Mikel Diez Sarasola | University of the Basque Country, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (original) (raw)
Papers by Mikel Diez Sarasola
When referring to this work, full bibliographic details including the author, title, awarding ins... more When referring to this work, full bibliographic details including the author, title, awarding institution and date of the thesis must be given. "Knowledge is like a candle. Even as it lights a new candle, the strength of the original flame is not diminished."-Thomas Jefferson CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION. FRAMING A NEW METHOLODOGICAL APPROACH TO INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. Since the first synthesized drug chloral hydrate in 1869, our world has experienced a fast growing of drugs to prevent, cure and treat diseases. We live today in a world of drugs. Drugs for pain, drugs for disease, drugs for allergies, drugs for pleasure, drugs for mental health and even drugs for sex, sadness and unhappiness. In order to treat symptoms and diseases, conventional medicine is mostly based on radiation, surgery and sophisticated drugs that have been developed designed or synthesized in the laboratory or purified from nature. Conventional medicine is also named allopathic medicine. This term was first coined by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in the late 18th century. It derives from the Greek "allo" meaning "other" and is based on the theory that symptoms should be treated by substances that suppress symptoms. Other than drugs to combat, prevent or cure symptoms, pharmaceutical industry is also focused on developing diagnostic tools which can reveal the presence of a disease even before the patient experiences symptoms. These diagnostics tools can be lifesaving and thus have an extraordinary value. Leaving apart the controversies between conventional medicine and the so-called homeopathic medicine, pharmaceutical drugs play an important role in the progress of human beings by increasing their life expectancy and health as long as improving their lives. Thanks to the development of new drugs, people are now free from many distresses and diseases affecting our ancestors in the recent past. In this sense, if we adopt the definition of health contained in the preamble to the Constitution of the World Health Organization (WHO), where health is conceptualized as "a state of 1 This gradual shrinking of maneuverability is mainly due to: the decline of their public revenues derived from reduced tariffs; its international commitments; and the international financial markets which dramatically constrain domestic policy space and make national governments unable to solve and compensate those "market failures" by putting in place public policies
Cuadernos electrónicos de filosofía del derecho, Jun 6, 2022
El propósito de esta reflexión es la de analizar el contenido del derecho humano a la creación ar... more El propósito de esta reflexión es la de analizar el contenido del derecho humano a la creación artística de los individuos per se, independientemente de que su obra pueda enmarcarse dentro de las manifestaciones culturales propias o características de una determinada identidad colectiva. Igualmente, el trabajo trata de responder a la cuestión acerca de si las condiciones materiales de los artistas deben verse satisfechas por el mercado o si es predicable algún tipo de deber por parte de los poderes públicos que garanticen la existencia de creadores artísticos libres y con ello la emancipación del individuo y el carácter plural y democrático de una sociedad. PALABRAS CLAVE Derechos culturales; Derecho a la creación artística; Emancipación individual; Derechos asistenciales de los artistas.
Teoría y realidad constitucional, May 13, 2022
International journal for the semiotics of law, Jul 23, 2020
Even if Hollywood is often represented as a liberal and progressive paradise, the liberal approac... more Even if Hollywood is often represented as a liberal and progressive paradise, the liberal approach showed by the Hollywood star system is not present in the same proportion and degree in Hollywood blockbusters. Apart from some arguable contributions to the cause of minorities, in general, Hollywood tends to reinforce and perpetuate the establishment, the status quo and the structural causes leading to the Abyssal line and thus, it contributes to maintaining the social order. The Abyssal line (a mostly unknown and terrifying area of the ocean) is used by de Sousa Santos as a powerful metaphor to describe our ambivalent world, a world divided into two territories; on the one hand, the Metropolitan side, a world which is home to those human beings "fully human", where human beings live in a decent world and enjoy rights in a set of social relations and; on the other hand the Colonial side, where human beings are not considered human neither are they subjects of the most fundamental rights. Hollywood does not explicitly show the Abyssal line and the existence of the two sides of the world: Metropolitan and Colonial. However, as this essays shows, many plots of Hollywood movies (both in liberal and neoconservative dystopian narratives) and TV series show in an indirect manner, some of the main features of the Abyssal world. In particular, the most intolerable and hurtful circumstances of today's society are represented in scenarios and stories which take place in the futuristic, apocalyptic contexts.
Revista de Derecho Político
Los sistemas políticos contemporáneos propios de las democracias representativas liberales han ve... more Los sistemas políticos contemporáneos propios de las democracias representativas liberales han venido categorizando a los partidos políticos como asociaciones. Esta configuración legal tiene la virtud de conferir una gran libertad a los diversos sectores y sensibilidades políticas de la sociedad a la hora de constituir partidos políticos, garantizando así que su organización y funcionamiento se desarrollen al margen de interferencias indebidas. Si bien esta libertad asociativa constituye una premisa fundamental en aquellos contextos históricos en los que se instaura una democracia liberal precedida por un régimen totalitario, su alcance y contenido deben ser matizados a la luz de los retos y de los problemas que plantean los partidos políticos en la nueva realidad política que vivimos, especialmente en España, y que se ha venido en denominar acertadamente como Estado de partidos. En efecto, los partidos políticos se han erigido en los intermediarios imprescindibles entre la soberaní...
Retos emergentes de los derechos humanos: ¿garantías en peligro?, 2019, ISBN 978-84-1313-877-0, págs. 773-790, 2019
La democracia interna de los partidos políticos y la interpretación exorbitante de la normativa sobre protección de datos personales. Análisis crítico sobre la jurisprudencia de los tribunales ordinarios, 2022
Este trabajo tiene por objeto constatar el funcionamiento insatisfactorio de los partidos polític... more Este trabajo tiene por objeto constatar el funcionamiento insatisfactorio de los partidos políticos en España, su naturaleza crecientemente autocrática y oligárquica y su falta de acomodo al mandato constitucional a propósito de la democracia interna de los mismos. En el contexto de los procesos de primarias cada vez más frecuentes en la elección de candidatos de los partidos políticos españoles, uno de los principales obstáculos a los que se enfrentan quienes dentro del partido disputan el poder a las estructuras gobernantes está relacionado con el acceso y la gestión del censo de afiliación. Frente a las peticiones de las candidaturas ajenas a la organización para contar con esa imprescindible información para hacer así efectivo sus derechos de participación política y la democracia interna de los partidos, las jefaturas de los mismos deniegan el acceso al censo, invocando para ello el cumplimiento de la normativa sobre protección de datos personales. A este respecto, se analiza cómo los tribunales ordinarios que han tenido la oportunidad de pronunciarse sobre este tipo de conflictos han privilegiado la aplicación de la protección de datos personales a partir de una interpretación considerada exorbitante que, desconociendo el contexto de la problemática planteada y prescindiendo de un adecuado análisis de conformidad con el principio de proporcionalidad, supone un menoscabo evidente del resto de derechos fundamentales en juego y del mandato constitucional en torno a la democracia interna de los partidos.
The contemporary political systems of liberal representative democracies have framed political pa... more The contemporary political systems of liberal representative democracies have framed political parties as associations. This legal configuration has the virtue of conferring great freedom to the various sectors and political sensibilities of society when it comes to forming political parties, thus ensuring that their organization and operation are free from undue interference. Although this freedom of association is a fundamental premise in those historical contexts in which a liberal democracy is established preceded by a totalitarian regime, its scope and content must be questioned in the light of the challenges and problems posed by political parties in the new political reality we live in, especially in Spain, which has been adequately named the State of parties. Indeed, political parties have become the essential intermediaries between popular sovereignty and the institutions of the State, holding even greater levels of power without this seeming to result, in view of the various surveys conducted among citizens, in a political system of greater democratic quality or in a better management of the general interest. In this respect, the Spanish Constitution contemplates a clear and precise mandate regarding the necessary democratic nature of the organization and functioning of political parties; a mandate whose full development has only been partially carried out by the Law on Political Parties currently in force. In this sense, the halfheartedness of the legislator in establishing the necessary mechanisms and guarantees to promote political parties whose functioning and organization are truly democratic in order to adequately fulfill the functions constitutionally entrusted to them is striking. The observed halfheartedness cannot be protected by the associative nature of political parties since, as the Constitutional Court has established, the special and relevant functions assigned to them leave a wide margin of intervention to the legislator. Likewise, the detailed and extensive regulation that the legislator carries out on the functioning and organization of the companies in corporate law, which should be, par excellence, the entities that present a greater margin of self-organization for the management of their eminently private interests, contrasts with the imprecision and vagueness of the norms that are called to regulate the democratic
character of some entities that monopolize the democratic game
and the great political decisions in our contemporary societies. For all these reasons, the reflection reflected in this article proposes the possible application of some guarantees and normative provisions from the field of capital companies to the regulation of political parties. Lastly, the article echoes some of the rules of comparative law, in particular German and Portuguese legislation, regarding political parties, which could inspire a reform of the Spanish law, which is suggested as urgent and necessary
Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, 2018
Intellectual property is going through a process of rapid expansion invading and colonizing new m... more Intellectual property is going through a process of rapid expansion invading and colonizing new material and spatial spheres, following a tendency to commodification of more and more social relations. The new Spanish Act on Patents reflects this trend and it jeopardizes other values and social needs that IP should attend to
International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique, 2020
Even if Hollywood is often represented as a liberal and progressive paradise, the liberal approac... more Even if Hollywood is often represented as a liberal and progressive paradise, the liberal approach showed by the Hollywood star system is not present in the same proportion and degree in Hollywood blockbusters. Apart from some arguable contributions to the cause of minorities, in general, Hollywood tends to reinforce and perpetuate the establishment, the status quo and the structural causes leading to the Abyssal line and thus, it contributes to maintaining the social order. The Abyssal line (a mostly unknown and terrifying area of the ocean) is used by de Sousa Santos as a powerful metaphor to describe our ambivalent world, a world divided into two territories; on the one hand, the Metropolitan side, a world which is home to those human beings “fully human”, where human beings live in a decent world and enjoy rights in a set of social relations and; on the other hand the Colonial side, where human beings are not considered human neither are they subjects of the most fundamental rights. Hollywood does not explicitly show the Abyssal line and the existence of the two sides of the world: Metropolitan and Colonial. However, as this essays shows, many plots of Hollywood movies (both in liberal and neoconservative dystopian narratives) and TV series show in an indirect manner, some of the main features of the Abyssal world. In particular, the most intolerable and hurtful circumstances of today’s society are represented in scenarios and stories which take place in the futuristic, apocalyptic contexts.
The division of the different government levels in the public administration and the fragmentatio... more The division of the different government levels in the public administration and the fragmentation of the information due to the transit agencies’ different technological capabilities make difficult for citizens and visitors plan their mobility in public transport, so they often choose the private vehicle, in spite of the important offer and quality of the public transport in the Basque Country. That’s why the Basque Government decided to develop a system that integrates all the public transport information of the region, unified and centralized, democratizing the participation of all the transit agencies (independently of their technological capabilities), granting the reliability of the information, so as users can access anywhere and anytime the transit information adapted to their context, making them possible to manage their mobility in public transport. Providing citizens with unified public transport offer data options require high investment, large time to market and large a...
La Constitucion espanola dota a la cultura de un gran protagonismo en la conformacion de las func... more La Constitucion espanola dota a la cultura de un gran protagonismo en la conformacion de las funciones del Estado y de la sociedad, reconociendo incluso el derecho de todos a su acceso y disfrute. El presente articulo pretende determinar con mayor precision los contornos de este bien juridico constitucionalmente protegido y, las obligaciones del Estado en torno al mismo, en particular, en relacion a la creacion cultural contemporanea que no cuenta con el desarrollo vivido por el patrimonio historico-cultural y artistico.
Régimen global de la propiedad intelectual y legislación española de patentesuna lectura crítica, 2018
Intellectual property is going through a process of rapid expansion invading and colonizing new m... more Intellectual property is going through a process of rapid expansion invading and colonizing new material and spatial spheres, following a tendency to commodification of more and more social relations. The new Spanish Act on Patents reflects this trend and it jeopardizes other values and social needs that IP should attend to
International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique, 2020
Even if Hollywood is often represented as a liberal and progressive paradise, the liberal approac... more Even if Hollywood is often represented as a liberal and progressive paradise, the liberal approach showed by the Hollywood star system is not present in the same proportion and degree in Hollywood blockbusters. Apart from some arguable contributions to the cause of minorities, in general, Hollywood tends to reinforce and perpetuate the establishment, the status quo and the structural causes leading to the Abyssal line and thus, it contributes to maintaining the social order. The Abyssal line (a mostly unknown and terrifying area of the ocean) is used by de Sousa Santos as a powerful metaphor to describe our ambivalent world, a world divided into two territories; on the one hand, the Metropolitan side, a world which is home to those human beings “fully human”, where human beings live in a decent world and enjoy rights in a set of social relations and; on the other hand the Colonial side, where human beings are not considered human neither are they subjects of the most fundamental rights. Hollywood does not explicitly show the Abyssal line and the existence of the two sides of the world: Metropolitan and Colonial. However, as this essays shows, many plots of Hollywood movies (both in liberal and neoconservative dystopian narratives) and TV series show in an indirect manner, some of the main features of the Abyssal world. In particular, the most intolerable and hurtful circumstances of today’s society are represented in scenarios and stories which take place in the futuristic, apocalyptic contexts.
The so-called Intellectual Commons are the result of the dramatic expansion of Intellectual Prope... more The so-called Intellectual Commons are the result of the dramatic expansion of Intellectual Property rights due to a new era of capitalism or supercapitalism.
When referring to this work, full bibliographic details including the author, title, awarding ins... more When referring to this work, full bibliographic details including the author, title, awarding institution and date of the thesis must be given. "Knowledge is like a candle. Even as it lights a new candle, the strength of the original flame is not diminished."-Thomas Jefferson CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION. FRAMING A NEW METHOLODOGICAL APPROACH TO INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. Since the first synthesized drug chloral hydrate in 1869, our world has experienced a fast growing of drugs to prevent, cure and treat diseases. We live today in a world of drugs. Drugs for pain, drugs for disease, drugs for allergies, drugs for pleasure, drugs for mental health and even drugs for sex, sadness and unhappiness. In order to treat symptoms and diseases, conventional medicine is mostly based on radiation, surgery and sophisticated drugs that have been developed designed or synthesized in the laboratory or purified from nature. Conventional medicine is also named allopathic medicine. This term was first coined by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in the late 18th century. It derives from the Greek "allo" meaning "other" and is based on the theory that symptoms should be treated by substances that suppress symptoms. Other than drugs to combat, prevent or cure symptoms, pharmaceutical industry is also focused on developing diagnostic tools which can reveal the presence of a disease even before the patient experiences symptoms. These diagnostics tools can be lifesaving and thus have an extraordinary value. Leaving apart the controversies between conventional medicine and the so-called homeopathic medicine, pharmaceutical drugs play an important role in the progress of human beings by increasing their life expectancy and health as long as improving their lives. Thanks to the development of new drugs, people are now free from many distresses and diseases affecting our ancestors in the recent past. In this sense, if we adopt the definition of health contained in the preamble to the Constitution of the World Health Organization (WHO), where health is conceptualized as "a state of 1 This gradual shrinking of maneuverability is mainly due to: the decline of their public revenues derived from reduced tariffs; its international commitments; and the international financial markets which dramatically constrain domestic policy space and make national governments unable to solve and compensate those "market failures" by putting in place public policies
Cuadernos electrónicos de filosofía del derecho, Jun 6, 2022
El propósito de esta reflexión es la de analizar el contenido del derecho humano a la creación ar... more El propósito de esta reflexión es la de analizar el contenido del derecho humano a la creación artística de los individuos per se, independientemente de que su obra pueda enmarcarse dentro de las manifestaciones culturales propias o características de una determinada identidad colectiva. Igualmente, el trabajo trata de responder a la cuestión acerca de si las condiciones materiales de los artistas deben verse satisfechas por el mercado o si es predicable algún tipo de deber por parte de los poderes públicos que garanticen la existencia de creadores artísticos libres y con ello la emancipación del individuo y el carácter plural y democrático de una sociedad. PALABRAS CLAVE Derechos culturales; Derecho a la creación artística; Emancipación individual; Derechos asistenciales de los artistas.
Teoría y realidad constitucional, May 13, 2022
International journal for the semiotics of law, Jul 23, 2020
Even if Hollywood is often represented as a liberal and progressive paradise, the liberal approac... more Even if Hollywood is often represented as a liberal and progressive paradise, the liberal approach showed by the Hollywood star system is not present in the same proportion and degree in Hollywood blockbusters. Apart from some arguable contributions to the cause of minorities, in general, Hollywood tends to reinforce and perpetuate the establishment, the status quo and the structural causes leading to the Abyssal line and thus, it contributes to maintaining the social order. The Abyssal line (a mostly unknown and terrifying area of the ocean) is used by de Sousa Santos as a powerful metaphor to describe our ambivalent world, a world divided into two territories; on the one hand, the Metropolitan side, a world which is home to those human beings "fully human", where human beings live in a decent world and enjoy rights in a set of social relations and; on the other hand the Colonial side, where human beings are not considered human neither are they subjects of the most fundamental rights. Hollywood does not explicitly show the Abyssal line and the existence of the two sides of the world: Metropolitan and Colonial. However, as this essays shows, many plots of Hollywood movies (both in liberal and neoconservative dystopian narratives) and TV series show in an indirect manner, some of the main features of the Abyssal world. In particular, the most intolerable and hurtful circumstances of today's society are represented in scenarios and stories which take place in the futuristic, apocalyptic contexts.
Revista de Derecho Político
Los sistemas políticos contemporáneos propios de las democracias representativas liberales han ve... more Los sistemas políticos contemporáneos propios de las democracias representativas liberales han venido categorizando a los partidos políticos como asociaciones. Esta configuración legal tiene la virtud de conferir una gran libertad a los diversos sectores y sensibilidades políticas de la sociedad a la hora de constituir partidos políticos, garantizando así que su organización y funcionamiento se desarrollen al margen de interferencias indebidas. Si bien esta libertad asociativa constituye una premisa fundamental en aquellos contextos históricos en los que se instaura una democracia liberal precedida por un régimen totalitario, su alcance y contenido deben ser matizados a la luz de los retos y de los problemas que plantean los partidos políticos en la nueva realidad política que vivimos, especialmente en España, y que se ha venido en denominar acertadamente como Estado de partidos. En efecto, los partidos políticos se han erigido en los intermediarios imprescindibles entre la soberaní...
Retos emergentes de los derechos humanos: ¿garantías en peligro?, 2019, ISBN 978-84-1313-877-0, págs. 773-790, 2019
La democracia interna de los partidos políticos y la interpretación exorbitante de la normativa sobre protección de datos personales. Análisis crítico sobre la jurisprudencia de los tribunales ordinarios, 2022
Este trabajo tiene por objeto constatar el funcionamiento insatisfactorio de los partidos polític... more Este trabajo tiene por objeto constatar el funcionamiento insatisfactorio de los partidos políticos en España, su naturaleza crecientemente autocrática y oligárquica y su falta de acomodo al mandato constitucional a propósito de la democracia interna de los mismos. En el contexto de los procesos de primarias cada vez más frecuentes en la elección de candidatos de los partidos políticos españoles, uno de los principales obstáculos a los que se enfrentan quienes dentro del partido disputan el poder a las estructuras gobernantes está relacionado con el acceso y la gestión del censo de afiliación. Frente a las peticiones de las candidaturas ajenas a la organización para contar con esa imprescindible información para hacer así efectivo sus derechos de participación política y la democracia interna de los partidos, las jefaturas de los mismos deniegan el acceso al censo, invocando para ello el cumplimiento de la normativa sobre protección de datos personales. A este respecto, se analiza cómo los tribunales ordinarios que han tenido la oportunidad de pronunciarse sobre este tipo de conflictos han privilegiado la aplicación de la protección de datos personales a partir de una interpretación considerada exorbitante que, desconociendo el contexto de la problemática planteada y prescindiendo de un adecuado análisis de conformidad con el principio de proporcionalidad, supone un menoscabo evidente del resto de derechos fundamentales en juego y del mandato constitucional en torno a la democracia interna de los partidos.
The contemporary political systems of liberal representative democracies have framed political pa... more The contemporary political systems of liberal representative democracies have framed political parties as associations. This legal configuration has the virtue of conferring great freedom to the various sectors and political sensibilities of society when it comes to forming political parties, thus ensuring that their organization and operation are free from undue interference. Although this freedom of association is a fundamental premise in those historical contexts in which a liberal democracy is established preceded by a totalitarian regime, its scope and content must be questioned in the light of the challenges and problems posed by political parties in the new political reality we live in, especially in Spain, which has been adequately named the State of parties. Indeed, political parties have become the essential intermediaries between popular sovereignty and the institutions of the State, holding even greater levels of power without this seeming to result, in view of the various surveys conducted among citizens, in a political system of greater democratic quality or in a better management of the general interest. In this respect, the Spanish Constitution contemplates a clear and precise mandate regarding the necessary democratic nature of the organization and functioning of political parties; a mandate whose full development has only been partially carried out by the Law on Political Parties currently in force. In this sense, the halfheartedness of the legislator in establishing the necessary mechanisms and guarantees to promote political parties whose functioning and organization are truly democratic in order to adequately fulfill the functions constitutionally entrusted to them is striking. The observed halfheartedness cannot be protected by the associative nature of political parties since, as the Constitutional Court has established, the special and relevant functions assigned to them leave a wide margin of intervention to the legislator. Likewise, the detailed and extensive regulation that the legislator carries out on the functioning and organization of the companies in corporate law, which should be, par excellence, the entities that present a greater margin of self-organization for the management of their eminently private interests, contrasts with the imprecision and vagueness of the norms that are called to regulate the democratic
character of some entities that monopolize the democratic game
and the great political decisions in our contemporary societies. For all these reasons, the reflection reflected in this article proposes the possible application of some guarantees and normative provisions from the field of capital companies to the regulation of political parties. Lastly, the article echoes some of the rules of comparative law, in particular German and Portuguese legislation, regarding political parties, which could inspire a reform of the Spanish law, which is suggested as urgent and necessary
Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, 2018
Intellectual property is going through a process of rapid expansion invading and colonizing new m... more Intellectual property is going through a process of rapid expansion invading and colonizing new material and spatial spheres, following a tendency to commodification of more and more social relations. The new Spanish Act on Patents reflects this trend and it jeopardizes other values and social needs that IP should attend to
International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique, 2020
Even if Hollywood is often represented as a liberal and progressive paradise, the liberal approac... more Even if Hollywood is often represented as a liberal and progressive paradise, the liberal approach showed by the Hollywood star system is not present in the same proportion and degree in Hollywood blockbusters. Apart from some arguable contributions to the cause of minorities, in general, Hollywood tends to reinforce and perpetuate the establishment, the status quo and the structural causes leading to the Abyssal line and thus, it contributes to maintaining the social order. The Abyssal line (a mostly unknown and terrifying area of the ocean) is used by de Sousa Santos as a powerful metaphor to describe our ambivalent world, a world divided into two territories; on the one hand, the Metropolitan side, a world which is home to those human beings “fully human”, where human beings live in a decent world and enjoy rights in a set of social relations and; on the other hand the Colonial side, where human beings are not considered human neither are they subjects of the most fundamental rights. Hollywood does not explicitly show the Abyssal line and the existence of the two sides of the world: Metropolitan and Colonial. However, as this essays shows, many plots of Hollywood movies (both in liberal and neoconservative dystopian narratives) and TV series show in an indirect manner, some of the main features of the Abyssal world. In particular, the most intolerable and hurtful circumstances of today’s society are represented in scenarios and stories which take place in the futuristic, apocalyptic contexts.
The division of the different government levels in the public administration and the fragmentatio... more The division of the different government levels in the public administration and the fragmentation of the information due to the transit agencies’ different technological capabilities make difficult for citizens and visitors plan their mobility in public transport, so they often choose the private vehicle, in spite of the important offer and quality of the public transport in the Basque Country. That’s why the Basque Government decided to develop a system that integrates all the public transport information of the region, unified and centralized, democratizing the participation of all the transit agencies (independently of their technological capabilities), granting the reliability of the information, so as users can access anywhere and anytime the transit information adapted to their context, making them possible to manage their mobility in public transport. Providing citizens with unified public transport offer data options require high investment, large time to market and large a...
La Constitucion espanola dota a la cultura de un gran protagonismo en la conformacion de las func... more La Constitucion espanola dota a la cultura de un gran protagonismo en la conformacion de las funciones del Estado y de la sociedad, reconociendo incluso el derecho de todos a su acceso y disfrute. El presente articulo pretende determinar con mayor precision los contornos de este bien juridico constitucionalmente protegido y, las obligaciones del Estado en torno al mismo, en particular, en relacion a la creacion cultural contemporanea que no cuenta con el desarrollo vivido por el patrimonio historico-cultural y artistico.
Régimen global de la propiedad intelectual y legislación española de patentesuna lectura crítica, 2018
Intellectual property is going through a process of rapid expansion invading and colonizing new m... more Intellectual property is going through a process of rapid expansion invading and colonizing new material and spatial spheres, following a tendency to commodification of more and more social relations. The new Spanish Act on Patents reflects this trend and it jeopardizes other values and social needs that IP should attend to
International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique, 2020
Even if Hollywood is often represented as a liberal and progressive paradise, the liberal approac... more Even if Hollywood is often represented as a liberal and progressive paradise, the liberal approach showed by the Hollywood star system is not present in the same proportion and degree in Hollywood blockbusters. Apart from some arguable contributions to the cause of minorities, in general, Hollywood tends to reinforce and perpetuate the establishment, the status quo and the structural causes leading to the Abyssal line and thus, it contributes to maintaining the social order. The Abyssal line (a mostly unknown and terrifying area of the ocean) is used by de Sousa Santos as a powerful metaphor to describe our ambivalent world, a world divided into two territories; on the one hand, the Metropolitan side, a world which is home to those human beings “fully human”, where human beings live in a decent world and enjoy rights in a set of social relations and; on the other hand the Colonial side, where human beings are not considered human neither are they subjects of the most fundamental rights. Hollywood does not explicitly show the Abyssal line and the existence of the two sides of the world: Metropolitan and Colonial. However, as this essays shows, many plots of Hollywood movies (both in liberal and neoconservative dystopian narratives) and TV series show in an indirect manner, some of the main features of the Abyssal world. In particular, the most intolerable and hurtful circumstances of today’s society are represented in scenarios and stories which take place in the futuristic, apocalyptic contexts.
The so-called Intellectual Commons are the result of the dramatic expansion of Intellectual Prope... more The so-called Intellectual Commons are the result of the dramatic expansion of Intellectual Property rights due to a new era of capitalism or supercapitalism.