「Requiring」の共起表現(1語右で並び替え) - Weblio英語共起表現検索 (original) (raw)

They are made for applications

requiring a strict reflection without a ghosting effec

ver, meaning parts of the game have problems

requiring a full server reboot.

ervices were stopped with rail privatisation

requiring a change of train at Newark North Gate.

es place; and before any mineral exploration

requiring a land use permit or water licence takes pla

es, many muscadine cultivars are pistillate,

requiring a pollenizer to set fruit.

the City Charter and inserted the amendment

requiring a ship channel to Aransas Pass.

Aluminium, while

requiring a thin barrier metal to promote low ohmic re

The second issue also sold well,

requiring a second printing of 60,000 copies.

when hovering or performing other maneuvers

requiring a departure form straight level flight, but

allowed to cross over a Mensurstrich without

requiring a tie.

ion, and also the greater the loss of light (

requiring a longer exposure time).

operate in a short-action rifle, instead of

requiring a long action.

en be accessed through the Internet) without

requiring a PC, though the list of remote automation d

ncy in specific areas of neuropsychology, by

requiring a review of the neuropsychologist's training

Both legs of the series finished 0-0,

requiring a tie-breaking playoff to be played.

in a serious motor vehicle accident in 1937

requiring a 9-month hospitalization, left him with sig

the circle from the interior of the circle,

requiring a left merge into the traffic circle.

OSHA representative blocks the final hurdle,

requiring a carefully timed jump.

y Final between Carlton and Geelong is tied,

requiring a preliminary Final Replay on Saturday 22 Se

ent, which is just a semi-colon in a context

requiring a statement.

mer members of the Confederate government by

requiring a loyalty oath be recited by any Federal cou

ever, may go through several nymphal stages,

requiring a meal of blood each time.

eader in the production of artificial fibres

requiring a considerable expansion of the facility ove

s first printing of 300,000 copies sold out,

requiring a second printing.

tated that he plans to introduce legislation

requiring a review of the state's behavioral health sy

ids breed in a wide range of waters, usually

requiring a layer of silt as the nymphs have strong le

those areas included in the British Mandate,

requiring a separate law for the Golan Heights (these

ts filled at over 160 °F (71 °C) or products

requiring a hermetic (vacuum) seal.

The school grew rapidly,

requiring a new site, and in 1988 Wicken Park was purc

onders, 20 to 120 watts per transponder, and

requiring a 0.8-m to 1.5-m antenna for clear reception

ctor's right to practice is not infringed by

requiring a second physician to be present at abortion

er that NPC had to teach, with some of these

requiring a small form of quest.

home situations, a horse must live outdoors,

requiring a shelter and room to move about when not on

ever staged in Britain and left both boxers

requiring a night in hospital.

t is very expensive to treat conventionally,

requiring a method of bioremediation.

Pasch voted against

requiring a two-thirds majority in the legislature in

This was in violation of a city ordinance

requiring a conditional use permit for commercial ante

ing all of the "Pioneer Days" events without

requiring a rename/move.

kmun, the Supreme Court agreed, finding that

requiring a determination "if... the fetus is viable o


requiring a hood or a screen found themselves invited

ed ran a reservation for the Red One camera,

requiring a $1,000 deposit, between April 24, 2006 and

on Department of Environmental Quality began

requiring a permit for farmers to burn their fields in

municipal election as a candidate for mayor,

requiring a by-election to be held.

ugh vacuum tubes and are combined optically,

requiring a building 100 meters long with movable mirr

in each crane and powered centrally, without

requiring a separate prime mover (i.e.

2003 when the job was turned into a position

requiring a university degree.

articles to spiral slowly into the Sun, thus

requiring a continuous source of new particles to main

ame to Georgia on account of failing health,

requiring a mild climate, and became deeply interested

The changes in performance (

requiring a bombload of 4,000 lb, a speed of 360 mph a

, actively longer in duration, and therefore

requiring a much lower dosage, which results in fewer

ld on March 12, 2002 with the winner of each

requiring a majority vote.

There are dozens of unit types

requiring a variety of raw and manufactured materials

s the enzyme of choice for most applications

requiring a single-strand-specific nuclease.

It becomes private,

requiring a pass to enter and a sticker to park in the

diomyopathy, a debilitating cardiac illness,

requiring a heart transplant if she is to live.

version 0.96 - a modular synthesizer for PC,

requiring a proprietary audio card for low-latency ope

drawn and went to replays, with one of these

requiring a second replay to settle the fixture.

le does not, however, prevent the Board from

requiring a rerun election if it determines that the e

to be used against strategic targets without

requiring a nuclear warhead to ensure the target's des

ed off if there is no way to make use of it,

requiring a furnace and stacks, and pipes to carry it

range County, California in 1997 as Children

Requiring a Caring Kommunity or CRACK after she and he

ed their guns far in the back of the turret,

requiring a large vulnerable opening to accommodate gu

Sudden and quick in quarrel, with a temper

requiring a curb bit, Mr. Jones was a sort of western

Malaysia was first dealt with in legislation

requiring a general warning message on all Malaysian c

or sessions or by visiting bands from abroad

requiring a horn player who can swing and/or improvise

As of recently, The Burbank Bus is now

requiring a fare (for a service which used to be free)

these guitars had increased to the point of

requiring a separate manufacturing facility.

ars later the bridge was closed for repairs,

requiring a three-mile (5 km) detour via Craigie Clair

Requiring a vendor of books dealing in “specified sexu

, a legislative override of a veto of a bill

requiring a formula for average funding of New York Ci

y reachable asteroid of its size from Earth,

requiring a delta-v of only 5.1 km/s for a spacecraft

the Grand Street and Newtown Railroad, again

requiring a Trackage Rights contract.

the Conservatives' 95th target seat in 2010,

requiring a swing of 5.09%.

ria Studios in Munich for outdoor scenes not

requiring a full view of the boat's exterior.

it again in the Blues' final practice match,

requiring a reconstruction which prevented him from pl

portrait and miniature painters in Liverpool

requiring a premium which his father could not give.

July - Law

requiring a man to walk in front of moving cars waving

ell in the first round, with the winner only

requiring a simple majority.

India Quay bridge during morning rush hour,

requiring a shutdown of the entire system and evacuati

activity at Shemya had increased to a level

requiring a group structure and in October 1974, the s

south of the line still in Communist hands,

requiring a follow-up operation-Operation Polecharge.

l fuel for long-range escort flights without

requiring a dramatically larger, heavier, less maneuve

A winner takes all game, with cogenhoe only

requiring a draw to clinch there first ucl title.

And it is a compound noun,

requiring a hyphen.

the studio, on stage or on location without

requiring a person to hold it.

The policy of

requiring a Raza began in 1902, when the 50th Da'i Sye

ected in the first round, with the remainder

requiring a second round of voting.

structures have grown increasingly complex,

requiring a host of personnel, vocations and related s


requiring a separation step, often called separation i

2, the corvette collided with a Manly ferry,

requiring a week of repairs at Cockatoo Island Dockyar

echnical with some extremely severe descents

requiring a very high level of skill and fitness.

lation and wall framing may be offset by not

requiring a dedicated central heating system.

being the first premises to be designated as

requiring a fire certificate under the Fire Precaution

ay images to its users in real-time, without

requiring a pre-download.

way Builiding, with the main lecture theatre

requiring a total refit just months after opening for

ccomplished by returning at +0 or +4,+8 etc.

requiring a small branch table at the return point - t

The well-defended greens are small targets

requiring a very good short game to put together a goo

Rather than

requiring a bare strip of unused quayside between the

ace by the following Wednesday (one of these

requiring a replay), two were played a fortnight later

date gained a majority in the 5 June primary

requiring a runoff between the top two candidates.

nst Gervase Peterson in a canoeing challenge

requiring a designated paddler to retrieve all members

ed and as a coating for fruit or other items

requiring a "shiny" appearance for sale.

Ubuntu improvements into Kubuntu - sometimes

requiring a release or two

re “democratic” to strengthen it, perhaps by

requiring a majority of all registered voters to vote

The tower is the only attraction in the park

requiring a separate admission fee.

moves back and forth near one of the boxes,

requiring a very careful jump.

Mauls often become stuck in logs mid-split

requiring a "full-lift" chop to be used.

Up to 24 people can participate at one time,

requiring a large amount of space to accommodate every

Court held that the standard must be strict

requiring a "substantial and integral cause".

olidays, special editions are released; also

requiring a special issue is the first week of school,

d to support uClinux, a version of Linux not

requiring a memory management unit and thus suited for

itive areas from installing a septic system,

requiring a holding tank instead.

by John, 1st Earl Spencer in 1756, the Earl

requiring a large London house to cement his position

reducing unnecessary testing in hospitals by

requiring a card carrying all patient information.

b-section (c) is in direct support of (b) by

requiring a “Consumer Disclosure” that the signatory h

losing more red blood cells to the point of

requiring a transfusion, House instructs to go scan hi

out-lap, destroying his front left tyre and

requiring a second pitstop.

and, causing further delays and difficulties

requiring a major refit.

, the suit could operate for 10 hours before

requiring a resupply of consumables, and had a total o

se they may lose the statutory protection of

requiring a parental ballot before they are turned int

r establish the characters' final locations,

requiring a section of the frigate to be built that co

n observational study from medical research,

requiring a broad appreciation of the underpinning met

capability to computing environments without

requiring a command line interface.

ere are a total of 25 levels with each level

requiring a password to unlock it.

Requiring a barium ion to be present at the location o

silver is higher than that of other nations,

requiring a silver content of 950 parts per thousand,

a 4096x16 shared data/program memory segment

requiring a 12-bit address bus.

Though generally not

requiring a shutdown of the entire production line, th

y, permitting, and in the nineteenth century

requiring, a dialogue between modal and diatonic proce

if a combo is broken many times (effectively

requiring a full combo in order to pass the stage).

He supported the bill for

requiring a real property qualification for a seat in

y and is dedicated-use with limited portions

requiring a user to travel across intersections or dir

t bankrupt when its first policy holder died

requiring a payment of £1000.

m Hackettstown - Dover is all diesel engine,

requiring a transfer at Dover Station to an electrifie

ies can be changed more easily, by no longer

requiring a full treaty revision.

dditional file systems to be mounted without

requiring a separate drive letter (such as C: or D:) f

air of unconventional low-impedance pickups,

requiring a special impedance-matching transformer for

nsisting of four ‘types' of artifacts: those

requiring a particular internal sociological system, t

Seems to me that

requiring a citation for just about every sentence is

t formation though Verica returned for downs

requiring a pass.

icane Katrina on the Mississippi Gulf Coast,

requiring a return to the dry dock for repairs, delayi

the Nottingham Forest-Newcastle United match

requiring a second replay to settle it in favour of Un

Railway could possibly extend to Greenodd by

requiring a new level crossing as the section between

Requiring a student to, effectively, consent to an ide

emology, especially its anti-inductivism and

requiring a realist (non-instrumental) interpretation

Closely related to surf boards and

requiring a mix of surfing and kayaking skills, a wide

row 434 m using an old Turkish composite bow

requiring a force of 440N or 99 lb.

drawn and went to replays, with two of these

requiring a second replay.

drawn and went to replays, with one fixture

requiring a second replay.

wyers, teachers, medical doctors and finally

requiring a proven Aryan lineage even to attend high s

o change the regulations for the GT classes,

requiring a large amount of production vehicles for th

t European residence time (3 years), without

requiring a work permit.

l Downs included a provision in the contract

requiring ABC to allow WHAS to continue showing the De

oors), with the fueling operation apparently

requiring about two hours.

The plants grow rapidly,

requiring about 45 days from "seeding" until the first

d consists of 100 multiple-choice questions,

requiring about one hour of testing time.

people visiting the spa and resort town and

requiring accommodation.

In addition to

requiring accountability and transparency, the Jain Fo

dely applied as a reagent in other reactions

requiring activated zinc metal.

ilic aromatic substitution takes place at C5

requiring activating groups.

Speculation was prevented by

requiring actual residence on the land.

to play MODs through the PC speaker without

requiring additional sound hardware, which it achieved

ortem examination proved to be inconclusive,

requiring additional toxicology tests.

e, operations involving an operand in memory

requiring address calculation took longer on the 68070

he wore a complete mermaid costume in scenes

requiring advanced diving techniques.

mplementation of the Settlement Plan without

requiring agreements from both Morocco and the Polisar

try needs to become sustainable, possibly by

requiring air passengers to pay their "full environmen

parallels the driveway north of the railway,

requiring aircraft to taxi on a bridge over the tracks

ng the Maria Theresa Thaler as legal tender,

requiring all merchants to obtain passports in person

ives, consistent with the Westminster system

requiring all money bills to originate in the lower ho

In 1948, the Quebec government passed a law

requiring all highways and local roads to be cleared o

It implemented a subset of the PL/I language

requiring all strings and arrays to have fixed extents

Soon after, the electoral laws were changed

requiring all political parties to prove a membership

re, Los Angeles building codes were changed,

requiring all high-rises to be equipped with fire spri


requiring all elements to have explicit opening and cl

When the Nazis began

requiring all Jews to wear the Star of David, he volun

ctment of a law by the Ohio General Assembly

requiring all school districts to provide a four-year

n 1976, published by the LO, that called for

requiring all companies above a certain size to issue

gation Acts (an ordinance by Oliver Cromwell

requiring all foreign fleets in the North Sea or the C

tory arms embargo against South Africa, also

requiring all states to refrain from "any co-operation

transfer points all over the city-no longer

requiring all two-bus trips to transfer at the CK Stee

m was moved to the southbound express track,

requiring all southbound trains to run on the local tr

e officials put out the black flag, effectly

requiring all drivers to immediately stop on the track

e in which to sell what they owned, and that

requiring all Roman residents to listen to Catholic ca

The tragedy led to a change in the law,

requiring all collieries be worked by two shafts.

and Addiego have also introduced legisation

requiring all legislators take a 10% cut in salary.

with his controversial indigenization policy

requiring all businesses to have a majority of black s

wealth of Massachusetts to enact legislation

requiring all hospitals to implement CPOE by 2012 as a

Congress acted to curb childhood obesity by

requiring all school districts participating in USDA s

late 2007, the mall took the unusual step of

requiring all high-school aged and younger youths to l

sored legislation to assist state workers by

requiring all state agencies to notify the Department

nited Haulers claimed that county ordinances

requiring all solid wastes and recyclables generated w

on of the Scots Parliaments of 1493 and 1503

requiring all seaboard burghs to keep "busches" of 20

arge fire swept across part of the heathland

requiring almost 170 firefighters to extinguish.

rter than nearby Mount Marcy, it is steeper;

requiring almost as much vertical ascent in a consider

Thameslink station was thought impractical (

requiring alterations to Clerkenwell No 3 tunnel and t

confined and its configuration was awkward,

requiring alterations on a number of occasions to meet

ometimes had to be banked through Weka Pass,

requiring an engine shed in Waikari, and locomotive de

veral array panels snagged and were damaged,

requiring an unplanned spacewalk to successfully repai