George Owuor | Egerton University (original) (raw)

Papers by George Owuor

Research paper thumbnail of Filling the Niche—A Synthesis of Financial Inclusion among Smallholder Farmers in Africa, the Case for Kenya

Modern Economy, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Agricultural commercialization and household food security: The case of smallholders in Great Lakes Region of Central Africa

Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) faces the challenge of low food production and ... more Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) faces the challenge of low food production and high incidences of poverty. Several programs initiated in the region to improve food security and market access have had limited success. Many households mainly grow bananas and legumes as staple crops. Using propensity score matching, this paper evaluates the impact of bananas and legumes commercialization on household food security. Commercial oriented farmers have more diverse diets than non-commercial oriented ones because they can easily purchase other foods to supplement own production. Commercialization has a robust and positive effect on household food security. It significantly increases household dietary diversity and reduces the number of coping strategies adopted during food shortage. Programs that promote commercialization of smallholder agriculture coupled with improved infrastructure in terms of roads and market information systems are continuously needed to facilitate com...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Effects of Revolving Funds on Milk Yields in Kenya

Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics and Sociology, Mar 26, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of An evaluation of the effects of revolving funds on dairy inputs use in Chepalungu Sub-County, Kenya

Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Factors affecting market outlet choice of agroforestry based mango producers in Kwale and Kilifi counties, Kenya: The application of the Multivariate Probit model

Cogent Food & Agriculture, 2021

Abstract Access to profitable market outlets for agroforestry mango producers is a major concern ... more Abstract Access to profitable market outlets for agroforestry mango producers is a major concern in Kwale and Kilifi counties. This paper is set to determine the factors affecting the choice of market outlets among agroforestry mango producers. The study analyzed the market outlets chosen by producers to find out which were the most prevalent chosen. The multivariate probit model was used to determine the factors that affect the choice of market outlets among the agroforestry mango producers. Data were collected using exploratory research through the systematic sampling approach. This resulted in an ultimate selection of 208 respondents, half of which participated in commercial farming and the other half practiced subsistence agroforestry. The results show that of the sampled respondents, 15% sold at farm gate, 63% sold to middlemen, 11% sold to local retailers and 11% sold to town markets. The Multivariate Probit model results indicate that education level (5%), price (1%), access to credit (5%) and age (10%) had a negative significant influence on the producers’ choice of farm gate market outlet as only gender had a positive influence at 10% significance level. Negotiation costs and mango quantity sold had a positive influence in selection of middlemen at 1% and 5% significant level, respectively, while price and cost of transport had a negative influence at 1% and 5% significance level. For the local retail market outlet, price and cost of transport had a positive and negative significance at 1% and 5%, respectively. Lastly, at the town market outlet distance to market outlet, education level (5%), price (1%) and age (5%) positively influenced the selection of the outlet, while both off-farm income and negotiation cost had a negative influence at 5% significance level. The prevalence of mango producers’ selling to middlemen was as a result of the immediate cash offered by the outlet capitalizing on the desperate need for cash by mango producers. However, the town markets offered better returns though the several barriers to enter limited mango producers from accessing them. The results revealed that subsistence agroforestry mango producers dominated the farm gate and middlemen outlets, while producers with commercial systems mostly sold their produce to the local retail and town markets. The high transaction costs involved in accessing potential profitable markets need to be addressed by the relevant stakeholders so as to encourage more agroforestry mango-based producers into market participation.

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Research paper thumbnail of Determinants of Improved Maize Seed and Fertilizer Use in Kenya: Policy Implications

Maize is a key food crop in Kenya. While maize yields increased from 1.25 t ha-1 in early 1960s t... more Maize is a key food crop in Kenya. While maize yields increased from 1.25 t ha-1 in early 1960s to over 2 tonnes in 1982, they fell below 1.5 t ha-1 in 2000. Given the limited land area, there is no doubt that Kenya will have to rely more on modern technologies for increased yields .Use of improved maize varieties and fertilizers will therefore continue to be critical inputs for improving productivity. To improve production, it is important to understand factors determining adoption and intensity of use of modern technologies. A stratified 2-stage sampling design was used to select 1800 households, subsequently interviewed by means of structured questionnaire. Econometric models were used to explore factors influencing adoption and intensity of use of the improved varieties and fertilizer. Access to credit was positively related to adoption and intensity of use of the two inputs. Extension contacts positively influenced the likelihood of adoption of improved maize seed, while amount...

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Research paper thumbnail of Adjustment policy and new conditions towards sustainable development in Africa: a Kenyan perspective

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Research paper thumbnail of Is Cassava Commercialization a Strategy for Improving Household Income of Smallholder Farmers in Kenya? Endogenous Switching Model Approach

Journal of economics and sustainable development, 2017

Improving the economic welfare of smallholder farmers through agricultural commercialization stra... more Improving the economic welfare of smallholder farmers through agricultural commercialization strategy has been of great concern in sub-Saharan Africa. This is especially so in the Arid and Semi-Arid (ASAL) areas of Kenya which are prone to drought and poverty challenges. Among the few crops that can thrive in these areas and be used in commercialization is cassava. Therefore this study purposed to evaluate the effect of cassava commercialization on household income among smallholder farmers in Siaya County, Kenya. A multistage sample of 181 households was obtained. An econometric analysis based on endogenous switching regression model was performed. The study found that farmers who undertook cassava commercialization had a significant higher income relative to those who did not. In addition, several factors were found to significantly affect commercialization. These included farm size, years of education and remittances which positively (p<0.05) influenced cassava commercializati...

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Research paper thumbnail of Predicting farmer demand for BT maize in Kenya: June 2006, Brief 23

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Research paper thumbnail of Pattern of Management Interventions' Adoption and their Effect on Productivity of Indigenous Chicken in Kenya

Despite intensive dissemination of management intervention package, there is low productivity and... more Despite intensive dissemination of management intervention package, there is low productivity and commercialization of indigenous chicken (Gallus domesticus) in Africa. The management intervention package comprises feed supplementation, housing, chick rearing, brooding and vaccination. Smallholder farmers often regard these management interventions as costly, risky, unprofitable, and inaccessible and that they require high technical knowledge. This paper emphasizes the role of management intervention package in productivity of smallholder indigenous chicken farmers. Principal Component Analysis combined with Cluster analysis was used to determine three homogenous groups adopting management interventions. The three groups are; feed supplementation and vaccination adopters, feed supplementation and brooding adopters and Full management intervention package adopters. The effect of these adopted management interventions was then analyzed using log linear regression model which takes the...

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Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Determinants of Productivity and Technical Efficiency among Smallholder Common Bean Farmers in Eastern Uganda

Current Research Journal of Economic Theory, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Consumer Acceptance of Leafy African Indigenous Vegetables: Comparison Between Rural and Urban Dwellers

International Journal of Vegetable Science, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Assessing the determinants of tissue culture banana adoption in Western Kenya

African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development, 2016

In this study cross-section data was used to analyze the effect of farmers’ demographic, socioeco... more In this study cross-section data was used to analyze the effect of farmers’ demographic, socioeconomic and institutional setting, market access and physical attributes on the probability and intensity of tissue culture banana (TCB) adoption. The study was carried out between July 2011 and November 2011. Both descriptive (mean, variance, promotions) and regression analysis were used in the analysis. A double hurdle regression model was fitted on the data. Using multistage sampling technique, four counties and eight sub-locations were randomly selected. Using random sampling technique, three hundred and thirty farmers were selected from a list of banana households in the selected sub-locations. The adoption level of tissue culture banana (TCB) was about 32%. The results also revealed that the likelihood of TCB adoption was significantly influenced by: availability of TCB planting material, proportion of banana income to the total farm income, per capita household expenditure and the l...

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Research paper thumbnail of Effects Of Khat Production On Rural Household’s Income In

This paper explores the factors that influence diversification into Khat production and its contr... more This paper explores the factors that influence diversification into Khat production and its contribution to rural household’s income in Kenya. Using probability and non-probability sampling procedures, a sample of 125 households composed of both Khat producers and non producers was selected. Logit regression was used to estimate the factors that influence participation in Khat production while propensity Score Matching (PSM) was used to assess its contribution to rural household’s income. The factors that enhances participation are access to extension services, number of school going children, agricultural land size, household’s income and main occupation of the household head whereas the factors that hinder participation are age of the household head, distance from the main market and access to credit. Subsequently, Khat production positively contributes to the household’s income. Hence, as an alternative measure to boost the rural household’s income, Khat enterprise should be prom...

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Research paper thumbnail of Consumer's choice of retail outlets for African indigenous vegetables: Empirical evidence among rural and urban households in Kenya ABOUT THE AUTHOR

Abstract: This study evaluated socio-economic, institutional and product characteristics that inf... more Abstract: This study evaluated socio-economic, institutional and product characteristics that influence the choice for African indigenous vegetable (AIV) retail outlets among rural and urban households in Kenya. Multistage sampling technique was used to select a sample of 450 respondents from four counties in Kenya. Data was collected using a pre-tested semi-structured questionnaire and a multinomial Probit model was used in the analysis. Findings revealed that local open air markets and green groceries were the most preferred retail outlets in rural and urban households, respectively. Additionally, gender, age and education level of the key decision-maker, household size, varietal diversity, vegetable bunch size, market distance and perceptions regarding AIV retail prices significantly influenced the choice for AIV retail outlets. Interventions that would standardize the quantity of vegetables sold per bunch in both supermarkets and green groceries and a further development of more...

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Research paper thumbnail of Milk Handling in the Supply Chains: The Case of Smallholder Retail Outlets In Nakuru, Kenya

This paper characterises smallholder milk outlets in Nakuru district one of the major milk produc... more This paper characterises smallholder milk outlets in Nakuru district one of the major milk producing Districts in Kenya, and also analyses factors that influence their current operating and handling capacities. Data comes from four divisions of the district. A sample of 137 smallholder milk retail outlets was made using systematic random sampling methodology. Both descriptive and ordinary regression methods were used in the analysis. A characterisation of the retail outlets is brought out and the factors that affect their current operating capacities presented. Results show that a unit change in education, experience and selling prices leads to 0.29, 0.18 and 0.23 significant changes in milk handling capacities by the retail outlets respectively. These imply that there is an efficiency gain from education and better prices through higher consumer incomes in the industry. Enhancement of milk retailers' value addition through provision of physical facilities such as cooling equipm...

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Research paper thumbnail of Are there gender differences in access to and demand for East Coast fever vaccine? Empirical evidence from rural smallholder dairy farmers in Kenya

Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics, 2020

Women lag in the adoption of agricultural innovations compared to men, mainly due to gender inequ... more Women lag in the adoption of agricultural innovations compared to men, mainly due to gender inequalities in access to complementary inputs, capital, and knowledge/information. The Infection-and-Treatment-Method (ITM) is considered a safe and effective method of controlling East Coast fever. However, since its commercialisation in Kenya differences in demand for this vaccine among smallholder men and women dairy cattle keepers have not been assessed. Using a sample of 448 respondents, we used an Average-Treatment-Effect framework to estimate ITM adoption rates under awareness constraints and the determinants of adoption among smallholder male-headed (MHHs) and femaleheaded (FHHs) households. We found some difference in ITM awareness between MHHs (57 per cent) and FHHs (46 per cent). However, gender adoption gaps in the actual and potential adoption rates were considerable, with actual adoption rates of 41 per cent and potential adoption rate of 62 per cent among MHHs, compared to 19 ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Economic Analysis and Determinants of Selected Women-Led Vegetable Enterprises Performance in Koutiala and Bougouni Distircts, Mali

Journal of economics and sustainable development, 2018

Vegetable production is one of the most important income generating activities conducted by women... more Vegetable production is one of the most important income generating activities conducted by women in Koutiala and Bougouni. This enterprise plays a fundamental role in economic development as well as improved household income and food security. Although the women have continuously produced and marketed vegetables, many households are still poor. As a result, the World Vegetable Centre introduced various interventions to improve performance of the women owned vegetable enterprises and one among many being the introduction of five new varieties of vegetables (tomato, onion, okra, eggplant and chilli). Nevertheless, empirical evidence is lacking on the benefit derived by farmers who have chosen the vegetables as well as the socio-economic and institutional factors influenicng the same. Therefore to evaluate the performance and determinants of selected women-led vegetable enterprises, gross margin analysis and ordinary least square model were used. A multi-stage sampling technique was ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of transaction costs on choice of marketing outlets among smallholder peach farmers in Lesotho

African Crop Science Journal

Peach (Prunus persica) production is a major agro-economic activity in Lesotho. However, most sma... more Peach (Prunus persica) production is a major agro-economic activity in Lesotho. However, most smallholder peach farmers in Lesotho still fail to reap the benefits that are in line with peach commercialization. This is because of high transaction costs, which vary along with different peach marketing outlets. This study was conducted to determine the influence of transaction costs on the choice of marketing outlets of peaches in Lesotho. A multistage sampling technique was used to select 90 respondents for this study. Cross-sectional data were collected using a semi-structured questionnaire. A Multivariate probit model was used to analyse transaction costs influencing the choice of marketing outlets among smallholder peach farmers. The study revealed that gender and communication costs positively influenced the choice of farm gate; while the time taken to reach other outlets and average monthly income negatively influenced the choice of farm gate outlets. Sorting, grading and communi...

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Research paper thumbnail of Personal Financial Management Practices of Secondary School Teachers in Kisii County: Kenya

Research Journal of Finance and Accounting

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Research paper thumbnail of Filling the Niche—A Synthesis of Financial Inclusion among Smallholder Farmers in Africa, the Case for Kenya

Modern Economy, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Agricultural commercialization and household food security: The case of smallholders in Great Lakes Region of Central Africa

Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) faces the challenge of low food production and ... more Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) faces the challenge of low food production and high incidences of poverty. Several programs initiated in the region to improve food security and market access have had limited success. Many households mainly grow bananas and legumes as staple crops. Using propensity score matching, this paper evaluates the impact of bananas and legumes commercialization on household food security. Commercial oriented farmers have more diverse diets than non-commercial oriented ones because they can easily purchase other foods to supplement own production. Commercialization has a robust and positive effect on household food security. It significantly increases household dietary diversity and reduces the number of coping strategies adopted during food shortage. Programs that promote commercialization of smallholder agriculture coupled with improved infrastructure in terms of roads and market information systems are continuously needed to facilitate com...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Effects of Revolving Funds on Milk Yields in Kenya

Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics and Sociology, Mar 26, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of An evaluation of the effects of revolving funds on dairy inputs use in Chepalungu Sub-County, Kenya

Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Factors affecting market outlet choice of agroforestry based mango producers in Kwale and Kilifi counties, Kenya: The application of the Multivariate Probit model

Cogent Food & Agriculture, 2021

Abstract Access to profitable market outlets for agroforestry mango producers is a major concern ... more Abstract Access to profitable market outlets for agroforestry mango producers is a major concern in Kwale and Kilifi counties. This paper is set to determine the factors affecting the choice of market outlets among agroforestry mango producers. The study analyzed the market outlets chosen by producers to find out which were the most prevalent chosen. The multivariate probit model was used to determine the factors that affect the choice of market outlets among the agroforestry mango producers. Data were collected using exploratory research through the systematic sampling approach. This resulted in an ultimate selection of 208 respondents, half of which participated in commercial farming and the other half practiced subsistence agroforestry. The results show that of the sampled respondents, 15% sold at farm gate, 63% sold to middlemen, 11% sold to local retailers and 11% sold to town markets. The Multivariate Probit model results indicate that education level (5%), price (1%), access to credit (5%) and age (10%) had a negative significant influence on the producers’ choice of farm gate market outlet as only gender had a positive influence at 10% significance level. Negotiation costs and mango quantity sold had a positive influence in selection of middlemen at 1% and 5% significant level, respectively, while price and cost of transport had a negative influence at 1% and 5% significance level. For the local retail market outlet, price and cost of transport had a positive and negative significance at 1% and 5%, respectively. Lastly, at the town market outlet distance to market outlet, education level (5%), price (1%) and age (5%) positively influenced the selection of the outlet, while both off-farm income and negotiation cost had a negative influence at 5% significance level. The prevalence of mango producers’ selling to middlemen was as a result of the immediate cash offered by the outlet capitalizing on the desperate need for cash by mango producers. However, the town markets offered better returns though the several barriers to enter limited mango producers from accessing them. The results revealed that subsistence agroforestry mango producers dominated the farm gate and middlemen outlets, while producers with commercial systems mostly sold their produce to the local retail and town markets. The high transaction costs involved in accessing potential profitable markets need to be addressed by the relevant stakeholders so as to encourage more agroforestry mango-based producers into market participation.

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Research paper thumbnail of Determinants of Improved Maize Seed and Fertilizer Use in Kenya: Policy Implications

Maize is a key food crop in Kenya. While maize yields increased from 1.25 t ha-1 in early 1960s t... more Maize is a key food crop in Kenya. While maize yields increased from 1.25 t ha-1 in early 1960s to over 2 tonnes in 1982, they fell below 1.5 t ha-1 in 2000. Given the limited land area, there is no doubt that Kenya will have to rely more on modern technologies for increased yields .Use of improved maize varieties and fertilizers will therefore continue to be critical inputs for improving productivity. To improve production, it is important to understand factors determining adoption and intensity of use of modern technologies. A stratified 2-stage sampling design was used to select 1800 households, subsequently interviewed by means of structured questionnaire. Econometric models were used to explore factors influencing adoption and intensity of use of the improved varieties and fertilizer. Access to credit was positively related to adoption and intensity of use of the two inputs. Extension contacts positively influenced the likelihood of adoption of improved maize seed, while amount...

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Research paper thumbnail of Adjustment policy and new conditions towards sustainable development in Africa: a Kenyan perspective

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Research paper thumbnail of Is Cassava Commercialization a Strategy for Improving Household Income of Smallholder Farmers in Kenya? Endogenous Switching Model Approach

Journal of economics and sustainable development, 2017

Improving the economic welfare of smallholder farmers through agricultural commercialization stra... more Improving the economic welfare of smallholder farmers through agricultural commercialization strategy has been of great concern in sub-Saharan Africa. This is especially so in the Arid and Semi-Arid (ASAL) areas of Kenya which are prone to drought and poverty challenges. Among the few crops that can thrive in these areas and be used in commercialization is cassava. Therefore this study purposed to evaluate the effect of cassava commercialization on household income among smallholder farmers in Siaya County, Kenya. A multistage sample of 181 households was obtained. An econometric analysis based on endogenous switching regression model was performed. The study found that farmers who undertook cassava commercialization had a significant higher income relative to those who did not. In addition, several factors were found to significantly affect commercialization. These included farm size, years of education and remittances which positively (p<0.05) influenced cassava commercializati...

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Research paper thumbnail of Predicting farmer demand for BT maize in Kenya: June 2006, Brief 23

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Research paper thumbnail of Pattern of Management Interventions' Adoption and their Effect on Productivity of Indigenous Chicken in Kenya

Despite intensive dissemination of management intervention package, there is low productivity and... more Despite intensive dissemination of management intervention package, there is low productivity and commercialization of indigenous chicken (Gallus domesticus) in Africa. The management intervention package comprises feed supplementation, housing, chick rearing, brooding and vaccination. Smallholder farmers often regard these management interventions as costly, risky, unprofitable, and inaccessible and that they require high technical knowledge. This paper emphasizes the role of management intervention package in productivity of smallholder indigenous chicken farmers. Principal Component Analysis combined with Cluster analysis was used to determine three homogenous groups adopting management interventions. The three groups are; feed supplementation and vaccination adopters, feed supplementation and brooding adopters and Full management intervention package adopters. The effect of these adopted management interventions was then analyzed using log linear regression model which takes the...

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Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Determinants of Productivity and Technical Efficiency among Smallholder Common Bean Farmers in Eastern Uganda

Current Research Journal of Economic Theory, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Consumer Acceptance of Leafy African Indigenous Vegetables: Comparison Between Rural and Urban Dwellers

International Journal of Vegetable Science, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Assessing the determinants of tissue culture banana adoption in Western Kenya

African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development, 2016

In this study cross-section data was used to analyze the effect of farmers’ demographic, socioeco... more In this study cross-section data was used to analyze the effect of farmers’ demographic, socioeconomic and institutional setting, market access and physical attributes on the probability and intensity of tissue culture banana (TCB) adoption. The study was carried out between July 2011 and November 2011. Both descriptive (mean, variance, promotions) and regression analysis were used in the analysis. A double hurdle regression model was fitted on the data. Using multistage sampling technique, four counties and eight sub-locations were randomly selected. Using random sampling technique, three hundred and thirty farmers were selected from a list of banana households in the selected sub-locations. The adoption level of tissue culture banana (TCB) was about 32%. The results also revealed that the likelihood of TCB adoption was significantly influenced by: availability of TCB planting material, proportion of banana income to the total farm income, per capita household expenditure and the l...

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Research paper thumbnail of Effects Of Khat Production On Rural Household’s Income In

This paper explores the factors that influence diversification into Khat production and its contr... more This paper explores the factors that influence diversification into Khat production and its contribution to rural household’s income in Kenya. Using probability and non-probability sampling procedures, a sample of 125 households composed of both Khat producers and non producers was selected. Logit regression was used to estimate the factors that influence participation in Khat production while propensity Score Matching (PSM) was used to assess its contribution to rural household’s income. The factors that enhances participation are access to extension services, number of school going children, agricultural land size, household’s income and main occupation of the household head whereas the factors that hinder participation are age of the household head, distance from the main market and access to credit. Subsequently, Khat production positively contributes to the household’s income. Hence, as an alternative measure to boost the rural household’s income, Khat enterprise should be prom...

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Research paper thumbnail of Consumer's choice of retail outlets for African indigenous vegetables: Empirical evidence among rural and urban households in Kenya ABOUT THE AUTHOR

Abstract: This study evaluated socio-economic, institutional and product characteristics that inf... more Abstract: This study evaluated socio-economic, institutional and product characteristics that influence the choice for African indigenous vegetable (AIV) retail outlets among rural and urban households in Kenya. Multistage sampling technique was used to select a sample of 450 respondents from four counties in Kenya. Data was collected using a pre-tested semi-structured questionnaire and a multinomial Probit model was used in the analysis. Findings revealed that local open air markets and green groceries were the most preferred retail outlets in rural and urban households, respectively. Additionally, gender, age and education level of the key decision-maker, household size, varietal diversity, vegetable bunch size, market distance and perceptions regarding AIV retail prices significantly influenced the choice for AIV retail outlets. Interventions that would standardize the quantity of vegetables sold per bunch in both supermarkets and green groceries and a further development of more...

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Research paper thumbnail of Milk Handling in the Supply Chains: The Case of Smallholder Retail Outlets In Nakuru, Kenya

This paper characterises smallholder milk outlets in Nakuru district one of the major milk produc... more This paper characterises smallholder milk outlets in Nakuru district one of the major milk producing Districts in Kenya, and also analyses factors that influence their current operating and handling capacities. Data comes from four divisions of the district. A sample of 137 smallholder milk retail outlets was made using systematic random sampling methodology. Both descriptive and ordinary regression methods were used in the analysis. A characterisation of the retail outlets is brought out and the factors that affect their current operating capacities presented. Results show that a unit change in education, experience and selling prices leads to 0.29, 0.18 and 0.23 significant changes in milk handling capacities by the retail outlets respectively. These imply that there is an efficiency gain from education and better prices through higher consumer incomes in the industry. Enhancement of milk retailers' value addition through provision of physical facilities such as cooling equipm...

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Research paper thumbnail of Are there gender differences in access to and demand for East Coast fever vaccine? Empirical evidence from rural smallholder dairy farmers in Kenya

Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics, 2020

Women lag in the adoption of agricultural innovations compared to men, mainly due to gender inequ... more Women lag in the adoption of agricultural innovations compared to men, mainly due to gender inequalities in access to complementary inputs, capital, and knowledge/information. The Infection-and-Treatment-Method (ITM) is considered a safe and effective method of controlling East Coast fever. However, since its commercialisation in Kenya differences in demand for this vaccine among smallholder men and women dairy cattle keepers have not been assessed. Using a sample of 448 respondents, we used an Average-Treatment-Effect framework to estimate ITM adoption rates under awareness constraints and the determinants of adoption among smallholder male-headed (MHHs) and femaleheaded (FHHs) households. We found some difference in ITM awareness between MHHs (57 per cent) and FHHs (46 per cent). However, gender adoption gaps in the actual and potential adoption rates were considerable, with actual adoption rates of 41 per cent and potential adoption rate of 62 per cent among MHHs, compared to 19 ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Economic Analysis and Determinants of Selected Women-Led Vegetable Enterprises Performance in Koutiala and Bougouni Distircts, Mali

Journal of economics and sustainable development, 2018

Vegetable production is one of the most important income generating activities conducted by women... more Vegetable production is one of the most important income generating activities conducted by women in Koutiala and Bougouni. This enterprise plays a fundamental role in economic development as well as improved household income and food security. Although the women have continuously produced and marketed vegetables, many households are still poor. As a result, the World Vegetable Centre introduced various interventions to improve performance of the women owned vegetable enterprises and one among many being the introduction of five new varieties of vegetables (tomato, onion, okra, eggplant and chilli). Nevertheless, empirical evidence is lacking on the benefit derived by farmers who have chosen the vegetables as well as the socio-economic and institutional factors influenicng the same. Therefore to evaluate the performance and determinants of selected women-led vegetable enterprises, gross margin analysis and ordinary least square model were used. A multi-stage sampling technique was ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of transaction costs on choice of marketing outlets among smallholder peach farmers in Lesotho

African Crop Science Journal

Peach (Prunus persica) production is a major agro-economic activity in Lesotho. However, most sma... more Peach (Prunus persica) production is a major agro-economic activity in Lesotho. However, most smallholder peach farmers in Lesotho still fail to reap the benefits that are in line with peach commercialization. This is because of high transaction costs, which vary along with different peach marketing outlets. This study was conducted to determine the influence of transaction costs on the choice of marketing outlets of peaches in Lesotho. A multistage sampling technique was used to select 90 respondents for this study. Cross-sectional data were collected using a semi-structured questionnaire. A Multivariate probit model was used to analyse transaction costs influencing the choice of marketing outlets among smallholder peach farmers. The study revealed that gender and communication costs positively influenced the choice of farm gate; while the time taken to reach other outlets and average monthly income negatively influenced the choice of farm gate outlets. Sorting, grading and communi...

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Research paper thumbnail of Personal Financial Management Practices of Secondary School Teachers in Kisii County: Kenya

Research Journal of Finance and Accounting

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