Jesus Lorenzo Jimenez | University of the Basque Country, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (original) (raw)

Books by Jesus Lorenzo Jimenez

Research paper thumbnail of La dawla de los Banu Qasi. Origen, auge y caída de una dinastía muladí en la Frontera Superior de al-Andalus

La invasión de Al-Andalus en el año 711 trajo consigo importantes trasformaciones en el Valle del... more La invasión de Al-Andalus en el año 711 trajo consigo importantes trasformaciones en el Valle del Ebro, permitiendo emerger a algunos linajes de limitada relevancia en la región. Uno de estos linajes es el de los Banu Qasi, que en el último cuarto de siglo IX alcanzaba un claro predominio en la zona que le permitía enfrentarse a todos sus vecinos e incluso al emir de Córdoba, pocas décadas después habían perdido toda su influencia y desaparecían sin dejar rastro. El autor indaga en las claves para explicar el ascenso y declive que experimenta el linaje y el contexto histórico en el que se produce.

Papers by Jesus Lorenzo Jimenez

Research paper thumbnail of New Advances in Iberian Medieval Agriculture: Plant Remains from the Islamic Site of Castillo de Valtierra (Navarre, Northern Spain

Plants, 2024

There has been a notable lack of archaeological research into the medieval period in Iberia, part... more There has been a notable lack of archaeological research into the medieval period in Iberia, particularly in comparison to earlier periods. Consequently, the majority of our current understanding of agricultural practices and plant food sources in this region is derived from textual sources. However, there has been a notable increase in interest in archaeobotanical studies in medieval contexts over the past decade. In this context, this paper presents the results of a study of plant remains from Castillo de Valtierra (Navarre), with the objective of providing insights into agricultural practices and dietary habits during the Islamic period. In this area (the Ebro Valley), the Islamic period is divided as follows: Emiral period 756–929 AD, Caliphal period 929–ca.1012 AD, Taifal period ca.1012–1119 AD. This period was followed by the Christian period from 1119 AD onwards. Samples were collected from a variety of contexts in a systematic manner. A total of 2574 remains were recovered, and 57 taxa were identified. The findings of this study demonstrate that the community that inhabited Valtierra was primarily engaged in agricultural activities and had access to a diverse range of crops sourced from various productive areas, including cereal fields, home gardens, and forests.

Research paper thumbnail of AL ANDALUS Y LA GUERRA

Such as in any pre-modern society – as well as in any modern one – war was one of the multiple re... more Such as in any pre-modern society – as well as in any modern one – war was one of the multiple realities that coexisted in the development of the history of al-Andalus. Famous is, for example, the mute guard of the Cordovan emirs, the expeditions of Almanzor or the skill of the Berber horsemen. Nevertheless, and in spite of the numerous advances that have taken place in the last years, the study in depth of the Andalusi war activity is a unfinished task. In this sense, this book provides a new starting point for studies on the relationship between al-Andalus and war, from approaches and perspectives as varied as the ideology of war, the typology of troops, the evolution of weaponry, the study of different ways of waging war both by land and by sea, the questioning and overcoming of traditional historiographical paradigms, or the attention to issues and social groups that have usually been marginalized when writing the military history of al-Andalus in particular, and of the Middle Ages in general. And, as any starting point, we hope and wish that, in the future, this volume will contribute to continue increasing the knowledge we have about the reality of warfare in al-Andalus.

Research paper thumbnail of Los cimientos del Estado islámico: la Constitución de Medina (622)

El Estado y la Alta Edad Media. Nuevas perspectivas Carvajal Castro, Álvaro; Tejerizo García, Carlos (eds.), 2023

ABSTRACT: In 622, Muhammad proclaimed the so-called Constitution of Medina, a foundational text t... more ABSTRACT: In 622, Muhammad proclaimed the so-called Constitution of Medina, a foundational text that provided the basis of the Islamic state. This article analyses some aspects concerning the text of the Constitution, more specifically those associated with the articulation of the relations between that state and individuals. The first of them is the authority of Muhammad. The second one, the tribal condition that characterises pre-Islamic Arab society and the norms that govern the relations between lineages. Finally, the proclamation of a new political subject, the umma or Islamic community, which is accessed by undertaking a voluntary act, that is, the recognition of the authority of Muhammad. The conclusion is that the state founded by Muhammad is the transposition of the Arab tribal norms to this new political subject, the umma. It was a change insignificant in appearance but, however, its transcendence was enormous.
ABSTRACT: En el año 622, Muhammad proclamaba la denominada Constitución de Medina, un texto con carácter fundacional que sentaba las bases del estado islámico. En el presente artículo se analizan algunos de los aspectos relativos al texto de la Constitución, en particular aquellos relacionados con la articulación de las relaciones entre el estado y los individuos. Se estudia, primero, la autoridad de Muhammad. En segundo lugar, la condición de tribal que caracteriza a la sociedad árabe preislámica y las normas por las que se rigen las relaciones entre los linajes. Finalmente, la proclamación del nuevo sujeto político de ese estado, la umma o comunidad islámica, al que se accede por un acto voluntario, como es el reconocimiento de la autoridad de Muḥammad. La conclusión es que el estado fundado por Muhammad no es sino la trasposición de las normas tribales árabes a ese nuevo sujeto político, la umma, un cambio insignificante en apariencia, que tuvo, sin embargo, una enorme trascendencia.

Research paper thumbnail of Los orígenes de Mūsà ibn Nuṣayr y Ṭāriq ibn Ziyād y su relación con el imperio sasánida The Origins of Mūsà ibn Nuṣayr and Ṭāriq ibn Ziyād and their Relationship with the Sasanian Empire

Al-Qantara, XLIII-2, 2022

Abstract In the year 711 Ṭāriq ibn Ziyād and Mūsā ibn Nuṣayr launched the conquest of al-Andalus... more Abstract
In the year 711 Ṭāriq ibn Ziyād and Mūsā ibn Nuṣayr launched the conquest of al-Andalus from Ifrīqiya. The aim of this article is to find out about the origins of these two people through the study of the different accounts contained in the chronicles and the biographic dictionaries, both in the eastern and the western ones. In the case of Mūsā, the starting point is in ʿAyn al-Tamr, a city located on the right bank of the river Euphrates, where his father hailed from, and the conclusion is that his social envi-ronment was linked to the local Arab aristocracy, firstly at the service of the Sasanian administration and later, after the Islamic conquest, at the Umayyad one. Regarding Ṭāriq, the accounts suggest that the relationship of walāʾ that linked him to Mūsā was created at a moment before the appointment of Mūsā as the governor of Ifrīqiya. This evidence, together with the reports of many traditionists, inexplicably ignored by historiography, seems to dismiss the North African and Berber origin of Ṭāriq, and conversely locates it in the Sasanian geographical area.
Key words: Sasanian Empire; al-Andalus; Mūsā ibn Nuṣayr; Ṭāriq ibn Ziyād, walāʾ; Islamic Historiography.
En el año 711 Ṭāriq ibn Ziyād y Mūsà ibn Nuṣayr emprendían la conquista de al-Andalus desde Ifrīqiya. El objeto de este artículo es indagar en los orígenes de ambos personajes a través del estudio de las diferentes noticias que se contienen en las crónicas y los diccionarios biográficos, tanto orientales como occidentales. En el caso de Mūsà, el punto de partida se encuentra en ʿAyn al-Tamr en la orilla derecha del río Éufrates, de donde era originario su padre, para concluir que provenía de un entorno social vinculado a la aristocracia local árabe, primero al servicio de la administración sasánida y luego de la omeya. En cuanto a Ṭāriq, todo apunta a que la relación de walāʾ que le vinculaba con Mūsà ibn Nuṣayr se había constituido en un momento muy anterior a la llegada de este último a Ifrīqiya. Esta constatación, junto con las noticias aportadas por varios informadores, inexplicablemente ignoradas por la historiografía, apunta a descartar el origen norteafricano y bereber de Ṭāriq para situarlo en el ámbito geográfico sasánida.

Research paper thumbnail of Al-Hirah, the Nasrids, and Their Legacy: New Perspectives on Late Antique Iranian History

Mizan, Jul 15, 2018

This paper argues that the famous conqueror of al-Andalus, Mūsā ibn Nuṣayr, who originally came f... more This paper argues that the famous conqueror of al-Andalus, Mūsā ibn Nuṣayr, who originally came from ʿAyn al-Tamr, a town under the hegemony of Naṣrid al-Ḥīrah, transmitted aspects of Sasanian administrative practice to al-Andalus and hence to Europe, as evidenced by the taxation terms tasca and kafiz attested in Latin and Romance texts. This specific argument is embedded in a larger argument about cultural hybridity centering on the city of al-Ḥīrah as a pre-Islamic and Islamic contact zone among cultures—Roman, Iranian, Arab; Christian, Muslim; tribal and urban. It thus links the processes of transculturation observable in al-Ḥīrah with developments in the far edges of the Islamic world through the person of the conqueror Mūsā b. Nuṣayr.

Research paper thumbnail of Arqueología de al-Andalus durante el franquismo

El franquismo y la apropiación del pasado. El uso de la historia, de la arqueología y de la historia del arte para la legitimación de la dictadura., 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Los Banu Qasi y el Reino de Asturias: Contextualización y análisis crítico de los relatos cronísticos latinos a la luz de los textos árabes

El Reino de Asturias y Europa. Siglos VIII y IX (ed. C. García de Castro), 2022

Research paper thumbnail of El Thagr al-Andalus según los geógrafos y los compiladores musulmanes (siglos IX-XI)

Fortaleses medievals a la vall de l'Ebre (segles VII-XI) (ed. J. Brufal, J. Negre y F. Sabaté), 2020

Research paper thumbnail of El valle del Ebro a través de los Banu Qasi

Villa 3. Histoire et archéologie des sociétés de la vallée de l'Ebre (VIIe-XIe siécles), 2010

Research paper thumbnail of The conquerors and the formation of al-Andalus

The Routledge handbook of Muslim Iberia (ed. Maribel Fierro), 2020

List of figures xi List of maps xiii List of dynastic tables xiv List of boxes xv List of contrib... more List of figures xi List of maps xiii List of dynastic tables xiv List of boxes xv List of contributors xvii Notes on transliteration and dates xxiv Introduction: Languages, academic traditions and disciplinary backgrounds in the study of al-Andalus 1 Maribel Fierro PART I Rulers 7 1 The Iberian Peninsula before the Muslim conquest 9 Iñaki Martín Viso 2 The conquerors and the formation of al-Andalus 18 Jesús Lorenzo Jiménez 3 Centralization and consolidation: the Cordoban Umayyads and the Amirids 37 Xavier Ballestín vii Contents 4 Replication and fragmentation: the Taifa kingdoms Alejandro García-Sanjuán

Research paper thumbnail of Excavación arqueológica en el castillo de Valtierra. Campaña 2021

Trabajos de arqueología navarra, Sep 16, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of La islamización del valle medio del Ebro (ss. VIII-IX)

El Islam. Presente de un pasado medieval, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Al-Andalus en la construcción del relato identitario del foralismo navarro

eHumanista: Journal of Iberian Studies, 2017

A finales del siglo XIX Navarro Villoslada publica su novela Amaya y los vascos en el siglo VIII.... more A finales del siglo XIX Navarro Villoslada publica su novela Amaya y los vascos en el siglo VIII. En esta obra literaria el autor defendía la tesis de que el reino de Pamplona, que más tarde se llamaría reino de Navarra, se habría forjado en el contexto de la invasión islámica de la península ibérica y no sería sino el resultado de la unión de vascos y visigodos contra el enemigo común, los musulmanes. En las décadas siguientes esta opinión se fue consolidando tanto en ámbitos académicos como populares, con el fuerte impulso de nacionalcatolicismo tras el golpe de estado de 1936. Los hallazgos arqueológicos de las últimas décadas, sin embargo, han venido a echar por tierra todos los presupuestos de esta teoría.

Research paper thumbnail of Arabic toponymy in the territory of al-Bayḍāʾ / al-Qubba (Cyrenaica, Libya)

Libyan Studies, 2016

Toponymic records are a useful tool for establishing initial discriminating criteria before under... more Toponymic records are a useful tool for establishing initial discriminating criteria before undertaking an archaeological survey of a given territory. This study deals with a series of toponyms in an area located in the region of Cyrenaica which are characterised by containing several terms...

Research paper thumbnail of Toponimia del balad de Pamplona en la campaña de ‘Abd al-Raḥmān III del año 312/924

Al-Qantara, 2015

En el año 924, un ejército dirigido por el emir ‘Abd al-Raḥmān III cruzaba las fronteras del inci... more En el año 924, un ejército dirigido por el emir ‘Abd al-Raḥmān III cruzaba las fronteras del incipiente Reino de Pamplona y sometía su territorio a devastación. Dos cronistas, ‘Arīb b. Sa‘īd e Ibn Ḥayyān, recogieron en sus textos los nombres de varios de los lugares asolados. El objetivo de estas páginas es el de restituir los topónimos a su forma original manuscrita a fin de posibilitar nuevas hipótesis de identificación.

Research paper thumbnail of Barbarians of Dar al-Islam: the Upper March of al-Andalus and the Western Pyrenees in the 8th and 9th centuries  (J.J. Larrea & J. Lorenzo)

La Transgiordania nei secoli XII-XIII e le ‘frontiere’ del Mediterraneo medievale, 2012

Limina / Limites Archeologie, storie, isole e frontiere nel Mediterraneo (365-1556) 1 Published b... more Limina / Limites Archeologie, storie, isole e frontiere nel Mediterraneo (365-1556) 1 Published by Archaeopress Publishers of British Archaeological Reports Gordon House 276 Banbury Road Oxford OX2 7ED England BAR S2386 Limina / Limites Archeologie, storie, isole e frontiere nel Mediterraneo (365-1556) 1

Research paper thumbnail of Al-Andalus, ¿en la periferia de Vasconia? (J. Lorenzo & E. Pastor)

Vasconia en la Alta Edad Media, 450-1000: poderes y comunidades rurales en el norte penínsular, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Dominando territorios e imponiendo medidas: de Banbalûna a Barsilûna (J. Lorenzo & E. Pastor)

BAR, International series 2525: Lo que vino de Oriente. Horizontes, praxis y dimensión material de los sistemas de dominación fiscal en Al-Andalus (ss. VII-IX), X. Ballestín y E. Pastor (eds), 2013

Our starting-point is the premise that it is possible to establish a link between political or fi... more Our starting-point is the premise that it is possible to establish a link between political or fi scal systems and systems of
weights and measures. Our objective is the analysis of both a series of units of measurement of capacity and surfacearea
(the arrobo, kafiz and almud) and of a fiscal tribute, the parata, that appear in various charters of the late tenth and
early eleventh-centuries in diff erent parts of the Ebro Valley. We think that both phenomena are echoes of what we
term fi scal stratigraphy. Furthermore, the measurement units can be considered as markers for the introduction of a
relatively sophisticated Islamic fi scal system in given areas and this realisation brings us to broaden our horizons and
to look across the limits of Dār al-Islām, and specifi cally towards Egypt, in order to understand the mechanisms of
fiscal control that were introduced in al-Andalus following the Islamic conquest.

Research paper thumbnail of La conquista omeya del Magreb

Desperta Ferro: Antigua y medieval, 2018

Frente a las fulminantes conquistas islamicas de Egipto, Siria, Irak o Persia, la conquista del M... more Frente a las fulminantes conquistas islamicas de Egipto, Siria, Irak o Persia, la conquista del Magreb por el califato omeya se prolongo por el espacio de cerca de siete decadas, entre 642 y 711 d.C. Las dificultades que encontraron unos para conquistarlo y otros para resistirse a la conquista dieron lugar a la aparicion de varios personajes miticos cuya leyenda alcanza hasta el momento actual. Cuando a finales de 639, Amr ibn al-As se dispuso a invadir Egipto a la cabeza de un ejercito de musulmanes, no podia imaginar que estaba dando inicio a un proceso de conquista mucho mas amplio, que se llevaria a cabo en sucesivas oleadas durante la decadas siguientes y llevaria las fronteras del islam hasta la orilla del Atlantico, a una distancia de mas de 4000 km desde su punto de partida en Alejandria.

Research paper thumbnail of La dawla de los Banu Qasi. Origen, auge y caída de una dinastía muladí en la Frontera Superior de al-Andalus

La invasión de Al-Andalus en el año 711 trajo consigo importantes trasformaciones en el Valle del... more La invasión de Al-Andalus en el año 711 trajo consigo importantes trasformaciones en el Valle del Ebro, permitiendo emerger a algunos linajes de limitada relevancia en la región. Uno de estos linajes es el de los Banu Qasi, que en el último cuarto de siglo IX alcanzaba un claro predominio en la zona que le permitía enfrentarse a todos sus vecinos e incluso al emir de Córdoba, pocas décadas después habían perdido toda su influencia y desaparecían sin dejar rastro. El autor indaga en las claves para explicar el ascenso y declive que experimenta el linaje y el contexto histórico en el que se produce.

Research paper thumbnail of New Advances in Iberian Medieval Agriculture: Plant Remains from the Islamic Site of Castillo de Valtierra (Navarre, Northern Spain

Plants, 2024

There has been a notable lack of archaeological research into the medieval period in Iberia, part... more There has been a notable lack of archaeological research into the medieval period in Iberia, particularly in comparison to earlier periods. Consequently, the majority of our current understanding of agricultural practices and plant food sources in this region is derived from textual sources. However, there has been a notable increase in interest in archaeobotanical studies in medieval contexts over the past decade. In this context, this paper presents the results of a study of plant remains from Castillo de Valtierra (Navarre), with the objective of providing insights into agricultural practices and dietary habits during the Islamic period. In this area (the Ebro Valley), the Islamic period is divided as follows: Emiral period 756–929 AD, Caliphal period 929–ca.1012 AD, Taifal period ca.1012–1119 AD. This period was followed by the Christian period from 1119 AD onwards. Samples were collected from a variety of contexts in a systematic manner. A total of 2574 remains were recovered, and 57 taxa were identified. The findings of this study demonstrate that the community that inhabited Valtierra was primarily engaged in agricultural activities and had access to a diverse range of crops sourced from various productive areas, including cereal fields, home gardens, and forests.

Research paper thumbnail of AL ANDALUS Y LA GUERRA

Such as in any pre-modern society – as well as in any modern one – war was one of the multiple re... more Such as in any pre-modern society – as well as in any modern one – war was one of the multiple realities that coexisted in the development of the history of al-Andalus. Famous is, for example, the mute guard of the Cordovan emirs, the expeditions of Almanzor or the skill of the Berber horsemen. Nevertheless, and in spite of the numerous advances that have taken place in the last years, the study in depth of the Andalusi war activity is a unfinished task. In this sense, this book provides a new starting point for studies on the relationship between al-Andalus and war, from approaches and perspectives as varied as the ideology of war, the typology of troops, the evolution of weaponry, the study of different ways of waging war both by land and by sea, the questioning and overcoming of traditional historiographical paradigms, or the attention to issues and social groups that have usually been marginalized when writing the military history of al-Andalus in particular, and of the Middle Ages in general. And, as any starting point, we hope and wish that, in the future, this volume will contribute to continue increasing the knowledge we have about the reality of warfare in al-Andalus.

Research paper thumbnail of Los cimientos del Estado islámico: la Constitución de Medina (622)

El Estado y la Alta Edad Media. Nuevas perspectivas Carvajal Castro, Álvaro; Tejerizo García, Carlos (eds.), 2023

ABSTRACT: In 622, Muhammad proclaimed the so-called Constitution of Medina, a foundational text t... more ABSTRACT: In 622, Muhammad proclaimed the so-called Constitution of Medina, a foundational text that provided the basis of the Islamic state. This article analyses some aspects concerning the text of the Constitution, more specifically those associated with the articulation of the relations between that state and individuals. The first of them is the authority of Muhammad. The second one, the tribal condition that characterises pre-Islamic Arab society and the norms that govern the relations between lineages. Finally, the proclamation of a new political subject, the umma or Islamic community, which is accessed by undertaking a voluntary act, that is, the recognition of the authority of Muhammad. The conclusion is that the state founded by Muhammad is the transposition of the Arab tribal norms to this new political subject, the umma. It was a change insignificant in appearance but, however, its transcendence was enormous.
ABSTRACT: En el año 622, Muhammad proclamaba la denominada Constitución de Medina, un texto con carácter fundacional que sentaba las bases del estado islámico. En el presente artículo se analizan algunos de los aspectos relativos al texto de la Constitución, en particular aquellos relacionados con la articulación de las relaciones entre el estado y los individuos. Se estudia, primero, la autoridad de Muhammad. En segundo lugar, la condición de tribal que caracteriza a la sociedad árabe preislámica y las normas por las que se rigen las relaciones entre los linajes. Finalmente, la proclamación del nuevo sujeto político de ese estado, la umma o comunidad islámica, al que se accede por un acto voluntario, como es el reconocimiento de la autoridad de Muḥammad. La conclusión es que el estado fundado por Muhammad no es sino la trasposición de las normas tribales árabes a ese nuevo sujeto político, la umma, un cambio insignificante en apariencia, que tuvo, sin embargo, una enorme trascendencia.

Research paper thumbnail of Los orígenes de Mūsà ibn Nuṣayr y Ṭāriq ibn Ziyād y su relación con el imperio sasánida The Origins of Mūsà ibn Nuṣayr and Ṭāriq ibn Ziyād and their Relationship with the Sasanian Empire

Al-Qantara, XLIII-2, 2022

Abstract In the year 711 Ṭāriq ibn Ziyād and Mūsā ibn Nuṣayr launched the conquest of al-Andalus... more Abstract
In the year 711 Ṭāriq ibn Ziyād and Mūsā ibn Nuṣayr launched the conquest of al-Andalus from Ifrīqiya. The aim of this article is to find out about the origins of these two people through the study of the different accounts contained in the chronicles and the biographic dictionaries, both in the eastern and the western ones. In the case of Mūsā, the starting point is in ʿAyn al-Tamr, a city located on the right bank of the river Euphrates, where his father hailed from, and the conclusion is that his social envi-ronment was linked to the local Arab aristocracy, firstly at the service of the Sasanian administration and later, after the Islamic conquest, at the Umayyad one. Regarding Ṭāriq, the accounts suggest that the relationship of walāʾ that linked him to Mūsā was created at a moment before the appointment of Mūsā as the governor of Ifrīqiya. This evidence, together with the reports of many traditionists, inexplicably ignored by historiography, seems to dismiss the North African and Berber origin of Ṭāriq, and conversely locates it in the Sasanian geographical area.
Key words: Sasanian Empire; al-Andalus; Mūsā ibn Nuṣayr; Ṭāriq ibn Ziyād, walāʾ; Islamic Historiography.
En el año 711 Ṭāriq ibn Ziyād y Mūsà ibn Nuṣayr emprendían la conquista de al-Andalus desde Ifrīqiya. El objeto de este artículo es indagar en los orígenes de ambos personajes a través del estudio de las diferentes noticias que se contienen en las crónicas y los diccionarios biográficos, tanto orientales como occidentales. En el caso de Mūsà, el punto de partida se encuentra en ʿAyn al-Tamr en la orilla derecha del río Éufrates, de donde era originario su padre, para concluir que provenía de un entorno social vinculado a la aristocracia local árabe, primero al servicio de la administración sasánida y luego de la omeya. En cuanto a Ṭāriq, todo apunta a que la relación de walāʾ que le vinculaba con Mūsà ibn Nuṣayr se había constituido en un momento muy anterior a la llegada de este último a Ifrīqiya. Esta constatación, junto con las noticias aportadas por varios informadores, inexplicablemente ignoradas por la historiografía, apunta a descartar el origen norteafricano y bereber de Ṭāriq para situarlo en el ámbito geográfico sasánida.

Research paper thumbnail of Al-Hirah, the Nasrids, and Their Legacy: New Perspectives on Late Antique Iranian History

Mizan, Jul 15, 2018

This paper argues that the famous conqueror of al-Andalus, Mūsā ibn Nuṣayr, who originally came f... more This paper argues that the famous conqueror of al-Andalus, Mūsā ibn Nuṣayr, who originally came from ʿAyn al-Tamr, a town under the hegemony of Naṣrid al-Ḥīrah, transmitted aspects of Sasanian administrative practice to al-Andalus and hence to Europe, as evidenced by the taxation terms tasca and kafiz attested in Latin and Romance texts. This specific argument is embedded in a larger argument about cultural hybridity centering on the city of al-Ḥīrah as a pre-Islamic and Islamic contact zone among cultures—Roman, Iranian, Arab; Christian, Muslim; tribal and urban. It thus links the processes of transculturation observable in al-Ḥīrah with developments in the far edges of the Islamic world through the person of the conqueror Mūsā b. Nuṣayr.

Research paper thumbnail of Arqueología de al-Andalus durante el franquismo

El franquismo y la apropiación del pasado. El uso de la historia, de la arqueología y de la historia del arte para la legitimación de la dictadura., 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Los Banu Qasi y el Reino de Asturias: Contextualización y análisis crítico de los relatos cronísticos latinos a la luz de los textos árabes

El Reino de Asturias y Europa. Siglos VIII y IX (ed. C. García de Castro), 2022

Research paper thumbnail of El Thagr al-Andalus según los geógrafos y los compiladores musulmanes (siglos IX-XI)

Fortaleses medievals a la vall de l'Ebre (segles VII-XI) (ed. J. Brufal, J. Negre y F. Sabaté), 2020

Research paper thumbnail of El valle del Ebro a través de los Banu Qasi

Villa 3. Histoire et archéologie des sociétés de la vallée de l'Ebre (VIIe-XIe siécles), 2010

Research paper thumbnail of The conquerors and the formation of al-Andalus

The Routledge handbook of Muslim Iberia (ed. Maribel Fierro), 2020

List of figures xi List of maps xiii List of dynastic tables xiv List of boxes xv List of contrib... more List of figures xi List of maps xiii List of dynastic tables xiv List of boxes xv List of contributors xvii Notes on transliteration and dates xxiv Introduction: Languages, academic traditions and disciplinary backgrounds in the study of al-Andalus 1 Maribel Fierro PART I Rulers 7 1 The Iberian Peninsula before the Muslim conquest 9 Iñaki Martín Viso 2 The conquerors and the formation of al-Andalus 18 Jesús Lorenzo Jiménez 3 Centralization and consolidation: the Cordoban Umayyads and the Amirids 37 Xavier Ballestín vii Contents 4 Replication and fragmentation: the Taifa kingdoms Alejandro García-Sanjuán

Research paper thumbnail of Excavación arqueológica en el castillo de Valtierra. Campaña 2021

Trabajos de arqueología navarra, Sep 16, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of La islamización del valle medio del Ebro (ss. VIII-IX)

El Islam. Presente de un pasado medieval, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Al-Andalus en la construcción del relato identitario del foralismo navarro

eHumanista: Journal of Iberian Studies, 2017

A finales del siglo XIX Navarro Villoslada publica su novela Amaya y los vascos en el siglo VIII.... more A finales del siglo XIX Navarro Villoslada publica su novela Amaya y los vascos en el siglo VIII. En esta obra literaria el autor defendía la tesis de que el reino de Pamplona, que más tarde se llamaría reino de Navarra, se habría forjado en el contexto de la invasión islámica de la península ibérica y no sería sino el resultado de la unión de vascos y visigodos contra el enemigo común, los musulmanes. En las décadas siguientes esta opinión se fue consolidando tanto en ámbitos académicos como populares, con el fuerte impulso de nacionalcatolicismo tras el golpe de estado de 1936. Los hallazgos arqueológicos de las últimas décadas, sin embargo, han venido a echar por tierra todos los presupuestos de esta teoría.

Research paper thumbnail of Arabic toponymy in the territory of al-Bayḍāʾ / al-Qubba (Cyrenaica, Libya)

Libyan Studies, 2016

Toponymic records are a useful tool for establishing initial discriminating criteria before under... more Toponymic records are a useful tool for establishing initial discriminating criteria before undertaking an archaeological survey of a given territory. This study deals with a series of toponyms in an area located in the region of Cyrenaica which are characterised by containing several terms...

Research paper thumbnail of Toponimia del balad de Pamplona en la campaña de ‘Abd al-Raḥmān III del año 312/924

Al-Qantara, 2015

En el año 924, un ejército dirigido por el emir ‘Abd al-Raḥmān III cruzaba las fronteras del inci... more En el año 924, un ejército dirigido por el emir ‘Abd al-Raḥmān III cruzaba las fronteras del incipiente Reino de Pamplona y sometía su territorio a devastación. Dos cronistas, ‘Arīb b. Sa‘īd e Ibn Ḥayyān, recogieron en sus textos los nombres de varios de los lugares asolados. El objetivo de estas páginas es el de restituir los topónimos a su forma original manuscrita a fin de posibilitar nuevas hipótesis de identificación.

Research paper thumbnail of Barbarians of Dar al-Islam: the Upper March of al-Andalus and the Western Pyrenees in the 8th and 9th centuries  (J.J. Larrea & J. Lorenzo)

La Transgiordania nei secoli XII-XIII e le ‘frontiere’ del Mediterraneo medievale, 2012

Limina / Limites Archeologie, storie, isole e frontiere nel Mediterraneo (365-1556) 1 Published b... more Limina / Limites Archeologie, storie, isole e frontiere nel Mediterraneo (365-1556) 1 Published by Archaeopress Publishers of British Archaeological Reports Gordon House 276 Banbury Road Oxford OX2 7ED England BAR S2386 Limina / Limites Archeologie, storie, isole e frontiere nel Mediterraneo (365-1556) 1

Research paper thumbnail of Al-Andalus, ¿en la periferia de Vasconia? (J. Lorenzo & E. Pastor)

Vasconia en la Alta Edad Media, 450-1000: poderes y comunidades rurales en el norte penínsular, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Dominando territorios e imponiendo medidas: de Banbalûna a Barsilûna (J. Lorenzo & E. Pastor)

BAR, International series 2525: Lo que vino de Oriente. Horizontes, praxis y dimensión material de los sistemas de dominación fiscal en Al-Andalus (ss. VII-IX), X. Ballestín y E. Pastor (eds), 2013

Our starting-point is the premise that it is possible to establish a link between political or fi... more Our starting-point is the premise that it is possible to establish a link between political or fi scal systems and systems of
weights and measures. Our objective is the analysis of both a series of units of measurement of capacity and surfacearea
(the arrobo, kafiz and almud) and of a fiscal tribute, the parata, that appear in various charters of the late tenth and
early eleventh-centuries in diff erent parts of the Ebro Valley. We think that both phenomena are echoes of what we
term fi scal stratigraphy. Furthermore, the measurement units can be considered as markers for the introduction of a
relatively sophisticated Islamic fi scal system in given areas and this realisation brings us to broaden our horizons and
to look across the limits of Dār al-Islām, and specifi cally towards Egypt, in order to understand the mechanisms of
fiscal control that were introduced in al-Andalus following the Islamic conquest.

Research paper thumbnail of La conquista omeya del Magreb

Desperta Ferro: Antigua y medieval, 2018

Frente a las fulminantes conquistas islamicas de Egipto, Siria, Irak o Persia, la conquista del M... more Frente a las fulminantes conquistas islamicas de Egipto, Siria, Irak o Persia, la conquista del Magreb por el califato omeya se prolongo por el espacio de cerca de siete decadas, entre 642 y 711 d.C. Las dificultades que encontraron unos para conquistarlo y otros para resistirse a la conquista dieron lugar a la aparicion de varios personajes miticos cuya leyenda alcanza hasta el momento actual. Cuando a finales de 639, Amr ibn al-As se dispuso a invadir Egipto a la cabeza de un ejercito de musulmanes, no podia imaginar que estaba dando inicio a un proceso de conquista mucho mas amplio, que se llevaria a cabo en sucesivas oleadas durante la decadas siguientes y llevaria las fronteras del islam hasta la orilla del Atlantico, a una distancia de mas de 4000 km desde su punto de partida en Alejandria.

Research paper thumbnail of La islamización del valle medio del Ebro (ss. VIII-IX)

Since the beginning of the war in Syria, massive numbers of Syrian citizens have fled their homel... more Since the beginning of the war in Syria, massive numbers of Syrian citizens have fled their homeland to escape death and secure a better life for themselves and their children overseas. The Syrian refugees have sought asylum in many countries, although Europe was their main destination. These vulnerable families crossed rivers, mountains and plains and faced every danger imaginable to reach Europe; many died along the way. Heading toward the unknown, the refugees had little to no expectation of what they were going to face where they were heading. But for them, going back is not an option. On the other side of the equation, the European countries were also under substantial pressures to receive and deal with the refugees. The European countries' reaction and response to the refugee movement varied significantly, with some countries, such as Germany, welcoming and receiving large numbers of Syrian refugees, and others, such as France, the Czech Republic and the UK, being more reluctant to openly welcome them. In this article, the European states' approach to dealing with the Syrian refugee crisis and the challenges they currently face will be discussed and explained in light of the events on the ground. This article deals with the issue of the relationship between the Syrian refugees and the European countries in terms of the efforts that Europe has made to help these refugees, as well as the impact that the refugees have had or will have on various aspects of life in Europe.

Research paper thumbnail of Excavaciones Arqueológicas en Cirenaica (Libia)

Conferencia “Excavaciones Arqueológicas en Cirenaica (Libia). Del pasado clásico al mundo árabe”,... more Conferencia “Excavaciones Arqueológicas en Cirenaica (Libia). Del pasado clásico al mundo árabe”, celebrado dentro de los ciclos IV Encuentros de “Descubre el Pasado” que organizó el Arkeologi Museoa de Bilbao La ponencia corrió a cargo de Jesús Lorenzo Jiménez., que es arqueólogo especializado en el mundo árabe.
Congreso realizado el 6 de junio de 2012 en Bilbao


Research paper thumbnail of Proprietary Memories: Notitiae-Inventories in Early Medieval Iberia, I-III (Leeds, IMC 2018 - 4 July)

Early medieval inventories are commonly found among northern-Iberian archival holdings, both as s... more Early medieval inventories are commonly found among northern-Iberian archival holdings, both as single-sheets and cartulary copies. However, notwithstanding the extensive use that has sometimes been made of their contents, Spanish and Portuguese historians have largely failed to address the problems that this particular type of record poses, although some recent work is starting to change this picture. This is the first of three sessions that aim to provide a comparative overview of Iberian inventories before 1100, in order to identify and reflect upon the specificities of these records. Papers in this session will look at materials from Catalonia, Aragón, and Portugal, paying particular attention to their production, their use, and the evidence they provide.

Research paper thumbnail of Proprietary Memories: Notitiae-Inventories in Early Medieval Iberia, I-III (Leeds, IMC 2018 - 4 July)