ed_musicians (original) (raw)

(no subject) [Mar. 16th, 2012|08:51 pm]Musicians with Eating Disorders
[Current Location |Halls of Residence] [mood sicksick] [music Dead man's party, Oingo Boingo]1. Instrument: Flute, Piccolo, Piano. Also grade 5 clarinet and violin.2. ED: ll: Bulimia, binge eating disorder, orthorexia, anorexia :ll3. # of Years of Study: 124 Current Level of Study: Masters degree5. # of years with ED: I first purged just before turning 11. See cycle above for 10 years with the odd month of recovery.6. How does your ED affect your playing? Tense throat, cold fingers, breathlessness, hard to concentrate, tense all over actually...
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i'm new... [Aug. 25th, 2006|09:08 am]Musicians with Eating Disorders
[**mood** |cheerfulcheerful]so it doesn't look like many people are in here but i figured i'd join anyways. my name is Kathleen and i'm going to school in florida, here's the stats:1. Instrument: Fr. horn2. ED: ednos/ana3. # of Years of Study: 94 Current Level of Study (high school, college, private lessons, etc): college5. # of years with ED: --this one's kinda hard, its been an on and off thing since middle school but i guess just one year really.6. How does your ED affect your playing?: right now it affects me most cause i'm in marching band and it's hard to be out there marching, but i just keep telling myself to think of how much weight i'm losing doing it!
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(no subject) [Jul. 29th, 2006|06:00 pm]Musicians with Eating Disorders
1. Instrument: French Horn2. ED: Um... EDnos. I have 'em all. Bulimia mostly. 3. # of Years of Study: 6years4 Current Level of Study: doing my Amus at the end of the year5. # of years with ED: about 2 6. How does your ED affect your playing?: I don't have time to practise coz im too busy binging and purging, or on the other hand im so hungry to concentrate and i get all dizzy.
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