Egalitarian Sex (original) (raw)

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Below are the 13 most recent journal entries recorded inEgalitarian Sex's LiveJournal:

Monday, October 15th, 2007
_11:18 pm_[demonista] oh hai! part 5 of slash story for simplicity's sake, i'm just linking to my lj. hope that's ok. 4 hasn't been posted in any comms, but it's available for reading. there is straight and lesbian sex, but it still has richey and nicky in it (nicky's a woman--it makes sense to me, anyway): 1-3 have been posted in comms, so you can go through this comm to find them, or go to the links on my lj for it: free to enjoy! you're also welcome to let me know whatcha think. Current Mood: amused (Comment on this)
Friday, June 1st, 2007
_8:58 pm_[demonista] part three at long last! I've no idea what to call it, even now--I'm crap with titles. Any ideas?Pairing: Nicky/RicheyRating: R/NC-17, for slash. And Nicky introduces Richey to oral sex.Part 3The next morning, Rich woke up, feeling better than he had in a long time. He looked over at Nick—he was still sleeping. He wanted to make them breakfast, but when he tried to gently manoeuvre himself out of bed, Nicky grumbled and pulled Rich even closer. Suddenly, Rich had a wicked idea. He reached down and softly stroked Nicky’s penis. The groan and the nuzzling further into him encouraged Rich—Nicky liked this and so did he. He wrapped his hand around firmly, and began pulling him off. Nick woke up in a flash, jumping at the intensity of the sensations his Teddy was evoking in him. “Fuck, Teddy,” he gasped. “I thought that would wake you up.” He abruptly stopped. Nicky whimpered. “But if you let me get breakfast made, I’ll bring you breakfast in bed, and then we can…play.”“Bloody hell, Teddy, I’ll agree to anything—I’m just so happy that last night worked out the way it did.”Richey beamed. “Well…I guess we could spend a bit of time playing..." ( OMG....Collapse ) Current Mood: chipper (Comment on this)
Wednesday, April 11th, 2007
_10:07 pm_[demonista] wee ficlet Random sex, Rated: R/NC-17, Pairing: Richey/Nicky**( Wow, them two...Collapse )** (Comment on this)
Wednesday, March 21st, 2007
_7:34 pm_[demonista] Part 2 of Nicky/Richey story Pairing: Nicky/RicheyRating: R/NC-17, for slash. It gets VERY naughty. Consider yourself warned.But it's so lovely!Part 2In the middle of the night, Nicky awoke. But it wasn’t from a nightmare. Teddy had cuddled even closer, making Nicky so warm. He felt almost feverish. Then he realized something¾Richey’s clothed penis was pressed against Nicky’s thigh, half hard. He got scared¾he must be reading too much into it; it probably didn’t mean anything. Rich was probably dreaming about some girl, although Nicky couldn’t remember him being particularly interested in or attracted to any girl.But on the other hand, Nicky had, and he still felt the way he felt about¾W_hy am I psychoanalyzing myself at_ ¾_he checked the alarm clock¾_3:17 a.m.? He’d been confused by this for months¾well, years, if he was honest¾and figured a little more time wouldn’t hurt. He didn’t know whether to shift away from Rich. He figured he should¾he didn’t want to take advantage of the situation in any way¾but when he tried to semi-disentangle them, Rich let out a little moan and wiggled in closer, so Nicky just took one of the blankets off himself. He ran his fingers through Richey’s hair, and Rich seemed to smile¾Nicky hoped it wasn’t a trick of the moonlight. He stroked over Teddy’s neck, shoulders, arms. He suddenly stopped himself. What am I doing? Here Nicky was, in bed with an innocently asleep Teddy, thinking about all the things he wanted to be doing with an awake Teddy…a naked, warm, curious, eager, awake Teddy. He castigated himself for such thoughts. But he just had to touch him¾he’d keep it above the waist, he promised himself. Keeping his eyes closed, Rich had semi-awoke at the lovely sensation of Nick’s fingers laced in his hair, but when Nickly touched him again, lightly, cautiously over his chest, he mostly-awoke in pleasant surprise. A certain part of him was suddenly wide awake. He shifted away, hoping Nicky wouldn’t notice. Nickey’s hands stilled. Oh shit, he thought. Does he know? He put on a brave face. “Hey, Rich, I…” His voice cracked. He couldn’t come up with an excuse. His composure threatened to crumble.Rich quickly parted from him just enough to turn on the lamp. “Oh, Nickly,” Rich wiped a tear away from his beautiful blue eyes, then let his hand trail over the face and neck. The skin felt so soft. He looked into Nicky’s eyes, trying to probe them for answers¾what did Nicky want from him? How would he react if Rich told him how he felt? Might they feel the same way? Taking a leap, Richey gently gave him a quick kiss on the lips and moved a bit closer. He was terrified of Nicky discovering the conspicuous bulge in his boxers, yet also wanted to get the truth out. Some of his worry assuaged, Nicky continued his timid ministrations with his fingertips. As he neared his nipples, Rich giggled; he didn’t know that could feel good. Nicky twirled a finger around one, eliciting a moan and noticeable perking up. Encouraged, Nicky kept one hand at his breast, but trailed the other along his ribcage. He wanted to go so slow for Rich, but quickly found himself getting perilously close. Rich, unable to speak, stared at Nicky, innocent eyes full of awe, trust and love. As his hand reached its goal, Richey violently gasped. The force scared Nicky; he yanked his hands away and backed off, near convinced that Teddy didn’t want this. He only wanted platonic love, a friendship. He’s too innocent to know what was going on in my bad, wrong mind, Nick thought. “I’m sorry, I’m sor—”Richey cuddled back into him, trying to reassure a scared Nick. “Shh…it’s ok,” Rich dared to whisper. “It’s ok…” Rich tremblingly takes his hand, leading it back to his groin, just placing his hand on it. Nick closes his eyes, as if in pain. Rich was erect, but Rich had seemed so naïve and sexless before. Rich placed a soft kiss on his forehead—he felt on some level that Nicky needed him to do this—and knew that he wanted, maybe needed it himself. “It’s ok; you can open your eyes, Nickly.” Then almost too quiet to hear: “It just felt so good.” Nick’s eyes snapped open. “You—you want me to do this?” ( OMG. lovely sex ahead!...Collapse ) (Comment on this)
Monday, March 19th, 2007
_1:02 am_[demonista] hey y'all. it's been too long. slash! x-posted in several other communities.haha. i'm a loser. but i love them to bits! i can't help it.this is pretty innocent. the next part is going to be filthy, though.Pairing: Nicky/RicheyRating: PG, for slashy cuddliness, slight swearing, and sexual tensionPart 1“Nick…You still awake?” Richey whispered.“Yeah, thanks to you, Teddy” Nicky joked, opening his eyes.Richey playfully swatted the head in his lap. “It’s not my fault you’re a lazy git.”“But it’s you’re fault you have such a comfy lap,” Nicky turned his head and flashed his Cheshire cat grin. “Beds are comfier.”“Humph. You’re just trying to get rid of me.”Richey ran his fingers through Nick’s hair. “No, Nickly,”¾the pet name he finally came up with for Nicky after years of being called “Teddy” by him¾“but I’m not a human pillow.”“Well, you should be. You’re certainly cuddly enough…” Nick snuggled his head further on Richey’s lap, pulling him closer with one arm.“Fine then,” Richey jokingly huffed. “But I’m tired…and tired for me means time to go to bed. So make your choice, Wire--either off my lap and piss off, or off my lap so we can go to bed¾” he stopped, realizing how that could be construed. Nicky had taken no notice. “I prefer the second option,” he grinned. He sat up, and added a “So your bed or mine?” ( Read more...Collapse ) (Comment on this)
Wednesday, November 8th, 2006
_12:47 am_[spiritofnow] Jealousy One interesting discovery I've made while trying to deal with my own inegalitarian fantasies is that the more I work on my own jealousy and possessiveness, and try to get rid of them, the less interested I seem to be in inegalitarian fantasies. There's actually a lot more metaphysical baggage to my experiences with this, but I'll leave that aside for the purposes of this community.Ever since I have started working with my partner on eradicating my jealousy every time she expresses attraction to someone else -- we are both monogamous but we don't want to have that ridiculous knee-jerk jealousy that most people in mainstream vanilla monogamous relationships have when one person is interested in someone outside the relationship -- whatever remnants of egalitarian fantasies were left in my mind seem to have evaporated. Working through the jealousy has not, by the way, been easy for me. I've been brought up and conditioned in a culture that insists on forced monogamy, among both men and women, so it's been difficult to even start the long process of deprogramming all of that. There has been lots of crying and soul-searching on my part.However, the interesting side effect has been that I seem to have completely lost interest in inegalitarian fantasies. Being with my partner had reduced the frequency of those anyway, but they seem to have totally disappeared now. At first this puzzled me, but then it was obvious why this was the case. Jealousy and possessiveness are part of the same sick mindset that encourages the ownership of people's bodies -- the exact thing that BDSM and inegalitarian sex eroticizes.There may be a variety of reasons why people choose voluntary monogamy as a lifestyle -- I feel I've got strong arguments for it from a spiritual perspective -- but patriarchal monogamy is forced and is absolutely disgusting. It's extremely unhealthy, and a society that forces monogamy on people is bound to produce the kind of sick dynamics we're all trying to fight off here. I just thought I would mention this here, so that other people trying to get rid of such fantasies might try working on their own jealousy (and the desire to possess and be possessed) and see if it produces any positive results. Current Mood: calm (3 Comments |Comment on this)
Saturday, September 23rd, 2006
_3:43 pm_[spiritofnow] Disillusionment Wow, this community has been quiet for a while!I just wanted to post a few thoughts on things I've been mulling over lately. I've got an academic interest in relationships with consensual power dynamics, but because I wanted a more balanced opinion on such relationships (I myself not being even remotely interested in pursuing such relationships), I've been talking to people who are in such relationships. These days there are all sorts of relatively newer communities separate from the wider BDSM culture (which in my opinion is actually safer) that practice male-led relationships that come other headings such as "domestic discipline" and "taken in hand". A lot of these, interestingly, have a major overlap with the sort of traditional heterosexual marriages advocated by many religions. Some people in such communities are in fact religious and have no problems reconciling these relationships with their religion. I have to admit I find most of these dynamics quite appalling, though I try to stay as neutral as possible when approaching it as an (aspiring) social scientist. But I thought I should state my biases up-front.I don't want to insult the intelligence of the women who choose to be in such relationships. Many of them are quite secular and religion has nothing to do with their choices. They are also strong, intelligent, and even professionally successful, for example, in the corporate world. But at home they prefer to assume the subservient role vis-a-vis their husbands. One thing I have noticed (and I could be wrong) is that often, for people who choose to be in such relationships, the sexual aspect of the relationship is really quite primary. In my opinion, that is the primary motivation for getting into such relationships: the sex is apparently better. Take sex out of the equation and I think suddenly the dynamic isn't going to be all that appealing. One woman I talked to had become a stay-at-home wife on her husband's insistence that she be sexually available to him whenever he wanted. This woman was intelligent and articulate, but apparently this change had really increased the intensity of her sex life. Again, I could be wrong, but I highly doubt that she would be just as motivated to live this way if there was no sex. It seems to me that practically any kind of behaviour, however oppressive or constraining, can be justified as long as you get a good orgasm out of it ("it's just my kink"). I really think this is a ridiculous thing to base a relationship on!For me, personally, sex is the least important part of the relationship anyway. Rather than frame the relationship around dynamics that are easier to eroticize given one's socialization (thereby making the rest of the relationship contingent upon whatever results in better sex), I choose to focus on mutual emotional development, intellectual growth, autonomy, and most importantly -- friendship. Good sex is always a plus, but it's not the goal -- for me it's just a means to increasing intimacy and mutual respect. I find that my current relationship is very fulfilling precisely because sex is secondary to all the other things.In defense of some BDSM relationships, I have to admit that they are often a step up from the mainstream vanilla (heterosexual) dating culture. Most people eroticize such dynamics latently and aren't even aware that they are doing so, which results in these dynamics operating on a subconscious level. This is actually more dangerous than choosing to negotiate certain scenes and dynamics consciously. So perhaps in that sense it's actually better to be aware of those dynamics.In general, though, I'm becoming more and more disillusioned with the third wave of feminism. It actually doesn't look like feminism at all to me. It's okay to choose to be enslaved. It's okay to choose to perpetuate oppressive dynamics. I've concluded that feminism was just way ahead of its time. The changes that feminism asked for were things that society was not, is not, and probably will not be, ready to do for a long, long time to come. And the fact of the matter is that some of the most intelligent women around are fine with this.Sometimes, I just feel really dragged down.I tend to think now that self-awareness is completely different from how intelligent or educated one is. Current Mood: disappointed (3 Comments |Comment on this)
Tuesday, August 30th, 2005
_3:51 pm_[tinozthefish] Real Sex... I started a new blog about my experiences working in the sex industry in New York City...I'm very proud of it and would love for you to check it out. http://cherrybombnyc.blogspot.comxxoo (Comment on this)
Sunday, February 6th, 2005
_2:07 am_[interjections] Has anyone here encountered hostility when they promote the idea that people should question their sexual preferences (not just gender ones, also what appearances they are attracted to and what practices they engage in as well)? I certainly concede that I do not and nor do I want to have the power to stop people from engaging in un-egalitarian consensual sex acts, but I am always a bit surprised at how defensive people become when you question any sort of sexual desire. I often hear "I'm not going to sacrifice my sex life to be politcally correct" and the like. I have radically changed the way I view sex over the past couple of years, and I really think that it has improved my life. I believe that the way our culture promotes sex (as requiring a certain appearance, as an act of dominance, etc.) is totally unbecoming to our best human qualities and does nothing to maximize pleasure and connected-ness. Is there a way to approach the topic that makes people think that egalitarian sex is not "sacrificing" their sex lives but rather (possibly) making way for something more fulfilling? (3 Comments |Comment on this)
Saturday, January 8th, 2005
_8:46 am_[spiritofnow] My personal solution to getting rid of disturbing/patriarchal sexual fantasies goes like this:1) Become queer by choice.2) Get queerbychoice to crush on you.Problem solved. ;-)(Okay, I will post something more serious soon.) Current Mood: content (2 Comments |Comment on this)
Friday, December 17th, 2004
_12:11 pm_[mr_gender_lesz] i think it's great that people are discussing how egalitarian sex is significant in our society, because sexuality shapes the way humans' think and feel psychologically. Humans are sexual creatures, and i think the way humans react towards sexuality reflects their mentalities. The type of sex that is thought of as popular is sex that is the opposite of egalitarian sex, but sex that exploits the partner, such as sex with bondage use, violent sex etc. I think that the more people treat these types of issues with a soft approach and in a light hearted way, these issues won't be dealt with properly. I never thought that it was that important before, but now this community has helped me to realise that it really is an important issue, and i think it's quite brilliant that there is a community discussing the subject and saying that if we change these kind of issues, we can make the world a better place.This kind of violence in sex reflects a kind of hostility in that person, and sometimes you get that kind of sex that makes people feel liket hey are being taken over and they feel inferior and small, i think that this reflects how our capitalist and exploitive society exercises our belief in the power of the higher authority, inorder to make each person in the majority feel alienated, little and insignificant. Current Mood: calm (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Sunday, December 12th, 2004
_9:02 pm_[mr_gender_lesz] i don't really get what egalitarian sex means, is it when both people contribute or something?? i don't really understand what it's about, i have a vague idea... (2 Comments |Comment on this)
Friday, December 3rd, 2004
_11:33 am_[demonista] i've written two stories which gaylemadwin (queerbychoice ) has asked me to post. they can be found here and here. (1 Comment |Comment on this)