Situation of Civilians in Humera, Dansha, and Bissober - Brief Monitoring Report - Ethiopian Human Rights Commission - EHRC (original) (raw)

The Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC/the Commission) is monitoring the situation of civilians in the war affected areas in the Tigray Region and surrounding areas and persons displaced as a result (IDPs).

Following the Commission’s investigative mission to Dansha, Humera, and Maikadra from November 14 to November 18, 2020, a second monitoring mission was dispatched to Western Tigray and the bordering Amhara Region from December 15 to December 20, 2020. Although the security situation at the time did not allow the Commission to cover Humera, Maikadra, Dima, Adi Goshu, Rawyan and Berehet as originally planned, the Commission was able to assess the situation of civilians and IDPs from Tigray region in Dansha and Gondar cities. The mission team met with relevant state authorities, visited IDPs in hospitals and temporary shelters and talked to survivors, medical workers, as well as militias and soldiers who took part in the war.

From 31 December 2020 to 5 January 2021, EHRC also sent an investigation mission to the villages of Bissober and Ullaga, in Chercher Woreda of Raya Azebo Zone in the Southern Zone of Tigray, to investigate allegations of civilian killings, injuries, looting, and damage to properties, that took place from 14 to 17 November 2020. The Commission spoke with survivors, families of victims, witnesses and other relevant bodies in the villages.

The findings of the Commission’s latest mission, in Mekelle and other parts of Tigray since January 10, 2021, will also inform upcoming reports as it continues to monitor developments in the region and the situation of civilians and internally displaced persons.

Download the full document: Brief Monitoring Report on the Situation of Civilians in Humera, Dansha and Bissober