abdurrahim derbent | Ege University (original) (raw)
Papers by abdurrahim derbent
Amaç: Kraniyotomi olgularında TİVA uygulamasında, fentanil ve sufentanil kullanımının hemodinami ... more Amaç: Kraniyotomi olgularında TİVA uygulamasında, fentanil ve sufentanil kullanımının hemodinami ve derlenme parametreleri üzerine olan etkilerinin karşılaştırılmasını amaçladık. Gereç ve Yöntem: Elektif kraniyotomi uygulanacak ASA I - II grubundan 18 -60 yaş arası 30 hasta rasgele olarak 2 gruba ayrıldı. Anestezi indüksiyonu, her iki grupta da, intravenöz 0.1 mg kg-1 atropin sulfat, 2-3 mg kg-1 propofol ve 0.1 mg kg-1 vekuronyum ile sağlandı. Fentanil grubundaki olgulara indüksiyonda intravenöz olarak 2 µg kg-1 fentanil, sufentanil grubundaki olgulara ise indüksiyonda 1 µg kg-1 sufentanil iv verildi. Anestezi idamesinde her iki grupta % 50 O2 + hava karışımının yanı sıra 5-7 mg kg-1 sa-1 propofol infüzyonu ve sufentanil grubunda 0.3 µg kg-1 sa-1 sufentanil infüzyonu, fentanil grubunda 1 µg kg-1 sa-1 fentanil infüzyonu kullanıldı. Hemodinamik parametreler anestezi indüksiyonu öncesi, entübasyon öncesi ve sonrası, indüksiyon sonrası, çivili başlık yerleştirilmeden önce ve sonra, cerr...
Summary There has been an increasing trends in the procedures of spine surgery in recent years. P... more Summary There has been an increasing trends in the procedures of spine surgery in recent years. Postoperative chronic pain in spine surgery can be caused by damage or instability of spinal column; pressure on nerves or segment of spinal cord; or can be due to long lasting nociception caused by inflammation, infection or tumour. Pain that lasts longer than 3-6 months after surgery can be define as postoperative chronic pain. The incidence of postoperative chronic pain after surgical procedures, was between 10-50%. Coping with any type of chronic pain is quite difficult. Chronic postoperative pain can be treated with: NSAIDs, paracetamol, opioids, anticonvulsants and invasive technics such as nerve blocs, central blocs. Ozet
SUMMARY Pain from rib fractures may affect cardiopulmonary functions. The aim of this study is to... more SUMMARY Pain from rib fractures may affect cardiopulmonary functions. The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of patient controlled thoracic epidural analgesia (PCTEA) for pain relief in chest trauma patients. Ten patients were included. Heart rate, mean arterial pressure, pain scores by Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) at rest, cough and movement, respiratory rate, PaO2 and vital capacity (VC) were measured behre and after PCTEA. The patients were monitored for 72 h during analgesic treatment. After the placement of the epidural catheter, a PCA pump was used for PCTEA. 10 mL of 0,125% bupivacaine plus fentanyl citrate (2 jj,g/mL) was delivered as a loading dose and the same analgesic mixture was used for the maintenance at the foilowing dosages: basal infusion rate 5 mL/hr, PCA bolus dose 10 mL and lockout time 30 min. VAS scores were recorded at 4-hour intervals, VC and PaO2 was measured before PCTEA and at predetermined intervals.
Bu calismanin amaci laminektomi uygulanan hastalarda pre-emptif olarak kullanilan petidin ve tram... more Bu calismanin amaci laminektomi uygulanan hastalarda pre-emptif olarak kullanilan petidin ve tramadol'un postoperatif etkinligini karsilastirmaktir. Calisma, Hastane Etik Kurulu tarafindan onaylandi ve hastalardan yazili izin alindi. Son 24 saat analjezik almamis olan, 18- 60 yas arasi, laminektomi uygulanan 25 hasta (12 K, 13 E) calismaya dahil edildi. Olgular randomize olarak 2 gruba ayrildi. Birinci grupta 1.5 mg.kg'1 tramadol, 2. Grupta 1.5 mg.kg1 petidin intramuskuler olarak cerrahiden 30 dk once yapildi. Standart genel anestezi induksiyonunda atropin 0.01 mg.kg1, tiyopental sodyum 5 mg.kg1, fentanil sitrat 1.5 mcg.kg1, 0.1 mg.kg1 vekuronyum ; anestezi idamesinde % 50 - 50 O2 -N2O, % 0.8- 1.5 izofluran kullanildi. Analjezinin etkinligi ve suresi vizuel analog skala (VAS ); 0- agri yok ,10= duyulan en siddetli agri; verbal rating skala (VRS) 4= dayanilmaz agri, 0= agri yok olacak sekilde postoperatif 0.5, 1, 3, 24. saatlerde degerlendirildi. Hastalarin ek analjezik gerek...
Amac: Bu calismanin amaci, kraniyotomi sonrasinda erken postoperatif donemde olusan agrinin sidde... more Amac: Bu calismanin amaci, kraniyotomi sonrasinda erken postoperatif donemde olusan agrinin siddetini ve tedavi yonetimini degerlendirmektir. Gerec ve Yontem: Etik kurul izni alindiktan sonra, retrospektif olarak 2009-2011 yillari arasinda, kraniyotomi uygulanmis olan olgulari degerlendirdik. Toplam 176 hastanin dosyasi gozden gecirildi ve 146'sinin dosyasi calisma kapsamina dâhil edildi. Bulgular: Postoperatif vizuel analog skala (VAS) - verbal rating skala (VRS) skorlari ile hastalarin postoperatif analjezik gereksinim duzeyleri arasinda istatistiksel olarak anlamli bir iliski saptandi (p< 0,05). Kraniyotomi uygulanan bolge ile (supratentoriyal/infratentoriyal) hastalarin postoperatif analjezik gereksinim duzeyi arasinda istatistiksel olarak anlamli iliski belirlendi (p
Bu olgu sunumunda, ankilozan spondilit nedeniyle diz artrozu gelişen ve diz artroplastisi planlan... more Bu olgu sunumunda, ankilozan spondilit nedeniyle diz artrozu gelişen ve diz artroplastisi planlanan hastada ultrason eşliğinde periferik sinir bloğu uygulamamızı literatür bilgileriyle tartışarak sunmayı amaçladık. Hastamız 51 yaşında ASA II sınıfına dahil erkek hastaydı. Önceki operasyonlarında yaşadığı deneyimlerine dayanarak spinal anesteziyi ve genel anesteziyi (uyanık fiberoptik entübasyon uygulanmış) kabul etmeyen hastaya ultrasonografi eşliğinde femoralsiyatik periferik sinir bloğu uygulandı. Peroperatif dönemde hemodinamik açıdan sorun yaşanmadan ve ağrı duymaksızın operasyon sonlandı. Postoperatif dönemde hasta kontrollü analjezi yöntemiyle Morfin IV infüzyon başlandı. İzleminin beşinci gününde hasta taburcu edildi. Sonuç olarak ankilozan spondilitli majör alt ekstremite cerrahisi geçirecek olan ve zor entübasyon riskine sahip olgularda periferik sinir bloklarının genel anesteziye ve nöroaksiyel anesteziye alternatif olabileceği düşüncesindeyiz.
Objective (Background): The aim of this study was to determine the aetiology, quality and quantit... more Objective (Background): The aim of this study was to determine the aetiology, quality and quantity of the pain following craniotomy during early postoperative period with using visual analogue score (VAS) and verbal rating scale (VRS). Methods: All craniotomy patients received 5 mg kg Thiopental, 2 mcg kg Fentanyl, 0,6 mg kg rocuronium for induction of anesthesia, and 0,12 mg kg hrs -1 propofol, 0,15-1,00 mcg. Kg min remifentanyl infusions with 50% oxygen-air mixture and additional doses of rocuronium (0,15 mg kg) for maintenance of anesthesia. Before craniotomy, scalp around incisional area was infiltrated with 20 ml local anesthetic (1% lidocaine with 35 mcg. mL adrenaline). All patients' age, weight, height, gender and location of surgical incision (supratentorial or infratentorial), the cause (vascular or tumor) and the duration of the surgery was recorded. All patients' heart rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, Ramsay sedation status scale was assessed and repo...
The Internet Journal of Anesthesiology, 2017
One of the very rare chromosomal anomalies is the Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome and can affect some pa... more One of the very rare chromosomal anomalies is the Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome and can affect some parts of the body. The major features of this disease include a characteristic facial appearance, delayed growth and development, intellectual disability, and seizures. Syndromes with genetic disorders usually give difficult times to anesthesiologists. We report a 6-month-old boy with Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome scheduled for US-guided central venous catheterization with laryngeal mask for airway management and vascular catheterizations in a pediatric patient with craniofacial abnormalities.
Diagnostic and interventional radiology, 2005
PURPOSE The aim of the study was to evaluate adverse events related to the use of anesthesia and ... more PURPOSE The aim of the study was to evaluate adverse events related to the use of anesthesia and anesthetic procedures associated with interventional radiology. MATERIALS AND METHODS We retrospectively evaluated 124 interventional radiological procedures performed with anesthesia within a one-year period. Patients were separated into four groups according to the duration of procedure, the type of procedure performed, anesthetic agents used, and complications associated with anesthesia. RESULTS Of the 124 patients, 59 had neurovascular procedures, 10 underwent implantation of a tracheal stent, and 19 had painful procedures. Fifteen of 36 pediatric patients had diagnostic angiography, and 21 had interventional procedures. Two patients in the neurovascular intervention group had cerebral hemorrhage and cerebral infarctions, and anaphylactic reaction developed in one patient, who underwent percutaneous hepatic hydatic cyst drainage. CONCLUSION Interventional radiological procedures seem...
Embolization of type I perimedullary spinal arteriovenous fistulas (AVFs) can be difficult, becau... more Embolization of type I perimedullary spinal arteriovenous fistulas (AVFs) can be difficult, because of tortuosity and the small diameter of the feeder and distal location of the fistula site. The 1.5F flow-directed catheter in conjunction with a hydrophilic guidewire has been used in fistula embolization with cyanoacrylate glue for spinal vascular malformations at our institution. This combination has improved our success rate in achieving superselective catheterization of the fistula. Thus, 4 of 5 patients with type I perimedullary AVFs could be cured with this technique. Like type II and type III perimedullary AVFs, the endovascular approach may also be the first line of treatment in type I perimedullary spinal AVF.
This placebo-controlled, randomized study was performed to evaluate the efficacy of dexmedetomidi... more This placebo-controlled, randomized study was performed to evaluate the efficacy of dexmedetomidine in preventing postoperative shivering. Materials and methods: Sixty patients undergoing gynecologic laparoscopic surgery were assigned randomly to 2 groups to be administered either dexmedetomidine as a loading of 1 µg kg-1 for 10 min followed by a maintenance infusion of 0.5 µg kg-1 h-1 (Group D, n = 30), or a normal saline infusion (Group S, n = 30). Results: Postoperative shivering was observed in 14 patients in Group S and in 3 patients in Group D (P = 0.001). The sedation scores were higher in the dexmedetomidine group than in the saline group (P < 0.05). Postoperative pain scores were higher in the saline group for the first 40 min (P < 0.05). Perioperative tympanic temperatures were not different between the groups. Conclusion: Intraoperative dexmedetomidine infusion reduces postoperative shivering in patients undergoing gynecologic laparoscopy.
Kraniyotomi olgularinda mevcut olan artmis sempatik yanit, operasyon sonunda, anestezik ajanlarin... more Kraniyotomi olgularinda mevcut olan artmis sempatik yanit, operasyon sonunda, anestezik ajanlarin kesilmesi ile yeniden ortaya cikmaktadir. Hemodinamik yanitin baskilanmasi bu olgularin post- operatif prognozu acisindan onemlidir. Bu calismada, ekstubasyon oncesinde IV olarak kullanilan Diltiazem (D) ve Lidokain'in (L) kraniyotomi uygulanmis hastalardaki hemodinamik etkileri arastirildi. Bu amacla, E.U.T.F. Etik Kurul izni ve hasta onayi alinarak, elektif kraniyotomi operasyonu uygulanan, ASA I- II grubu, 18-60 yas arasi 30 hasta rasgele iki gruba ayrildi. Standart genel anestezi induksiyonu sonrasinda, anestezi idamesinde % 50- 50 N2O - O2ve % 2 - 2.5 sevofluran kullanildi. Intraoperatif hemodinamik degisimler kaydedildi. Ekstubasyondan 2 dk. once, D grubunda 0.2 mg/ kg diltiazem IV, L grubunda 1 mg/ kg lidokain IV olarak verildi. Ekstubasyon oncesi, ekstubasyon sonrasi ve ekstubasyondan 1., 2., 5., ve 10. dk.'lardaki kalp atim hizi (KAH), sistolik arter basinci (SAB), orta...
Ortadoğu Tıp Dergisi
Yogun bakimda entube takip edilen hastalarin mekanik ventilasyona uyum saglamalari cogu zaman med... more Yogun bakimda entube takip edilen hastalarin mekanik ventilasyona uyum saglamalari cogu zaman medikal destek gerektirir. Uygun sedasyonun uygulanmamasi bu hastalarda tedavi basarisizligina neden olacaktir. Bu nedenle yogun bakim hekimleri sedasyon ve analjezi saglamak icin bazi ajanlara basvurabilirler. Ajanlarin secimleri hastanin hemodinamisi, kafa ici basinci, havayolu dinamikleri, ilaci metabolize edebilme durumu gibi bircok durum goz onunde bulundurularak yapilir. Bu derlemede bu amacla en sik kullanilan ajanlar ve ajanlarin tercih edilme ya da edilmeme nedenlerinden bahsedilecektir.
Amaç: Kraniyotomi olgularında TİVA uygulamasında, fentanil ve sufentanil kullanımının hemodinami ... more Amaç: Kraniyotomi olgularında TİVA uygulamasında, fentanil ve sufentanil kullanımının hemodinami ve derlenme parametreleri üzerine olan etkilerinin karşılaştırılmasını amaçladık. Gereç ve Yöntem: Elektif kraniyotomi uygulanacak ASA I - II grubundan 18 -60 yaş arası 30 hasta rasgele olarak 2 gruba ayrıldı. Anestezi indüksiyonu, her iki grupta da, intravenöz 0.1 mg kg-1 atropin sulfat, 2-3 mg kg-1 propofol ve 0.1 mg kg-1 vekuronyum ile sağlandı. Fentanil grubundaki olgulara indüksiyonda intravenöz olarak 2 µg kg-1 fentanil, sufentanil grubundaki olgulara ise indüksiyonda 1 µg kg-1 sufentanil iv verildi. Anestezi idamesinde her iki grupta % 50 O2 + hava karışımının yanı sıra 5-7 mg kg-1 sa-1 propofol infüzyonu ve sufentanil grubunda 0.3 µg kg-1 sa-1 sufentanil infüzyonu, fentanil grubunda 1 µg kg-1 sa-1 fentanil infüzyonu kullanıldı. Hemodinamik parametreler anestezi indüksiyonu öncesi, entübasyon öncesi ve sonrası, indüksiyon sonrası, çivili başlık yerleştirilmeden önce ve sonra, cerr...
Summary There has been an increasing trends in the procedures of spine surgery in recent years. P... more Summary There has been an increasing trends in the procedures of spine surgery in recent years. Postoperative chronic pain in spine surgery can be caused by damage or instability of spinal column; pressure on nerves or segment of spinal cord; or can be due to long lasting nociception caused by inflammation, infection or tumour. Pain that lasts longer than 3-6 months after surgery can be define as postoperative chronic pain. The incidence of postoperative chronic pain after surgical procedures, was between 10-50%. Coping with any type of chronic pain is quite difficult. Chronic postoperative pain can be treated with: NSAIDs, paracetamol, opioids, anticonvulsants and invasive technics such as nerve blocs, central blocs. Ozet
SUMMARY Pain from rib fractures may affect cardiopulmonary functions. The aim of this study is to... more SUMMARY Pain from rib fractures may affect cardiopulmonary functions. The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of patient controlled thoracic epidural analgesia (PCTEA) for pain relief in chest trauma patients. Ten patients were included. Heart rate, mean arterial pressure, pain scores by Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) at rest, cough and movement, respiratory rate, PaO2 and vital capacity (VC) were measured behre and after PCTEA. The patients were monitored for 72 h during analgesic treatment. After the placement of the epidural catheter, a PCA pump was used for PCTEA. 10 mL of 0,125% bupivacaine plus fentanyl citrate (2 jj,g/mL) was delivered as a loading dose and the same analgesic mixture was used for the maintenance at the foilowing dosages: basal infusion rate 5 mL/hr, PCA bolus dose 10 mL and lockout time 30 min. VAS scores were recorded at 4-hour intervals, VC and PaO2 was measured before PCTEA and at predetermined intervals.
Bu calismanin amaci laminektomi uygulanan hastalarda pre-emptif olarak kullanilan petidin ve tram... more Bu calismanin amaci laminektomi uygulanan hastalarda pre-emptif olarak kullanilan petidin ve tramadol'un postoperatif etkinligini karsilastirmaktir. Calisma, Hastane Etik Kurulu tarafindan onaylandi ve hastalardan yazili izin alindi. Son 24 saat analjezik almamis olan, 18- 60 yas arasi, laminektomi uygulanan 25 hasta (12 K, 13 E) calismaya dahil edildi. Olgular randomize olarak 2 gruba ayrildi. Birinci grupta 1.5 mg.kg'1 tramadol, 2. Grupta 1.5 mg.kg1 petidin intramuskuler olarak cerrahiden 30 dk once yapildi. Standart genel anestezi induksiyonunda atropin 0.01 mg.kg1, tiyopental sodyum 5 mg.kg1, fentanil sitrat 1.5 mcg.kg1, 0.1 mg.kg1 vekuronyum ; anestezi idamesinde % 50 - 50 O2 -N2O, % 0.8- 1.5 izofluran kullanildi. Analjezinin etkinligi ve suresi vizuel analog skala (VAS ); 0- agri yok ,10= duyulan en siddetli agri; verbal rating skala (VRS) 4= dayanilmaz agri, 0= agri yok olacak sekilde postoperatif 0.5, 1, 3, 24. saatlerde degerlendirildi. Hastalarin ek analjezik gerek...
Amac: Bu calismanin amaci, kraniyotomi sonrasinda erken postoperatif donemde olusan agrinin sidde... more Amac: Bu calismanin amaci, kraniyotomi sonrasinda erken postoperatif donemde olusan agrinin siddetini ve tedavi yonetimini degerlendirmektir. Gerec ve Yontem: Etik kurul izni alindiktan sonra, retrospektif olarak 2009-2011 yillari arasinda, kraniyotomi uygulanmis olan olgulari degerlendirdik. Toplam 176 hastanin dosyasi gozden gecirildi ve 146'sinin dosyasi calisma kapsamina dâhil edildi. Bulgular: Postoperatif vizuel analog skala (VAS) - verbal rating skala (VRS) skorlari ile hastalarin postoperatif analjezik gereksinim duzeyleri arasinda istatistiksel olarak anlamli bir iliski saptandi (p< 0,05). Kraniyotomi uygulanan bolge ile (supratentoriyal/infratentoriyal) hastalarin postoperatif analjezik gereksinim duzeyi arasinda istatistiksel olarak anlamli iliski belirlendi (p
Bu olgu sunumunda, ankilozan spondilit nedeniyle diz artrozu gelişen ve diz artroplastisi planlan... more Bu olgu sunumunda, ankilozan spondilit nedeniyle diz artrozu gelişen ve diz artroplastisi planlanan hastada ultrason eşliğinde periferik sinir bloğu uygulamamızı literatür bilgileriyle tartışarak sunmayı amaçladık. Hastamız 51 yaşında ASA II sınıfına dahil erkek hastaydı. Önceki operasyonlarında yaşadığı deneyimlerine dayanarak spinal anesteziyi ve genel anesteziyi (uyanık fiberoptik entübasyon uygulanmış) kabul etmeyen hastaya ultrasonografi eşliğinde femoralsiyatik periferik sinir bloğu uygulandı. Peroperatif dönemde hemodinamik açıdan sorun yaşanmadan ve ağrı duymaksızın operasyon sonlandı. Postoperatif dönemde hasta kontrollü analjezi yöntemiyle Morfin IV infüzyon başlandı. İzleminin beşinci gününde hasta taburcu edildi. Sonuç olarak ankilozan spondilitli majör alt ekstremite cerrahisi geçirecek olan ve zor entübasyon riskine sahip olgularda periferik sinir bloklarının genel anesteziye ve nöroaksiyel anesteziye alternatif olabileceği düşüncesindeyiz.
Objective (Background): The aim of this study was to determine the aetiology, quality and quantit... more Objective (Background): The aim of this study was to determine the aetiology, quality and quantity of the pain following craniotomy during early postoperative period with using visual analogue score (VAS) and verbal rating scale (VRS). Methods: All craniotomy patients received 5 mg kg Thiopental, 2 mcg kg Fentanyl, 0,6 mg kg rocuronium for induction of anesthesia, and 0,12 mg kg hrs -1 propofol, 0,15-1,00 mcg. Kg min remifentanyl infusions with 50% oxygen-air mixture and additional doses of rocuronium (0,15 mg kg) for maintenance of anesthesia. Before craniotomy, scalp around incisional area was infiltrated with 20 ml local anesthetic (1% lidocaine with 35 mcg. mL adrenaline). All patients' age, weight, height, gender and location of surgical incision (supratentorial or infratentorial), the cause (vascular or tumor) and the duration of the surgery was recorded. All patients' heart rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, Ramsay sedation status scale was assessed and repo...
The Internet Journal of Anesthesiology, 2017
One of the very rare chromosomal anomalies is the Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome and can affect some pa... more One of the very rare chromosomal anomalies is the Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome and can affect some parts of the body. The major features of this disease include a characteristic facial appearance, delayed growth and development, intellectual disability, and seizures. Syndromes with genetic disorders usually give difficult times to anesthesiologists. We report a 6-month-old boy with Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome scheduled for US-guided central venous catheterization with laryngeal mask for airway management and vascular catheterizations in a pediatric patient with craniofacial abnormalities.
Diagnostic and interventional radiology, 2005
PURPOSE The aim of the study was to evaluate adverse events related to the use of anesthesia and ... more PURPOSE The aim of the study was to evaluate adverse events related to the use of anesthesia and anesthetic procedures associated with interventional radiology. MATERIALS AND METHODS We retrospectively evaluated 124 interventional radiological procedures performed with anesthesia within a one-year period. Patients were separated into four groups according to the duration of procedure, the type of procedure performed, anesthetic agents used, and complications associated with anesthesia. RESULTS Of the 124 patients, 59 had neurovascular procedures, 10 underwent implantation of a tracheal stent, and 19 had painful procedures. Fifteen of 36 pediatric patients had diagnostic angiography, and 21 had interventional procedures. Two patients in the neurovascular intervention group had cerebral hemorrhage and cerebral infarctions, and anaphylactic reaction developed in one patient, who underwent percutaneous hepatic hydatic cyst drainage. CONCLUSION Interventional radiological procedures seem...
Embolization of type I perimedullary spinal arteriovenous fistulas (AVFs) can be difficult, becau... more Embolization of type I perimedullary spinal arteriovenous fistulas (AVFs) can be difficult, because of tortuosity and the small diameter of the feeder and distal location of the fistula site. The 1.5F flow-directed catheter in conjunction with a hydrophilic guidewire has been used in fistula embolization with cyanoacrylate glue for spinal vascular malformations at our institution. This combination has improved our success rate in achieving superselective catheterization of the fistula. Thus, 4 of 5 patients with type I perimedullary AVFs could be cured with this technique. Like type II and type III perimedullary AVFs, the endovascular approach may also be the first line of treatment in type I perimedullary spinal AVF.
This placebo-controlled, randomized study was performed to evaluate the efficacy of dexmedetomidi... more This placebo-controlled, randomized study was performed to evaluate the efficacy of dexmedetomidine in preventing postoperative shivering. Materials and methods: Sixty patients undergoing gynecologic laparoscopic surgery were assigned randomly to 2 groups to be administered either dexmedetomidine as a loading of 1 µg kg-1 for 10 min followed by a maintenance infusion of 0.5 µg kg-1 h-1 (Group D, n = 30), or a normal saline infusion (Group S, n = 30). Results: Postoperative shivering was observed in 14 patients in Group S and in 3 patients in Group D (P = 0.001). The sedation scores were higher in the dexmedetomidine group than in the saline group (P < 0.05). Postoperative pain scores were higher in the saline group for the first 40 min (P < 0.05). Perioperative tympanic temperatures were not different between the groups. Conclusion: Intraoperative dexmedetomidine infusion reduces postoperative shivering in patients undergoing gynecologic laparoscopy.
Kraniyotomi olgularinda mevcut olan artmis sempatik yanit, operasyon sonunda, anestezik ajanlarin... more Kraniyotomi olgularinda mevcut olan artmis sempatik yanit, operasyon sonunda, anestezik ajanlarin kesilmesi ile yeniden ortaya cikmaktadir. Hemodinamik yanitin baskilanmasi bu olgularin post- operatif prognozu acisindan onemlidir. Bu calismada, ekstubasyon oncesinde IV olarak kullanilan Diltiazem (D) ve Lidokain'in (L) kraniyotomi uygulanmis hastalardaki hemodinamik etkileri arastirildi. Bu amacla, E.U.T.F. Etik Kurul izni ve hasta onayi alinarak, elektif kraniyotomi operasyonu uygulanan, ASA I- II grubu, 18-60 yas arasi 30 hasta rasgele iki gruba ayrildi. Standart genel anestezi induksiyonu sonrasinda, anestezi idamesinde % 50- 50 N2O - O2ve % 2 - 2.5 sevofluran kullanildi. Intraoperatif hemodinamik degisimler kaydedildi. Ekstubasyondan 2 dk. once, D grubunda 0.2 mg/ kg diltiazem IV, L grubunda 1 mg/ kg lidokain IV olarak verildi. Ekstubasyon oncesi, ekstubasyon sonrasi ve ekstubasyondan 1., 2., 5., ve 10. dk.'lardaki kalp atim hizi (KAH), sistolik arter basinci (SAB), orta...
Ortadoğu Tıp Dergisi
Yogun bakimda entube takip edilen hastalarin mekanik ventilasyona uyum saglamalari cogu zaman med... more Yogun bakimda entube takip edilen hastalarin mekanik ventilasyona uyum saglamalari cogu zaman medikal destek gerektirir. Uygun sedasyonun uygulanmamasi bu hastalarda tedavi basarisizligina neden olacaktir. Bu nedenle yogun bakim hekimleri sedasyon ve analjezi saglamak icin bazi ajanlara basvurabilirler. Ajanlarin secimleri hastanin hemodinamisi, kafa ici basinci, havayolu dinamikleri, ilaci metabolize edebilme durumu gibi bircok durum goz onunde bulundurularak yapilir. Bu derlemede bu amacla en sik kullanilan ajanlar ve ajanlarin tercih edilme ya da edilmeme nedenlerinden bahsedilecektir.