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Tara Varma

ECFR Alumni · Head, ECFR Paris
Senior Policy Fellow

Areas of expertise

French foreign policy; European security; politics and security in Asia


French, English, Spanish, Hindi


Tara Varma was a senior policy fellow and head of the Paris office of the European Council on Foreign Relations until December 2022, where she followed French foreign policy and European and Asian security developments.

She looked particularly at current French defence and security proposals in the European framework. She was also interested in Asian security, and the role Europeans could play in it, notably in the Indo-Pacific region. Varma joined ECFR in January 2015 as a coordinator and then deputy head of the Paris office. She previously worked and lived in Shanghai, Delhi and Paris. She graduated from Sciences Po Lille and SOAS in London in International Relations, with a focus on Asian Politics and Indian and Chinese foreign policies.

The NATO Summit and the future of European Defence

Mark Leonard is joined by Nick Witney, Jana Puglierin, and Tara Varma, to evaluate the outcomes of the NATO Summit in Madrid, especially regarding European defence

6 Apr

How Putin’s war is shaping France’s election

What kind of role did foreign policy play in the election campaigns before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and what role is it playing now?

10 Mar

Views from the capitals: Russia’s war on Ukraine

The conflict in Ukraine will change Europe forever. Experts from across ECFR’s network of offices describe the view of the war from Berlin, London, Madrid, Paris, Rome, Sofia, and Warsaw

11 Mar

28 Jan


The fall of the Afghan government and what it means for Europe

ECFR’s policy experts examine what the Taliban takeover means for countries and regions around the world: Europe, the US, the Middle East, Russia, China, Iran, Turkey, and the Sahel

A new transatlantic bargain: An action plan for transformation, not restoration

The Trump years galvanised Europeans’ efforts to strengthen their own sovereignty; they now need to agree concrete offers they can make to the new administration


Views from the capitals: Russia’s war on Ukraine

The conflict in Ukraine will change Europe forever. Experts from across ECFR’s network of offices describe the view of the war from Berlin, London, Madrid, Paris, Rome, Sofia, and Warsaw

Second acts: How Europe can renew the transatlantic partnership

This could be the moment to build a more balanced transatlantic relationship, with Europeans showing the US where we need it to engage, and how – rather than simply waiting for cues from Washington

Macron, Merkel, and Europe’s “moment of truth”

The French president has laid down the gauntlet by warning the European political project could end if it fails to embrace burden-sharing. One of two scenarios could now play out.


Eyes tight shut: European attitudes towards nuclear deterrence

Europeans remain unwilling to renew their thinking on nuclear deterrence, despite growing strategic instability. Their stated goal of “strategic autonomy” will remain an empty phrase until they engage seriously on this matter


The NATO Summit and the future of European Defence

Mark Leonard is joined by Nick Witney, Jana Puglierin, and Tara Varma, to evaluate the outcomes of the NATO Summit in Madrid, especially regarding European defence

How Putin’s war is shaping France’s election

What kind of role did foreign policy play in the election campaigns before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and what role is it playing now?

Anxious allies: European sovereignty after the US election

How much impact does the future US president have on the very concept of European sovereignty? Will the idea and initiatives to build more strategic autonomy in Europe be put back to bed with Joe Biden in the White House?


6 Apr

11 Mar

10 Mar

28 Jan

14 Dec

27 Jan

The EU and Belarus in 2021

How is Europe planning to keep Belarus on the agenda and will it provide more political support for Belarusian civil society?