Doctor Who Mystery Science Theater (original) (raw)

Fic contains: Lack of proper characterization, lack of backstory, lack of sense, Jack/Doctor/Ianto
MST contains: Jack/Ianto, Jack/Doctor, Own/Tosh, Janet the Weevil, liberal use of tranquilizers

This is my first MST of any kind. It's done in collaboration with my darling friend Tate, and her darling friend Tessa. Hope you enjoy it as much as we do.

( Part 4Collapse ) ( Part 5Collapse )

Fic contains: Lack of proper characterization, lack of backstory, lack of sense, Jack/Doctor/Ianto
MST contains: Jack/Ianto, Jack/Doctor, Own/Tosh, a Weevil called Jennifer, liberal use of tranquilizers

This is my first MST of any kind. It's done in collaboration with my darling friend Tate, and her darling friend Tessa. Hope you enjoy it as much as we do.

( Part 1Collapse )
( Part 2Collapse )
( Part 3Collapse ) ( Part 3Collapse )

I promised myself I'd get around to joining this comm, and here I am. Woo!

... Although by now the community is distinctly starting to resemble a zombie. Oh well.

If this MST got a little acrid, sorry. I just really hate it when someone decides to solve all the Doctor's emotional problems by tossing in a Mary-Sue Time Lord character. Also my SECOND MST EVAR, and the first one in this fandom.

Both the fic and the MST contain spoilers for S3, though, so beware.

This is one of the MSTs I did a while ago for Doctor Who, so it might not be very good. Oh well. I thought since we were on the theme of childbirth...well, enjoy! (you won't!)

In this chapter, Rose gives birth. Yeah, already. If you've ever actually given birth, or seen someone do it, you may want to skip this one.

( Childbirth. It's quick and easy!Collapse )

Hello all! Welcome to Doctor Who Mystery Science Theater. Please read the rules (they're on the community profile) and if you're still not entirely user what we do here: just ask or check out house_mst

I'll be playing around with the layout for a few days until I can settle on something. Any suggestions for the community should be posted here.