Development Archives - Econlife (original) (raw)

September 13, 2024

Weekly Economic News Roundup and microfinance

Banana Wine and Other Answers to Global Warming

Microfinance and global warming need not be distant ideas when they take us to the women in Malawi that make banana wine.

August 30, 2024

Weekly Economic News Roundup and Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam

Why a Dam Is About More Than Water

More than a source of electricity, the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam challenges Egyptian and Ethiopian identity.

October 20, 2023

China's Great Wall Weekly Economic News Roundup and

Why China Is Doing a Belt and Road Pivot

As China begins the second decade of its Belt and Road initiative, it says it will pivot from the past with a new approach.

August 9, 2023

Our Weekly Economic News Roundup and pathway that avoids middle income trap

How an Economic Growth Path Can Lead to High Income

If the Dominican Republic's economy continues the convergence velocity predicted by the IMF, it will avoid the middle income trap.

June 18, 2023

air conditioning demand

Where Less AC Might Mean More

Paradoxically, because air conditioning demand could increase with a more efficient window unit, we could have some unintended consequences.

June 7, 2023

Weekly Economic New Roundup and baby care

What Population Pyramids Tell Us

Far beyond their numbers, population pyramids can tell a story sbout the web that connects demography and economic growth.

March 29, 2023

China's Great Wall Weekly Economic News Roundup and

Where China Is Building New Financial Architecture

China's debt exposure has grown with its Belt and Road Initiative becoming a massive loan rescue operation.

February 21, 2023

When China Started Drinking More Beer

Reflecting more affluence, China's beer consumption and its economic development have marched upward together.

September 27, 2022

aging Europeans

Why We Want Age Inflation (or Maybe Deflation)

New UN life expectancy projections might not really display what living longer will mean for the most developed nations.

December 9, 2021

Weekly Economic New Roundup and baby care

Where More Diapers Are a Disaster

The ingredients of China's new demographics recipe includes fewer marriages, a declining birth rate, more elderly, and interest in funerals.

June 27, 2021

moving a capital city

Where to Find New Capital Cities

Whether looking at Indonesia today or the United States in 1791, moving a capital city can be somewhat similar.

July 5, 2020

Weekly Economic News Roundup and Alexander Hamilton

How Hamilton Created U.S. Economic Independence

Through Alexander Hamilton's Development Plan, we see a timeless strategy for achieving economic independence from credit, debt, and growth.