Yuwanuch Gulatee | Edith Cowan University (original) (raw)


Papers by Yuwanuch Gulatee

Research paper thumbnail of The Survey research on how information technology is being used by the University's students

The purpose of this research are: 1) to study the behavior of Nakhon Phanom University students i... more The purpose of this research are: 1) to study the behavior of Nakhon Phanom University students in using information technology to study, 2) to examine the Nakhon Phanom University students' ability and potential for using information technology. The entire reliability value was 0.96 and the discrimination index was between 0.49-0.80. The results disclosed as follows: 1) most students owned laptops (75%), followed by the smartphone (58%), as well as the University students keep up with the newest technology. This is becomes evident when examining the student's length of ownership of the various devices, which is not more than three years. It becomes obvious that students buy new devices all the time and the majority of students use these devices in learning (over 86%). The study also found that teachers use laptops and projectors the most in their classroom (>70%). The communication channel that the university provided such as the online learning system, was not used as m...

Research paper thumbnail of Digital refugees? How students in Thailand and Australia seek and use information online

New generations of young people are still being touted as digital natives in a world where mobile... more New generations of young people are still being touted as digital natives in a world where mobile technology is increasingly available worldwide. Technology, particularly mobile phones, serve as communication and information-seeking devices connected to the Internet. Technology appears in all levels of society from the rice field, the market place, the grocery store self-serve, online banking and shopping and school classrooms. These technologies are changing the way we communicate and socialise, and alter traditional ways of conducting business and making and maintaining social and family connections. How we use technology affects the development of new technologies, and vice versa, as new technology affects how we use it. This paper compares the interview findings of a much larger study conducted in a Thai university and an older dataset (2008) conducted across two Australian universities to determine whether the way young people use technology has changed during the last eight years. In both studies how students in their early years at university used technology and felt about technology were examined. Findings from the current research indicate that attitudes to technology and cultures of technology use amongst young people have changed little since the original study’s data collection eight years ago

Research paper thumbnail of Giving students an informed choice when selecting teams for group work

Research paper thumbnail of Synthesis of Optically Active Beta Gamma Alkynylglycine Derivatives

Research paper thumbnail of Are You Sure This Generation Are Digital Natives? Case Study: Thailand And Australia

2018 5th International Symposium on Emerging Trends and Technologies in Libraries and Information Services (ETTLIS), 2018

New generations of young people are called digital natives, because they were born in a world whe... more New generations of young people are called digital natives, because they were born in a world where mobile technologies and information are available worldwide. These technologies appear at all levels of society, particularly mobile phones which are multifunctional and serve as communication and information-seeking devices. Users can order goods from the grocery store self-serve, bank and shop online, and participate in distance learning. This paper reports on the initial findings of a much larger study conducted in a Thai and two Australian universities and explores how students use technology for learning. Discussion also explores young people's ownership of technology and examines the myth of the digital native. By comparing current (2016) students' use in a Thai university with an older (2008) Australian study it aims to determine whether the way young people use technology has changed during the last eight years. In both studies how students in their early years at univ...

Research paper thumbnail of Students' perceptions of problem solving through a pair instruction technique in calculus class

This research aimed to study: 1) the integration of the instruction of a calculus class of Inform... more This research aimed to study: 1) the integration of the instruction of a calculus class of Information Technology Department, the Faculty of Management Sciences and Information Technology (FMIT), Nakhon Phanom University (NPU); 2) the improvement of instructional process efficiency; and 3) students’ satisfaction of Pair Instruction technique (PIT). The sample of this study composed of 33 randomized students from the 3rd and 4th year student at NPU. A five-rating scale questionnaire with 97% confidence level was used to collect data. Percentage, mean, standard deviation, dependent t-test were used to analyze the obtained data. It was found that all items asking students’ satisfaction of PIT in calculus class got the highest mean in every facet. The students were happy with the PIT. They thought that the PIT was more useful than a conventional instruction, could increase their solutions, provided them with better perception, helped them with team working, and helped them helped them o...

Research paper thumbnail of Examining Student ICT Ownership, Use and Preferences towards Electronically Delivered Learning Resources in Nakhon Phanom University and Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University

การวจยครงนมวตถประสงคเพอศกษา 1)ความเปนเจาของของนกศกษากบอปกรณเทคโนโลยทงดานซอฟแวรและการใชงาน 2)อปกรณ... more การวจยครงนมวตถประสงคเพอศกษา 1)ความเปนเจาของของนกศกษากบอปกรณเทคโนโลยทงดานซอฟแวรและการใชงาน 2)อปกรณเทคโนโลยอะไรบางทครผสอนใชในชนเรยน 3)การใชงานระบบออนไลนของนกศกษาท มหาวทยาลย และ 4)ตรวจสอบทกษะการใชซอฟแวรของนกศกษา โดยมกลมตวอยาง คอ นกศกษา มหาวทยาลยนครพนม และ มหาวทยาลยราชภฎสกลนคร จำานวน 977 คน ปการศกษา 2558 โดยใชวธการวจยเชงปรมาณ แบบสอบถาม ซงไดรบการออกแบบมาเพอจดลำดบทศนคตของกลมตวอยาง โดยใช Likert Scale เปนการใหสเกลคำตอบการสำารวจโดยการออกแบบการวจยเชงปรมาณ ไดรบการพฒนาโดยใชซอฟตแวร Qualtrics ซงเปน เครองมอทม การสำารวจวจยออนไลน รวบรวมขอมล สถตทใชในการวเคราะหขอมล คอ รอยละ และคาเฉลย เครองมอทใชในการเกบรวบรวมขอมลเปนแบบสอบถามมาตราสวนประมาณคา มคาอำานาจจำาแนกระหวาง 0.44.-0.85 และมคาความเชอมนเทากบ 0.85 ผลการวจยพบวา 1) นกศกษาเปนเจาของ Laptop มากทสดรอยละ 78 รองลงมาคอ Smart Phone รอยละ 60 นกศกษามหาวทยาลยทงสองแหงตดตามเทคโนโลยใหมๆ อะไรบาง โดยพจารณาจากการเปนเจาของอปกรณตางๆ ไมเกน 3 ป ทำใหทราบวา นกศกษาซออปกรณใหมๆ อยตลอดเวลา และสวนมากนกศกษาใชอปกรณดงกลาวในการเรยนมากกวารอยละ 60 2) ครผสอนใช Desktop Laptop และ Projecto...

Research paper thumbnail of How do we Feel about Online Teaching and Learning

2020 - 5th International Conference on Information Technology (InCIT), 2020

The objectives of this research were to compare the satisfaction levels for online learning betwe... more The objectives of this research were to compare the satisfaction levels for online learning between Thai youth in tertiary education and staff. The satisfaction levels with online learning for both groups was high. Both groups also felt that online education helps them to be more independent and allows them more flexibility about where and when to study. The general public group also felt they could access information easily from the web while studying online. Both groups agreed that online learning is very beneficial for the learner. In this research the two groups, students and staff, had the same attitudes and opinions about online learning. Both groups felt that there were few differences between physical classes and online learning. One difference was that online learning creates more opportunities for interaction between friends. As for expectations of online learning, both groups would like to see an increase in online teaching and learning in the future.

Research paper thumbnail of What Students Want: A Study of Desirable Teacher Characteristics as Perceived by Their Students

Research paper thumbnail of Technological Barriers to Successful eLearning in Computer Science

Abstract In an attempt to provide educational opportunities for students who are working or who a... more Abstract In an attempt to provide educational opportunities for students who are working or who are located at a distance, many universities and schools have developed wholly online distance education programs. These online courses use web technology as a distributed learning ...

Research paper thumbnail of Giving students an informed choice when selecting teams for group work

Most large scale software projects require team work. However, it is a common problem that, when ... more Most large scale software projects require team work. However, it is a common problem that, when forming teams in a university setting, students know little about each other, resulting in dysfunctional teams. To help alleviate this, we ran three small preliminary assignments before students formed a team for the last major project. The idea was to encourage students to work with a variety of group members before they could choose their final team. The results showed that half of the final groups had a makeup that changed from their first initial group.

Research paper thumbnail of Tom yum tech: An international examination of university student ICT ownership and use for study in both Thailand and Australia

Research paper thumbnail of An investigation into online teaching and the delivery of computer science topics : practice, content and environmental factors

Research paper thumbnail of Where Do Digital Natives Start and Finish? Lecturers’ Use of Technology in Three Thai Universities

– The Asian Conference on Education & International Development 2020 Official Conference Proceedings

Research paper thumbnail of Who will be on my team? How the students select teams for group work in IT projects

Engineering & Technical Education, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of An Investigation Of Teaching Wholly Online In A School Of Computer And Information Science

Innovation in Teaching and Learning in Information and Computer Sciences, 2011

Abstract Online delivery of computer and information science courses is challenging for both staf... more Abstract Online delivery of computer and information science courses is challenging for both staff and students. There are considerable barriers posed by the technical environment and the physical separation of staff from their students. However the online environment, how staff and students perceive online teaching and learning and the perceived differences between delivery on-campus and online also create barriers. In many ways this could be defined as a psychological barrier rather than a set of physical challenges to overcome. This study shows that students, almost by default, have a negative view of online learning and only use it when absolutely necessary, even in a school with a 10 year history of elearning implementation. Similarly, many staff within this study clearly indicated a belief that on-campus teaching produced better student outcomes, particularly in computer science subjects.

Research paper thumbnail of Factors that Influence Successful Online Teaching and Learning Programs in Technical Computer Science Subjects

Since the mid to late 1990s, the World Wide Web has been used as a distributed learning mechanism... more Since the mid to late 1990s, the World Wide Web has been used as a distributed learning mechanism, enhancing the digital learning environment to support distance and on-campus students. Web technology has been adopted to assist learners with real-time studying at a distance. Consequently, Web delivery has grown rapidly and has been used as a vehicle for learning. Many universities have developed wholly online distance education programs. These changes in distance education have been developed in an attempt to provide easier access to educational opportunities for students who are located remotely from the university, who are working or who have other constraints/commitments such as family commitments. However, online distance learning in Computer Science courses remains challenging for both instructors and students. Research has shown that there is a significant risk factor for online courses in Computer Science. Course developers and instructors need to be aware of the particular n...

Research paper thumbnail of Extrinsic and Intrinsic for online Classroom

Higher Education Studies

The objectives of this research are 1) to examine how Thai youth in tertiary education feel about... more The objectives of this research are 1) to examine how Thai youth in tertiary education feel about extrinsic and intrinsic rewards when studying online.2) to explore any similarities and differences between the two techniques. 3) to determine how students felt about the reward system used in this class. The samples in this research are 37 students. They are all the students who study in an online classroom for the whole semester during the COVID19 global pandemic (2019-2021).The questionnaire and the interview instruments were designed to clarify participants’ attitude and used a five point Likert scales and the entire reliability value is 0.80. The statistics used for data analysis were included descriptive statistics; and proportion and percentage, and inferential statistics such as multiple regression and Chi-square- test. The result disclose as follows : 1) The students showed that all of the four dimensions of this variables test of which one variables is extrinsic, have signifi...

Research paper thumbnail of Idenifying the Challenges in Teaching Computer Science Topics Online

Research paper thumbnail of Identifying the Challenges in Teaching Computer Science Topics Online

In an attempt to provide educational opportunities for students who are working or who are locate... more In an attempt to provide educational opportunities for students who are working or who are located at a distance, many universities have developed wholly online distance education programs. These online courses use web technology as a distributed learning mechanism. However, online distance learning in Computer Science courses remains challenging for both teachers and students. Research has shown that there is a significant risk factor for online courses in Computer Science. Course developers and teachers need to be aware of the particular needs of Computer Science students when establishing online courses, if they wish to graduate successful and satisfied students. This paper aims to identify some of the challenges in teaching Computer Science topics online, and identify useful support strategies to enhance learning through the informed use of webbased elearning.

Research paper thumbnail of The Survey research on how information technology is being used by the University's students

The purpose of this research are: 1) to study the behavior of Nakhon Phanom University students i... more The purpose of this research are: 1) to study the behavior of Nakhon Phanom University students in using information technology to study, 2) to examine the Nakhon Phanom University students' ability and potential for using information technology. The entire reliability value was 0.96 and the discrimination index was between 0.49-0.80. The results disclosed as follows: 1) most students owned laptops (75%), followed by the smartphone (58%), as well as the University students keep up with the newest technology. This is becomes evident when examining the student's length of ownership of the various devices, which is not more than three years. It becomes obvious that students buy new devices all the time and the majority of students use these devices in learning (over 86%). The study also found that teachers use laptops and projectors the most in their classroom (>70%). The communication channel that the university provided such as the online learning system, was not used as m...

Research paper thumbnail of Digital refugees? How students in Thailand and Australia seek and use information online

New generations of young people are still being touted as digital natives in a world where mobile... more New generations of young people are still being touted as digital natives in a world where mobile technology is increasingly available worldwide. Technology, particularly mobile phones, serve as communication and information-seeking devices connected to the Internet. Technology appears in all levels of society from the rice field, the market place, the grocery store self-serve, online banking and shopping and school classrooms. These technologies are changing the way we communicate and socialise, and alter traditional ways of conducting business and making and maintaining social and family connections. How we use technology affects the development of new technologies, and vice versa, as new technology affects how we use it. This paper compares the interview findings of a much larger study conducted in a Thai university and an older dataset (2008) conducted across two Australian universities to determine whether the way young people use technology has changed during the last eight years. In both studies how students in their early years at university used technology and felt about technology were examined. Findings from the current research indicate that attitudes to technology and cultures of technology use amongst young people have changed little since the original study’s data collection eight years ago

Research paper thumbnail of Giving students an informed choice when selecting teams for group work

Research paper thumbnail of Synthesis of Optically Active Beta Gamma Alkynylglycine Derivatives

Research paper thumbnail of Are You Sure This Generation Are Digital Natives? Case Study: Thailand And Australia

2018 5th International Symposium on Emerging Trends and Technologies in Libraries and Information Services (ETTLIS), 2018

New generations of young people are called digital natives, because they were born in a world whe... more New generations of young people are called digital natives, because they were born in a world where mobile technologies and information are available worldwide. These technologies appear at all levels of society, particularly mobile phones which are multifunctional and serve as communication and information-seeking devices. Users can order goods from the grocery store self-serve, bank and shop online, and participate in distance learning. This paper reports on the initial findings of a much larger study conducted in a Thai and two Australian universities and explores how students use technology for learning. Discussion also explores young people's ownership of technology and examines the myth of the digital native. By comparing current (2016) students' use in a Thai university with an older (2008) Australian study it aims to determine whether the way young people use technology has changed during the last eight years. In both studies how students in their early years at univ...

Research paper thumbnail of Students' perceptions of problem solving through a pair instruction technique in calculus class

This research aimed to study: 1) the integration of the instruction of a calculus class of Inform... more This research aimed to study: 1) the integration of the instruction of a calculus class of Information Technology Department, the Faculty of Management Sciences and Information Technology (FMIT), Nakhon Phanom University (NPU); 2) the improvement of instructional process efficiency; and 3) students’ satisfaction of Pair Instruction technique (PIT). The sample of this study composed of 33 randomized students from the 3rd and 4th year student at NPU. A five-rating scale questionnaire with 97% confidence level was used to collect data. Percentage, mean, standard deviation, dependent t-test were used to analyze the obtained data. It was found that all items asking students’ satisfaction of PIT in calculus class got the highest mean in every facet. The students were happy with the PIT. They thought that the PIT was more useful than a conventional instruction, could increase their solutions, provided them with better perception, helped them with team working, and helped them helped them o...

Research paper thumbnail of Examining Student ICT Ownership, Use and Preferences towards Electronically Delivered Learning Resources in Nakhon Phanom University and Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University

การวจยครงนมวตถประสงคเพอศกษา 1)ความเปนเจาของของนกศกษากบอปกรณเทคโนโลยทงดานซอฟแวรและการใชงาน 2)อปกรณ... more การวจยครงนมวตถประสงคเพอศกษา 1)ความเปนเจาของของนกศกษากบอปกรณเทคโนโลยทงดานซอฟแวรและการใชงาน 2)อปกรณเทคโนโลยอะไรบางทครผสอนใชในชนเรยน 3)การใชงานระบบออนไลนของนกศกษาท มหาวทยาลย และ 4)ตรวจสอบทกษะการใชซอฟแวรของนกศกษา โดยมกลมตวอยาง คอ นกศกษา มหาวทยาลยนครพนม และ มหาวทยาลยราชภฎสกลนคร จำานวน 977 คน ปการศกษา 2558 โดยใชวธการวจยเชงปรมาณ แบบสอบถาม ซงไดรบการออกแบบมาเพอจดลำดบทศนคตของกลมตวอยาง โดยใช Likert Scale เปนการใหสเกลคำตอบการสำารวจโดยการออกแบบการวจยเชงปรมาณ ไดรบการพฒนาโดยใชซอฟตแวร Qualtrics ซงเปน เครองมอทม การสำารวจวจยออนไลน รวบรวมขอมล สถตทใชในการวเคราะหขอมล คอ รอยละ และคาเฉลย เครองมอทใชในการเกบรวบรวมขอมลเปนแบบสอบถามมาตราสวนประมาณคา มคาอำานาจจำาแนกระหวาง 0.44.-0.85 และมคาความเชอมนเทากบ 0.85 ผลการวจยพบวา 1) นกศกษาเปนเจาของ Laptop มากทสดรอยละ 78 รองลงมาคอ Smart Phone รอยละ 60 นกศกษามหาวทยาลยทงสองแหงตดตามเทคโนโลยใหมๆ อะไรบาง โดยพจารณาจากการเปนเจาของอปกรณตางๆ ไมเกน 3 ป ทำใหทราบวา นกศกษาซออปกรณใหมๆ อยตลอดเวลา และสวนมากนกศกษาใชอปกรณดงกลาวในการเรยนมากกวารอยละ 60 2) ครผสอนใช Desktop Laptop และ Projecto...

Research paper thumbnail of How do we Feel about Online Teaching and Learning

2020 - 5th International Conference on Information Technology (InCIT), 2020

The objectives of this research were to compare the satisfaction levels for online learning betwe... more The objectives of this research were to compare the satisfaction levels for online learning between Thai youth in tertiary education and staff. The satisfaction levels with online learning for both groups was high. Both groups also felt that online education helps them to be more independent and allows them more flexibility about where and when to study. The general public group also felt they could access information easily from the web while studying online. Both groups agreed that online learning is very beneficial for the learner. In this research the two groups, students and staff, had the same attitudes and opinions about online learning. Both groups felt that there were few differences between physical classes and online learning. One difference was that online learning creates more opportunities for interaction between friends. As for expectations of online learning, both groups would like to see an increase in online teaching and learning in the future.

Research paper thumbnail of What Students Want: A Study of Desirable Teacher Characteristics as Perceived by Their Students

Research paper thumbnail of Technological Barriers to Successful eLearning in Computer Science

Abstract In an attempt to provide educational opportunities for students who are working or who a... more Abstract In an attempt to provide educational opportunities for students who are working or who are located at a distance, many universities and schools have developed wholly online distance education programs. These online courses use web technology as a distributed learning ...

Research paper thumbnail of Giving students an informed choice when selecting teams for group work

Most large scale software projects require team work. However, it is a common problem that, when ... more Most large scale software projects require team work. However, it is a common problem that, when forming teams in a university setting, students know little about each other, resulting in dysfunctional teams. To help alleviate this, we ran three small preliminary assignments before students formed a team for the last major project. The idea was to encourage students to work with a variety of group members before they could choose their final team. The results showed that half of the final groups had a makeup that changed from their first initial group.

Research paper thumbnail of Tom yum tech: An international examination of university student ICT ownership and use for study in both Thailand and Australia

Research paper thumbnail of An investigation into online teaching and the delivery of computer science topics : practice, content and environmental factors

Research paper thumbnail of Where Do Digital Natives Start and Finish? Lecturers’ Use of Technology in Three Thai Universities

– The Asian Conference on Education & International Development 2020 Official Conference Proceedings

Research paper thumbnail of Who will be on my team? How the students select teams for group work in IT projects

Engineering & Technical Education, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of An Investigation Of Teaching Wholly Online In A School Of Computer And Information Science

Innovation in Teaching and Learning in Information and Computer Sciences, 2011

Abstract Online delivery of computer and information science courses is challenging for both staf... more Abstract Online delivery of computer and information science courses is challenging for both staff and students. There are considerable barriers posed by the technical environment and the physical separation of staff from their students. However the online environment, how staff and students perceive online teaching and learning and the perceived differences between delivery on-campus and online also create barriers. In many ways this could be defined as a psychological barrier rather than a set of physical challenges to overcome. This study shows that students, almost by default, have a negative view of online learning and only use it when absolutely necessary, even in a school with a 10 year history of elearning implementation. Similarly, many staff within this study clearly indicated a belief that on-campus teaching produced better student outcomes, particularly in computer science subjects.

Research paper thumbnail of Factors that Influence Successful Online Teaching and Learning Programs in Technical Computer Science Subjects

Since the mid to late 1990s, the World Wide Web has been used as a distributed learning mechanism... more Since the mid to late 1990s, the World Wide Web has been used as a distributed learning mechanism, enhancing the digital learning environment to support distance and on-campus students. Web technology has been adopted to assist learners with real-time studying at a distance. Consequently, Web delivery has grown rapidly and has been used as a vehicle for learning. Many universities have developed wholly online distance education programs. These changes in distance education have been developed in an attempt to provide easier access to educational opportunities for students who are located remotely from the university, who are working or who have other constraints/commitments such as family commitments. However, online distance learning in Computer Science courses remains challenging for both instructors and students. Research has shown that there is a significant risk factor for online courses in Computer Science. Course developers and instructors need to be aware of the particular n...

Research paper thumbnail of Extrinsic and Intrinsic for online Classroom

Higher Education Studies

The objectives of this research are 1) to examine how Thai youth in tertiary education feel about... more The objectives of this research are 1) to examine how Thai youth in tertiary education feel about extrinsic and intrinsic rewards when studying online.2) to explore any similarities and differences between the two techniques. 3) to determine how students felt about the reward system used in this class. The samples in this research are 37 students. They are all the students who study in an online classroom for the whole semester during the COVID19 global pandemic (2019-2021).The questionnaire and the interview instruments were designed to clarify participants’ attitude and used a five point Likert scales and the entire reliability value is 0.80. The statistics used for data analysis were included descriptive statistics; and proportion and percentage, and inferential statistics such as multiple regression and Chi-square- test. The result disclose as follows : 1) The students showed that all of the four dimensions of this variables test of which one variables is extrinsic, have signifi...

Research paper thumbnail of Idenifying the Challenges in Teaching Computer Science Topics Online

Research paper thumbnail of Identifying the Challenges in Teaching Computer Science Topics Online

In an attempt to provide educational opportunities for students who are working or who are locate... more In an attempt to provide educational opportunities for students who are working or who are located at a distance, many universities have developed wholly online distance education programs. These online courses use web technology as a distributed learning mechanism. However, online distance learning in Computer Science courses remains challenging for both teachers and students. Research has shown that there is a significant risk factor for online courses in Computer Science. Course developers and teachers need to be aware of the particular needs of Computer Science students when establishing online courses, if they wish to graduate successful and satisfied students. This paper aims to identify some of the challenges in teaching Computer Science topics online, and identify useful support strategies to enhance learning through the informed use of webbased elearning.