Immunosenescence and Immunogenetics of Human Longevity (original) (raw)

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Review Articles| November 26 2008

R. Ostan;

aDepartment of Experimental Pathology and Oncology, University of Florence, Florence,

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L. Bucci;

bDepartment of Experimental Pathology and

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M. Capri;

bDepartment of Experimental Pathology and

cCIG – Interdepartmental Center L. Galvani, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy

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S. Salvioli;

bDepartment of Experimental Pathology and

cCIG – Interdepartmental Center L. Galvani, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy

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M. Scurti;

cCIG – Interdepartmental Center L. Galvani, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy

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E. Pini;

cCIG – Interdepartmental Center L. Galvani, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy

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D. Monti;

aDepartment of Experimental Pathology and Oncology, University of Florence, Florence,

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C. Franceschi

bDepartment of Experimental Pathology and

cCIG – Interdepartmental Center L. Galvani, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy

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Neuroimmunomodulation (2008) 15 (4-6): 224–240.

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At present, individuals can live up to 80–120 years, a time much longer than that of our ancestors, as a consequence of the improvements in life conditions and medical care. Thus, the human immune system has to cope with a lifelong and evolutionarily unpredicted exposure to a variety of antigens, which are at the basis of profound age-related changes globally indicated as immunosenescence, a multifaceted phenomenon that increases morbidity and mortality due to infections and age-related pathologies. The major changes occurring during immunosenescence are the result of the accumulation of cellular, molecular defects and involutive phenomena (such as thymic involution) occurring concomitantly to a hyperstimulation of both innate and adaptive immunity (accumulation of expanded clones of memory and effector T cells, shrinkage of the T cell receptor repertoire, progressive activation of macrophages), and resulting in a low-grade, chronic state of inflammation defined as inflammaging. It is unknown whether inflammaging, which represents a risk factor for most age-related pathologies, is a cause or rather an effect of the aging process. In this complex scenario, the role of genetic background likely represents a fundamental variable to attain successful aging and longevity. Accordingly, centenarians seem to be equipped with gene variants that allow them to optimize the balance between pro- and anti-inflammatory molecules, and thus to minimize the effects of the lifelong exposure to environmental insults and stressors. The remarkable features of the genetics of aging and longevity are reviewed, stressing the unexpected and unusual results obtained regarding such a postreproductive type of genetics.

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© 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel


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