Eli Arocena | University of the Basque Country, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (original) (raw)
Papers by Eli Arocena
Libro de Actas del 3rd International Congress of Educational Sciences and Development, 2015, ISBN 978-84-606-6429-1, pág. 540, 2015
Elizabet Arocena EgañaThe contents of this publication may be reproduced in print, except for com... more Elizabet Arocena EgañaThe contents of this publication may be reproduced in print, except for commercial purposes, provided that the extract is proceeded by a complete reference to the Mercator European Research
Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education, 2015
In this article we analyze teachers’ beliefs about learning different languages in multilingual e... more In this article we analyze teachers’ beliefs about learning different languages in multilingual education, which include forms of immersion in the minority and the majority languages. In this study interviews were held with 51 primary school teachers from the Basque Country (Spain), and Friesland (The Netherlands). In both regions three languages are taught: majority, minority and English. Based on the teachers’ views we obtain interesting insights into the native speaker ideal, pupils as multilingual speakers, and the proficiency levels for each language. The teachers also expressed their ideas on teaching through the minority language and through English, as well as their beliefs on cross-linguistic use of languages and how that is related to the multilingual repertoire. The social context is believed to have an important influence through the parents, the media, and the status of the languages in society. The article concludes that beliefs are still largely monolingual and seem t...
Sustained language education policies can have an important impact on the results of teaching fir... more Sustained language education policies can have an important impact on the results of teaching first and second languages. This paper discusses the outcomes of a study among two groups of students with different language backgrounds in a multilingual program. The first group uses a second language as the language of instruction and for them the model is an immersion program. The second group receives mother tongue instruction. Both groups are taking part in a curriculum where content and language learning are integrated. The ...
Tantak, 2018
Ikerketa honek H1 eta H2k H3ko ikasgelan duten presentzia eta jokatzen duten rola aztertzen ditu... more Ikerketa honek H1 eta H2k H3ko ikasgelan duten presentzia eta jokatzen duten rola aztertzen ditu, kode-alternantzia oraindik hizkuntza-jabekuntzarako kaltegarritzat jotzen den garaiotan. Ikerketa testuinguru eleaniztun batean egin zen, Euskal Herrian hain zuzen, non hizkuntzak bereiztearen aldeko iritzi eta usteak sakon sustraiturik dauden. Gero eta ikerketa gehiagok nabarmentzen dute atzerriko hizkuntzaren irakaskuntzan H1 modu sistematiko eta funtzionalean erabiltzea onuragarria izan daitekeela; hala ere, testuinguru eleaniztunetan, hizkuntzen irakaskuntzari dagokionez bere horretan diraute hainbat urtez nagusi izan diren elebakartasunean oinarritutako irizpideak. Ikerketa honetarako datuak biltzeko, astebetez behaketak egin ziren ingelesa atzerriko hizkuntza gisa ematen den klaseetan eta ingelesa irakats-hizkuntza den klaseetan, eta, horrez gain, ingeleseko irakasleei elkarrizketak egin zitzaizkien. Bestalde, galde-sorten bidez ikasleei buruzko oinarrizko informazio orokorra b...
System, Aug 1, 2020
In recent years new ideas about multilingualism and translanguaging have been widely debated in a... more In recent years new ideas about multilingualism and translanguaging have been widely debated in applied linguistics and sociolinguistics. A growing number of studies have investigated different aspects of translanguaging. Thus far only a few studies have focused on teachers' beliefs, attitudes or ideologies. In an earlier study, we found monolingual assumptions to be strong among teachers in the Basque Country and in Friesland. In the current study in-service teachers' beliefs about multilingualism and translanguaging are discussed in relation to the key role that teachers can play in changing educational practices. During a course of continuing professional development in-service teachers received training on multilingual approaches. Before, during and after the course data were collected on their beliefs about multilingualism and translanguaging. The outcomes reveal some important changes in the teachers' beliefs about separating languages, mixing languages and languages supporting each other and the application of those beliefs in the classroom. The complex relationship between professional development and changes in teachers' beliefs and practices is placed in a broader context of multilingual approaches to teaching.
The contents of this publication may be reproduced in print, except for commercial purposes, prov... more The contents of this publication may be reproduced in print, except for commercial purposes, provided that the extract is proceeded by a complete reference to the Mercator European Research Centre on Multilingualism and Language Learning.
System, 2020
In recent years new ideas about multilingualism and translanguaging have been widely debated in a... more In recent years new ideas about multilingualism and translanguaging have been widely debated in applied linguistics and sociolinguistics. A growing number of studies have investigated different aspects of translanguaging. Thus far only a few studies have focused on teachers' beliefs, attitudes or ideologies. In an earlier study, we found monolingual assumptions to be strong among teachers in the Basque Country and in Friesland. In the current study in-service teachers' beliefs about multilingualism and translanguaging are discussed in relation to the key role that teachers can play in changing educational practices. During a course of continuing professional development in-service teachers received training on multilingual approaches. Before, during and after the course data were collected on their beliefs about multilingualism and translanguaging. The outcomes reveal some important changes in the teachers' beliefs about separating languages, mixing languages and languages supporting each other and the application of those beliefs in the classroom. The complex relationship between professional development and changes in teachers' beliefs and practices is placed in a broader context of multilingual approaches to teaching.
Libro de Actas del 3rd International Congress of Educational Sciences and Development, 2015, ISBN 978-84-606-6429-1, pág. 540, 2015
Elizabet Arocena EgañaThe contents of this publication may be reproduced in print, except for com... more Elizabet Arocena EgañaThe contents of this publication may be reproduced in print, except for commercial purposes, provided that the extract is proceeded by a complete reference to the Mercator European Research
Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education, 2015
In this article we analyze teachers’ beliefs about learning different languages in multilingual e... more In this article we analyze teachers’ beliefs about learning different languages in multilingual education, which include forms of immersion in the minority and the majority languages. In this study interviews were held with 51 primary school teachers from the Basque Country (Spain), and Friesland (The Netherlands). In both regions three languages are taught: majority, minority and English. Based on the teachers’ views we obtain interesting insights into the native speaker ideal, pupils as multilingual speakers, and the proficiency levels for each language. The teachers also expressed their ideas on teaching through the minority language and through English, as well as their beliefs on cross-linguistic use of languages and how that is related to the multilingual repertoire. The social context is believed to have an important influence through the parents, the media, and the status of the languages in society. The article concludes that beliefs are still largely monolingual and seem t...
Sustained language education policies can have an important impact on the results of teaching fir... more Sustained language education policies can have an important impact on the results of teaching first and second languages. This paper discusses the outcomes of a study among two groups of students with different language backgrounds in a multilingual program. The first group uses a second language as the language of instruction and for them the model is an immersion program. The second group receives mother tongue instruction. Both groups are taking part in a curriculum where content and language learning are integrated. The ...
Tantak, 2018
Ikerketa honek H1 eta H2k H3ko ikasgelan duten presentzia eta jokatzen duten rola aztertzen ditu... more Ikerketa honek H1 eta H2k H3ko ikasgelan duten presentzia eta jokatzen duten rola aztertzen ditu, kode-alternantzia oraindik hizkuntza-jabekuntzarako kaltegarritzat jotzen den garaiotan. Ikerketa testuinguru eleaniztun batean egin zen, Euskal Herrian hain zuzen, non hizkuntzak bereiztearen aldeko iritzi eta usteak sakon sustraiturik dauden. Gero eta ikerketa gehiagok nabarmentzen dute atzerriko hizkuntzaren irakaskuntzan H1 modu sistematiko eta funtzionalean erabiltzea onuragarria izan daitekeela; hala ere, testuinguru eleaniztunetan, hizkuntzen irakaskuntzari dagokionez bere horretan diraute hainbat urtez nagusi izan diren elebakartasunean oinarritutako irizpideak. Ikerketa honetarako datuak biltzeko, astebetez behaketak egin ziren ingelesa atzerriko hizkuntza gisa ematen den klaseetan eta ingelesa irakats-hizkuntza den klaseetan, eta, horrez gain, ingeleseko irakasleei elkarrizketak egin zitzaizkien. Bestalde, galde-sorten bidez ikasleei buruzko oinarrizko informazio orokorra b...
System, Aug 1, 2020
In recent years new ideas about multilingualism and translanguaging have been widely debated in a... more In recent years new ideas about multilingualism and translanguaging have been widely debated in applied linguistics and sociolinguistics. A growing number of studies have investigated different aspects of translanguaging. Thus far only a few studies have focused on teachers' beliefs, attitudes or ideologies. In an earlier study, we found monolingual assumptions to be strong among teachers in the Basque Country and in Friesland. In the current study in-service teachers' beliefs about multilingualism and translanguaging are discussed in relation to the key role that teachers can play in changing educational practices. During a course of continuing professional development in-service teachers received training on multilingual approaches. Before, during and after the course data were collected on their beliefs about multilingualism and translanguaging. The outcomes reveal some important changes in the teachers' beliefs about separating languages, mixing languages and languages supporting each other and the application of those beliefs in the classroom. The complex relationship between professional development and changes in teachers' beliefs and practices is placed in a broader context of multilingual approaches to teaching.
The contents of this publication may be reproduced in print, except for commercial purposes, prov... more The contents of this publication may be reproduced in print, except for commercial purposes, provided that the extract is proceeded by a complete reference to the Mercator European Research Centre on Multilingualism and Language Learning.
System, 2020
In recent years new ideas about multilingualism and translanguaging have been widely debated in a... more In recent years new ideas about multilingualism and translanguaging have been widely debated in applied linguistics and sociolinguistics. A growing number of studies have investigated different aspects of translanguaging. Thus far only a few studies have focused on teachers' beliefs, attitudes or ideologies. In an earlier study, we found monolingual assumptions to be strong among teachers in the Basque Country and in Friesland. In the current study in-service teachers' beliefs about multilingualism and translanguaging are discussed in relation to the key role that teachers can play in changing educational practices. During a course of continuing professional development in-service teachers received training on multilingual approaches. Before, during and after the course data were collected on their beliefs about multilingualism and translanguaging. The outcomes reveal some important changes in the teachers' beliefs about separating languages, mixing languages and languages supporting each other and the application of those beliefs in the classroom. The complex relationship between professional development and changes in teachers' beliefs and practices is placed in a broader context of multilingual approaches to teaching.