「decades」の共起表現(1語右で並び替え) - Weblio英語共起表現検索 (original) (raw)

Considered lost for many

decades, a complete print of the film was discovered

ish Point-for the first time in more than two

decades a pair of nesting plovers fledged three chick

In 2009, for the first time in two

decades, a pair of Piping Plovers nested at Whitefish

When Manning died many years later, for

decades a celibate Roman Catholic clergyman, a locket

Under Tunney, Toronto and the Gardens was for

decades a thriving centre for professional wrestling.

d to the United States, where he was for many

decades a professor at Iowa State University.

After not being performed for almost four

decades, a revised version of the opera premiered muc

Cathedral, for which he designed, over three

decades, a large number of stained glass windows; the

Over the last two

decades, a collection of tools have emerged to help F

gotiations extending over a period of several

decades, a decision was reached finally between Boliv

baseball's Billy Martin, in what was for many

decades a predominantly working class section of Berk

In recent

decades, a small community has developed around the s

For many

decades a comfortably wealthy foundation, by 1598 the

Nonetheless after two

decades ABEL remains in use by thousands of PLD progr

There were many complaints over many

decades about the intolerable amount of damage that f

r various state companies and kept silent for

decades about his actions during the war.

After several

decades' absence, Doctor Death was reintroduced by wr

s book remained in use among law students for

decades, according to historian Paul Buhle.

He served in the U.S. Navy for more than two

decades, achieving the rank of Lieutenant in 1854.

ith had been collecting in Venice for several

decades, acquiring books from a range of sources in n

In recent

decades activists have sometimes seized the lead from


decades, Adalberto Santiago has been an icon of salsa

Stanley ran it for

decades, adding a hamburger stand and the Stanco gaso

of experience, including that of the past two

decades, affords an ample basis for legislatures to c

On July 11, 2008, more than three

decades after the incident, two former Argentine poli

pressway was first opened to traffic in 1950,

decades after the Kessler Plan called for its constru

ominant political group in Hawaii for several

decades after annexation, and were well represented i

On August 22, 2009, nearly two

decades after the murder Bhagwati Singh, the lone sur


decades after the group's debut album was released, T

hinkers continues to increase more than three

decades after its publication.

es of the dead with the iconic aircraft three

decades after the war as a vehicle for eliciting the

e original novel (taking place mainly several

decades after the end of the Forever War and the arri

For the first few

decades after the Roman invasion of Britain in AD 43,

Over two

decades after its first release, the song was include

r Tunnel) which were released just under four

decades after the original.

In the two

decades after the Revolutionary War, numerous slaveho

In the

decades after the Revolution, more northern cities li

nt, a term that was not even coined until two

decades after Stonewall".

The dating of the tomb about two

decades after Philip's death based on the pottery fou

Decades after its construction, its residences and ho

s III, the son of Setnakhte who reigned three

decades after the time of Ramesses II.

etters of Paul, which were written around two

decades after the death of Jesus, and show that withi

texture - because its popularity lingered for

decades after it became unfashionable on the Continen

The two superheroes are reawakened

decades after being put in suspended animation.

the descendants of Japanese collaborators six

decades after the Japanese had left Korea.

nion lead the study of melt inclusions in the

decades after World War II (Sobolev and Kostyuk, 1975

when he died in South Carolina, nearly three

decades after arriving in the United States.

use the county crime lab retains evidence for

decades after conviction.

Decades after this film was made, relations between t

which still lacked a satisfactory explanation

decades after it was first observed, provided empiric

the 100 metres was his primary outdoor event,

decades after his elite career he still ranks on the

ten called, that when the Yankees honored him

decades after he retired, they actually had a real co


decades after reaching Britain's top ten, "Milk and A

is deep interest in prison reform, over seven

decades after his service a new center for youthful o

ame style as the Eton works) falls nearly two

decades after the death of the older Cornysh, and thu

almost until the copyright was due to expire,

decades after Potter's death.


decades after the Second World War, a Belgian resista

, with Gertrude continuing the enterprise for

decades after Frans's death.

John Martyn returned

decades after his first Halfmoon gigs to perform a we

octor, the TV movie must have took place many

decades after the Seventh Doctor's previous adventure

name is still a secret in Israel, almost two

decades after his death.

, it became internationally known only in the

decades after 1989, when Rusz's illustrations were re

ted in Edward Hall's chronicle, written a few

decades after the event, but partly from first-hand s

More than six

decades after the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasa

Although neglected for

decades after the Fabyans, the Fabyan Japanese Garden

of Texas Pleading (1890), which was used for

decades after his retirement from teaching.

th side that was partially implemented in the

decades after his death.

A couple

decades after the Civil War, in 1883 S.T. Walker wrot

Uses of the word in the

decades after the 1960s are more concentrated in comp

s, and not reprinted in full until 1970, four

decades after its initial publication.

In the two

decades after the Revolutionary War, so many planters

Over the

decades, after hurricanes and increasing maintenance

Even several

decades after the crash, the owners of the farm still

Modernism, however this was only acknowledged

decades after his death.

In the

decades after 1868, escalating economic difficulties

In the two

decades after the war the school acquired a national

His tunes appeared in copies

decades after his death, and were often used as sourc

er the district's period of significance, two

decades after all the other houses had been completed

osits of mousse, which were still visible two

decades after the disaster.

as classics in their field, even now several

decades after they were written.

During 2010, over six

decades after India's independence, a curious if swif

Maud Karpeles lived on for many

decades after Sharp, and gradually succeeded in conve

During the following two

decades after formation of the diocese a number of ne

reak of the Troubles in Northern Ireland, and

decades after the Anglo Irish War and Irish Civil War

tted suicide due to holocaust trauma, several

decades after the experience, towards late adulthood.

ison in relative quiet and anonymity for many

decades after the explosion, often crossing paths wit

eeds of high yield crops were employed in the

decades after the Second World War to greatly increas

In the two

decades after the Bolshevik's assuming power, the tra

For almost two

decades after the war, it was neglected.

For over three

decades after the prediction, no objects had been fou

d been posted in Barney's Beanery for several

decades, after the city council passed an anti-discri

The two

decades after the unification of Germany were the pea

hise, in which the internal events take place

decades after those in the 1967 Japanese series.

In the three

decades after the Second World War the Shell Guides p

Only two

decades after the Pilgrims landed in America, they bu

cathedral collection was set up in the 1980s,

decades after the communist regime confiscated Greek-


decades after its inception, HBCSE has emerged as the

na, transported illegally as slaves to Mobile

decades after the end of the slave trade.


decades after Strang's death, Sarah would divorce her

a progressive disease impairing function for

decades after onset.

matically in the Upper South in the first two

decades after the Revolution; for instance, by 1810,


decades after the war he escaped trial thanks to an i

councillors after the election, the most for

decades, after winning all 3 seats in Cleadon and Eas

s shown in schools and institutions for three

decades after its release.

en (a southeastern Chinese language) for many

decades after the Second World War.

Almost four

decades after his father chaired the Association, Ama

club West Bromwich Albion in 1996, almost two

decades after first joining Villa.

to create versions of his father's works for

decades after his death.

that were not discovered or publicised until

decades after the purported date of composition.


decades after his death, minor planet (2732) Witt was

Terror from the Deep is set in 2040,

decades after the first Alien War was won, when a new

Decades after the original Pink Pig was retired, many


decades after his playing career ended, Powell remain

and his second UK chart-topper, almost three

decades after his first.

Only a couple of

decades after that choice of name, however, in his po


decades after Romero's assassination, the canonizatio

In the four

decades after, West worked as a journalist, primarily


decades after, the Conspiracy was used as a stick to

other practical challenges: for example, even

decades after, one could notice certain hastily devel

ite the doctors' prognoses, several lived for

decades after.

For many

decades afterward the parentage of the 'Cushman' was


decades afterward, this was called "football's upset


decades afterward, dog fighting clandestinely took pl

y the mine continued to be extracted for many

decades afterwards from other shafts.

Caston continued performing for

decades afterwards, returning to perform with Dixon i

Then and for

decades afterwards, Largo's economy was based on agri

land, the nation was numbed into inaction for

decades afterwards; in other words, that politics mat

which had been on the books for more than six

decades against the strikers.

arlem Globetrotters who had competed for many

decades against the New York Rens and eventually boug

For several

decades, Agnes Sasagawa had encountered many health p

avoy Opera Society which was established many

decades ago and still performs two to three comic ope


decades ago twelve local filmmakers and artists colla

did exist on the site it was demolished some

decades ago to make way for access to properties buil

everal artificial lakes, which formed several

decades ago in the pits left from defunct sand quarri

r distribution; specimens were collected many

decades ago in neighboring Sonoma County.


decades ago she visualized the path taken by the nasc

Rumoured to be the original, it was stolen

decades ago and has since been replaced by a replica.

brought by Polish immigrants over to America

decades ago have evolved in isolation and eventually

rat al Maarif completed a century, nearly two

decades ago in 1988 amidst dire conditions.

; most of the known occurrences were observed

decades ago and have not been confirmed since, and ma

It was a famous Central College few

decades ago which has been converted to boys school i

Dragon classes with occasional sallies three

decades ago in Flying Dutchmen.

d brought it to near-extinction only some two

decades ago continue to hamper its recovery.

western coyotes and wolves that met and mated

decades ago as the coyotes moved toward New England f

tower on the light beacon, which were removed

decades ago after an eagle fell to the street below.

arge, reversing the prevailing trend of a few

decades ago to disregard and demolish older architect

Founded six

decades ago in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.

that encounter, which occurred more than two

decades ago when she was not employed by the departme

ery in the world was performed at UCSF over 2

decades ago and the UCSF Fetal Treatment Center conti

by Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher three

decades ago is ending.

The two latrines constructed

decades ago were not removed after efforts to develop

g-dead executives for conduct that took place

decades ago (Professor Christopher Edley, Jr.).”

The family split a few

decades ago and another branch has a shop nearby near

recommended way oils on manual machine tools

decades ago (and are still recommended for such gener

nd Monterey pine (Pinus radiata) planted many

decades ago remain in the Presidio dunes; these nativ

ub, The Kings Head (the Sloop Inn closed some

decades ago).

e of an article of this length, but I recall,

decades ago, reading a newspaper article about the di

Over four

decades ago, he left his wife and one year old son to


decades ago, the proportion of sea otters dying becau


decades ago, Harber was the first (and then only) mal

nmost half of the glass roof was removed some

decades ago, and the remainder was substantially cut

h today evolved, and that in those years ago,

decades ago, people didn't realize how serious this w

c School, Chennai, both established over four

decades ago, and National Public School, Indiranagar,

Founded several

decades ago, the company satisfies about 30% of the c

Though the stockpile of CAIS were destroyed

decades ago, there remained the problem of what to do

However, up until a few

decades ago, everyone believed it was real, so I supp

ed as ground cover by local residents several

decades ago, but now covers much of the arable land o

One of the stalwarts of Indian football, five

decades ago, Ao represented Mohun Bagan from 1943-195

There is a false legend saying that many

decades ago, a survey of the health of students was t

y remember a Wall Street Journal article from

decades ago, but haven't found it...

Although written

decades ago, Kuroshima's book remains startlingly and

Although it should have stopped working

decades ago, it didn't.

Until a few

decades ago, Etxebarri was a small nucleus in which i

Decades ago, Gemma Sinclair was an African-American c

Since her debut two

decades ago, she played a leading role in 18 movies,

d established a name for The Peninsula Hotels

decades ago, thus making it the favorite hotel for th

Until a number of

decades ago, sand dunes dominated the coast of Israel

Decades ago, it was often recommended to use ATF (aut

Although the text was written several

decades ago, the topics covered are quite similar to


decades ago, opposition parties banded together and r

studio had been inundated by a flood several

decades ago.

e last played for the Gators in 1971-now four

decades ago.

ence in The Bay Area since his debut almost 2

decades ago.

mic as a community ceased to exist at least 6

decades ago.

tones" only typically occurred at 13 or older

decades ago.

cument, a typed out recollection from several

decades ago.


decades ago.

, while they were totally neglected just some

decades ago.

Aiyepe town of Ijebu, Ogun State Nigeria some

decades ago.

the founder of Salubri clan, Saulot, only few

decades ago.

ernment officials of getting group houses two

decades ago.

since the start of operations more than four

decades ago.

le tobacco products called 'Gutka' around six

decades ago.

Ishihara confirmed her affair with Tamaki two

decades ago.

octor, who looks exactly as he did over three

decades ago.

s not been seen since it was discovered three

decades ago.

relevant nowadays, as they were more than six

decades ago."

workload thrust upon Downstate railroad crews

decades ago."

but they were not completely subdued for many

decades: Agricola (governor 78 to 84 AD) appears to h