Emilian Parau | University of East Anglia (original) (raw)

Papers by Emilian Parau

Research paper thumbnail of Laboratory Experiments on Internal Solitary Waves in Ice‐Covered Waters

Geophysical Research Letters

Research paper thumbnail of Modelling of sea-ice phenomena

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences

Research paper thumbnail of Ondes interfaciales de flexion-gravité et de capillarité-gravité

Research paper thumbnail of Dynamic Break-Up and Drop Formation From a Liquid Jet Spun From a Rotating Orifice: Part I — Experimental

Volume 2: Symposia, Parts A, B, and C, 2003

The dynamics of the break-up of curved jets produced by the prilling process were studied. The ef... more The dynamics of the break-up of curved jets produced by the prilling process were studied. The effects of liquid dynamic viscosity, rotation rate and orifice size upon the surface tension driven instabilities were investigated. Liquid dynamic viscosity was varied by using ...

Research paper thumbnail of Forced and unforced flexural-gravity solitary waves

Research paper thumbnail of Finite-depth effects on solitary waves in a floating ice sheet

Research paper thumbnail of Numerical study of interfacial solitary waves propagating under an elastic sheet

Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 2014

Steady solitary and generalized solitary waves of a two-fluid problem where the upper layer is un... more Steady solitary and generalized solitary waves of a two-fluid problem where the upper layer is under a flexible elastic sheet are considered as a model for internal waves under an ice-covered ocean. The fluid consists of two layers of constant densities, separated by an interface. The elastic sheet resists bending forces and is mathematically described by a fully nonlinear thin shell model. Fully localized solitary waves are computed via a boundary integral method. Progression along the various branches of solutions shows that barotropic (i.e. surface modes) wave-packet solitary wave branches end with the free surface approaching the interface. On the other hand, the limiting configurations of long baroclinic (i.e. internal) solitary waves are characterized by an infinite broadening in the horizontal direction. Baroclinic wave-packet modes also exist for a large range of amplitudes and generalized solitary waves are computed in a case of a long internal mode in resonance with surface modes. In contrast to the pure gravity case (i.e without an elastic cover), these generalized solitary waves exhibit new Wilton-ripple-like periodic trains in the far field.

Research paper thumbnail of Computations of fully nonlinear hydroelastic solitary waves on deep water

Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Hydraulic falls under a floating ice plate due to submerged obstructions

Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Time evolution of three-dimensional nonlinear gravity–capillary free-surface flows

Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 2010

The evolution in time of three-dimensional gravity and gravity–capillary free-surface flows gener... more The evolution in time of three-dimensional gravity and gravity–capillary free-surface flows generated by a moving pressure distribution is considered. Solutions of the fully nonlinear equations in deep water are calculated by boundary-integral-equation methods and marching in time. Comparisons between unsteady and steady solutions are discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of Deformation of an elastic cell in a uniform stream and in a circulatory flow

IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2013

ABSTRACT The deformation of a circular, inextensible elastic cell is examined when the cell is pl... more ABSTRACT The deformation of a circular, inextensible elastic cell is examined when the cell is placed into two different background potential flows: a uniform stream and a circulatory flow induced by a point vortex located inside the cell. In a circulatory flow a cell may deform into a mode m shape with m-fold rotational symmetry. In a uniform stream, shapes with two-fold rotational symmetry tend to be selected. In a weak stream a cell deforms linearly into an ellipse with either its major or its minor axis aligned with the oncoming flow. This marks an interesting difference with a bubble with constant surface tension in a uniform stream, which can only deform into a mode 2 shape with its major axis perpendicular to the stream (Vanden-Broeck & Keller, 1980b). In general, as the strength of the uniform stream is increased from zero, solutions emerge continuously from the cell configurations in quiescent fluid found by Flaherty et al. (1972). A richly populated solution space is described with multiple solution branches which either terminate when a cell reaches a state with a point of self-contact or loop round to continuously connect cell states which exist under identical conditions in the absence of flow.

Research paper thumbnail of Gap solitary waves in two-layer fluids

IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of The influence of surface tension upon trapped waves and hydraulic falls

European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of The trajectory and stability of a spiralling liquid jet: Viscous theory

Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2009

ABSTRACT We examine a spiralling slender viscous jet emerging from a rapidly rotating orifice, ex... more ABSTRACT We examine a spiralling slender viscous jet emerging from a rapidly rotating orifice, extending Wallwork et al. [I.M. Wallwork, S.P. Decent, A.C. King, R.M.S.M. Schulkes, The trajectory and stability of a spiralling liquid jet. Part 1. Inviscid theory, J. Fluid Mech. 459 (2002) 43–65] by incorporating viscosity. The effects of viscosity on the trajectory of the jet and its linear instability are determined using a mixture of computational and asymptotic methods, and verified using experiments. A non-monotonic relationship between break-up length and rotation rate is demonstrated with the trend varying with viscosity. The sizes of the droplets produced by this instability are determined by considering the most unstable wave mode. It is also found that there is a non-monotonic relationship between droplet size and viscosity. Satellite droplet formation is also considered by analysing very short wavelength modes. The effects of long wavelength modes are examined, and a wave which propagates down the trajectory of the jet is identified for the highly viscous case. A comparison between theoretical and experimental results is made, with favourable agreement. In particular, a quantitative comparison is made between droplet sizes predicted from the theory with experimental observations, with encouraging agreement obtained. Four different types of break-up are identified in our experiments. The experimentally observed break-up mechanisms are discussed in light of our theory.

Research paper thumbnail of Interaction of hydro-elastic waves with a vertical wall

... [4] studied the forces due to ice loads on wind turbines in Denmark. ... introduce Cartesian ... more ... [4] studied the forces due to ice loads on wind turbines in Denmark. ... introduce Cartesian coordinates with the x-axis being along the ice sheet at rest and the y-axis directed vertically ... For the case of free-surface waves reflected by a vertical wall with no ice sheet, there is no need ...

Research paper thumbnail of Numerical computation of solitary waves in a two-layer fluid

Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Nonlinear three-dimensional interfacial flows with a free surface

Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Gravity-capillary water waves generated by multiple pressure distributions

Research paper thumbnail of Hydroelastic waves in fluid sheets

Research paper thumbnail of Nonlinear viscous liquid jets from a rotating orifice

Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Laboratory Experiments on Internal Solitary Waves in Ice‐Covered Waters

Geophysical Research Letters

Research paper thumbnail of Modelling of sea-ice phenomena

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences

Research paper thumbnail of Ondes interfaciales de flexion-gravité et de capillarité-gravité

Research paper thumbnail of Dynamic Break-Up and Drop Formation From a Liquid Jet Spun From a Rotating Orifice: Part I — Experimental

Volume 2: Symposia, Parts A, B, and C, 2003

The dynamics of the break-up of curved jets produced by the prilling process were studied. The ef... more The dynamics of the break-up of curved jets produced by the prilling process were studied. The effects of liquid dynamic viscosity, rotation rate and orifice size upon the surface tension driven instabilities were investigated. Liquid dynamic viscosity was varied by using ...

Research paper thumbnail of Forced and unforced flexural-gravity solitary waves

Research paper thumbnail of Finite-depth effects on solitary waves in a floating ice sheet

Research paper thumbnail of Numerical study of interfacial solitary waves propagating under an elastic sheet

Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 2014

Steady solitary and generalized solitary waves of a two-fluid problem where the upper layer is un... more Steady solitary and generalized solitary waves of a two-fluid problem where the upper layer is under a flexible elastic sheet are considered as a model for internal waves under an ice-covered ocean. The fluid consists of two layers of constant densities, separated by an interface. The elastic sheet resists bending forces and is mathematically described by a fully nonlinear thin shell model. Fully localized solitary waves are computed via a boundary integral method. Progression along the various branches of solutions shows that barotropic (i.e. surface modes) wave-packet solitary wave branches end with the free surface approaching the interface. On the other hand, the limiting configurations of long baroclinic (i.e. internal) solitary waves are characterized by an infinite broadening in the horizontal direction. Baroclinic wave-packet modes also exist for a large range of amplitudes and generalized solitary waves are computed in a case of a long internal mode in resonance with surface modes. In contrast to the pure gravity case (i.e without an elastic cover), these generalized solitary waves exhibit new Wilton-ripple-like periodic trains in the far field.

Research paper thumbnail of Computations of fully nonlinear hydroelastic solitary waves on deep water

Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Hydraulic falls under a floating ice plate due to submerged obstructions

Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Time evolution of three-dimensional nonlinear gravity–capillary free-surface flows

Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 2010

The evolution in time of three-dimensional gravity and gravity–capillary free-surface flows gener... more The evolution in time of three-dimensional gravity and gravity–capillary free-surface flows generated by a moving pressure distribution is considered. Solutions of the fully nonlinear equations in deep water are calculated by boundary-integral-equation methods and marching in time. Comparisons between unsteady and steady solutions are discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of Deformation of an elastic cell in a uniform stream and in a circulatory flow

IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2013

ABSTRACT The deformation of a circular, inextensible elastic cell is examined when the cell is pl... more ABSTRACT The deformation of a circular, inextensible elastic cell is examined when the cell is placed into two different background potential flows: a uniform stream and a circulatory flow induced by a point vortex located inside the cell. In a circulatory flow a cell may deform into a mode m shape with m-fold rotational symmetry. In a uniform stream, shapes with two-fold rotational symmetry tend to be selected. In a weak stream a cell deforms linearly into an ellipse with either its major or its minor axis aligned with the oncoming flow. This marks an interesting difference with a bubble with constant surface tension in a uniform stream, which can only deform into a mode 2 shape with its major axis perpendicular to the stream (Vanden-Broeck & Keller, 1980b). In general, as the strength of the uniform stream is increased from zero, solutions emerge continuously from the cell configurations in quiescent fluid found by Flaherty et al. (1972). A richly populated solution space is described with multiple solution branches which either terminate when a cell reaches a state with a point of self-contact or loop round to continuously connect cell states which exist under identical conditions in the absence of flow.

Research paper thumbnail of Gap solitary waves in two-layer fluids

IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of The influence of surface tension upon trapped waves and hydraulic falls

European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of The trajectory and stability of a spiralling liquid jet: Viscous theory

Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2009

ABSTRACT We examine a spiralling slender viscous jet emerging from a rapidly rotating orifice, ex... more ABSTRACT We examine a spiralling slender viscous jet emerging from a rapidly rotating orifice, extending Wallwork et al. [I.M. Wallwork, S.P. Decent, A.C. King, R.M.S.M. Schulkes, The trajectory and stability of a spiralling liquid jet. Part 1. Inviscid theory, J. Fluid Mech. 459 (2002) 43–65] by incorporating viscosity. The effects of viscosity on the trajectory of the jet and its linear instability are determined using a mixture of computational and asymptotic methods, and verified using experiments. A non-monotonic relationship between break-up length and rotation rate is demonstrated with the trend varying with viscosity. The sizes of the droplets produced by this instability are determined by considering the most unstable wave mode. It is also found that there is a non-monotonic relationship between droplet size and viscosity. Satellite droplet formation is also considered by analysing very short wavelength modes. The effects of long wavelength modes are examined, and a wave which propagates down the trajectory of the jet is identified for the highly viscous case. A comparison between theoretical and experimental results is made, with favourable agreement. In particular, a quantitative comparison is made between droplet sizes predicted from the theory with experimental observations, with encouraging agreement obtained. Four different types of break-up are identified in our experiments. The experimentally observed break-up mechanisms are discussed in light of our theory.

Research paper thumbnail of Interaction of hydro-elastic waves with a vertical wall

... [4] studied the forces due to ice loads on wind turbines in Denmark. ... introduce Cartesian ... more ... [4] studied the forces due to ice loads on wind turbines in Denmark. ... introduce Cartesian coordinates with the x-axis being along the ice sheet at rest and the y-axis directed vertically ... For the case of free-surface waves reflected by a vertical wall with no ice sheet, there is no need ...

Research paper thumbnail of Numerical computation of solitary waves in a two-layer fluid

Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Nonlinear three-dimensional interfacial flows with a free surface

Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Gravity-capillary water waves generated by multiple pressure distributions

Research paper thumbnail of Hydroelastic waves in fluid sheets

Research paper thumbnail of Nonlinear viscous liquid jets from a rotating orifice

Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 2007