Because women are Jews too (original) (raw)

Because women are Jews too [Most Recent Entries][Calendar View] [Friends]

Below are the 13 most recent journal entries recorded inEgalitarian Jews' LiveJournal:

Wednesday, July 11th, 2007
_1:00 pm_[ygirl] Shabbat in Yerushalayim Hey All,I'm in Jerusalem for Shabbat, and wanted to know if any of you by chance know someone that I could stay with. Also, I'll be going to the Kotel at some point soon, so if you want a prayer said there, please let me know. I would also really appreciate it if you could include my grandfather in your prayers, he passed away last month and I hope that he has found peace.Thank you! (Comment on this)
Friday, December 15th, 2006
_12:46 pm_[nhdraiocht] Happy Chanukah! Just want to wish you all a Happy Chanukah! For those who don't know, today, December 15th is also Bill of Rights Day! So, TWO reasons to celebrate Freedom! (Comment on this)
Monday, November 13th, 2006
_12:22 pm_[onthepage] sorry i've been MIA I'm sorry I've been a bad community-maintainer as of late. I had a full time job, and now finding a new one is taking up most of my time. If someone else would like to take over the administrative role, please leave me a comment.-theRona (Comment on this)
Sunday, March 19th, 2006
_2:49 pm_[onthepage] random purim ramblings does anyone have an feminist essays/critiques about purim to share or link to?growing up, esther was always portrayed as blond and vashti was always a brunette. so for obvious reasons, i identified with vashti and never much cared for esther. and it seems weird that we celebrate a heroine who marries a gentile and hides her religion... she's like the opposite of ruth./ramblings Current Mood: nauseated (2 Comments |Comment on this)
Tuesday, February 7th, 2006
_8:50 am_[lkitross] An article for women equality See the article in English here (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Tuesday, October 12th, 2004
_12:12 pm_[onthepage] hello? Well this group has been growing in size, but not in posts. So all new people, please introduce yourselves. And those who've been here for awhile, post something! I'll even give you a topic to start with: do you think that women who participate in services as men do, ie get counted in a minyan, read torah, get an aliya, etc, must also take on the traditionally male mitzvot, such as wearing a tallit and praying 3 times a day? Why or why not? Current Mood: curious (8 Comments |Comment on this)
Sunday, September 26th, 2004
_6:04 pm_[onthepage] We need to liven this place up What's your definition of feminism/feminist? Can men be feminists?For me, a feminist is anyone who believes in equal rights for all sexes. This isn't to say a feminist must deny differences between men and women. However, a feminist is someone who believes that traditional gender roles should be abolished. The focus is on CHOICE. A woman shouldn't be made to feel weird if she wants to be a doctor instead of a nurse, nor should a man be alienated for being nurturing. Men can and should be feminists (everyone should be!). In my women's studies class my prof and TA often make generalizations about how the white, hetero, christian, middle class, able-bodied man undermines feminism because he is so comfortable with the status quo. I dislike that attitude though, because I think all people would benefit from equality.Of course, feminism has its shortcomings. Whether intentional or not, it often alienates men (this is counter-productive), and non-white, non-middle-class men and women. While discrimination based on sex is terrible, there are other forms of discrimination that also exist. Any movement that focuses on only one kind of oppression is (intentionally or not) putting all other issues on the back burner. Current Mood: aggravated (Comment on this)
Wednesday, September 8th, 2004
_5:33 pm_[rachinisrael] food for thought So last week I went on a Shabbaton in the Old City (of Jerusalem). A friend and I are both reading Torah this coming weekend at a Shabbaton with the Conservatve Center, so we decided Friday night we should start practicing. We were a little concerned about the reception we would be getting from the young women that run the (very frum) youth hostel we were staying at.To our surprise, we ended up speaking at some length with a women (I would say girl, because she seemed to be around my age, but that seems to be diminutive) who was very impressed with our abilities. She had learned to chant Torah for her Bat Mitzvah, but when we asked her what had changed today (why she won't read), and she told us she started "learning Torah" (the connotations of which can be fully developed some other time). She began to talk to us about how a woman's voice was a very private part of herself, and it is something she loves to share with other women, and will one day share with her husband, but not with men in general.There is something I find very disturbing about this idea. It completely understand the idea that some things are meant to be kept private, but the idea that the voice is one of them is hard for me to swallow. If the voice is considered a personal private part of a woman, are not her thoughts even more private? Maybe I'm totally off-base here, but sometimes I feel like certain interpretations of Judaism are really headed in the direction of cutting women off completely from the larger community; of making their ideas and their contributions negligible, or even dangerous. Thoughts? (3 Comments |Comment on this)
Tuesday, September 7th, 2004
_9:05 pm_[elianaelanit] ::everyone point and laugh at the new girl!!:: Hey, I'm new to this community. I'm Elena, I'm 17 and I live in Florida (let's have a collective "ewww"). I gre up in a Modern Orthodox community where I was the only female who attended weekday services, and as much as the synagogue tried to make allowances for me (such as letting me chant my haftarah after the service at my Bat Mitzvah), it really wasn't enough. 4 years ago I moved to a Conservative community, and since then have been leading services, reading from the Torah and Haftarot, attending and teaching classes, etc. and I love it. When I was seven I decided I wanted to be a rabbi...I told my parents 2 years ago and they still haven't completely accepted it. But my rabbi and my community are very supportive, and since I leave for college after this year, I'm hoping the family comes around pretty soon. Anyway, thanks for letting me join y'all's LJ community Current Mood: okay (Comment on this)
Thursday, September 2nd, 2004
_7:07 pm_[rachinisrael] introductions So...a little about me:My name is Rachel, I'm from Syracuse, NY (Middle Eastern Studies major at Binghamton University), and am spending the year at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. I was raised and continue to identify with the Reform movement, with a level of practice that puts me on the right-end of Reform. The month that I've been in Israel so far has been spent largely with very traditional (non-egal) Jews. And while I have been on some wonderful Shabbatot, and been able to do some really great learning, I never feel that I am able to be completely fulfilled as a Jew when I am not counted as a full member of the community. So that's me. I don't know what direction my participation in this community will take, but I'm glad it's around :-) (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Monday, August 23rd, 2004
_5:33 pm_[onthepage] This past Shabbos was an adult B'nei Mitzvah at our shul. Two men, one who has a learning disability and wasn't taught as a boy, and one who grew up in Romania became Bar Mitzvah. The first man is in his 80s, and the Romanian is about 30 and a recent immigrant. And then four women, all grandmothers, became Bat Mitzvah. They wore tallitot and gave Divrei Torah on the importance of justice and taking on God's commandments. And people think feminism is just for hippies and college girls. It was an all-around heart warming (if not excruciatingly long) service. Current Mood: cheerful (Comment on this)
Thursday, August 19th, 2004
_12:54 pm_[rosehiptea] Introducing myself... and pronunciation question... Hello! I'm a 37-year-old Jewish woman who spent years in right-wing Orthodoxy (following an Orthodox conversion) and now is going in an entirely different direction.Currently I'm davening in a Conservative shul. They do have a female cantor and call women up for aliyos (It's a big place though, with a bar or bas mitzvah every week, so there's no question of me getting one). They also include the imahos in Shemoneh Esrei.I'm considering buying a tallis for Shabbos use, though I don't want to jump into all this feet-first. Plus, my idea of a tallis is a 60-inch one with black stripes "just like the guys," so maybe I need to reconsider.One question I have though is this: Some years ago I trained myself to use an Ashkenazic pronunciation. While that had a lot to do with where I was at the time, and where I thought any children would end up in school (that wasn't how it happened, in the end...) I don't regret it. I rather consider it an honor, to carry on the pronunciation that so many communities used for such a long time, plus the fact that so many of them were lost. Yet, I think I may be the only one in the shul, so I'm not sure how I feel about that. Current Mood: busy (2 Comments |Comment on this)
Wednesday, August 18th, 2004
_10:26 pm_[onthepage] Ooh, first entry Here's the first entry, I guess this'll be an introduction from your moderator.... I'm Arona, 17, from Long Island, NY, as a traditional, egalitarian, Conservative Jew (whatever that means). I'm from the kind of family where my parents won't even say they're feminists, because that's too sexist/narrow, they're humanists instead. I wear a tallit at shacharit, and a kipa whenever I daven or study Yehadut. I chant Torah, Haftorah, and lead services at my synagogue (though not so often since we got a regular canter). I don't wear tefilin yet, mainly beceause wearing leather kind of creeps me out and I don't daven shacharit everyday, but I'm working on it. When I'm away with my youth group and we daven 3 times a day, it feels right, but it's hard to when I'm at home. That's all I can think of for now. Everyone else should post intros also, or whatever else you think is relevant. B'shalom,TheRona PS If anyone wants to co-mod or help out with icons/layout, email or comment. Current Mood: accomplished (Comment on this)