光と闇 (original) (raw)

[Fanfiction] Shades of Eternity [12 Jul 2011|12:45am]
[ mood** | calm ] Title: Shades of EternityAuthor:** nherizu Beta reader: xeohe Genre: Romance, Friendship, Hurt/ComfortRating: PG-13Pairing: Shinou/Murata (Shinou/Daikenja).Side Pairing: Yuuri/WolframA/N: This is my submission for help_japan auction. Thank you so much to agarmentofwings, the winning bidder. You're awesome! :D**_"You can go now. Go... Go to your new King's place." Murata Ken had predicted, that Shinou would say those words the moment they first met. He could resist it—the pain in his chest. Meeting his own past self, however, was something he had never expected to happen..._**Read on LJRead on FFnet
Kyou Kara Maou!, Shinou/Great Sage, 04-Past Times [Fanfic] [06 May 2011|07:07pm]
TITLE: My Loathsome DreamAUTHOR: tezuka_andria FANDOM: Kyou Kara Maou! PAIRING: Shinou/Great SagePROMPT: 04 - Past TimesRATING: PG-13WORD COUNT: 1021SUMMARY: Shinou dreamt of his childhoodWARNINGS: Unbeta-ed, Bad grammar. Mild spoilers in the Shin Makoku Yori Ai wo Komete novel. NOTES: 1. I'm kind of new in writing so don't expect this got to be good, and English is not our native language, so please expect some wrong grammar. I'm ready to accept any critiques and comments about the grammar and the story itself. Anyway, enjoy! 2. I'm really a fan of this pairing and its so sad to see this community is in verge of dying. So I decided to post my fic here. 3. Please take some time to read my fic, okay? DISCLAIMER: I don't own Kyou Kara Maou! and its characters. Just borrowing them for my ideas.( "Don't associate yourself with Soukokus!" were my mother's dying words... )
A Kyou Kara Maou Ficlet: Eternal [30 Jan 2010|09:25pm]
This would be a collection of ficlets, around ShinouxDaikenja and ShinouxMurata pairings. Title: EternalDisclaimer: I do not own Kyou Kara MaouAuthor: nherizu Beta Reader: ThinE (yuliyudo )Pairing: Shinou x Daikenja, Shinou x MurataGenre: Romance/Friendship****Summary:**-"Are memories so important, dark one?"- the question was slipped from Shinou's lips; as the answer from Daikenja was something that would change the dark one's life forever: -"I noticed how important they were the moment I lost them."- Comment: For Learning The Verity readers, I'm really, really sorry. The betareading process takes longer than I expected. I don't want to rush my beta since she's probably busy now, so please, wait for a little bit more, okay? Thanks :)Important Note: The first chapter is based on the novel, when Daikenja and Shinou met. I read the translation posted by ritsu2 . So credit goes to her. The upcoming chapters would be based on the novel as well.Read Here: (#1 Eternal: Under The Old Tree)Please spare your time to read this short fic and review X3Thanks~!
AMVs!!! [22 Aug 2009|12:38am]
Murata's Pov, ShinouMurata(love this pairing....i really do love Murata and his mysterious pasts....) ENJOY THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tell me what you think!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! May be they'll inspire more vids and more fics!!!!!!! ne?
Goodbye My Lover, chapter 5 [11 Sep 2008|08:37pm]
Title: Goodbye My Lover part 5.Fandom: Kyo Kara MaohRating: pg-13Characters: Murata, past Great Sage/Shinou, Yuuri/Wolfram, one-sided Conrad to Yuuri, one-sided Yozak to Conrad, hints of friendly Yozak/MurataGenre: Angst/Romance…Spoilers: for the whole TV series (excluding the newest, season 3!)Chapter 5:_“We’re walking in the air”_- Let the proper things begin. Link to my Journal~Akaya
Ficlets! [06 Sep 2008|07:50pm]
Series: Kyo Kara Maoh!Pairing: Great Sage/ShinouTheme: # 19 Black teaRating: PGLink to my ljSeries: Kyo Kara Maoh!Pairing: Great Sage/ShinouTheme #6: Soap Bubbles Rating: Pg- 13, just to be safe.link to my ljTable of contents for those drabbles HERE~MartynaPs: feel free to point any typos here, I did it without my beta so mistakes are probable there.
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