Anti-oxidant supplementation decreases TBA reactants in serum of elderly (original) (raw)


An “anti-oxidant cocktail” consisting of betacarotene, vitamins B6, C, E, zinc, and selenium or corresponding placebos were given for one y as daily dietary supplements to 45 elderly residents of a nursing home. Initially, the serum TBA reactant levels were higher (2.7±0.7 μmol/L) than those of an ad hoc control group of healthy younger adults (2.3±0.6 μmol/L),p<0.01. After three mo supplementation, the levels among the verum elderly had decreased to 2.2±0.6 μmol/L, and they remained at this lower level until the end of the study period, whereas the placebo group showed no change.

A significant inverse correlation (_r_=−0.428,p<0.01) existed between the concentrations of serum TBA reactants and whole blood selenium (B-Se), but only B-Se levels above 200 μg/L were associated with a decrease in serum lipid peroxides. Serum alpha-tocopherol concentration also correlated inversely with serum TBA reactants but this correlation (_r_=−0.273,p<0.76) was not as strong as that of B-Se.

Deficient vitamin B6 status, in biochemical terms, was observed in 25% of the elderly; a daily supplement of 2 mg B6 fully cured all cases of deficiency. The verum group improved slightly in several psychological tests, whereas subjects on placebo remained unchanged or deteriorated during the follow-up period. Clinical amelioration among the verum subjects was reported by the nurses; no toxic side effects were reported. In conclusion, the elderly benefited biochemically and clinically of dietary antioxidant supplements.

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Authors and Affiliations

  1. Department of Public Health, University of Helsinki, Haartmaninkatu 3, SF-00290, Helsinki, Finland
    Matti Tolonen & Seppo Sarna
  2. Hartola Health Center, SF-19600, Hartola, Finland
    Markku Halme
  3. Lahti Health Center, SF-15100, Lahti, Finland
    Seppo E. J. Tuominen
  4. Helsinki Central Institute for Mentally Retarded, SF-02400, Kirkkonummi, Finland
    Tuomas Westermarck & Ulla-Riitta Nordberg
  5. Department of Applied Psychology, University of Helsinki, Fabianinkatu 28, SF-00100, Helsinki, Finand
    Mirja Keinonen
  6. CIVO-TNO Institute, Postbus, 360, NL-3700 AJ, Zeist, The Netherlands
    Jaap Schrijver


  1. Matti Tolonen
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  2. Seppo Sarna
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  3. Markku Halme
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  4. Seppo E. J. Tuominen
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  5. Tuomas Westermarck
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  6. Ulla-Riitta Nordberg
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  7. Mirja Keinonen
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  8. Jaap Schrijver
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Tolonen, M., Sarna, S., Halme, M. et al. Anti-oxidant supplementation decreases TBA reactants in serum of elderly.Biol Trace Elem Res 17, 221–228 (1988).

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