Selenium status of a group of Scottish adults (original) (raw)

European Journal of Clinical Nutrition volume 51, pages 400–404 (1997)Cite this article


Objective: To examine dietary selenium intake and indices of selenium status (plasma and red blood cell selenium and glutathione peroxidase activities) in apparently healthy Scottish individuals. Design and subjects: One hundred subjects, aged between 40 and 60 y, completed a seven day weighed food intake and provided blood samples for selenium status analysis. Setting: Inverurie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Results: Average reported selenium intake was low (43 µg/d). A significant number of subjects had reported intakes below the RNI. Low levels of plasma selenium were also found but no subject had values below 40 µg/l. Red blood cell selenium was within the reference range established for a healthy UK population. Smoking status had no consistent effect on selenium status. Conclusions: The results of the present study suggest that selenium status of certain Scottish individuals may be compromised and that further studies are warranted. Sponsorship: BASF, Germany; The Tobacco Products Research Trust, UK; Scottish Office Agriculture Environment and Fisheries Department.

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Authors and Affiliations

  1. Rowett Research Institute, Aberdeen, AB2 9SB, Scotland
    CT Shortt, GG Duthie, JD Robertson, PC Morrice, F Nicol & JR Arthur


  1. CT Shortt
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  2. GG Duthie
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  3. JD Robertson
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  4. PC Morrice
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  5. F Nicol
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  6. JR Arthur
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Shortt, C., Duthie, G., Robertson, J. et al. Selenium status of a group of Scottish adults.Eur J Clin Nutr 51, 400–404 (1997).

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