MARIA ARACELI GARIN | University of the Basque Country, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (original) (raw)

Mathematics degree in 1988 and Ph. Doctoral thesis in Mathematics in 1993, both at the University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU. Associate professor at the Faculty of Informatics, UPV/EHU (San Sebastian, Spain) since March of 1989 until September of the same year, and since then and until 1995 at the current Faculty of Economics and Business, UPV/EHU (Bilbao, Spain). Professor (staff) since 1995 and accredited to the level of full professor since 2013. She got the position of full professor in September, 2019 and the appointment was published in the BOE on 2019-10-09.

Araceli Garín teaches at under-graduate and graduate level and her teaching concerns Probability, Statistics, Optimization and, sporadically, Computation or Numerical Methods. She has been since 2005 the co-responsible of the master’s course Mathematics and Optimization, during the first term of the Interuniversitary Master in Bank and Quantitative Finance, where she has supervised 4 master theses on Stochastic Modeling and Optimization. She has got positive evaluation of 5 five-year period of teaching at 2014/02/28 and positive evaluation (excellent at period 2009-2014) of the Docentia Program.

Her research focuses on Modeling and Mathematical Optimization and on the development of algorithmic methodologies for the solution of large-scale linear and mixed 0-1 optimization models, with deterministic or uncertain parameters. She works on the development of algorithms and their implementations in C ++ code, CPLEX and GAMS. She has worked in various areas of applications such as Finance, Production Planning; Supply Chain, Logistics and Distribution, among others. Since the course 1994/95, professor Garín participates in the Doctoral Program in Economics and since 2003/04, in the program in Quantitative Finance and Economics, being during the period 2015-2020, the responsible of this interuniversitary Doctoral Program. Currently, she is co-supervising a PhD. thesis in this program.

Coauthor of more than 150 contributions (see,, some of them in indexed journals (JCR, 16 of them are Q1 in the area Operations Research & Management Science), and other scientific documents, she has got the positive evaluation from the National (Spanish) Commission for Research Evaluation (CNEI) of 4 six-year periods at 2015/12/31. (See below a summary of these publications). Of the analyzed publications in Researcher ID, since 2009, 27 of them are cited a total of 406 times, being the value of the h index equal to 11.

She has supervised 3 PhD. thesis, one of them with international mention. Since 1994, she has participated as research member (and, sometimes, as responsible researcher) in more than 20 research projects in competitive calls. In particular, in several projects at national level, regional level, or supporting by the university. She has also participated in research contracts with several companies and institutions (Eroski, S.Coop., EUSTAT, LANTIK, ZIV among others).

She has participated in many national and international conferences and scientific meetings, presenting around about 80 contributions, some of them in invited sessions. In relation to mobility and collaborations with researchers from other universities, she maintains collaboration relationships with faculties from different, national (U. Complutense de Madrid, U. Miguel Hernández, U. Rey Juan Carlos (URJC)) and, international universities. In 2009, she participated in an interuniversity international collaboration project (URJC, NTNU, UPV/EHU) and, in particular, with the research team of prof. Asgeir Tomasgard, from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, Norway.

Between January 2017 and January 2021, she held a position in the management of her university as Vice-chancellor of Undergraduate and Graduate Studies.
(Link to the personal web,\~etpgamaa)
