Economic History Archives - Econlife (original) (raw)

September 13, 2024

Weekly Economic News Roundup and microfinance

Banana Wine and Other Answers to Global Warming

Microfinance and global warming need not be distant ideas when they take us to the women in Malawi that make banana wine.

August 30, 2024

Weekly Economic News Roundup and Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam

Why a Dam Is About More Than Water

More than a source of electricity, the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam challenges Egyptian and Ethiopian identity.

July 29, 2024

Southwest's boarding strategy

Why Southwest Wants To Board Us More Slowly

Knowing that Southwest's boarding strategies will change, we can ask about the impact of the switch on their turnaround productivity.

July 12, 2024

Weekly Economic News Roundup and TSA regulations

How To Decide If We Want Airport Security

On Sunday July 7, a record number of people passed through TSA airport checkpoints. As a result, more than three million people experienced at least one […]

June 7, 2024

economic news roundup and infrastructure

Where to Find the Super Commuters

We could call the Covid pandemic a dividing line that changed where we work and the distance that our commuting time occupies.

June 4, 2024

fare evasion

When a Nudge Is Necessary

To solve New York City's subway and bus fare evasion, a behavioral economist would suggest a nudge that created new incentives.

May 26, 2024

walkable cities

Where to Find a Walkable City

Looking at 61 countries, researchers triangulated the world into the most walkable cities, and those with more public transport, and cars.

May 23, 2024

reverse supply chain

Why We Should Ban Left Turns

Traffic experts suggest that banning left turns creates a slew of unexpected benefits that offset the inconvenience.

May 19, 2024

presidential wealth

What We Can Learn From Presidential Wealth

Starting with George Washington and concluding with rercent presidents, we can see how presidential wealth relates to economic growth.

May 16, 2024

Weekly Economic New Roundup and tall building construction

When a Skyscraper Is More Than a Tall Building

Describing Saudi Arabia's plan for Neom, we can look back at tall building construction and ask if it signals stages in the business cycle.

May 13, 2024

hub and spoke

The Challenge of the Last Mile

As a strategy used by airlines after deregulation, hub and spoke also offers potential for e-commerce deliveries in NYC.

April 25, 2024

eekly Economic New Roundup and a coffee supply chain

Participating in a coffee supply chain, the Port of Baltimore upset more than a single link when it closed.