George Koutzakiotis Γιώργος Κουτζακιώτης | National Hellenic Research Foundation (original) (raw)

Books by George Koutzakiotis Γιώργος Κουτζακιώτης

[Research paper thumbnail of Attendre la fin du monde au XVIIe siècle. Le messie juif et le grand drogman [Textes, Documents, Études sur le Monde Byzantin, Néohellénique et Balkanique, no. 15], traduit du grec par Danielle Morichon, Paris: Éditions de l’Association Pierre Belon, 2014, 224 pages.](

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Research paper thumbnail of Awaiting the End of the World in the 17th Century. The Jewish Messiah and the Great Interpreter, with a preface by Paschalis M. Kitromilides, Athens: Institute of Historical Research / The National Hellenic Research Foundation, 2011 (1st edition), 2020 (2nd edition), 261 pages (in Greek).

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[Research paper thumbnail of Cavalla, une Échelle égéenne au XVIIIe siècle. Négociants européens et notables ottomans [Les Cahiers du Bosphore, no. 53], with a preface by Katsumi Fukasawa, Istanbul: The Isis Press, 2009, 282 pages.](

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Edited Volumes by George Koutzakiotis Γιώργος Κουτζακιώτης

[Research paper thumbnail of (Co-editor with Yura Konstantinova), Réseaux consulaires, protection et interculturalité dans les Balkans (XVIIe-XXe siècles) [Études Balkaniques – Cahiers Pierre Belon 22 (2017-2018)], 256 pages.](

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Papers by George Koutzakiotis Γιώργος Κουτζακιώτης

Research paper thumbnail of “Establishing Consular Networks in the Balkans: An Overview”, in Christian Networks in the Ottoman Empire: A Transnational History, edited by E. Naxidou – Y. Konstantinova, Budapest: Central European University Press, 2024, p. 139-173.

Already since the seventeenth century, the world’s densest consular networks had been established... more Already since the seventeenth century, the world’s densest consular networks had been established in the Balkans. This study attempts to provide an overview of these networks from the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries. More specifically, the examination is divided into two parts: the first examines the institutional conditions that originally led to the creation of consular networks in the Ottoman Empire, and the second runs a comparison among the different consular networks that developed in the wider Balkan area during these three centuries.

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Research paper thumbnail of “Occasioned by the Death of Creveliers off Astypalaia: The Island’s Role in the Raids by Catholic Corsairs during the 17th Century”, in Vathy, Astypalaia, v. I, Astypalaia in Time, edited by A. G. Vlachopoulos, Athens: Ministry of Culture and Sports, 2023, p. 218-233 (in Greek).

Between shortly before midnight of the 24th and early morning of the 25th of September 1679, the ... more Between shortly before midnight of the 24th and early morning of the 25th of September 1679, the life of French corsair Hugues Creveliers, leader of the most important corsair company active in the Aegean sea in the 1670s, came to an inglorious end off the coast of Astypalaia, due to the blowing up of his ship by a member of his crew. The present study takes a closer look at the details of the event and attempts to portray the role that Astypalaia played in the raids of Catholic privateers against the Ottomans during the seventeenth century; raids which had become a regular occurrence because of the protracted Venetian-Ottoman wars. The privileged geographical location of the island made it an ideal base for the corsairs to launch their attacks against commercial ships following the routes between Alexandria and Constantinople. At the same time, Astypalaia was an excellent hideout for corsairs, not only because they could find provisions there (such as bread, wine, etc.) and stock up with drinking water, but also because the island provided plenty of safe anchorages. The names of Astypalaia’s havens in French and Italian portolan texts, along with other information of the time (testimonies about corsair contracts written on the island and marriages between privateers and local Greek women), attest not only the strong relationship that the corsairs built with Astypalaia, but also the degree of appropriation of the place by them. In the last part of this study we examine the role of the bay of Vathy in the corsair raids, since this is most likely where the explosion of Creveliers’ ship took place. This particular bay has similar traits to other anchorages in the Cycladic islands where we know that corsairs repaired their ships, since they had built small forts or batteries at the narrow entrances to these lairs so that no enemy ship could approach. In-situ research conducted by the author on the south side of the narrow straits of Vathy bay led to the discovery of similar built structures which seem to be relevant to the frequent corsair presence there.

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Research paper thumbnail of “Hétérotopies de l'Archipel grec: Les Zgorafa (Zourafa)”, Petits Essais 2 (2022) 98-111

The aim of this article is to show by means of a case study, the possibilities offered to us by t... more The aim of this article is to show by means of a case study, the possibilities offered to us by the combination of two conceptual tools, namely the notion of the Greek Archipelago as a dispersed city (according to S. Asdrachas) and the concept of heterotopia understood in the sense M. Foucault gave the term. The case in point will be Zourafa, the most northeastern insular soil of the Greek Territory, northeast of Samothraki. Parallel to the difficulty that the historical approach of such a case presents, the question of the limits of history in relation to space arises. In other words, whether a not only deserted piece of land but also a non-habitable one by humans can have a history, as well as what is or are the possible narratives of such a place. Ultimately, this specific case allows for an account of three narratives: the story of the human attempts for precise determination of the geographical location of Zourafa (history of geography and hydrography), the history of Zourafa as a fishing location (economic history) and the history of Zourafa as imaginary space.

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[Research paper thumbnail of “Aspects de l’intendance des Vénitiens dans l’Archipel au cours de la guerre de Morée (1684-1699)”, in Venetian-Ottoman Wars, edited by S. Birtachas, Rome 2022 [Nuova Antologia Militare 3 (2022), Special Issue 1 (July 2022)], p. 249-274.](

The present study undertakes to shed light on the ways in which the Venetians tried to cover thei... more The present study undertakes to shed light on the ways in which the Venetians tried to cover their pressing needs in money and foodstuffs in order to carry out their naval enterprises in the Aegean during the First Morean War. More specifically, it examines the tax collection mechanism implemented in the Archipelago, so that the Venetian fleet could find a secure livelihood there. This mechanism is described as a process, a method that highlights the modifications it has undergone as well as the role played by various characters in its operation over time. The orientation of the analysis requires that this study be divided into two parts: the first concerns the first years of the war (1684–1690), during which the collection of taxes was part of the operations of the Venetian fleet; the second part refers to the 1690s, when tax collection was entrusted to a private businessman. Consequently, this last part focuses on the action of a one particular individual, which allows us however to approach the commercial activities that had developed in the Archipelago due to the war. Moreover, it enables us to examine the kind of domination that the Most Serene Republic had imposed at least in certain islands of the Aegean (with the exception of Tinos), which historiography has not yet set forth.

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Research paper thumbnail of “The Liberation Movements of 1797, the French and Rhigas. A New Reading Based on Unused Sources”, O Eranistis 30 (2021) 201-252 (in Greek).

Until now the Greek liberation movements of 1797, which obviously include the movement of Rhigas ... more Until now the Greek liberation movements of 1797, which obviously include the movement of Rhigas Velestinlis and his comrades, have been presented in historiography as initiatives of isolated individuals or groups. This study examines the relationship of these movements not only among themselves but also with the separatist movements of the Muslim notables (ayan) Busatlıs of Shkodër and Osman Vidin's Pazvantoğlu, as well as the role of Bonaparte and the Directory in these movements. This approach is mainly based on testimonies unexploited until now, taken from the correspondence of the Consul of France in Trieste A. Bréchet and newspapers from Paris, Frankfurt and Wessel.

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Research paper thumbnail of “Rhigas, Pazvantoğlu and the Revolutionary Enterprise of 1797. Some Remarks”, Medievalia et Neohellenica 14 (2021) – Homage to the 200th Anniversary of the Greek Revolution of 1821, p. 189-216 (in Greek).

This study explores the validity of two views: the dominant view in historiography that the revol... more This study explores the validity of two views: the dominant view in historiography that the revolutionary design of Rhigas Velestinlis and his companions was the work of a select group of visionaries; on the other hand, that enunciated recently by Rossitsa Gradeva, namely that the participation in this project of Osman Pazvantoğlu, ayan of Vidin, existed only in the imagination of the author of Thourios. A different reading of unknown, or lesser-known, testimonies call into question both of these points of view and demonstrates the following facts. On the one hand, that the project of revolution de Rhigas had been organized secretly by a numerous network; else hand, that Rhigas and Pazvantoğlu had known each other since 1788 and that they had embraced the same project. The two men had vainly believed that their plan, which aimed above all at the liberation from the tyranny of the sultan, could be achieve with the support of France, because it was the only Great Power in the time which seemed to follow a policy of revision of geopolitical balances.

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Research paper thumbnail of “Commerce & Shipping”, in Aegean – History, t. 3, Turkish Rule / Revolution, edited by I. D. Michailidis, Athens: Kathimerini Publications, 2021, p. 42-51 (in Greek).

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Research paper thumbnail of “Corsairing & Piracy”, in Aegean – History, t. 3, Turkish Rule / Revolution, edited by I. D. Michailidis, Athens: Kathimerini Publications, 2021, p. 52-59.

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[Research paper thumbnail of Ιστορική έρευνα και νέες τεχνολογίες: Προβληματισμοί και προκλήσεις με αφορμή την τρισδιάστατη αποτύπωση του πύργου της Ουρανούπολης [Historical Research and New Technologies: Thoughts and Challenges Emanating from the Three-Dimensional Recreation of the Tower of Ouranoupolis]](

Mnemon 38 (2021) 227-248

The advancement of digital technologies has offered new tools to historians in their effort to co... more The advancement of digital technologies has offered new tools to historians in their effort to convey to a wider public their understanding of the past. In cinema, many professional historians have contributed to bringing realistic depictions of past worlds. Today, videogames are an equally important medium where historians can bring a more realistic, and therefore, more attractive for a –usually younger– audience, gameplay. The role of the historian in the development of digital applications, such as videogames and mostly Role-Playing Games (RPG), focuses on the constant need for closer collaboration between historians and developers, and, eventually, a better mode of mutual understanding. Historians are thus involved in a process that can be described in three phases: the creative, during which the main concept is formulated; the research phase, when the historical information is gathered; and the aesthetic phase, where the historians help depict the built environment and the cultural features. These reflections have been the main focus of the project “Digital Routes in Greek History’s Paths” (RoGH) implemented by the Institute of Historical Research of the National Hellenic Research Foundation with the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications of the University of Athens, and Content Management in Culture (COMIC). RoGH’s main initiative is the development of a digital platform allowing anyone to visit the history of Greece from antiquity to modern times. This paper focuses on the case study of the tower of Ouranoupolis in Chalkidiki, which has been recreated in 3D. The tower is an important landmark at the entrance of Mount Athos and has been the main edifice of the dependency of Vatopediou monastery from the Byzantine era until the 20th century. Today it hosts the local museum.

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[Research paper thumbnail of “Appeal of a Cretan Student of the Mid-17th Century for the Liberation of "Graecia"”, in S. Kaklamanis (ed.), The Cretan War (1645-1669). Aspects of the War in Space and Time, Heraklion 2019 [Cretica Chronica 39 (2019)], p. 467-482 (in Greek).](

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Research paper thumbnail of “Heterotopias of the Greek Archipelago: Zgorafa (Zourafa)”, Historicogeographica 18 (2019) 68-79 (in Greek).

The aim of this article is to show by means of a case study, the possibilities offered to us by t... more The aim of this article is to show by means of a case study, the possibilities offered to us by the combination of two conceptual tools, namely the notion of the Greek Archipelago as a dispersed city (according to S. Asdrachas) and the concept of heterotopia understood in the sense M. Foucault gave the term. The case in point will be Zourafa, the most northeastern insular soil of the Greek Territory, northeast of Samothraki. Parallel to the difficulty that the historical approach of such a case presents, the question of the limits of history in relation to space arises. In other words, whether a not only deserted piece of land but also a non-habitable one by humans can have a history, as well as what is or are the possible narratives of such a place. Ultimately, this specific case allows for an account of three narratives: the story of the human attempts for precise determination of the geographical location of Zourafa (history of geography and hydrography), the history of Zourafa as a fishing location (economic history) and the history of Zourafa as imaginary space.

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Research paper thumbnail of “La contribution des agents consulaires Pierre et Constantin Voulgaridis aux recherches des archéologues français en Macédoine orientale (1873-1914)”, in Paul Perdrizet,  savant européen et industriel lorrain (1870-1938), Colloque international, Université de Lorraine (Nancy, 7-9 novembre 2018).

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Research paper thumbnail of “An Unseen Revolt of Islanders in the Neighbourhood of Kapudan Pasha. Archival Documentation of the Samothraki Incidents”, in Aspects of the Revolution of 1821, Conference (Athens, 12-13 June 2015), edited by D. Dimitropoulos – Ch. Loukos – P. Michailaris, Athens: Mnimon, 2018, p. 59-86 (in Greek).

In the historiography of the 1821 Revolution there are but very few and brief accounts of the rev... more In the historiography of the 1821 Revolution there are but very few and brief accounts of the revolt of the inhabitants of Samothraki and its bloodstained repression. Despite its particular character as an early rebellion of a small number of islander farmers and livestock breeders, and at a short distance from the Dardanelles, the case of Samothraki had never come into the spotlight of historical research. Furthermore, the documentation of these events had always been problematic, as the available sources were scarce, posterior and, to a great degree, interceded. More specifically, the main sources were the accounts of the scholar from Samothrace Nikolaos Fardys and Ion Dragoumis, which were based on oral testimonies by elderly inhabitants, and were drafted several decades later; while the closest in time sources were a painting at the Louvre Museum, and a few references in French literature. This study presents the first contemporary with the events written testimonies, which were traced in the French consular archives, and examines what exactly happened on the island, revealing together the points of convergence and divergence in the oral legends and the archival material.

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Research paper thumbnail of “Le réseau consulaire français dans l’Archipel (1679-1718)”, Études Balkaniques – Cahiers Pierre Belon 22 (2017-2018) 23-47.

Already from the 17th century, consular networks, with the most widespread being that of France, ... more Already from the 17th century, consular networks, with the most widespread being that of France, had developed throughout the area of the Aegean and Ionian Seas. In the case of France, the 16th and 17th centuries were also crucial in the formation of the consular institution, as the consuls had gradually turned from merchant to royal agents. The fact that the French network is old and the most dense in the area makes it the best case-study for observing the development of this institution. Historiography, however, has not, until now, focused its attention on the function of the consular institution on the shores and islands of the Aegean and Ionian Seas, which could allow for detecting issues that cannot be assessed when focusing on the large ports of the eastern Mediterranean and northern Africa. Among these issues are: a) the assignment of consuls by the Ambassador in Constantinople already since the 17th century; b) the assignment of vice-consuls by the subleasers of the consulates between the years 1685 and 1689, when the Compagnie de la Mediterranée has leased all the consulates of the Levant and the Barbary coast; c) the jurisdiction of the ambassador in Constantinople in certain areas under Venetian control as well; d) the existence of consulates with jurisdiction in areas under opposite control (Ottoman and Venetian). The differences in the way consulates worked in the Archipelago revealed the plasticity of this institution, which adapted to the geographical, geopolitical and cultural particularities of each area, also harmonizing with the economic conditions of each period of time.

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Research paper thumbnail of “Les pionniers du commerce français à Thessalonique au cours du XVIIe siècle”, Études Balkaniques LIII/3 (2017) 550-567.

The twentieth-century historiography devoted to the trade of the Levant has raised a number of qu... more The twentieth-century historiography devoted to the trade of the Levant has raised a number of questions that require elucidation; among others, that of the establishment, for the first time, of a French consul in Thessalonica. More precisely, according to the historiography, the steps for the founding of a French consulate in this city had begun in 1680, but a consul was finally established there in 1685. The present study, based mainly on unpublished sources, examines all relative efforts until 1688, and shows that a French consul tried to settle down in Thessalonica already since 1644. It is certain, however, that the consul Jacques Gleize (1685-1688) was to inaugurate an uninterrupted succession of French consuls and to lay the foundations for the long activity of French commerce in this port.

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[Research paper thumbnail of “Messages in the Sky: Greek ‘Cometography’ (15th – 19th c.)”, in Fears and Hopes in Modern Times [SNR, no. 146], edited by K. Dede – D. Dimitropoulos – T. Sakellaropoulos, Athens: Institute of Historical Research, The National Hellenic Research Foundation, 2017, p. 13-28 (in Greek).](

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[Research paper thumbnail of Attendre la fin du monde au XVIIe siècle. Le messie juif et le grand drogman [Textes, Documents, Études sur le Monde Byzantin, Néohellénique et Balkanique, no. 15], traduit du grec par Danielle Morichon, Paris: Éditions de l’Association Pierre Belon, 2014, 224 pages.](

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Research paper thumbnail of Awaiting the End of the World in the 17th Century. The Jewish Messiah and the Great Interpreter, with a preface by Paschalis M. Kitromilides, Athens: Institute of Historical Research / The National Hellenic Research Foundation, 2011 (1st edition), 2020 (2nd edition), 261 pages (in Greek).

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[Research paper thumbnail of Cavalla, une Échelle égéenne au XVIIIe siècle. Négociants européens et notables ottomans [Les Cahiers du Bosphore, no. 53], with a preface by Katsumi Fukasawa, Istanbul: The Isis Press, 2009, 282 pages.](

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[Research paper thumbnail of (Co-editor with Yura Konstantinova), Réseaux consulaires, protection et interculturalité dans les Balkans (XVIIe-XXe siècles) [Études Balkaniques – Cahiers Pierre Belon 22 (2017-2018)], 256 pages.](

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Research paper thumbnail of “Establishing Consular Networks in the Balkans: An Overview”, in Christian Networks in the Ottoman Empire: A Transnational History, edited by E. Naxidou – Y. Konstantinova, Budapest: Central European University Press, 2024, p. 139-173.

Already since the seventeenth century, the world’s densest consular networks had been established... more Already since the seventeenth century, the world’s densest consular networks had been established in the Balkans. This study attempts to provide an overview of these networks from the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries. More specifically, the examination is divided into two parts: the first examines the institutional conditions that originally led to the creation of consular networks in the Ottoman Empire, and the second runs a comparison among the different consular networks that developed in the wider Balkan area during these three centuries.

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Research paper thumbnail of “Occasioned by the Death of Creveliers off Astypalaia: The Island’s Role in the Raids by Catholic Corsairs during the 17th Century”, in Vathy, Astypalaia, v. I, Astypalaia in Time, edited by A. G. Vlachopoulos, Athens: Ministry of Culture and Sports, 2023, p. 218-233 (in Greek).

Between shortly before midnight of the 24th and early morning of the 25th of September 1679, the ... more Between shortly before midnight of the 24th and early morning of the 25th of September 1679, the life of French corsair Hugues Creveliers, leader of the most important corsair company active in the Aegean sea in the 1670s, came to an inglorious end off the coast of Astypalaia, due to the blowing up of his ship by a member of his crew. The present study takes a closer look at the details of the event and attempts to portray the role that Astypalaia played in the raids of Catholic privateers against the Ottomans during the seventeenth century; raids which had become a regular occurrence because of the protracted Venetian-Ottoman wars. The privileged geographical location of the island made it an ideal base for the corsairs to launch their attacks against commercial ships following the routes between Alexandria and Constantinople. At the same time, Astypalaia was an excellent hideout for corsairs, not only because they could find provisions there (such as bread, wine, etc.) and stock up with drinking water, but also because the island provided plenty of safe anchorages. The names of Astypalaia’s havens in French and Italian portolan texts, along with other information of the time (testimonies about corsair contracts written on the island and marriages between privateers and local Greek women), attest not only the strong relationship that the corsairs built with Astypalaia, but also the degree of appropriation of the place by them. In the last part of this study we examine the role of the bay of Vathy in the corsair raids, since this is most likely where the explosion of Creveliers’ ship took place. This particular bay has similar traits to other anchorages in the Cycladic islands where we know that corsairs repaired their ships, since they had built small forts or batteries at the narrow entrances to these lairs so that no enemy ship could approach. In-situ research conducted by the author on the south side of the narrow straits of Vathy bay led to the discovery of similar built structures which seem to be relevant to the frequent corsair presence there.

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Research paper thumbnail of “Hétérotopies de l'Archipel grec: Les Zgorafa (Zourafa)”, Petits Essais 2 (2022) 98-111

The aim of this article is to show by means of a case study, the possibilities offered to us by t... more The aim of this article is to show by means of a case study, the possibilities offered to us by the combination of two conceptual tools, namely the notion of the Greek Archipelago as a dispersed city (according to S. Asdrachas) and the concept of heterotopia understood in the sense M. Foucault gave the term. The case in point will be Zourafa, the most northeastern insular soil of the Greek Territory, northeast of Samothraki. Parallel to the difficulty that the historical approach of such a case presents, the question of the limits of history in relation to space arises. In other words, whether a not only deserted piece of land but also a non-habitable one by humans can have a history, as well as what is or are the possible narratives of such a place. Ultimately, this specific case allows for an account of three narratives: the story of the human attempts for precise determination of the geographical location of Zourafa (history of geography and hydrography), the history of Zourafa as a fishing location (economic history) and the history of Zourafa as imaginary space.

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[Research paper thumbnail of “Aspects de l’intendance des Vénitiens dans l’Archipel au cours de la guerre de Morée (1684-1699)”, in Venetian-Ottoman Wars, edited by S. Birtachas, Rome 2022 [Nuova Antologia Militare 3 (2022), Special Issue 1 (July 2022)], p. 249-274.](

The present study undertakes to shed light on the ways in which the Venetians tried to cover thei... more The present study undertakes to shed light on the ways in which the Venetians tried to cover their pressing needs in money and foodstuffs in order to carry out their naval enterprises in the Aegean during the First Morean War. More specifically, it examines the tax collection mechanism implemented in the Archipelago, so that the Venetian fleet could find a secure livelihood there. This mechanism is described as a process, a method that highlights the modifications it has undergone as well as the role played by various characters in its operation over time. The orientation of the analysis requires that this study be divided into two parts: the first concerns the first years of the war (1684–1690), during which the collection of taxes was part of the operations of the Venetian fleet; the second part refers to the 1690s, when tax collection was entrusted to a private businessman. Consequently, this last part focuses on the action of a one particular individual, which allows us however to approach the commercial activities that had developed in the Archipelago due to the war. Moreover, it enables us to examine the kind of domination that the Most Serene Republic had imposed at least in certain islands of the Aegean (with the exception of Tinos), which historiography has not yet set forth.

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Research paper thumbnail of “The Liberation Movements of 1797, the French and Rhigas. A New Reading Based on Unused Sources”, O Eranistis 30 (2021) 201-252 (in Greek).

Until now the Greek liberation movements of 1797, which obviously include the movement of Rhigas ... more Until now the Greek liberation movements of 1797, which obviously include the movement of Rhigas Velestinlis and his comrades, have been presented in historiography as initiatives of isolated individuals or groups. This study examines the relationship of these movements not only among themselves but also with the separatist movements of the Muslim notables (ayan) Busatlıs of Shkodër and Osman Vidin's Pazvantoğlu, as well as the role of Bonaparte and the Directory in these movements. This approach is mainly based on testimonies unexploited until now, taken from the correspondence of the Consul of France in Trieste A. Bréchet and newspapers from Paris, Frankfurt and Wessel.

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Research paper thumbnail of “Rhigas, Pazvantoğlu and the Revolutionary Enterprise of 1797. Some Remarks”, Medievalia et Neohellenica 14 (2021) – Homage to the 200th Anniversary of the Greek Revolution of 1821, p. 189-216 (in Greek).

This study explores the validity of two views: the dominant view in historiography that the revol... more This study explores the validity of two views: the dominant view in historiography that the revolutionary design of Rhigas Velestinlis and his companions was the work of a select group of visionaries; on the other hand, that enunciated recently by Rossitsa Gradeva, namely that the participation in this project of Osman Pazvantoğlu, ayan of Vidin, existed only in the imagination of the author of Thourios. A different reading of unknown, or lesser-known, testimonies call into question both of these points of view and demonstrates the following facts. On the one hand, that the project of revolution de Rhigas had been organized secretly by a numerous network; else hand, that Rhigas and Pazvantoğlu had known each other since 1788 and that they had embraced the same project. The two men had vainly believed that their plan, which aimed above all at the liberation from the tyranny of the sultan, could be achieve with the support of France, because it was the only Great Power in the time which seemed to follow a policy of revision of geopolitical balances.

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Research paper thumbnail of “Commerce & Shipping”, in Aegean – History, t. 3, Turkish Rule / Revolution, edited by I. D. Michailidis, Athens: Kathimerini Publications, 2021, p. 42-51 (in Greek).

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Research paper thumbnail of “Corsairing & Piracy”, in Aegean – History, t. 3, Turkish Rule / Revolution, edited by I. D. Michailidis, Athens: Kathimerini Publications, 2021, p. 52-59.

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[Research paper thumbnail of Ιστορική έρευνα και νέες τεχνολογίες: Προβληματισμοί και προκλήσεις με αφορμή την τρισδιάστατη αποτύπωση του πύργου της Ουρανούπολης [Historical Research and New Technologies: Thoughts and Challenges Emanating from the Three-Dimensional Recreation of the Tower of Ouranoupolis]](

Mnemon 38 (2021) 227-248

The advancement of digital technologies has offered new tools to historians in their effort to co... more The advancement of digital technologies has offered new tools to historians in their effort to convey to a wider public their understanding of the past. In cinema, many professional historians have contributed to bringing realistic depictions of past worlds. Today, videogames are an equally important medium where historians can bring a more realistic, and therefore, more attractive for a –usually younger– audience, gameplay. The role of the historian in the development of digital applications, such as videogames and mostly Role-Playing Games (RPG), focuses on the constant need for closer collaboration between historians and developers, and, eventually, a better mode of mutual understanding. Historians are thus involved in a process that can be described in three phases: the creative, during which the main concept is formulated; the research phase, when the historical information is gathered; and the aesthetic phase, where the historians help depict the built environment and the cultural features. These reflections have been the main focus of the project “Digital Routes in Greek History’s Paths” (RoGH) implemented by the Institute of Historical Research of the National Hellenic Research Foundation with the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications of the University of Athens, and Content Management in Culture (COMIC). RoGH’s main initiative is the development of a digital platform allowing anyone to visit the history of Greece from antiquity to modern times. This paper focuses on the case study of the tower of Ouranoupolis in Chalkidiki, which has been recreated in 3D. The tower is an important landmark at the entrance of Mount Athos and has been the main edifice of the dependency of Vatopediou monastery from the Byzantine era until the 20th century. Today it hosts the local museum.

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[Research paper thumbnail of “Appeal of a Cretan Student of the Mid-17th Century for the Liberation of "Graecia"”, in S. Kaklamanis (ed.), The Cretan War (1645-1669). Aspects of the War in Space and Time, Heraklion 2019 [Cretica Chronica 39 (2019)], p. 467-482 (in Greek).](

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Research paper thumbnail of “Heterotopias of the Greek Archipelago: Zgorafa (Zourafa)”, Historicogeographica 18 (2019) 68-79 (in Greek).

The aim of this article is to show by means of a case study, the possibilities offered to us by t... more The aim of this article is to show by means of a case study, the possibilities offered to us by the combination of two conceptual tools, namely the notion of the Greek Archipelago as a dispersed city (according to S. Asdrachas) and the concept of heterotopia understood in the sense M. Foucault gave the term. The case in point will be Zourafa, the most northeastern insular soil of the Greek Territory, northeast of Samothraki. Parallel to the difficulty that the historical approach of such a case presents, the question of the limits of history in relation to space arises. In other words, whether a not only deserted piece of land but also a non-habitable one by humans can have a history, as well as what is or are the possible narratives of such a place. Ultimately, this specific case allows for an account of three narratives: the story of the human attempts for precise determination of the geographical location of Zourafa (history of geography and hydrography), the history of Zourafa as a fishing location (economic history) and the history of Zourafa as imaginary space.

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Research paper thumbnail of “La contribution des agents consulaires Pierre et Constantin Voulgaridis aux recherches des archéologues français en Macédoine orientale (1873-1914)”, in Paul Perdrizet,  savant européen et industriel lorrain (1870-1938), Colloque international, Université de Lorraine (Nancy, 7-9 novembre 2018).

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Research paper thumbnail of “An Unseen Revolt of Islanders in the Neighbourhood of Kapudan Pasha. Archival Documentation of the Samothraki Incidents”, in Aspects of the Revolution of 1821, Conference (Athens, 12-13 June 2015), edited by D. Dimitropoulos – Ch. Loukos – P. Michailaris, Athens: Mnimon, 2018, p. 59-86 (in Greek).

In the historiography of the 1821 Revolution there are but very few and brief accounts of the rev... more In the historiography of the 1821 Revolution there are but very few and brief accounts of the revolt of the inhabitants of Samothraki and its bloodstained repression. Despite its particular character as an early rebellion of a small number of islander farmers and livestock breeders, and at a short distance from the Dardanelles, the case of Samothraki had never come into the spotlight of historical research. Furthermore, the documentation of these events had always been problematic, as the available sources were scarce, posterior and, to a great degree, interceded. More specifically, the main sources were the accounts of the scholar from Samothrace Nikolaos Fardys and Ion Dragoumis, which were based on oral testimonies by elderly inhabitants, and were drafted several decades later; while the closest in time sources were a painting at the Louvre Museum, and a few references in French literature. This study presents the first contemporary with the events written testimonies, which were traced in the French consular archives, and examines what exactly happened on the island, revealing together the points of convergence and divergence in the oral legends and the archival material.

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Research paper thumbnail of “Le réseau consulaire français dans l’Archipel (1679-1718)”, Études Balkaniques – Cahiers Pierre Belon 22 (2017-2018) 23-47.

Already from the 17th century, consular networks, with the most widespread being that of France, ... more Already from the 17th century, consular networks, with the most widespread being that of France, had developed throughout the area of the Aegean and Ionian Seas. In the case of France, the 16th and 17th centuries were also crucial in the formation of the consular institution, as the consuls had gradually turned from merchant to royal agents. The fact that the French network is old and the most dense in the area makes it the best case-study for observing the development of this institution. Historiography, however, has not, until now, focused its attention on the function of the consular institution on the shores and islands of the Aegean and Ionian Seas, which could allow for detecting issues that cannot be assessed when focusing on the large ports of the eastern Mediterranean and northern Africa. Among these issues are: a) the assignment of consuls by the Ambassador in Constantinople already since the 17th century; b) the assignment of vice-consuls by the subleasers of the consulates between the years 1685 and 1689, when the Compagnie de la Mediterranée has leased all the consulates of the Levant and the Barbary coast; c) the jurisdiction of the ambassador in Constantinople in certain areas under Venetian control as well; d) the existence of consulates with jurisdiction in areas under opposite control (Ottoman and Venetian). The differences in the way consulates worked in the Archipelago revealed the plasticity of this institution, which adapted to the geographical, geopolitical and cultural particularities of each area, also harmonizing with the economic conditions of each period of time.

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Research paper thumbnail of “Les pionniers du commerce français à Thessalonique au cours du XVIIe siècle”, Études Balkaniques LIII/3 (2017) 550-567.

The twentieth-century historiography devoted to the trade of the Levant has raised a number of qu... more The twentieth-century historiography devoted to the trade of the Levant has raised a number of questions that require elucidation; among others, that of the establishment, for the first time, of a French consul in Thessalonica. More precisely, according to the historiography, the steps for the founding of a French consulate in this city had begun in 1680, but a consul was finally established there in 1685. The present study, based mainly on unpublished sources, examines all relative efforts until 1688, and shows that a French consul tried to settle down in Thessalonica already since 1644. It is certain, however, that the consul Jacques Gleize (1685-1688) was to inaugurate an uninterrupted succession of French consuls and to lay the foundations for the long activity of French commerce in this port.

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[Research paper thumbnail of “Messages in the Sky: Greek ‘Cometography’ (15th – 19th c.)”, in Fears and Hopes in Modern Times [SNR, no. 146], edited by K. Dede – D. Dimitropoulos – T. Sakellaropoulos, Athens: Institute of Historical Research, The National Hellenic Research Foundation, 2017, p. 13-28 (in Greek).](

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Research paper thumbnail of “Panagiōtēs Nikousios”, in Christian-Muslim Relations. A Bibliographical History, v. 10, Ottoman and Safavid Empires (1600-1700), edited by D. Thomas ‒ J. Chesworth et al., Leiden - Boston: Brill, 2017, p. 421-430.

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Research paper thumbnail of “Corsairing and Slave Trading in the Cyclades during the Late Seventeenth Century”, in Corsaires and Pirates in the Eastern Mediterranean, Fifteenth-Nineteenth Centuries, edited by G. Harlaftis ‒ D. Dimitropoulos ‒ D. J. Starkey, Athens: Sylvia Ioannou Foundation, 2016, p. 55-62.

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Research paper thumbnail of “Villoison’s Research in Constantinople and in the Cyclades (1784-1786). New Data from His Letters to Choiseul-Gouffier”, O Eranistis  29 (2016) 47-88 (in Greek/French).

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Research paper thumbnail of “Additional Data on Nikolaos Karatzas and His Library”, O Eranistis 29 (2016) 310-318 (in Greek).

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Research paper thumbnail of Kavala during the Balkan Wars. The Testimonies of Consular Reports of Konstantinos P. Voulgaridis, Kavala: Historical & Literary Archives of Kavala, 2013, 228 pages (in Greek/French).

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Research paper thumbnail of “Firmans impériaux concernant les Français de Salonique (1716-1722)”,        Makedonika 33 (2001-2002) 107-129.

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Research paper thumbnail of “Pascal Firges, French Revolutionaries in the Ottoman Empire. Diplomacy, Political Culture, and the Limiting of Universal Revolution, 1792-1798, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017, 304 pages”, The Historical Review / La Revue Historique 15 (2018) 322-325.

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Research paper thumbnail of “Gershom Scholem, Sabbatai Ṣevi, the Mystical Messiah 1626-1676, with a new introduction by Yaacob Dweck, Bollingen Series XCIII, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2016, 1,096 pages”, The Historical Review / La Revue Historique 14 (2017) 241-243.

“Gershom Scholem, Sabbatai Ṣevi, the Mystical Messiah 1626-1676, with a new introduction by Yaacob Dweck, Bollingen Series XCIII, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2016, 1,096 pages”, The Historical Review / La Revue Historique 14 (2017) 241-243.

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[Research paper thumbnail of “Héritages de Byzance en Europe du Sud-Est à l’époque moderne et contemporaine [Mondes Méditerranéens et Balkaniques, no. 4], edited by O. Delouis ‒ A. Couderc ‒ P. Guran, Αthens: EFA, 2013, 528 pages”, Byzantina Symmeikta 27 (2017) 459-465 (in Greek).](

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Research paper thumbnail of “Catherine Bregianni, Modern Greek Coin. State and Ideology from the Greek Revolution to the Interwar Period, Athens: Academy of Athens, Research Centre for the Study of Modern Greek History, 2011, 363 pages”, Mnimon 32 (2011) 269-273 (in Greek).

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Research paper thumbnail of “Histoire communautaire et plurielle de la Méditerranée”, The Historical Review / La Revue Historique 4 (2007) 243-248.

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Research paper thumbnail of Cristina Ciucu, “Attendre la fin du monde au XVIIe siècle. Le Messie juif et le Grand Drogman, traduit du grec par Danielle Morichon. Paris, Éditions de l’Association Pierre Belon, 2014”, in Revue de l'Histoire des Religions 234/1 (2017) 188-190.

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Research paper thumbnail of Bernard Heyberger, “Attendre la fin du monde au XVIIe siècle. Le messie juif et le grand drogman. Paris, Éditions de l’Association Pierre Belon, 2014”, in Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions 176 (October-December 2016) 341.

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Research paper thumbnail of Niketas Siniossoglou, “Awaiting the End of the World in the 17th Century: The Jewish Messiah and the Great Interpreter, Institute for Neohellenic Research/The National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens, 2011”, in Journal of Jewish Studies 65/1 (Spring 2014) 215-219.

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Research paper thumbnail of Marinos Sariyannis, “Awaiting the end of the world in the 17th century: the Jewish Messiah and the Great Interpreter, Athens, Institute for Neohellenic Research/The National Hellenic Research Foundation, 2011”, in Mediterranean Historical Review 29/1 (2014) 106-109.

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Research paper thumbnail of Gianna Katsiampoura, “Awaiting the End of the World in the 17th Century: The Jewish Messiah and the Great Interpreter, Athens 2011: Institute for Neohellenic Research / National Hellenic Research Foundation”, in Αlmagest 2/2 (Νovember 2011) 148-149.

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Research paper thumbnail of Jean-Pierre Pousou, “Cavalla, une échelle égéenne au XVIIIe siècle : négociants européens et notables ottomans, Istanbul, Les Éditions Isis, 2009”, in Histoire, Économie & Société 30/1 (2011) 121-122.

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Research paper thumbnail of Yura Konstantinova, “Kavala during the Balkan Wars. The Testimonies of Consular Reports of Konstantinos P. Voulgaridis, Historical & Literary Archives of Kavala, Kavala 2013”, in Études Balkaniques 49/3-4 (2013) 195-198 (in French).

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Research paper thumbnail of “On Languages and Scripts in the Ottoman Levant: The Case of Frangochiotika”, Workshop (Athens, 14 December 2023).

Co-organized by the Institute of Habsburg and Balkan Studies of the Austrian Academy of Science, ... more Co-organized by the Institute of Habsburg and Balkan Studies of the Austrian Academy of Science, the Institute of Historical Research of the National Hellenic Research Foundation & the Jesuit Library and Archive of Greece, this workshop will bring together archivists and librarians acquainted with the printed sources in Frangochiotika with specialists of cultural and religious history of the Early Modern Levant with the aim to reassess the uses of this idiom in the light of recent scholarship, to map the available bibliographical and archival resources, as well as to explore
perspectives of further synergies and collaborations within a broader framework of research in the linguistic, cultural and religious pluralism of Early Modern and Modern Balkans and Eastern Mediterranean.

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[Research paper thumbnail of “Ιδεολογικές χρήσεις των συμβόλων στα νεότερα χρόνια”, Ε΄ Κύκλος Ομιλιών 2018 [Επιστήμης Κοινωνία], Ειδικές Μορφωτικές Εκδηλώσεις, Εθνικό Ίδρυμα Ερευνών (Αθήνα, 22 Μαΐου-12 Ιουνίου 2018).](

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[Research paper thumbnail of “Privateering and Slave Trade in the Cyclades in the Late 17th Century”, in Corsairs & Pirates in the Eastern Mediterranean 15th-19th c., 2nd International Scientific Conference on the Greek World in Travel Accounts and Maps, Sylvia Ioannou Foundation (Athens, 17-19 October 2014) [video].](

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