Ivan Milinović | Faculty of Economics, University of Zagreb (original) (raw)

Papers by Ivan Milinović

Research paper thumbnail of Determining the Prognostic Validity of the Unilateral Horizontal Jump Test in Sprint Performance

U gotovo svim momčadskim sportovima i sprinterskim disciplinama dominantne sposobnosti su maksima... more U gotovo svim momčadskim sportovima i sprinterskim disciplinama dominantne sposobnosti su maksimalna brzina trčanja i startno ubrzanje. Za potrebe prakse pokušavaju se pronaći testovi koji su jednostavni za provođenje, koji mogu omogućiti dobru predikciju rezultata u određenom sportu ili sportskoj disciplini te pomoći pri selekciji sportaša, usmjeravanju, praćenju i evaluaciji trenažnog procesa. Znanost i praksa u tom smislu nude velik broj motoričkih testova koji na to upućuju. U atletskoj praksi koristi se test unilateralnih horizontalnih cikličkih skokova kao pokazatelj uspješnosti u sprintu. U ovoj disertaciji primarni cilj bio je standardizirati i prikazati interne mjerne karakteristike novog motoričkog testa za procjenu eksplozivne snage nogu pod nazivom unilateralni horizontalni ciklički skokovi na 20 m (MUHCS20m). Pored osnovnog cilja utvrđena je povezanost s rezultatom u trčanju na 100 m kao i s različitim segmentima brzine trčanja te pripadajućim kinematičkim parametrima. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Motoričke sposobnosti u tjelesnoj i zdravstvenoj kulturi: Stanje repetitivne snage trupa učenika 5. razreda osnovne škole Đure Deželića u Ivanić-Gradu

26. ljetna škola kineziologa Republike Hrvatske, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Students’ Sedentary Lifestyle' on Resting Blood Pressureand Heart Rate Among Students


Research paper thumbnail of Razina Intrinzične Motivacije Kod Studenata Uredovitoj Nastavi TZK I U Nastaviizbornog Programa Ragbi

Pedagoške kompetencije u kineziologiji, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Strukturalna analiza izviđačkog taborovanja

19. ljetna škola kineziologa RH "Individualizacija rada u područjima edukacije, sporta, sportske rekreacije i kineziterapije", 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Razlike u vršnoj brzini kugle u okretu između boljih i lošijih bacača

Zbornik radova 17. ljetne škole kineziologa RH "Stanje i perspektive razvoja u područjima edukacije, sporta, sportske rekreacije i kineziterapije", 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Trendovi razvoja rezultata u eksplozivnoj snazi učenika 5. razreda Osnovne škole Đure Deželića u Ivanić-Gradu

27. Ljetna škola kineziologa RH, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Analiza razvojnih trendova olimpijskih rezultata bacačica kugle

Zbornik radova 18. ljetne škole kineziologa RH "Metodički organizacijski oblici rada u područjima edukacije, sporta, sportske rekreacije i kineziterapije", 2009

Research paper thumbnail of Utvrđivanje Razlika U Vrijednostima Krvnogtlaka Između Studenata Pušača I Nepušača

Pedagoške kompetencije u kineziologiji, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Utjecaj pliometrijskog treninga na kvantitativne promjene u nekim morfološkim i motoričkim karakteristikama košarkaša juniora KK "Maksimir

24. ljetna škola kineziologa Republike Hrvatske na temu Primjena i utjecaj novih tehnologija na kvalitetu rada u područjima edukacije, sporta, sportske rekreacije i kineziterapije, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of The Reactive Strength Index in Unilateral Hopping for Distance and Its Relationship to Sprinting Performance: How Many Hops Are Enough for a Comprehensive Evaluation?

Applied Sciences

The reactive strength index (RSI) is used to assess reactive strength in the lower limbs. Since p... more The reactive strength index (RSI) is used to assess reactive strength in the lower limbs. Since previous studies have mostly focused on vertical RSI (derived from drop jumps), we investigated the RSI across eight consecutive unilateral horizontal hops and its associations with sprint performance. A sample of 104 male kinesiology students (age: 19.2 ± 1.1 years) performed unilateral hops and 100 m sprints with split times recorded. RSI was determined as the ratio between contact time and subsequent flight time for each hop. On a group level, the horizontal RSI was statistically significantly (p < 0.001; ηp2 = 0.49) and increased from hop 1 (1.04 ± 0.17) to hop 5 (1.41 ± 0.22), but then plateaued (1.43–1.44) for hops 6–8. However, on an individual level, variations in RSI were present all the way to the last hop. All sprint split times were in small-to-moderate correlation with RSI variables (r = 0.25–0.40), implying that individuals with higher hopping RSI presented with shorter s...

Research paper thumbnail of Students' attitudes towards sports and recreational activities in spare time

8th International Scientific Conference On Kinesiology, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Structrual analisis of scout encampment

Sve vise se u kineziologiji, u raznim njenim podrucjima, javljaju razni programi koji se provode ... more Sve vise se u kineziologiji, u raznim njenim podrucjima, javljaju razni programi koji se provode na otvorenom. Rekreacijsko kampiranje, "team building preživljavanje", razne radne terapije s radom u prirodi (kineziterapije), situacijske vježbe vojnih i policijskih snaga koji se provode u prirodi, skola u prirodi, pa i tjelesne pripreme vrhunskih sportasa koje se provode u divljini s primitivnim tehnologijama kao sadržajem, su sve prisutnije u primjenjenoj kineziologiji. Cilj ovog rada je strukturalna analiza sedmodnevnogizviđackog tabora za djecu od8 do 15 godina (dobne kategorije poletaraca i izviđaca). Struktura tabora ispitana je upitnikom koji su ispunjavali instruktori izviđackog taborovanja s cilje definiranja kolicine vremena koje djeca utrose u provođenju određenog tipa aktivnosti obvezne programske osnove koje se provode u izviđackom taborovanju.

Research paper thumbnail of Utvrđivanje prognostičke valjanosti testa unilateralnih horizontalnih skokova na uspješnost u sprinterskom trčanju

Maximum running speed and starting acceleration are a dominant capability in nearly all team and ... more Maximum running speed and starting acceleration are a dominant capability in nearly all team and sprint-related sports disciplines. In order to be put into practice, attempts are made to find tests that are easy to perform and that can provide a good prediction of results in a particular sport or sports discipline and help with the selection of athletes, guidance, monitoring and evaluation of the training process. In this regard, science and practice offer a large number of motor tests for this purpose. In athletics, the unilateral horizontal cyclic jump test is used as an indicator of sprint performance. The primary objective of this dissertation was to establish and demonstrate the internal measuring features of a new motor skills test for the assessment of explosive power of a jump type called 20-meter unilateral horizontal cyclic jumps (MUHCS20m). In addition to the basic objective, the correlation with 100-meter running results, as well as with different aspects of running speed and the related kinematic parameters was determined. For the purpose of determining the internal metric characteristics of the new MUHCS20m motor skills tests, the research included the participation of 31 students athletes of average age of 20.61 ± 1.96 years, average body height of 185.16 ± 7.19 centimeters and average body weight of 79.48 ± 9.23 kilograms. A sample of 118 Kinesiology students with an average age of 20.46 ± 1.17 years, an average body height of 179.68 ± 6.42 centimeters and an average body weight of 75.56 ± 7.32 kilograms was used to establish correlation between the results of the MUHCS20m test and the results of 20-m sprint start running (MTNS20m), 20-meter three-point start running (MTLS20m), and 100-meter running (M100m). The defined criterion for the correctness of the performance of unilateral horizontal jumps in the test was the limit of average contact duration (CD) up to 250 ms at the dominant leg. The results of the participants who did not meet this criterion were not taken into account. The correlation between kinematic parameters of the MUHCS20m motor skills test and kinematic parameters of the MTNS20m and MTLS20m tests was determined, as well as the difference between achievement and kinematic parameters in the performance of 20-meter unilateral horizontal cyclic jumps at the dominant and non-dominant leg. For the purpose of determining internal metric characteristics, the subjects performed the MUHCSD20m test three times using the dominant leg. Apart from other satisfactory parameters, a high reliability rate of the new composite measuring instrument was determined (Chronbach α= 0.95). In the main part of the experiment, the subjects performed all motor skills tests twice, and the better result was taken into consideration. Regression analysis was used to reveal a statistically significant correlation between the results achieved in the MUHCS20m test and the MTNS20m, MTLS20m and M100m tests. The highest correlation coefficient indicates the connection between unilateral horizontal cyclic jumps and running at maximum speed (R= 0.53), while the lowest correlation coefficient was achieved with running results at 100 m (R= 0.38). Multiple regression analysis shows a statistically significant correlation between the set of kinematic parameters of the MUHCS20m test and the results in the M100m, MTNS20m and MTLS20m tests. In this case also was the highest coefficient of determination of the set of kinematic parameters of the MUHCS20m test established with the result of the MTLS20m test (R²= 0.56). Stepwise regression analysis was used to determine the most important predictor of successful starting acceleration running, maximum speed running and 100-meter running: average velocity (v). In the case of excluding the average velocity variable (v) from the predictor set of kinematic variables, statistically significant correlations of SL and CD with the running result in the M100m and MTLS20m tests and the negative influence of the SN on the result in the MTNS20m test were determined by stepwise regression analysis. Results of the MUHCS20m test performed at the dominant and non-dominant leg indicate that there are statistically significant differences in the final result and observed kinematic parameters determined by the t-test for dependent samples and the Sign test, except in the average flight duration (FD) variable. The results of the study show the existence of a correlation between unilateral horizontal jumps and sprinting ability in the aspects of starting acceleration, running at maximum speed and 100-meter running. Even though the MUHCS20m test is defined as a motor skills test for defining the explosive power of a legs, due to the increased performance requirements, it does not require the generation of maximum force at rebound, which signifies that the capabilities of speed and coordination can certainly affect the overall result. Given the complexity and specificity of the MUHCS20m test, the author supposes that the predictive value of the test on performance in particular aspects of sprinting would be higher among sprinters. This data contains some of the information that is important for the prediction of sprint results, the selection of sprinters and the control of training levels in the training process, but also for all sports and sports disciplines with dominant sprinting elements.

Research paper thumbnail of Differences between body composition parameters in university students according to self rated health status

Research paper thumbnail of How high school students spend their spare time during the COVID-19 pandemic

The lockdown aftermath, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Ocjena važnosti pojedinih aktivnosti u slobodnom vremenu u odnosu na subjektivni doživljaj stupnja psihičke i fizičke kondicije studenata Ekonomskog fakulteta u Zagrebu

Upravljanje slobodnim vremenom sadržajima sporta i rekreacije, 2009

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of the developmental trends of Olympic results of shot put throwers

Kao i u drugim sportovima, tako i u atletici, od postojanja disciplina pa sve do danas, rezultati... more Kao i u drugim sportovima, tako i u atletici, od postojanja disciplina pa sve do danas, rezultati imaju progresivan trend. Ovim problemom pracenja trendova sportskih rezultata bavi se, prema strukturi istraživanja u podrucju sporta, pravac istraživanja sportova i sportskih dostignuca (Važni, Z. 1978. ; Dyer 1989. ; Gemer, G.V., 1990. ; Milanovic 1999., Harasin. D. 2002. ; Megede, R. 1987.). Cilj ovih istraživanja bio je utvrditi zakonomjernosti razvoja olimpijskih rezultata, svjetskih rekorda i razlicito grupiranih rezultata sa svjetskih ili državnih tablica u pojedinim sportskim granama. Od je velike važnosti predvidjeti rezultat i razinu natjecanja na sljedecim olimpijskim igrama, kako bi ponajprije treneri mogli odrediti modelne karakteristike bacacice koja ce postici prognozirani rezultat, prema kojima ce napraviti adekvatnu selekciju te odrediti plan i program trenažnog procesa i priprema. Osnovni cilj ovog istraživanja je analiza razvojnih trendova olimpijskih rezultata bacaci...

Research paper thumbnail of Differences Between Best Olympic Results and Best World Athletics Events' Throws Women Accomplished in the Olympic Games' Years

The aim of the research was to determine differences between vectors of arithmetic means of the b... more The aim of the research was to determine differences between vectors of arithmetic means of the best results in athletics throwing events accomplished in the finals of Olympic Games and the results of 8 world seasons' best throwers achieved at other competitions in the same years. The sample of subjects consisted of women athletes, elite shot putters and discus, javelin and hammer throwers from different countries who competed in the Olympic Games' finals and those who were, in the same years, positioned among first eight on the world ranking lists. The collected data were processed by the software package Statistica 7.0. Module t-test for dependent samples was used to analyze statistical significance of the differences between arithmetic means of the best results achieved at the Olympic Games finals and the best results achieved at other competitions in the same years. The thesis was rejected that there were no statistical significant differences between the best results ac...

Research paper thumbnail of Život I Preživljavanje U Prirodi - Predmet Na Znanstvenom Polju Kineziologije

Research paper thumbnail of Determining the Prognostic Validity of the Unilateral Horizontal Jump Test in Sprint Performance

U gotovo svim momčadskim sportovima i sprinterskim disciplinama dominantne sposobnosti su maksima... more U gotovo svim momčadskim sportovima i sprinterskim disciplinama dominantne sposobnosti su maksimalna brzina trčanja i startno ubrzanje. Za potrebe prakse pokušavaju se pronaći testovi koji su jednostavni za provođenje, koji mogu omogućiti dobru predikciju rezultata u određenom sportu ili sportskoj disciplini te pomoći pri selekciji sportaša, usmjeravanju, praćenju i evaluaciji trenažnog procesa. Znanost i praksa u tom smislu nude velik broj motoričkih testova koji na to upućuju. U atletskoj praksi koristi se test unilateralnih horizontalnih cikličkih skokova kao pokazatelj uspješnosti u sprintu. U ovoj disertaciji primarni cilj bio je standardizirati i prikazati interne mjerne karakteristike novog motoričkog testa za procjenu eksplozivne snage nogu pod nazivom unilateralni horizontalni ciklički skokovi na 20 m (MUHCS20m). Pored osnovnog cilja utvrđena je povezanost s rezultatom u trčanju na 100 m kao i s različitim segmentima brzine trčanja te pripadajućim kinematičkim parametrima. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Motoričke sposobnosti u tjelesnoj i zdravstvenoj kulturi: Stanje repetitivne snage trupa učenika 5. razreda osnovne škole Đure Deželića u Ivanić-Gradu

26. ljetna škola kineziologa Republike Hrvatske, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Students’ Sedentary Lifestyle' on Resting Blood Pressureand Heart Rate Among Students


Research paper thumbnail of Razina Intrinzične Motivacije Kod Studenata Uredovitoj Nastavi TZK I U Nastaviizbornog Programa Ragbi

Pedagoške kompetencije u kineziologiji, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Strukturalna analiza izviđačkog taborovanja

19. ljetna škola kineziologa RH "Individualizacija rada u područjima edukacije, sporta, sportske rekreacije i kineziterapije", 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Razlike u vršnoj brzini kugle u okretu između boljih i lošijih bacača

Zbornik radova 17. ljetne škole kineziologa RH "Stanje i perspektive razvoja u područjima edukacije, sporta, sportske rekreacije i kineziterapije", 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Trendovi razvoja rezultata u eksplozivnoj snazi učenika 5. razreda Osnovne škole Đure Deželića u Ivanić-Gradu

27. Ljetna škola kineziologa RH, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Analiza razvojnih trendova olimpijskih rezultata bacačica kugle

Zbornik radova 18. ljetne škole kineziologa RH "Metodički organizacijski oblici rada u područjima edukacije, sporta, sportske rekreacije i kineziterapije", 2009

Research paper thumbnail of Utvrđivanje Razlika U Vrijednostima Krvnogtlaka Između Studenata Pušača I Nepušača

Pedagoške kompetencije u kineziologiji, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Utjecaj pliometrijskog treninga na kvantitativne promjene u nekim morfološkim i motoričkim karakteristikama košarkaša juniora KK "Maksimir

24. ljetna škola kineziologa Republike Hrvatske na temu Primjena i utjecaj novih tehnologija na kvalitetu rada u područjima edukacije, sporta, sportske rekreacije i kineziterapije, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of The Reactive Strength Index in Unilateral Hopping for Distance and Its Relationship to Sprinting Performance: How Many Hops Are Enough for a Comprehensive Evaluation?

Applied Sciences

The reactive strength index (RSI) is used to assess reactive strength in the lower limbs. Since p... more The reactive strength index (RSI) is used to assess reactive strength in the lower limbs. Since previous studies have mostly focused on vertical RSI (derived from drop jumps), we investigated the RSI across eight consecutive unilateral horizontal hops and its associations with sprint performance. A sample of 104 male kinesiology students (age: 19.2 ± 1.1 years) performed unilateral hops and 100 m sprints with split times recorded. RSI was determined as the ratio between contact time and subsequent flight time for each hop. On a group level, the horizontal RSI was statistically significantly (p < 0.001; ηp2 = 0.49) and increased from hop 1 (1.04 ± 0.17) to hop 5 (1.41 ± 0.22), but then plateaued (1.43–1.44) for hops 6–8. However, on an individual level, variations in RSI were present all the way to the last hop. All sprint split times were in small-to-moderate correlation with RSI variables (r = 0.25–0.40), implying that individuals with higher hopping RSI presented with shorter s...

Research paper thumbnail of Students' attitudes towards sports and recreational activities in spare time

8th International Scientific Conference On Kinesiology, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Structrual analisis of scout encampment

Sve vise se u kineziologiji, u raznim njenim podrucjima, javljaju razni programi koji se provode ... more Sve vise se u kineziologiji, u raznim njenim podrucjima, javljaju razni programi koji se provode na otvorenom. Rekreacijsko kampiranje, "team building preživljavanje", razne radne terapije s radom u prirodi (kineziterapije), situacijske vježbe vojnih i policijskih snaga koji se provode u prirodi, skola u prirodi, pa i tjelesne pripreme vrhunskih sportasa koje se provode u divljini s primitivnim tehnologijama kao sadržajem, su sve prisutnije u primjenjenoj kineziologiji. Cilj ovog rada je strukturalna analiza sedmodnevnogizviđackog tabora za djecu od8 do 15 godina (dobne kategorije poletaraca i izviđaca). Struktura tabora ispitana je upitnikom koji su ispunjavali instruktori izviđackog taborovanja s cilje definiranja kolicine vremena koje djeca utrose u provođenju određenog tipa aktivnosti obvezne programske osnove koje se provode u izviđackom taborovanju.

Research paper thumbnail of Utvrđivanje prognostičke valjanosti testa unilateralnih horizontalnih skokova na uspješnost u sprinterskom trčanju

Maximum running speed and starting acceleration are a dominant capability in nearly all team and ... more Maximum running speed and starting acceleration are a dominant capability in nearly all team and sprint-related sports disciplines. In order to be put into practice, attempts are made to find tests that are easy to perform and that can provide a good prediction of results in a particular sport or sports discipline and help with the selection of athletes, guidance, monitoring and evaluation of the training process. In this regard, science and practice offer a large number of motor tests for this purpose. In athletics, the unilateral horizontal cyclic jump test is used as an indicator of sprint performance. The primary objective of this dissertation was to establish and demonstrate the internal measuring features of a new motor skills test for the assessment of explosive power of a jump type called 20-meter unilateral horizontal cyclic jumps (MUHCS20m). In addition to the basic objective, the correlation with 100-meter running results, as well as with different aspects of running speed and the related kinematic parameters was determined. For the purpose of determining the internal metric characteristics of the new MUHCS20m motor skills tests, the research included the participation of 31 students athletes of average age of 20.61 ± 1.96 years, average body height of 185.16 ± 7.19 centimeters and average body weight of 79.48 ± 9.23 kilograms. A sample of 118 Kinesiology students with an average age of 20.46 ± 1.17 years, an average body height of 179.68 ± 6.42 centimeters and an average body weight of 75.56 ± 7.32 kilograms was used to establish correlation between the results of the MUHCS20m test and the results of 20-m sprint start running (MTNS20m), 20-meter three-point start running (MTLS20m), and 100-meter running (M100m). The defined criterion for the correctness of the performance of unilateral horizontal jumps in the test was the limit of average contact duration (CD) up to 250 ms at the dominant leg. The results of the participants who did not meet this criterion were not taken into account. The correlation between kinematic parameters of the MUHCS20m motor skills test and kinematic parameters of the MTNS20m and MTLS20m tests was determined, as well as the difference between achievement and kinematic parameters in the performance of 20-meter unilateral horizontal cyclic jumps at the dominant and non-dominant leg. For the purpose of determining internal metric characteristics, the subjects performed the MUHCSD20m test three times using the dominant leg. Apart from other satisfactory parameters, a high reliability rate of the new composite measuring instrument was determined (Chronbach α= 0.95). In the main part of the experiment, the subjects performed all motor skills tests twice, and the better result was taken into consideration. Regression analysis was used to reveal a statistically significant correlation between the results achieved in the MUHCS20m test and the MTNS20m, MTLS20m and M100m tests. The highest correlation coefficient indicates the connection between unilateral horizontal cyclic jumps and running at maximum speed (R= 0.53), while the lowest correlation coefficient was achieved with running results at 100 m (R= 0.38). Multiple regression analysis shows a statistically significant correlation between the set of kinematic parameters of the MUHCS20m test and the results in the M100m, MTNS20m and MTLS20m tests. In this case also was the highest coefficient of determination of the set of kinematic parameters of the MUHCS20m test established with the result of the MTLS20m test (R²= 0.56). Stepwise regression analysis was used to determine the most important predictor of successful starting acceleration running, maximum speed running and 100-meter running: average velocity (v). In the case of excluding the average velocity variable (v) from the predictor set of kinematic variables, statistically significant correlations of SL and CD with the running result in the M100m and MTLS20m tests and the negative influence of the SN on the result in the MTNS20m test were determined by stepwise regression analysis. Results of the MUHCS20m test performed at the dominant and non-dominant leg indicate that there are statistically significant differences in the final result and observed kinematic parameters determined by the t-test for dependent samples and the Sign test, except in the average flight duration (FD) variable. The results of the study show the existence of a correlation between unilateral horizontal jumps and sprinting ability in the aspects of starting acceleration, running at maximum speed and 100-meter running. Even though the MUHCS20m test is defined as a motor skills test for defining the explosive power of a legs, due to the increased performance requirements, it does not require the generation of maximum force at rebound, which signifies that the capabilities of speed and coordination can certainly affect the overall result. Given the complexity and specificity of the MUHCS20m test, the author supposes that the predictive value of the test on performance in particular aspects of sprinting would be higher among sprinters. This data contains some of the information that is important for the prediction of sprint results, the selection of sprinters and the control of training levels in the training process, but also for all sports and sports disciplines with dominant sprinting elements.

Research paper thumbnail of Differences between body composition parameters in university students according to self rated health status

Research paper thumbnail of How high school students spend their spare time during the COVID-19 pandemic

The lockdown aftermath, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Ocjena važnosti pojedinih aktivnosti u slobodnom vremenu u odnosu na subjektivni doživljaj stupnja psihičke i fizičke kondicije studenata Ekonomskog fakulteta u Zagrebu

Upravljanje slobodnim vremenom sadržajima sporta i rekreacije, 2009

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of the developmental trends of Olympic results of shot put throwers

Kao i u drugim sportovima, tako i u atletici, od postojanja disciplina pa sve do danas, rezultati... more Kao i u drugim sportovima, tako i u atletici, od postojanja disciplina pa sve do danas, rezultati imaju progresivan trend. Ovim problemom pracenja trendova sportskih rezultata bavi se, prema strukturi istraživanja u podrucju sporta, pravac istraživanja sportova i sportskih dostignuca (Važni, Z. 1978. ; Dyer 1989. ; Gemer, G.V., 1990. ; Milanovic 1999., Harasin. D. 2002. ; Megede, R. 1987.). Cilj ovih istraživanja bio je utvrditi zakonomjernosti razvoja olimpijskih rezultata, svjetskih rekorda i razlicito grupiranih rezultata sa svjetskih ili državnih tablica u pojedinim sportskim granama. Od je velike važnosti predvidjeti rezultat i razinu natjecanja na sljedecim olimpijskim igrama, kako bi ponajprije treneri mogli odrediti modelne karakteristike bacacice koja ce postici prognozirani rezultat, prema kojima ce napraviti adekvatnu selekciju te odrediti plan i program trenažnog procesa i priprema. Osnovni cilj ovog istraživanja je analiza razvojnih trendova olimpijskih rezultata bacaci...

Research paper thumbnail of Differences Between Best Olympic Results and Best World Athletics Events' Throws Women Accomplished in the Olympic Games' Years

The aim of the research was to determine differences between vectors of arithmetic means of the b... more The aim of the research was to determine differences between vectors of arithmetic means of the best results in athletics throwing events accomplished in the finals of Olympic Games and the results of 8 world seasons' best throwers achieved at other competitions in the same years. The sample of subjects consisted of women athletes, elite shot putters and discus, javelin and hammer throwers from different countries who competed in the Olympic Games' finals and those who were, in the same years, positioned among first eight on the world ranking lists. The collected data were processed by the software package Statistica 7.0. Module t-test for dependent samples was used to analyze statistical significance of the differences between arithmetic means of the best results achieved at the Olympic Games finals and the best results achieved at other competitions in the same years. The thesis was rejected that there were no statistical significant differences between the best results ac...

Research paper thumbnail of Život I Preživljavanje U Prirodi - Predmet Na Znanstvenom Polju Kineziologije