e_penpals (original) (raw)

Hi there...

Hi there,

I'm on the lookout for a few e-mail pals who can put up with my long ramblings (aka long e-mails) & who can send me some long e-mails in return;-).

I did try trolling the e-pals posting, but it seems as if folks are mostly interested in exchanging long snail mails. When it comes to e-mail, they seem to be taking the shorter option. Well, I guess, I should have known... after all we e-mailers prefer emoticons to real words, right???

I spend a lot of time reading fiction-mysteries/thrillers (oh yeah, I love my cheap thrills), but isn't limited to any specific authors. I dig around the internet (especially amazon) and if something catches my fancy, I end up reading it & if happen to like the stuff, I will just get the authors entire collection. I also love travelling to new places. Sounds interesting, huh???

What else? Oh yeah - why am I looking for an e-mail pals? Once upon time, in the distant past, I used to be in this business but then got pulled into life and then somewhere along the line it stopped. Life still continue to be hectic & monotonous, but I think it would be interesting to reach out to new people and getting their perspectives. Besides, I miss the excitement and suspense of waiting to read the next long e-mail from the other side!!!

I'm not sure if I can write e-mails daily - heck, if I could write, I would have done my office memos on time. I do try and keep-up, but a reasonable expectation would be twice or thrice a week. I don't expect you to write more then 1 page & won't hold you to send out a 1 pager every time.

Gotta sign off now, if you still want to brave it out exchanging e-mails with me, you know what to do

Thanks for making it till this far.

Hello Everyone-I am Looking for Pen Pals


July 12th, 2013

I am new here I am a male from Maryland that has some prayer needs and is looking for women postal mail penpals and email penpals. I need prayers because I feel like god does not like me because I made some mistakes that put me in prison . I enjoy penpalling, Basketball , women and cooking. If you would like to be my pen pal please email me at timedwards21501@gmail.com


(no subject)


February 28th, 2013

hi :] are you interested in joining my close knit, random conversation email group? there are 12 of us, and the group is 4 years old.
we had a meet up last year in london which was really cool.
we talk about our life, send surveys, pictures, random conversation, articles, whatever interests us. we are close friends.
let me know! thanks :)

Seeking alternative email pals


April 27th, 2011

In thirties age and into dumpster diving for food, simplicity et.c. and seeking similar for email friendships. Age and location of lesser importance so please send message on LJ if interested. Thanks!!

(no subject)


February 22nd, 2011

hello :)
if you would like to meet a lovely bunch of people (there are 12 of us) and join in with fun conversations, we would love you to join daisy chain. daisy chain is a google group of a mix of girls from all over the world. we send random emails, i send out questions to get conversations going, we give advice, share pictures, chat randomly. it's like penpalling or message boards, but over emails.

we are looking for people who will join in random conversations & make friends, not just join in with the activities and answer the questions but not make the effort to get to know someone. if you think you're interested, please request an invite!

we recommend you use a separate email to your personal email, as you might receive high volume of emails. at the moment from daisy chain i am receiving around 50 a day. obviously you won't have to reply to all of this, and this counts for EVERYONE in the group. please have a gmail email address, and one which you are comfortable with daisy chain mail going too that won't get mixed up with school/job/personal friend emails.

you can request an invite here and the email groups email address is daisy-chain@googlegroups.com. :] i'm online now and will be for a few hours, so if you request an invite now i will accept you ASAP :)

hope to see you soon!

(no subject)


November 23rd, 2010

hi. my email group is looking for interesting, people-person, email snail mail people to join and make friends with us all. more information is here. we look forward to meeting you :)

attention tension


June 15th, 2010

i'#m not sure if anyone still checks here but you never know...

Name: ronnie
Age: 27 (eek)
Languages Spoken: just english, sadly. i know a little spanish but it's very little.
About Me: i'm just your atypical music geek. i listen to allsorts and play guitar too. i make my own music once every blue moon. but let's gloss over that :P i love going to gigs to see bands and i try to get out when i can.
Music: quite a lot. but if pushed i guess it'd mostly be indie rock. i think.
Books: i don't really read i must admit. don't hate me.
TV: the office (both versions), six feet under, the sopranos.
Movies: eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, bottle rocket, american movie!!!!!!
How often do you check your e-mail?: quite often.
How long does it take to reply to an e-mail?: usually within the day.
Does it matter where your e-mail pals are from?: not at all.
Do you want a specific number of e-mail pals?: nope.
What age do you want your e-mail pals to be, or does it not matter?: at least 18 i think.
Do you want snai-mail pals too?: possibly
Anything else?: i'm not well versed in the art of selling oneself so i'm sorry if this dosen't read too well.
feel free to message me if you want to know more. i promise i'll try my hardest not to be dull :)

(no subject)


May 12th, 2010

strive is on the look out again!
we are looking for active, talkative people to join my email penpal group, strive. strive is an email group of 16 of us. we send emails about our lives, emotions, feelings, along with surveys, fun activities, questions, discussions, photos and anything off topic.

if you are...

- online at least every day
- love emailing
- love participating in activities and challenges
- would like to meet new people
- don't mind talking about yourself/your life regularly, like a blog

then get in touch :) just email me at little.linguistic.tree@Gmail.com.
we have our own blog where we keep the activity schedule & a short FAQ. you can see it here :)

if you have been in touch before for a place but didn't get added into the email group it may be because we don't add EVERYONE because if we did 10 people at once would be added and we can't handle that amount of mail! try again. it's first come first serve & anyone can join :)

(no subject)

bat dog


April 2nd, 2010

Name: Jewell
Age: 20
Languages Spoken: English

About Me: I'm a Massage Therapist. Graduated from that college a little over a year ago. Currently going to school online for Psychology. I can't decide between counseling crazy people or being a sex therapist right now. My significant other and I are 31 years apart in age. I don't have Daddy issues. We have 4 pets. Two lizards, a cat and our French Bulldog. I'll be the most open person you know, you just have to ask me questions. I'm not good with "so... tell me about you" type questions. I have no reason to hide anything about myself, and I'm not very good at generalizing myself.

Music: I won't listen to rap, country or gospel music. I'll try anything else.

Books: I spend any spare time I have reading. Right now I'm reading Ender in Exile. I love all of the Ender Series, I'm about to read the Sookie Stackhouse novels, The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice, Inheritance Series, serial killer documentaries, Lord of the Rings, Running with Scissors, Wicked, Son of a Witch

TV: Family Guy, Futurama, NCIS, WWE, TNA, Dog Whisperer, It's Me or the Dog, What Not To Wear, Dogtown, Animal Cops, Lockup, Big Cat Diaries, anything home improvement, serial killer documentaries, America's Next Top Model, America's Got Talent, So You Think You Can Dance, Dancing with the Stars

Movies: The Crow, Anything Disney, Repo! The Genetic Opera, Hitman, The Fifth Element, Memoirs of a Geisha, Across the Universe, Phantom of the Opera, The Illusionist, Rent... I'll watch just about anything once.

How often do you check your e-mail?: Daily, if not twice a day.

How long does it take to reply to an e-mail?: As soon as I see it.

Does it matter where your e-mail pals are from?: Nope. Just speak English legibly.

Do you want a specific number of e-mail pals?: Nope. Happy with any amount.

What age do you want your e-mail pals to be, or does it not matter?: I'd prefer 18 and up, but I'm also ok with a mature younger person.

Do you want snai-mail pals too?: Can't afford them right now.

What's your e-mail address (or would you rather send it in a personal message?): Personal message.

(no subject)


March 26th, 2010

Name: Joan (like the warrior babe from a really long time ago and not like Jo-anne, if you geddit coz im really particular bout it)
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Occupation: Part time slave worker (due to miserable pay), full time dreamer, somewhat a student (dont ask)
Languages: English, Chinese, Hokkien and some random incoherent japanese from watching too much anime.

About me: I watch too much tv. And sleep too much. I like anything with melon in it. Like Melon Soy Milk Drink. I absolutely have to drink honey water in the mornings, for no reason, but i just have to. And I dont like to wash my hair a lot.

I feel naked without my eyeliner. And I have an obsession with high heels and wedgie platforms. In addition to that, I also own a hugeass collection of nail polish which i barely utilise. I only use the black polish these days, it's nuts. I just enjoy buying them. I'm currently contemplating if i should sign up for yoga classes for some laughs.

Music: Anything punk, really.
Books: Louise Rennison (georgina is the shit im telling you), Dyan Sheldon, Sophie Kinsella, Meg Cabot (minus princess diaries) and Nicolas Sparks.
TV: For some strange unknown reason, I keep watching Supernatural even though it gets really lame sometimes. The Mentalist, HIMYM, Veronica Mars, Glee, Modern Family, Burn Notice and a lot of anime minus bleach and naruto. I dont understand how people can claim they love anime when they only watched nothing but bleach & naruto. It breaks my heart sometimes.
Movie: Anything with hot guys. Or dorks. And great soundtrack.

How often do you check your e-mail?: Not very often, like, average 3 times daily
How long does it take to reply to an e-mail?: When the mood strikes. Like now. So write in now.
Does it matter where your e-mail pals are from?: Not really

but i have a small crush on this swedish lad so it'll be nice if you're swedish. Or living in Stockholm. But you have to type in English.

Do you want a specific number of e-mail pals?: 34979574208.5 is a good number, i believe.
What age do you want your e-mail pals to be, or does it not matter?: It'll be nice if youre 100 years old and below.
Do you want snail-mail pals too?: I've been informed that my handwriting is a disaster but we can tryyyyyy.
What's your e-mail address (or would you rather send it in a personal message?): joantjm@gmail.com
Anyhting else?: er, may the force be with you...?