ed_caffe (original) (raw)

*No hateful comments or posts directed at other members (bitch about your family all you want)

*All pictures of food/food porn must be under cut

right now i am drinking the best cup of coffee i have ever made for myself. it's vanilla folgers coffee with a bit of french vanilla coffeemate and a packet of splenda. 40-50 calories depending on the cup.

what's your fave from starbucks?
mine is a tall non-fat caramel macchiato. YUMMY! 140 calories.

seeing as this is a tea/coffee ed community, I think I'll start by saying some of my faves:

Jasmine green tea (0 cals)
early grey tea, no milk (1 cal)
mint tea (2 cals)
Yogi classic spice tea... though I won't drink it at the moment as I don't know how many calories it contains. Been searching for info everywhere :( any ideas? it contains cinnamon, cloves, ginger oil and a few other spices. It's the ginger oil that worries me. the infusion smells amazing though.
Jacksons green tea with lemon (0 cals)

I also like black coffee. not sure how many cals. I heard it was 6.
