 A. Number of US, Foreign, and Total Nonpatent Prior Art References 748 B.

Research paper thumbnail of Pricing Banner Advertisements in a Social Network of Political Weblogs

This paper employs social network analysis to explain variation in the pricing of 846 banner adve... more This paper employs social network analysis to explain variation in the pricing of 846 banner advertisements appearing in a community formed by eighty-nine “liberal” and eighty-four “conservative” Weblogs. As predicted, Weblogs that bridge “structural holes” between otherwise disconnected segments of the community command significantly higher prices for their advertisements.

Research paper thumbnail of Structural Holes and Banner-Ad Click-Throughs

Technology and Investment

This paper examines the impact of social capital on advertising performance in an online social n... more This paper examines the impact of social capital on advertising performance in an online social network. Specifically,
we show that a widely-employed measure of social capital—network constraint—explains variation in the number of
click-throughs received by 5986 banner advertisements appearing on 25 Twitter-related websites. As predicted, banner
advertisements receive significantly more clicks when placed on websites that bridge structural holes, i.e. bridge other-
wise disconnected segments of the network.

Research paper thumbnail of Same technology, different outcome? Reinterpreting Barley's Technology as an Occasion for Structuring

European Journal of Information Systems, 19 (6), 689-703, Jul 13, 2010

In the last few decades, several studies have found the same technology implemented in highly sim... more In the last few decades, several studies have found the same technology implemented in highly similar organizational settings to be associated with very different consequences for structure and process. The seminal study in this stream of research is Barley's (1986) Technology as an Occasion for Structuring, which reported that two similarly composed radiology departments implemented the same technology (computerized tomography scanners), yet experienced very different structural outcomes. In this paper I re-analyze the original study's data under three different statistical assumptions. First, I performed an arcsine transformation on the dependent variable where the original study used the raw probabilities. Second, I specified a power regression model in which the original study employed a linear regression. Finally, I user fewer dummy variables in the ‘combined’ regression models to determine the distinct phases through which the two hospitals evolved. Taken together, these assumptions produce very different results from the original study. Specifically they indicate that the radiology departments did not decentralize at different rates and did not do so over a different number of distinct phases. From my analysis come three specific recommendations for research investigating the consequences of information technology in similarly constituted organizations: (1) exchange the default assumption of homogeneity of outcomes with one of heterogeneity; (2) explicitly account for both the observable properties of technology and the context of its use; and (3) state clearly and a priori the standard used to classify structural and organizational outcomes as ‘different’.

Research paper thumbnail of Interpersonal Power in Community (S01E21, Contemporary American Poultry)

A case study for organizational behavior based on the "Contemporary American Poultry" episode of ... more A case study for organizational behavior based on the "Contemporary American Poultry" episode of the first season of Community.

This document contains (a) a summary of the series (b) descriptions of the characters (c) an episode recap and (d) three discussion questions suitable for classroom use in undergraduate courses such as organizational behavior and principles of management.

For solutions to the questions, please email "" and place the phrase "Solution request" in the subject line.

organizational behavior examples
organizational behavior cases

Research paper thumbnail of Inter-group Conflict in Grey's Anatomy (S06E05, Invasion)

A case study for organizational behavior based on the "Invasion" episode of the sixth season of G... more A case study for organizational behavior based on the "Invasion" episode of the sixth season of Grey's Anatomy

This document contains (a) a summary of the series (b) a description o of the key characters (c) an episode recap and (d) four discussion questions suitable for classroom use in undergraduate courses such as organizational behavior and principles of management.

For solutions to the questions, please email "" and place the phrase "Solution request" in the subject line.

organizational behavior examples
organizational behavior cases

Research paper thumbnail of Individual Differences in Monk S04E04 (Mr Monk Goes to the Office)

A case study for organizational behavior based on the fourth episode of the fourth season of Monk... more A case study for organizational behavior based on the fourth episode of the fourth season of Monk (s04e04, Mr. Monk Goes to the Office).

This document contains (a) a summary of the series (b) a cast of characters (c) an episode recap and (d) three discussion questions suitable for classroom use in undergraduate courses such as organizational behavior and principles of management.

For solutions to the questions, please email "" and place the phrase "Solution request" in the subject line.

organizational behavior examples
organizational behavior cases

Research paper thumbnail of Individual Differences in Ugly Betty (S01E01, Pilot)

A case study for organizational behavior based on the pilot episode of Ugly Betty (S01E01) This ... more A case study for organizational behavior based on the pilot episode of Ugly Betty (S01E01)

This document contains (a) a summary of the series (b) an episode recap and (c) three discussion questions suitable for classroom use in undergraduate courses such as organizational behavior and principles of management.

For solutions to the questions, please email "" and place the phrase "Solution request" in the subject line.

organizational behavior examples
organizational behavior cases

Research paper thumbnail of Managing Effective Organizations in Undercover Boss (S01E01, Waste Management)

A case study for organizational behavior based on the "Waste Management" episode of the first sea... more A case study for organizational behavior based on the "Waste Management" episode of the first season of Undercover Boss.

This document contains (a) a summary of the series (b) an episode recap and (c) two discussion questions suitable for classroom use in undergraduate courses such as organizational behavior and principles of management.

For solutions to the questions, please email "" and place the phrase "Solution request" in the subject line.

organizational behavior examples
organizational behavior cases

Research paper thumbnail of Managing Workplace Stress in Grey's Anatomy (S01E01, A Hard Day's Night)

A case study for organizational behavior based on the pilot episode of Grey's Anatomy (A Hard Da... more A case study for organizational behavior based on the pilot episode of
Grey's Anatomy (A Hard Day's Night)

This document contains (a) a summary of the series (b) an episode recap and (c) three discussion questions suitable for classroom use in undergraduate courses such as organizational behavior and principles of management.

For solutions to the questions, please email "" and place the phrase "Solution request" in the subject line.

organizational behavior examples
organizational behavior cases

Research paper thumbnail of Organizational Culture in The Apprentice (S06E02, Pink is the New Black)

A case study for organizational behavior based on the "Pink is the New Black" episode of the sixt... more A case study for organizational behavior based on the "Pink is the New Black" episode of the sixth season of The Apprentice (S06E02).

This document contains (a) a summary of the series of the apprentices (c) an episode recap and (d) three discussion questions suitable for classroom use in undergraduate courses such as organizational behavior and principles of management.

For solutions to the questions, please email "" and place the phrase "Solution request" in the subject line.

organizational behavior examples
organizational behavior cases

Research paper thumbnail of Organizational Culture in The Office (S03E05, Initiation)

A case study for organizational behavior based on the "Initiation" episode of the third season of... more A case study for organizational behavior based on the "Initiation" episode of the third season of The Office (S03E05).

This document contains (a) a summary of the series (b) an episode recap and (c) four discussion questions suitable for classroom use in undergraduate courses such as organizational behavior and principles of management.

For solutions to the questions, please email "" and place the phrase "Solution request" in the subject line.

organizational behavior examples
organizational behavior cases

Research paper thumbnail of Organizational Culture  in The Office (S02E15, Boys & Girls)

A case study for organizational behavior based on the "Boys & Girls" episode of the second season... more A case study for organizational behavior based on the "Boys & Girls" episode of the second season of The Office (S02E15).

This document contains (a) a summary of the series (b) an episode recap and (c) four discussion questions suitable for classroom use in undergraduate courses such as organizational behavior and principles of management.

The case is especially useful for the topic of mentoring.

For solutions to the questions, please email "" and place the phrase "Solution request" in the subject line.

organizational behavior examples
organizational behavior cases

Research paper thumbnail of Decision-making in The Apprentice (S03E01, Whopper 101)

A case study for organizational behavior based on the "Whopper 101" episode of the third season o... more A case study for organizational behavior based on the "Whopper 101" episode of the third season of The Apprentice.

This document contains (a) a summary of the series (b) a list of the apprentices (c) an episode recap and (d) three discussion questions suitable for classroom use in undergraduate courses such as organizational behavior and principles of management.

For solutions to the questions, please email "" and place the phrase "Solution request" in the subject line.

Organizational Behavior Examples
Organizational Behavior Example
Organizational Behavior case
organizational behavior case study
organizational behavior cases

Research paper thumbnail of Decision-making in Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares US, (S01E08, Lela's)

A case study for organizational behavior based on the "Lela's"episode of the first season of Kitc... more A case study for organizational behavior based on the "Lela's"episode of the first season of Kitchen Nightmares (US).

This document contains (1) a summary of the series (2) a short bio of Gordon Ramsay (3) an episode recap and (4) three discussion questions suitable for classroom use in undergraduate courses such as organizational behavior and principles of management.

For solutions to the discussion questions, please email "" and place the phrase "Solution request" in the subject line.

Organizational Behavior examples
Organizational behavior case study

Research paper thumbnail of Managing Organizational Change & Learning in Kitchen Nightmares US, (S04E07, Down City)

A case study for organizational behavior based on the "DownCity"episode of the fourth season of K... more A case study for organizational behavior based on the "DownCity"episode of the fourth season of Kitchen Nightmares.

This document contains (1) a summary of the series (2) a list of the cast of characters (3) an episode recap and (4) two discussion questions suitable for classroom use in undergraduate courses such as organizational behavior and principles of management.

For solutions to the discussion questions, please email "" with the phrase "Solution request" in the subject line.

SHOW SUMMARY Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares is a television program featuring British celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay first broadcast on Channel 4 in 2004 in the UK. An American adaptation of this show entitled Kitchen Nightmares debuted September 19, 2007 on Fox. In each episode, Ramsay visits a failing restaurant and acts as a troubleshooter to help improve the establishment in just one week. Ramsay revisits the restaurant a few months later to see how business has fared in his absence.

Research paper thumbnail of Managing Organizational Change and Learning in The Newsroom (S01E01)

A case study for organizational behavior based on the pilot episode of the HBO series The Newsroo... more A case study for organizational behavior based on the pilot episode of the HBO series The Newsroom.

This document contains (1) a summary of the series (2) a list of the cast of characters (3) an episode recap and (4) two discussion questions suitable for classroom use in undergraduate courses such as organizational behavior and principles of management.

For solutions to the discussion questions, please email "" and place the phrase "Solution request" in the subject line.

Research paper thumbnail of Managing Organizational Change & Learning in Brooklyn99 (S01E01)

A case study for organizational behavior based on the pilot episode of Brooklyn 99. This docume... more A case study for organizational behavior based on the pilot episode of Brooklyn 99.

This document contains (1) a summary of the series (2) a list of the cast of characters (3) an episode recap and (4) two discussion questions suitable for classroom use in undergraduate courses such as organizational behavior and principles of management.

Research paper thumbnail of DIVERSITY AND CONFLICT IN BONES (S01E01)

From executive producers Barry Josephson and Hart Hanson comes the darkly amusing drama Bones, in... more From executive producers Barry Josephson and Hart Hanson comes the darkly amusing drama Bones, inspired by real-life forensic anthropologist and novelist Kathy Reichs. Forensic anthropologist Dr. Temperance Brennan, who works at the Jeffersonian Institution and writes novels as a sideline, has an uncanny ability to read clues left behind in a victim's bones. Consequently, law enforcement calls her in to assist with murder investigations when the remains are so badly decomposed, burned, or destroyed that the standard identification methods are useless. Brennan has been teamed with Special Agent Seeley Booth, a former Army sniper who mistrusts science and scientists when it comes to solving crimes. Brennan and Booth clash both professionally and personally, but the chemistry between them has grown since they first met and has made them a strong and trusting team. Brennan's equally brilliant colleagues (or "squints" as Booth calls them) at the Jeffersonian's Medico-Legal Lab include earthy and bawdy Angela Montenegro, who's created a unique way to render an original crime scene in a three-dimensional computer image; Dr. Jack Hodgins, who's an expert on insects, spores and minerals, but for whom conspiracy is his passion; and Brennan's boss Dr. Camille "Cam" Saroyan, who replaced Dr. Daniel Goodman after the first season. Zack Addy, a young prodigy whose genius IQ sometimes distances him from reality, was Brennan's former assistant, but at the end of season three he left the Jeffersonian. Dr. Lance Sweets signed on in season three as Booth and Brennan's psychologist, to resolve some of Booth and Brennan's persisting struggles. He later joined the team to provide behavioral analyses on cases. The loss of Sweets from the team, and a conspiracy surrounding Booth has Special Agent James Aubrey paired with Booth as they investigate his case and pitch in with Brennan's work.


Slide deck for session 4, Organizational Behavior

Research paper thumbnail of Leadership--Leadership Traits in Lost (S01E01)

Slide deck for session 3, Organizational Behavior


Slide deck for session 2 of Organizational Behavior (70-311)


Organizational Behavior Case on Behavior Modification in "Brooklyn 99"

Research paper thumbnail of INDIVIDUAL BEHAVIOR--Job Personality Traits in Mr. Robot (S01E01)

Case study and discussion questions for Mr. Robot (S01E01) focused on Individual Behavior & Diffe... more Case study and discussion questions for Mr. Robot (S01E01) focused on Individual Behavior & Differences, particularly job personality traits.

Research paper thumbnail of Predicting Nielsen Ratings from Pilot Episodes Scripts: A Content Analytical Approach

We extract textual and content data from the pilot episode scripts of 181 new, dramatic televisio... more We extract textual and content data from the pilot episode scripts of 181 new, dramatic television series and use it to predict the 18-49 demo ratings for the first five episodes of the series' first seasons. As expected, we find that the originality of a series' premise, the track record of success of the its creator(s), and the cognitive complexity of its pilot episode script each explain a statistically significant proportion of the variance in ratings between the 181 series but none of the variance within series.

Research paper thumbnail of Will NBC's Good Girls Get a Second Season? Probably Not.

Good Girls is an original, comedy-crime drama created by Jenna Bans. It premiered on February 26t... more Good Girls is an original, comedy-crime drama created by Jenna Bans. It premiered on February 26th, 2018 on NBC as a mid-season entry.

From publicly-available sources, I determined (1) the creator’s track record of success and (2) the originality of the story’s premise.

Using a proprietary algorithm, I determined the size of the pilot episode script’s semantic network.

With these three variables, I identified 18 comparable dramatic series that appeared on the four major broadcast networks in the last ten seasons.

Based on my analysis, I predict that (1) Good Girls will not achieve a full first season, i.e. 20+ episodes (2) Good Girls has only a 1-in-6 chance of being renewed for a second season and (3) If renewed, the season will fall well short of 20 episodes.

Research paper thumbnail of A Semantic Network Analysis of Showtime's "The Chi"

A Semantic Network Analysis of Showtime's "The Chi" The Chi—a Showtime series debuting on Januar... more A Semantic Network Analysis of Showtime's "The Chi"

The Chi—a Showtime series debuting on January 7th, 2018—is a contemporary, coming-of-age story set in Chicago’s South Side.

A semantic network analysis of the “Buff” draft of The Chi’s pilot episode script was undertaken.

The script rates poorly on two, text-based, leading indicators of series performance—cognitive complexity and concept specificity.

The broader story also rates poorly on two content-based predictors of subsequent series performance—genre breadth and prior source material.

Based on these four factors, six comparable and another twenty “anti-comparable” series were identified.

Four of the comparables (67%) were canceled after the first season and five of six (83%) failed to reach a third season. In marked contrast, only 1 in 20 anti-comparable series was canceled after season one and only three have failed to get a third season thus far.

Unless The Chi’s pilot script, dated October 15th, 2015, was subjected to major re-writes before filming began in April 2017, there is little reason to expect that the subsequent series to perform any better than its comparables.

Research paper thumbnail of Case Studies for Organizational Behavior (Fall 2016) (Syllabus)

These are the case studies that I intend to use for an undergraduate section of Organizational Be... more These are the case studies that I intend to use for an undergraduate section of Organizational Behavior this fall at Carnegie Mellon University's Qatar campus. They are self-created cases with discussion questions based on nearly 20 television shows and movies including--Undercover Boss, Cake Boss, The Office, The Apprentice, Lost, Ugly Betty, Monk, My Name is Earl, Grey's Anatomy, Ugly Betty, Ocean's 11, Ice Road Truckers, Arrested Development, Community, Silicon Valley, Hell's Kitchen, Deadliest Catch, Better Off Ted, and Brooklyn Nine-Nine.

Research paper thumbnail of Moneyball for TV: An Empirical Model for Predicting the Audience of New Dramatic Television Series

The specific objective of the present study is to develop and test an early-stage, empirical mode... more The specific objective of the present study is to develop and test an early-stage, empirical model for predicting the audience of new television series. We test our model on a sample of 107 new dramatic television series that debuted on one of the four major US television networks during the 2010-2014 seasons. In particular we examine the role of three previously untested predictors of the performance of new television shows, all of which can be known prior to the decision to greenlight the pilot script. Those three are the originality of the concept of the show, the track record of success of the show's creative team, and the size of the conceptual network created from the teleplay of the pilot episode.

Research paper thumbnail of Moneyball for TV: An Empirical Model for Predicting the Audience of New Television Series

The specific objective of the present study is to develop and test an early-stage, empirical mode... more The specific objective of the present study is to develop and test an early-stage, empirical model for predicting the audience of new television series. We test our model on a sample of 107 new dramatic television series that debuted on one of the four major US television networks during the 2010-2014 seasons. In particular we examine the role of three previously untested predictors of the performance of new television shows, all of which can be known prior to the decision to greenlight the pilot script. Those three are the originality of the concept of the show, the track record of success of the show's creative team, and the size of the conceptual network created from the teleplay of the pilot episode.

Research paper thumbnail of A Semantic Network Graph of the Pilot Episode of Bosch

A semantic network graph of the pilot episode of Eric Ellis Overmeyer & Michael Connelley's "Bosc... more A semantic network graph of the pilot episode of Eric Ellis Overmeyer & Michael Connelley's "Bosch", an Amazon Original series.