Valentina Ivančić | Faculty of economics, University of Rijeka (original) (raw)

Papers by Valentina Ivančić

Research paper thumbnail of Izvori konkurentske prednosti u XXI stoljeću - book review

Odjel za ekonomiju i poslovnu ekonomiju Sveuilišta u Dubrovniku izdava je sveuilišnog udžbenika s... more Odjel za ekonomiju i poslovnu ekonomiju Sveuilišta u Dubrovniku izdava je sveuilišnog udžbenika s naslovom Izvori konkurentske prednosti u XXI. stoljeu, Dubrovnik, 2013., autorice Ivone Vrdoljak Raguž, Lare Jelenc i Najle Po-drug. Opseg ovog sveuilišnog udžbenika je 317 stranica, format B-5, tvrdi uvez, ISBN 978-953-7153-26-7. Fokus ove knjige je stavljen na prouavanje razliitih as-pekata konkurentskih prednosti. Autorice ove knjige prouavaju sadržaje menad-žmenta i strateškog menadžmenta posljednje desetljee predavajui u Dubrovniku, Rijeci i Zagrebu. Knjiga obrauje razne izvore konkurentskih prednosti prvenstveno fokusi-rajui se na važnost oblikovanja strategije, razumijevanja potrebe za primjenom principa strateškog promišljanja i uloge vodstva, poticanje procesa kontinuiranog unapreenja temeljenog na znanju, povjerenju, uslužnom menadžmentu i korpora-tivnom graanstvu. Predloženi izvori konkurentske prednosti odgovornost su svih razina menadžmenta, s posebnim naglaskom na najviše poslovodstvo koje mora poticati, razvijati i upravljati konkurentskim prednostima. Ova knjiga potvruje stav da konkurentska prednost nije statika veliina, ve da treba kontinuirano tragati za novim izvorima unapreenja poslovanja, treba kombinirati elemente tra-dicije i suvremenosti kako bi se razvio potencijal za rast i razvoj poduzea.

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Research paper thumbnail of Failing Strategy Implementations

Strategy implementation is recognized as the source of frustrations and the black box of strategi... more Strategy implementation is recognized as the source of frustrations and the black box of strategic management processes. This chapter summarizes research attempts in defining implementation problems and critical factors. Further on, based on previous empirical results, it suggests an integrated strategy implementation model. We suggest that the core of the integrated model includes factors like resources, communication, people, control mechanisms, operative planning, and time. Strategy formulation is the antecedent of strategy implementation. The relation between formulation and implementation could be influenced by outer and inner environment (culture, structure, and leadership). The basic conclusion is that multiple factors should be considered simultaneously when developing and implementing a strategy.
There are two points that ought to be kept in mind when studying strategy implementation process. The first one is the hierarchical level of the respondents included in the empirical research. Namely, most research is founded on responses provided by top managers ignoring middle, low, and nonmanagerial perspectives. The second is to look after different levels the strategy refers to. Most research has been focused on business and less on the corporate level of organizations.

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Research paper thumbnail of The biggest Failures in managing Strategy Implementation

The strategic management process implies the management staff has at least three engagements: def... more The strategic management process implies the management staff has at least three engagements: define, conduct and evaluate applied strategy. However, the most common reasons of firm bankruptcy are linked to wrong implementation and that’s why implementation is often defined as the Achills heel of the strategic management process (Roney, 2004, p. 233). Unfortunately, most strategic planning efforts fail during this crucial phase and firms waste significant resources already invested.
This paper examines the literature of strategy implementation and post a link between some critical points, important to reduce errors in strategy implementation and improve firm performance.

Key words: implementation obstacles, critical implementation factors, key performance indicators

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Research paper thumbnail of CSR Management Profiles-the Gap between Thinking and Doing

The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is increasingly present in the economic lite... more The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is increasingly present in the economic literature and helping to explain interactions between the economic entity and environment. Therefore, according to the contemporary economic conditions, it is necessary to accept the complementarity of both business and social goals. Social and firm welfare are often under mutual influence, because without economic development there is not possible for society to prosper and vice versa the development of society cannot be achieved without economic growth. The literature about CSR is very heterogeneous and multiple meanings are generated by different ways of defining the term. This paper answers the call in the literature for the pragmatic approach in strategic management pointing out a possibility of a multitude of approaches when looking at socio sensible business aspects. Our research is focused on organizational (micro) level of analysis. Managers often present him/herself and the firm in a better light than it really is. The gap between the perceived impact and the real respond to different stakeholders offers a new light in the area of performing research of corporate social responsibility. Two suggestions for improving the quality of results are context based questions and including multiple respondents from firm. The context based questions disclose the manner in which managers will really react in specific situation when social responsibility issues are touched. The contribution of the paper can be seen in the methodological approach directed to detect the gap between management perception and management reaction in social complex reality. Comparing what managers a priori tell and the way they prefer to react in specific CSR situations help to identify different profiles of social responsible management, in this paper shortly named CSR profiles.

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Research paper thumbnail of Why also best Strategies fail? The Experience of large Croatian Enterprises

Referring to previous studies, more than 90% of well formulated strategies fail to be fully imple... more Referring to previous studies, more than 90% of well formulated strategies fail to be fully implemented (Bonoma 1984; Noble 1999; Nutt 1990; Kaplan, Norton 2005; Speculand 2009). The implementation phase is considered the Achilles' heel of the strategic management process. Most of strategic planning efforts fail during the implementation phase and firms waste significant resources. Although each company facing a variety of problems during the implementation process, studies investigating this area are not numerous. Conversely, in the literature of strategic management, the formulation phase captures much more attention. The aim of this paper is to examine the incidence of certain implementation problems in large Croatian companies. The contribution of this paper is to examine the attitude on implementation problems form different perspectives: top, middle, low management and operative level. The results suggest that implementation problems differ according to the phase the implementation process is in, the ownership form and the application of the Balanced Scorecard methodology. On the other side, it is revealed that the implementation of ISO standards does not reduce the incidence of implementation problems. Moreover, the incidence of implementation problems does not depend on the industry which the company belongs to.

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Research paper thumbnail of Strategic Thinking Capability and Entrepreneurial Attitude Orientation: Links and Relations

This paper examines the links and type of relations between strategic thinking capability and ent... more This paper examines the links and type of relations between strategic thinking capability and entrepreneurial attitude orientation. Entrepreneurial attitude orientation consists of innovation, personal control, self-esteem and achievement. Strategic thinking capability refers to the ability to use: reframing, reflecting, and system thinking. We start from the idea that strategic thinking capability largely influences entrepreneurial attitude orientation. The aim of the study is to show that by improving the strategic thinking process it is possible to improve the entrepreneurial attitude orientation and therefore improve the level of entrepreneurial activity in general. Assuming that strategic thinking capability depends not only on innate individual characteristics, but also on acquired knowledge and competencies, it seems that entrepreneurial orientation could be improved through an appropriate selection of education and training programs. The study sample comprised five important industries in the Republic of Croatia (n= 286). The results demonstrate that strategic thinking capability explains 14% of the variances in entrepreneurial attitude orientation. The three strategic thinking capability dimensions were significantly related to attitudes regarding achievement and change and personal control. However, one dimension, system thinking, seems to explain the largest part of the variance. We concluded that strategic thinking capability and entrepreneurial attitude orientation are not just linked but rather interrelated in a variety of ways. This finding is important for the entrepreneurial development since attitudes appear to be responsive to education

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Research paper thumbnail of Traganje za jasnijim putem rasta hrvatskih poduzeća

Svrha rada je ukazati na važnost istraživanja te razvoja i primjene dobivenih rezultata prije sve... more Svrha rada je ukazati na važnost istraživanja te razvoja i primjene dobivenih rezultata prije svega u nacionalnim poduzećima za potrebe nacionalnog tržišta. Istodobno se postavlja pitanje je li inovacija ili rano prihvaćanje inovacije specifičan put rasta hrvatskoga gospodarstva koje je posljedica djelovanja poduzeća čija struktura s aspekta distribucije prema
gospodarskim djelatnostima i koncentracije broja zaposlenih nije povoljna za spektakularniji ekonomski rast. Radom se želi ukazati na kompleksnost ekonomskog rasta i stoga potrebu raznovrsnih prije svega psiholoških i socioloških istraživanja. Istodobno se naglašava potreba primjene Porterovog
dijamanta u sagledavanju polazišnog stanja. Rezultati istraživanja znanstveno ne pružaju dovoljnu signifikantnost. Sa stručnog stanovišta neuspjeh istraživanja potiče niz pitanja koja se mogu usmjeriti na nastavak istraživanja s očekivanim znanstveno signifikantnim rezultatima.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Strategic Reality Check- Quo vadis Croatia?

The process of strategic management is the core of the strategic management literature. The class... more The process of strategic management is the core of the strategic management literature. The classical contributions of the founders of strategic management suggested that the process should be directed as deliberate and controlled as possible and every step should be rational based on data and facts. The opposing approach in strategy is emergent approach allowing changes in the process from the moment it starts the implementation stage. Furthermore, if the whole process is flexible we are talking about the adaptive approach to the process of strategic management. At the other end of spectrum there is organizational anarchy and garbage-can model of strategy development. The reality check of Croatian national strategy starts from the statistical data produced by the Croatian Chamber of Economy in 2006 and 2010. The Croatian economy is dominatingly based on trade in almost each of the counties, non-competitive processing industry with a large number of employees, and construction. Thes...

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Research paper thumbnail of In search of a clearer growth path for Croatian enterprises


The purpose of this paper is to foster realistic reflections on the importance of stimulating res... more The purpose of this paper is to foster realistic reflections on the importance of stimulating research and development activities within national enterprises staffing over 250 employees, based on the experience of meritorious individuals, the members of top management team within these enterprises. In the process of the search for the growth of Croatian enterprises and thereby the national economy, one of the questions that should be asked is: "Does the implementation of innovations ensure the growth of Croatian enterprises and thus the economy?" This question arises from the existing structure of Croatian enterprises in terms of their distribution according to economic activity and concentration of employees. In fact, both of these parameters are not favorable for spectacular economic growth.

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Research paper thumbnail of Strateški menadžment: upravljanje razvojem poduzeća- book review

Ekonomski pregled, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Differentiation of Differentiation

An Enterprise Odyssey, 2012

Increase global competitiveness, reduced product life cycles, rapid technological advancements an... more Increase global competitiveness, reduced product life cycles, rapid technological advancements and dynamic customer requirements have drastically altered the nature of competition.
Researchers and entrepreneurs have different recipes and secrets on how to achieve competitive advantages. This article examines one of the possible sources of competitiveness: differentiation strategy.
In this article we realize the exigency to systematize differentiation factors in several categories depending on the differentiation subject. Differentiation subject we argue are: product, firm, country.
The results of our literary review show that the most important differentiation sources are based on innovations, resources, quality, brand and strategy. Differentiation encourages learning, research, development and reflection.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Strategy Reality Check-Quo vadis Croatia?

… Conference Knowledge and Business Challenge of …, 2011

The process of strategic management is the core of the strategic management literature. The class... more The process of strategic management is the core of the strategic management literature. The classical contributions of the founders of strategic management suggested that the process should be directed as deliberate and controlled as possible and every step should be rational based on data and facts. The opposing approach in strategy is emergent approach allowing changes in the process from the moment it starts the implementation stage. Furthermore, if the whole process is flexible we are talking about the adaptive approach to the process of strategic management. At the other end of spectrum there is organizational anarchy and garbage-can model of strategy development. The reality check of Croatian national strategy starts from the statistical data produced by the Croatian Chamber of Economy in 2006 and 2010. The Croatian economy is dominatingly based on trade in almost each of the counties, non-competitive processing industry with a large number of employees, and construction. These three sectors are vital for the Croatian economy and should be the focal parts of the future strategies.

Key words: Strategic management, Strategy, Sectors of Economy, Croatia

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Research paper thumbnail of Izvori konkurentske prednosti u XXI stoljeću - book review

Odjel za ekonomiju i poslovnu ekonomiju Sveuilišta u Dubrovniku izdava je sveuilišnog udžbenika s... more Odjel za ekonomiju i poslovnu ekonomiju Sveuilišta u Dubrovniku izdava je sveuilišnog udžbenika s naslovom Izvori konkurentske prednosti u XXI. stoljeu, Dubrovnik, 2013., autorice Ivone Vrdoljak Raguž, Lare Jelenc i Najle Po-drug. Opseg ovog sveuilišnog udžbenika je 317 stranica, format B-5, tvrdi uvez, ISBN 978-953-7153-26-7. Fokus ove knjige je stavljen na prouavanje razliitih as-pekata konkurentskih prednosti. Autorice ove knjige prouavaju sadržaje menad-žmenta i strateškog menadžmenta posljednje desetljee predavajui u Dubrovniku, Rijeci i Zagrebu. Knjiga obrauje razne izvore konkurentskih prednosti prvenstveno fokusi-rajui se na važnost oblikovanja strategije, razumijevanja potrebe za primjenom principa strateškog promišljanja i uloge vodstva, poticanje procesa kontinuiranog unapreenja temeljenog na znanju, povjerenju, uslužnom menadžmentu i korpora-tivnom graanstvu. Predloženi izvori konkurentske prednosti odgovornost su svih razina menadžmenta, s posebnim naglaskom na najviše poslovodstvo koje mora poticati, razvijati i upravljati konkurentskim prednostima. Ova knjiga potvruje stav da konkurentska prednost nije statika veliina, ve da treba kontinuirano tragati za novim izvorima unapreenja poslovanja, treba kombinirati elemente tra-dicije i suvremenosti kako bi se razvio potencijal za rast i razvoj poduzea.

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Research paper thumbnail of Failing Strategy Implementations

Strategy implementation is recognized as the source of frustrations and the black box of strategi... more Strategy implementation is recognized as the source of frustrations and the black box of strategic management processes. This chapter summarizes research attempts in defining implementation problems and critical factors. Further on, based on previous empirical results, it suggests an integrated strategy implementation model. We suggest that the core of the integrated model includes factors like resources, communication, people, control mechanisms, operative planning, and time. Strategy formulation is the antecedent of strategy implementation. The relation between formulation and implementation could be influenced by outer and inner environment (culture, structure, and leadership). The basic conclusion is that multiple factors should be considered simultaneously when developing and implementing a strategy.
There are two points that ought to be kept in mind when studying strategy implementation process. The first one is the hierarchical level of the respondents included in the empirical research. Namely, most research is founded on responses provided by top managers ignoring middle, low, and nonmanagerial perspectives. The second is to look after different levels the strategy refers to. Most research has been focused on business and less on the corporate level of organizations.

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Research paper thumbnail of The biggest Failures in managing Strategy Implementation

The strategic management process implies the management staff has at least three engagements: def... more The strategic management process implies the management staff has at least three engagements: define, conduct and evaluate applied strategy. However, the most common reasons of firm bankruptcy are linked to wrong implementation and that’s why implementation is often defined as the Achills heel of the strategic management process (Roney, 2004, p. 233). Unfortunately, most strategic planning efforts fail during this crucial phase and firms waste significant resources already invested.
This paper examines the literature of strategy implementation and post a link between some critical points, important to reduce errors in strategy implementation and improve firm performance.

Key words: implementation obstacles, critical implementation factors, key performance indicators

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Research paper thumbnail of CSR Management Profiles-the Gap between Thinking and Doing

The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is increasingly present in the economic lite... more The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is increasingly present in the economic literature and helping to explain interactions between the economic entity and environment. Therefore, according to the contemporary economic conditions, it is necessary to accept the complementarity of both business and social goals. Social and firm welfare are often under mutual influence, because without economic development there is not possible for society to prosper and vice versa the development of society cannot be achieved without economic growth. The literature about CSR is very heterogeneous and multiple meanings are generated by different ways of defining the term. This paper answers the call in the literature for the pragmatic approach in strategic management pointing out a possibility of a multitude of approaches when looking at socio sensible business aspects. Our research is focused on organizational (micro) level of analysis. Managers often present him/herself and the firm in a better light than it really is. The gap between the perceived impact and the real respond to different stakeholders offers a new light in the area of performing research of corporate social responsibility. Two suggestions for improving the quality of results are context based questions and including multiple respondents from firm. The context based questions disclose the manner in which managers will really react in specific situation when social responsibility issues are touched. The contribution of the paper can be seen in the methodological approach directed to detect the gap between management perception and management reaction in social complex reality. Comparing what managers a priori tell and the way they prefer to react in specific CSR situations help to identify different profiles of social responsible management, in this paper shortly named CSR profiles.

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Research paper thumbnail of Why also best Strategies fail? The Experience of large Croatian Enterprises

Referring to previous studies, more than 90% of well formulated strategies fail to be fully imple... more Referring to previous studies, more than 90% of well formulated strategies fail to be fully implemented (Bonoma 1984; Noble 1999; Nutt 1990; Kaplan, Norton 2005; Speculand 2009). The implementation phase is considered the Achilles' heel of the strategic management process. Most of strategic planning efforts fail during the implementation phase and firms waste significant resources. Although each company facing a variety of problems during the implementation process, studies investigating this area are not numerous. Conversely, in the literature of strategic management, the formulation phase captures much more attention. The aim of this paper is to examine the incidence of certain implementation problems in large Croatian companies. The contribution of this paper is to examine the attitude on implementation problems form different perspectives: top, middle, low management and operative level. The results suggest that implementation problems differ according to the phase the implementation process is in, the ownership form and the application of the Balanced Scorecard methodology. On the other side, it is revealed that the implementation of ISO standards does not reduce the incidence of implementation problems. Moreover, the incidence of implementation problems does not depend on the industry which the company belongs to.

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Research paper thumbnail of Strategic Thinking Capability and Entrepreneurial Attitude Orientation: Links and Relations

This paper examines the links and type of relations between strategic thinking capability and ent... more This paper examines the links and type of relations between strategic thinking capability and entrepreneurial attitude orientation. Entrepreneurial attitude orientation consists of innovation, personal control, self-esteem and achievement. Strategic thinking capability refers to the ability to use: reframing, reflecting, and system thinking. We start from the idea that strategic thinking capability largely influences entrepreneurial attitude orientation. The aim of the study is to show that by improving the strategic thinking process it is possible to improve the entrepreneurial attitude orientation and therefore improve the level of entrepreneurial activity in general. Assuming that strategic thinking capability depends not only on innate individual characteristics, but also on acquired knowledge and competencies, it seems that entrepreneurial orientation could be improved through an appropriate selection of education and training programs. The study sample comprised five important industries in the Republic of Croatia (n= 286). The results demonstrate that strategic thinking capability explains 14% of the variances in entrepreneurial attitude orientation. The three strategic thinking capability dimensions were significantly related to attitudes regarding achievement and change and personal control. However, one dimension, system thinking, seems to explain the largest part of the variance. We concluded that strategic thinking capability and entrepreneurial attitude orientation are not just linked but rather interrelated in a variety of ways. This finding is important for the entrepreneurial development since attitudes appear to be responsive to education

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Research paper thumbnail of Traganje za jasnijim putem rasta hrvatskih poduzeća

Svrha rada je ukazati na važnost istraživanja te razvoja i primjene dobivenih rezultata prije sve... more Svrha rada je ukazati na važnost istraživanja te razvoja i primjene dobivenih rezultata prije svega u nacionalnim poduzećima za potrebe nacionalnog tržišta. Istodobno se postavlja pitanje je li inovacija ili rano prihvaćanje inovacije specifičan put rasta hrvatskoga gospodarstva koje je posljedica djelovanja poduzeća čija struktura s aspekta distribucije prema
gospodarskim djelatnostima i koncentracije broja zaposlenih nije povoljna za spektakularniji ekonomski rast. Radom se želi ukazati na kompleksnost ekonomskog rasta i stoga potrebu raznovrsnih prije svega psiholoških i socioloških istraživanja. Istodobno se naglašava potreba primjene Porterovog
dijamanta u sagledavanju polazišnog stanja. Rezultati istraživanja znanstveno ne pružaju dovoljnu signifikantnost. Sa stručnog stanovišta neuspjeh istraživanja potiče niz pitanja koja se mogu usmjeriti na nastavak istraživanja s očekivanim znanstveno signifikantnim rezultatima.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Strategic Reality Check- Quo vadis Croatia?

The process of strategic management is the core of the strategic management literature. The class... more The process of strategic management is the core of the strategic management literature. The classical contributions of the founders of strategic management suggested that the process should be directed as deliberate and controlled as possible and every step should be rational based on data and facts. The opposing approach in strategy is emergent approach allowing changes in the process from the moment it starts the implementation stage. Furthermore, if the whole process is flexible we are talking about the adaptive approach to the process of strategic management. At the other end of spectrum there is organizational anarchy and garbage-can model of strategy development. The reality check of Croatian national strategy starts from the statistical data produced by the Croatian Chamber of Economy in 2006 and 2010. The Croatian economy is dominatingly based on trade in almost each of the counties, non-competitive processing industry with a large number of employees, and construction. Thes...

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Research paper thumbnail of In search of a clearer growth path for Croatian enterprises


The purpose of this paper is to foster realistic reflections on the importance of stimulating res... more The purpose of this paper is to foster realistic reflections on the importance of stimulating research and development activities within national enterprises staffing over 250 employees, based on the experience of meritorious individuals, the members of top management team within these enterprises. In the process of the search for the growth of Croatian enterprises and thereby the national economy, one of the questions that should be asked is: "Does the implementation of innovations ensure the growth of Croatian enterprises and thus the economy?" This question arises from the existing structure of Croatian enterprises in terms of their distribution according to economic activity and concentration of employees. In fact, both of these parameters are not favorable for spectacular economic growth.

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Research paper thumbnail of Strateški menadžment: upravljanje razvojem poduzeća- book review

Ekonomski pregled, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Differentiation of Differentiation

An Enterprise Odyssey, 2012

Increase global competitiveness, reduced product life cycles, rapid technological advancements an... more Increase global competitiveness, reduced product life cycles, rapid technological advancements and dynamic customer requirements have drastically altered the nature of competition.
Researchers and entrepreneurs have different recipes and secrets on how to achieve competitive advantages. This article examines one of the possible sources of competitiveness: differentiation strategy.
In this article we realize the exigency to systematize differentiation factors in several categories depending on the differentiation subject. Differentiation subject we argue are: product, firm, country.
The results of our literary review show that the most important differentiation sources are based on innovations, resources, quality, brand and strategy. Differentiation encourages learning, research, development and reflection.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Strategy Reality Check-Quo vadis Croatia?

… Conference Knowledge and Business Challenge of …, 2011

The process of strategic management is the core of the strategic management literature. The class... more The process of strategic management is the core of the strategic management literature. The classical contributions of the founders of strategic management suggested that the process should be directed as deliberate and controlled as possible and every step should be rational based on data and facts. The opposing approach in strategy is emergent approach allowing changes in the process from the moment it starts the implementation stage. Furthermore, if the whole process is flexible we are talking about the adaptive approach to the process of strategic management. At the other end of spectrum there is organizational anarchy and garbage-can model of strategy development. The reality check of Croatian national strategy starts from the statistical data produced by the Croatian Chamber of Economy in 2006 and 2010. The Croatian economy is dominatingly based on trade in almost each of the counties, non-competitive processing industry with a large number of employees, and construction. These three sectors are vital for the Croatian economy and should be the focal parts of the future strategies.

Key words: Strategic management, Strategy, Sectors of Economy, Croatia

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