「Situ」の共起表現(1語右で並び替え) - Weblio英語共起表現検索 (original) (raw)

e and concrete, cast in a formwork, are called '

situ', a word which probably derives from the Latin

No trace of burial deposits was found in

situ, although some cremated, presumably human, bone

side, an advertisement for Monotype is still in

situ, although it is hidden by trees.

The Down (Nuneaton) platform is also in

situ, although with its platform edging now removed.

g and adjacent station-master's house remain in

situ and have been in use as private residences for

ded him great respect, referring to him only as

Situ and not by name.

pped, the line closed but the track remained in

situ, and the line was later reopened as the Nene Va

Most of the deposits remain in

situ and include steppe pika, arctic lemming, Norway

iron hydroxides (limonites) can be examined in

situ, and the evidence of their accumulation as resi

ion, in this case between benzyne (generated in

situ) and tetraphenylcyclopentadienone .

some are beautiful California native plants in

situ, and some also are familiar as horticultural or

ma Kagyu incarnates, including the 13th Palpung

Situ and 12th Goshir Gyaltsab, recognized Ogyen Trin

ce to support this conclusion has been found in

situ, and other sites have also been identified as t

mid terrace church, (steeple extant but not in

situ), and a fake water pump installed by the Tidy T

pment of conservation programs are promoted ex-

situ and in situ.

1 S-70B-2 Seahawk,

SITU and 1 AS-350BA Squirrel, 723 Squadron

been made to find an integrated approach to in

situ and ex situ conservation.

and biogeochemistry: the Sixth International In

Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Symposium.

The track is still in

situ and although the buildings have gone, the platf

cause it is easy to detect and reliable both in

situ and in vitro.

De orbis

situ, Antwerpen, 1562

, and the first to be found with major items in

situ apart from the Tomb of Kha or TT8 which was rat

Fossils in

situ are located not only in the reservation itself,

Still in

situ are three of the five gas-fuelled liquid-piston

basal cell carcinoma or squamous cell cancer in

situ, areas of black dried crust often form.

on is now closed although the track is still in

situ as a disused industrial branch line.

The 46 cemeteries continue to be maintained in

situ as long as the Army owns the land, per the Army

place of the original weatherboarding, still in

situ at the nearby Pell Green chapel.

lgian political crisis which was first shown in

situ at the Belgian embassy in Tokyo before the buil

The footbridge is very similar to one still in

situ at South Gosforth station.

Situ, at one point, met with Manchester United manag

e provision of a cast iron footbridge (still in

situ) at platform level that provides a direct inter

occur in tumor cells, releasing formaldehyde in

situ before the drug is excreted in the urine.

The De

Situ Brecheniauc lists: Meleri, Hunydd, Gwladys, Cei

imported butterflies are supplemented by an in

situ breeding program that helps sustain numbers in

For example, Edward Gibbon combined De

Situ Britanniae with St. Jerome's description of the

lemy), made so that a fictional itinerary in De

Situ Britanniae would seem more logical, is retained

ing to follow an itinerary given in the 1757 De

Situ Britanniae, and moving Ptolemy's Trimontium mad

to a different people who were described in De

Situ Britanniae.

ying to reconcile problems with the spurious De

Situ Britanniae.

er at Thurstaston where the platforms remain in

situ, but the station has not been restored.

resent locally suggest that it was not found in

situ, but was transported to its find site by the ac

The bridge remains in

situ but not in use today.

The amphitheatre remains in

situ but has been unused for many years

rt of the former northbound platform remains in

situ but otherwise all remains of the station have g

The line is still in

situ but the goods track and the passing loop has be

n to what is now BAE Systems factory remains in

situ but completely impassable.

rdnance Survey maps of 1946 show the line as in

situ, but disused, from Stamford to half a mile nort

tion involving the use of chlorine generated in

situ by the action of sodium hypochlorite on hydroch

Hypofluorous acid in acetonitrile (generated in

situ by passing gaseous fluorine through "wet" aceto

The couple may also be generated in

situ by reaction of one equivalent of zinc dust with

She was broken up in

situ by Able UK in 2009.

In the laboratory it can be generated in

situ by hydrolysis of 1,1,3,3-tetramethoxypropane, w

te particles with ammonium nitrate, prepared in

situ by passing of dry ammonia gas over the particle


Situ Changchub Gyaltsen (1302-1364 (or ?1371)) - a k

mic Stripping Process (ET-DSP), and ISC (for In

Situ Combustion).

part of the Explorer program to study matter in

situ, comprising energetic particles from the solar

Its structure, cast in

situ concrete beams with protendidas, creates modern

was the first incarnation to bear the title Tai

Situ, conferred upon him in 1407 by the Yongle Emper

rnivorous Plant Society (ICPS) to facilitate ex

situ conservation of the species.

hough most archaeologists argue for stationary (

situ) development.

rbon MRI tracer agent that labels leukocytes in

situ, enabling the direct, non-invasive observation

artificial intelligence, telecommunication, in

situ energy, planetary protection.tools….;

of the track is heavily overgrown but still in

situ, except for the final quarter of a mile into Ch

LLNL RISE is a modified in

situ extraction technology originally proposed by Ri

ermore National Laboratory and words 'rubble in

situ extraction'.

penede mine showing mature sap-feeding larva in

situ F opened young pupal cocoon fold showing cocoon

d filtrate properties rather than formation (in

situ) fluid properties.

It is often generated in

situ followed by the addition of the metal salt, but

Therefore, HNO is generally prepared in

situ for example with the compounds such as Angeli's

feature notable yew topiary, which has been in

situ for over 100 years (an 1898 postcard shows the

rom scaffolding, Gill was able to carve this in

situ from a single block of limestone.

condensation of salicyloyl chloride (formed in

situ from salicylic acid and thionyl chloride) with

e the medium is copper bromide vapour formed in

situ from hydrogen bromide in reaction with the encl

r & equatorial orbits, w/ them having formed in

situ from the same disk of dusty debris that made up

It is most conveniently prepared, however, in

situ from Pd(OAc)2.

9, an original telegraph pole route remained in

situ from here to Wymondham.

ared from copper(I) tert-butoxide, generated in

situ from copper(I) chloride and sodium tert-butoxid

opened mine showing mature sap-feeding larva in

situ G opened young pupal cocoon fold, showing cocoo

ed by Tanya Bonakdar Gallery in New York and In

SITU Gallery in Paris.

in southern and western Europe, in part for ex

situ genetic conservation, but also as an ornamental

Situ Gintung (Sundanese, Lake Gintung) was an artifi

n be periodically regenerated or restored by in

situ high temperature oxidation of the coke followed

the period of June Fourth Democratic Movement;

Situ Hua, who was the chairman of The Hong Kong Alli


situ hybridisation against mRNA for some of the gap

ss slides or nylon membranes), as probes for in

situ hybridization or in antisense experiments such

Massachusetts, and the Immunocytochemistry, In

Situ Hybridization and Live Cell Imaging course at C

to the Minimum information specification for in

situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry experime


situ hybridization experiments showed that human GRI

FISH (Fluorescent in

situ hybridization) is used to confirm the diagnosis

CISH, or chromogenic in

situ hybridization, is a process in which a labeled

irect antibody-based detection methods, mRNA in

situ hybridization, or staining with fluorescent rea

CISH is an alternative to fluorescent in

situ hybridization.

localization of v-snoRNA1 was determined by in

situ hybridization.


situ hybridizations of genes expressed in arteries (

, because phosphine gas, a side-product from in

situ hydroiodic acid production, is extremely toxic


situ image of feeding Antarctic krill.

her with their pet Pekinese, chose to remain in

situ in their bedroom over the great gate, which was

ered over to form a new roadway and is still in

situ in 2006.

nd some of the remains of this are displayed in

situ in a room in the basement of the art gallery.

heir own expense, hence the many that remain in

situ in 2008.

early 17th century parish library, preserved in

situ in the decorated cupboards designed for it in 1

w connections, as unscrewing the rods whilst in

situ in the drain or sewer is rarely useful.

Many clome ovens were preserved in

situ in this way.

eft to rust until eventually being broken up in

situ in 1952.

rization reactions, a process which provides in

situ information allowing for constant composition a

A photo of the figure in

situ is featured on the Doombuggies.com

ho was born in the same valley, and also of Tai

Situ Jangchub Gyeltsen who ruled Tibet from Tsetang,

Wan Ni'en as

Situ Jing

myopia algorithms for wavefront-guided laser in

situ keratomileusis.

o not contain a "night soil" layer, or other in

situ layers, and that food bones and related informa

uel cycle and in yellowcake prepared via the in

situ leaching and resin ion exchange system.


situ lycopsid with attached stigmarian roots.


situ Lycopsid that is probably Sigillaria from the P

, carved friezes and mosaics which were left in

situ, many artifacts were recovered and moved from t

In polymer chemistry, in

situ means "in the polymerization mixture."

ng-duration (of the order of a Martian year) in

situ meteorological and imaging observations at a si

, bioaugmentation is used to ensure that the in

situ microorganisms can completely degrade these con

Glasseel on the online in

situ microscope at the LEO project.

not been found on Mars via remote sensing or in

situ missions, even though Martian meteorites contai

An Cercophonius Squama as seen in

situ near the Australian Capital Territory.

variety of ways including remote sensing and in

situ observations.

e WOA consists of a climatology of fields of in

situ ocean properties for the World Ocean.

ssemblage of bones, illustrated as discovery in

situ, of Equus scotti

The mill retains two millstones in

situ on the first floor.

ion line, the remainder being either rebuilt in

situ or having a replacement viaduct built immediate

901, “it is not known whether this window is in

situ, or whether it was brought here from another lo

as most items and productions were obtained in

situ, or interchanged thought short range commerce.

e superconductor and this may be done either in

situ or ex situ.

its external stones are still there, either in

situ or overturned.

fermentable substrate to create hydrogen gas in

situ, or inoculation of the site with mixed cultures

ch as Strabo's Geographica, Pomponius Mela's De

situ orbis, Claudius Ptolemy's Geographia, and the A

A set of complete points are still in

situ outside an old engine shed.

He influenced his student

Situ Panchen in the study, who accordingly spread hi

A student of Katok Tsewang Norbu,

Situ Panchen is known for his role in the non-sectar

As a painter,

Situ Panchen acknowledged the influence of Chinese a

An exhibition of

Situ Panchen's work, accompanied by a conference rel

Among his closest students were

Situ Pema Wangchok Gyalpo (who Karmapa had recognise

e (MF) encapsulation systems.In such type of in

situ polymerization a chemical encapsulation techniq

The distinguishing characteristic of in

situ polymerization is that no reactants are include

It was broken up in

situ post-war.

o-Stephens coupling with added palladium and in

situ preparation of the copper acetylide.

Situ primarily plays as a centre back or a holding m

ular retort in combination with the modified in

situ process.


situ processing, according to one estimate, uses abo

ple landings, warm water probe, and possible in

situ propellant production for another twelve year t

niferarum secundum new fact methodum A staminum

situ proportione(1792)

ish the Ishaqbini Hirola Conservancy for the in

situ protection of the Hirola.

lar GeCl2 for reaction syntheses, as has the in

situ reaction of GeCl4 and Ge metal.

s heats sections of the vast oil shale field in

situ, releasing the shale oil and oil shale gas from

te, run by English Heritage, consists of the in

situ remains of some of town's defences and two mosa

ross walls survives and the entrance hall is in

situ, retaining its massive Vanbrugian chimneypiece.

ning the relics of the First Karmapa, the First

Situ Rinpoche and Wangchuk Chobar, who was a senior

At the age of twenty-two,

Situ Rinpoche founded his own new monastic seat, Pal

s route there is an accumulation of vintage, in

situ roadside Americana advertsing signage that is u

rtifacts from across the town, as well as an in

situ Roman town house and its mosaics.

xed locations stream water quality data from in

situ Satlantic instrument packages.

60s, a proposal was suggested for a modified in

situ shale oil extraction process which involved cre

Chevron CRUSH is an in

situ shale oil extraction technology to convert kero

hydrolyses to the corresponding boronic acid in

situ, so a boronic acid can be used in place of an o

e stone with a date of 1584, but this is not in

situ so may not provide an accurate date for the con

much of its original 18th-century furniture in

situ, some of which was specially commissioned for t

The most common in

situ sounding is a radiosonde, which usually is a we

ity control and merge existing satellite and in

situ SST data sources that are then merged together


situ studies and Northern-blot analysis showed that

vey of the Devil's River Minnow including an in

situ study of smallmouth bass and Devils River minno

nnected, as the physical skills required for in

situ study are the same.

Ouyang, Shangguan, Sima,

Situ) survive in modern times.

ithanni is serviced by three schools located in

situ; the government HSS, the surabhi school and the

LiHMDS can often be prepared in

situ then reacted, as in the enolate preparation sho

All remain in

situ; there is also a large collection of his work a

site with certain features of interest left in

situ, these include the Burrs Mill chimney, the mill

al gate-recesses and one of the gates remain in

situ, to demonstrate the size of the former lock.

ted as a detached mass of glacial ice melted in

situ towards the end of the last ice age.

s parts of the city walls, a hypocaust still in

situ under a mosaic floor and a theatre, which is on

vely closed around 1968 although it remained in

situ until early 1972.

gh the buildings and the signal box remained in

situ until the 1970s.

ion building and smaller goods shed remained in

situ until 2006 when they were donated to the Nelson

he corrugated-iron platform shelter survived in

situ until its demolition in 2003.

The track from Whitby was left in

situ until 1973 pending potash traffic which never m

A number of techniques including in

situ video microscopy, cyclic spectrovoltammetry, ph

o formal exhibition structure, and works are in

situ when they are ready.

Acorns sown in

situ will actually produce the best trees, in growth

of the Dolgellau line in 1965, but remained in

situ with its waiting room until the early 1990s.

), to give the CBS catalyst, which complexes in

situ with borane to give the active catalyst.