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eero Privacy Notice

Last updated June 12, 2024

To see the previous version of the Privacy Notice, click here.

At eero LLC (“eero” or “we”), we know that you care how information about you is used and shared, and we appreciate your trust that we will do so carefully and sensibly. This Privacy Notice describes how eero processes your Personal Information (as defined below) collected through eero’s easy-to-use wifi and networking systems and related services, which include:

We refer to all of these together as the “Products.” The Products work together to provide fast, reliable wifi and networking, along with additional useful features and capabilities.

By using our Products, you are consenting to the practices described in this Privacy Notice.

  1. What Personal Information We Collect
  2. Use of your Personal Information
  3. Disclosure of your Personal Information
  4. Your Choices Regarding Your Personal Information
  5. Safeguarding and retention of your Personal Information
  6. Changes to this Privacy Notice; Terms of Service
  7. Additional Privacy Law Disclosures
  8. Cookie Notice
  9. What Personal Information We Collect

We will be clear about the Personal Information we collect and how we use it. “Personal Information” means information that allows someone to identify or contact you, including, for example, your name, telephone number, email address, as well as any other information about you that is associated with or linked to any of the foregoing information, and may also include Product Information (as defined below). This Privacy Notice applies to the Personal Information we collect from all users of the Products, which can include:

  1. Information you provide to us

We collect Personal Information that you provide in relation to the Products, such as:
* Your first name, last name, email, and telephone number(s) when you create an account to log in to our services (“Account”).
* Your name, phone number, credit card information, billing information, and shipping information when you order or request Products from eero.
* Your name, phone number, and/or email address, as well as any other content included in the communication, when you provide us with feedback or contact us via phone, email, or otherwise (for example, for support purposes or when you participate in one of our surveys).
* Information you enter or settings you apply through the Products (such as your eero App settings, your network settings like SSID and password, or network profile names), where eero has associated this information with your Account.
* Other Personal Information that you provide to us from time to time, including feedback or testimonials we receive from you on an eero Site or any comments on a blog or forum on an eero Site.
2. ##### Information collected via our Products
eero Networks do not track where you go on the internet. We automatically collect Product Information when you use or manage the Products (including when you join a Network as a Connected User). “Product Information” means product and performance information to the extent that it is associated with or linked to information that allows someone to identify or contact you, such as:
* Information collected about your use of Networks, including:
* Performance statistics, including network speeds, network Internet service provider (“ISP”), and other eero Device information (e.g., temperature, CPU, memory).
* Network bandwidth usage statistics (e.g., the volume of data transferred and the protocol of packets).
* Other general Network information (e.g., MAC addresses for eero Devices and connected devices, IP addresses, device hostnames, firmware data, wifi channel usage information, types of connected devices, the association of devices with a specific network profile, and wifi signals from other wifi systems in the area).
* Information about your access to Products from your personal device, including through the eero App (e.g., your personal device’s unique device ID number and manufacturer, MAC address, hostname, IP addresses, eero App engagement information, and eero App crash data, including personal device model software version and device carrier).
* Information about your access to an eero Site (e.g., your personal device’s unique device ID number and manufacturer, your ISP, IP addresses, headers, firmware data, browser type, operating system, eero Site engagement information including clickstream data and which domains you’ve visited on an eero Site, and date/time stamps).
We may use third-party benchmarking companies to collect Product Information to perform speed and other tests that measure the performance of user Networks.
3. ##### Information from other sources
We might receive Personal Information about you from other sources, such as account contact details from Amazon if you link your eero Account and Amazon account, or a customer account identifier from an ISP if you use a Deployed Device described in Section 3. 2. ### Use of your Personal Information
In general, we use your Personal Information to operate, provide, develop, and improve the products and services that we offer. Examples of how we use your Personal Information include to:

  1. Disclosure of your Personal Information

Information about our customers is an important part of our business, and we are not in the business of selling our customers' Personal Information to others. We share customers' Personal Information only as described in this Privacy Notice. We will ask your permission before sharing your Personal Information with third parties in ways not described in this Privacy Notice.

We may share or disclose your Personal Information at your direction, such as when you authorize someone (such as a Network Owner or a Network Administrator) to access your Account or when you link your eero Account to a third-party application. We have no control over, do not review, and cannot be responsible for these third parties.
2. ##### Vendors
We may share your Personal Information with our vendors and other third parties to perform functions on our behalf. Examples include to:
* provide you with the Products and technical support, including facilitating Account creation, fulfilling orders, processing credit card payments, or other functions necessary for our business;
* provide you with additional services through an eero subscription service, including VPN software, anti-virus software, password management software, and other offerings;
* conduct testing and analyze the performance and use of Networks and the Products; and
* provide marketing services, including emails about eero products and services.
These third parties have access to Personal Information needed to perform their functions, but may not use it for other purposes.
3. ##### Service Partners
Certain eero Devices (“Deployed Devices”) are purchased or rented from third party service providers such as ISPs, telecommunications companies, home security system companies, professional audio-visual or network system integrators, or property owners or managers (“Service Partners”). We may share Product Information, such as eero Device model number and firmware version, collected from Deployed Devices (“Deployed Product Information”) and other Personal Information, such as WAN IP address and Network settings, with the associated Service Partner or with their designated third parties, such as a Service Partner's customer service or broadband network service vendor (“Designated Vendor”). We do this solely to enable that Service Partner to provide you its services and offer customer support and service enhancements to you.
A Service Partner or their Designated Vendor may continue to have access to Deployed Product Information even if the original Service Partner customer no longer continues to receive services from that Service Partner. Please contact customer support using the contact information specified in the “Help” section of the eero App (or via email at to disable the sharing of Deployed Product Information with a Service Partner or their Designated Vendor if (i) you no longer receive services from your Service Partner, but you have purchased or otherwise properly retained and intend to continue using the Deployed Device(s); or (ii) you have sold or otherwise properly transferred ownership or control of the Deployed Device(s) or Network(s) to someone who is not a customer of your Service Partner.
4. ##### Network Owners and Network Administrators
If you are a Connected User, we may share your Personal Information (e.g., device type and MAC address) with the Network Owner(s) or Network Administrator(s) for a Network you have joined.
5. ##### Affiliates
We may share some or all of your Personal Information with our affiliates that are either subject to this Privacy Notice or follow practices at least as protective as those described in this Privacy Notice.
6. ##### Corporate Restructuring
As we and our affiliates continue to develop our business, we might sell or buy other businesses or services. In those transactions, Personal Information generally is one of the transferred business assets but remains subject to the promises made in any pre-existing Privacy Notice (unless, of course, the customer consents otherwise). Also, if eero or substantially all of its assets are acquired, Personal Information would be one of the transferred assets.
7. ##### Other Disclosures
Regardless of any choices you make regarding your Personal Information (as described below), we may disclose Personal Information if we believe in good faith that such disclosure is necessary (a) in connection with any legal investigation; (b) to comply with relevant laws or to respond to subpoenas or warrants served on eero or as otherwise permissible by law; (c) to protect or defend the rights, property, or safety of eero, users of the Products, or others; or (d) to investigate or assist in preventing any violation or potential violation of the law, this Privacy Notice, or our Terms of Service. 4. ### Your Choices Regarding Your Personal Information
If you choose not to provide us with your Personal Information, we may not be able to provide you with some or all of the Products, or the Products may have reduced functionality.

  1. eero App

You can access certain Personal Information, including your name, email address, phone number, network settings, assigned names and profiles for connected devices, and SSID and password for your Network, in the eero App if you are an Account holder. The eero mobile application also includes settings that provide you with options concerning notifications.

You can stop all collection of information by the eero mobile application by uninstalling the eero mobile application and by unplugging all of your eero Devices. You may use the standard application uninstall processes as may be available as part of your personal device or via the applicable application marketplace.

When you use the eero App, you may grant certain permissions to us for your personal device. Most personal devices provide you with information about enabling or disabling these permissions.
2. ##### Promotional Communications
We will periodically send Account holders, or eero Site visitors who choose to submit an email address via our eero Site, promotional newsletters and emails as described in this Privacy Notice.

We provide easy ways to opt-out of marketing emails. All users may decline promotional communications by following the unsubscribe instructions provided in promotional emails, or by contacting us directly (please see below for how to contact eero). Account holders have the option to decline promotional communications from eero by changing your settings in the eero mobile application. Despite your indicated email preferences for promotional messages, we may continue to send you Product-related notifications (such as security updates or subscription renewal notices).
3. ##### Changing, accessing, or deleting your Personal Information
We aim to ensure that any Personal Information we have collected is accurate, complete, and current as required for the purposes for which the information is used. However, we require your assistance to help us. If we have Personal Information about you that is not accurate, you may correct any of your Personal Information in your Account by editing your profile within your Account or by sending an email to Account holders may also update certain categories of Personal Information by editing the information within the eero App.
You may request a copy of your Personal Information from us, or deletion of your Personal Information by contacting us at Please note that if you are a Network Owner, once your Personal Information is deleted, your eero Devices will automatically reset as access points and you will have to create a new Account and new Network to continue using your eero Devices to provide wifi. Account holders may also initiate account closure and data deletion directly from the eero mobile application.

Please be advised that eero is legally required or entitled to retain some information, such as your order history. We do this in line with applicable laws, including for tax, accounting, and fraud prevention purposes.

If you have any questions, concerns or complaints about our Privacy Notice or our data collection or processing practices, please contact eero Customer Support via email at If you want to report any security concerns to us, click here for our Security team contact information. 5. ### Safeguarding and retention of your Personal Information
We design eero devices with your security and privacy in mind to keep your Personal Information safe and protect against unauthorized access. We take reasonable measures to ensure that Personal Information is kept safe from loss or theft, unauthorized access, use, copying, disclosure or modification. Safeguards include physical, organizational, and technical measures appropriate to the sensitivity of the Personal Information.

We only keep Personal Information for as long as it is required for the reasons it was collected or as otherwise legally required or permitted. The length of time we retain information varies, depending on the Product, the nature of the information, and any business or legal requirements. The retention period may extend beyond your relationship with us. When retaining your Personal Information is no longer required or otherwise permitted, the information is either destroyed, deleted, or de-identified. 6. ### Changes to this Privacy Notice; Terms of Service
This Privacy Notice may be updated from time to time for any reason and the current version applies to all Personal Information that we collect, use, and retain. We will notify you of any changes to our Privacy Notice by posting the new Privacy Notice at and we will change the “Last Updated” date above. You should consult this Privacy Notice regularly for any changes.

If you choose to use the Products, your use and any dispute over privacy is subject to this Privacy Notice and our Terms of Service, including limitations on damages, resolution of disputes, and application of the law of the state of California. 7. ### Additional Privacy Law Disclosures

  1. Additional State-Specific Privacy Disclosures

Click here to read additional state-specific disclosures as required under applicable laws.
2. ##### International data transfers
By using our Products and providing us with information, you agree that your Personal Information may be collected, processed, and stored by eero or its vendors in the United States and other countries where our or our vendors’ servers reside. Please be aware that the privacy protections and legal requirements in some of these countries, including the rights of authorities to access your personal information, may not be equivalent to those in your country. If you are using Products from or in the European Economic Area or the UK or other regions with laws governing data collection and use that may differ from United States law, you agree to the transfer of your Personal Information to the United States and other countries where eero operates. Whenever we transfer the Personal Information of eero customers residing in the European Economic Area or the UK to countries outside of the European Economic Area or the UK in the course of processing and sharing information as set out herein, we will ensure that your Personal Information is transferred in accordance with this Privacy Notice and as permitted by the applicable laws on data protection. We rely on European Commission adequacy decisions or use contracts with standard safeguards published by the European Commission and similar measures under UK laws for such transfers.
3. ##### Child Privacy Laws
The administration, configuration, and management of the eero Products (such as use of the eero App) and use of an eero Site are intended for adults over the age of 18. If you are under 18, you cannot register yourself for the Products, and you may connect a device to a Network only with involvement of a parent or guardian. We do not require or knowingly collect any information regarding children under the age of 13. If you believe we might have any Personal Information from a child under 13, please contact us at 8. ### Cookie Notice
To enable an eero Site to recognize your browser or device and to provide and improve our Products, we use cookies and other identifiers. “Cookies” are small pieces of information that a website sends to your computer’s hard drive while you are viewing the website. We may use both session Cookies (which expire once you close your web browser) and persistent Cookies (which stay on your computer until you delete them) to provide you with a more personal and interactive experience on an eero Site. We also use “Pixel Tags” (also referred to as clear GIFs, web beacons or web bugs). Pixel Tags are tiny graphic images or snippets of code with a unique identifier, similar in function to Cookies. In contrast to Cookies, which are stored on a user’s computer hard drive, Pixel Tags are embedded invisibly in web pages. Pixel Tags also allow us to tell whether emails have been opened to ensure that we are sending only messages that are of interest to our users. To learn more about cookies, clear GIFs/web beacons and related technologies, you may wish to visit Cookies, Pixel Tags and other technology are used to analyze how users use an eero Site and Products, to make an eero Site more useful, to track online movements of web users, and to tailor the experience with us to meet special interests and needs.
We permit third-party advertising partners to use Cookies, Pixel Tags and other technology to collect information about your eero Site browsing activities over time and across different websites when you use our eero Site. For example, we use advertising services provided by third-party ad partners to market our services to you on other websites and online services. Through a process called “retargeting,” each service places a Cookie on your browser when you visit an eero Site so that they can identify you and serve you ads on other sites around the web based on your browsing activity.
If you decide at any time that you no longer wish to accept cookies from an eero Site for any of the purposes described above, then you can manage your Cookie and web browser Pixel Tag settings by (a) going to our Cookie preferences settings on an eero Site (the “Cookie Controls”) or (b) managing the settings on your browser to delete and disable cookies and other tracking/recording tools (“Browser Settings”).
To avoid use of information for advertising by third-party ad partners (as described above), you can use the Cookie Controls, or change your Browser Settings to reject cookies or to notify you when cookies are set, and you could select the “Do Not Track” option on your browser, though we have no control over and cannot confirm whether these third party ad parties honor the Do Not Track browser signal. Additionally, many advertising companies are members of the Network Advertising Initiative or Digital Advertising Alliance and/or provide opt-outs on those industry pages. To learn how to opt out of ad network interest-based advertising in the USA, please visit,, and
If you do not accept certain cookies, you may not be able to use all portions of the eero Site(s) or all functionality of the eero Site(s). If you have any questions about how to disable or modify cookies, please let us know at the contact information provided above.