「denser」の共起表現(1語右で並び替え) - Weblio英語共起表現検索 (original) (raw)

The brakes' metal becomes

denser and tighter.

hase Pu-Ga transforms to α phase, which is 25%

denser and thus more critical.

oxygen frozen into the ice, making it harder,

denser and faster.

to Corydoras Atropersonatus, but its spots are

denser and unlike the former, it has caudal markings

tone, and has greater topographical relief and

denser and different vegetation than other parts of t

nections with one another - making the network

denser and non-hierarchical.

s of artificial selection, domestic sheep have

denser and longer wool than their wild forebears, whi

as involution is to slowly carry the life into

denser and denser matter for the building of forms, t

more prominent stomatal bands, and a somewhat

denser and narrower habit.

industry's need for both finer resolution (for

denser and faster chips) and higher production throug

y structural element the matrix is generally a

denser and of better quality compared to the surface

cells in the internal pyramidal layer (V) are

denser and rounded; and the cells of the multiform la

n average, larger; the multiform layer (VI) is

denser and narrower and more sharply bounded by subco

is larger and heavier than the other balls, or

denser and heavier, or has a magnetic core.

erspersed; the external granular layer (II) is

denser and broader; cell layers are more distinct; th

Siding boards are also

denser and more rigid than traditional OSB to help th

A white dwarf star is much

denser, but even here the ratio at its surface is rou

ally unstable, and matter coalesces to smaller

denser clumps within, which then proceed to collapse

erforated glass disks which have progressively

denser coating applied around the perforation on the

is being redeveloped as Collingwood Village, a

denser community of high-rise condos.

The process can be repeated, creating even

denser composite signals with 25 GHz or 12.5 GHz spac

oids with a differentiated interior-that is, a

denser core than mantle-have a lower oblateness than

tered by unusually large grains of dust in the

denser core regions of molecular clouds and which evi

than Lake Hindmarsh, Lake Albacutya supports a

denser cover of vegetation in its dry phase.

hich is less dense, will sit on top of colder,

denser deeper water, with a thermocline separating th

Though somewhat smaller and

denser, Dione is otherwise very similar to Rhea.

0 GHz spacing and interleaves them, creating a

denser DWDM signal with channels spaced 50 GHz apart.

that large amounts of ordinary matter means a

denser early universe, more efficient conversion of m

sheep (particularly British Jacobs, which have

denser fleeces), the black wool will grow longer or s

Air currents and the diffusion of fresh

denser fog create a "swirly" or "marbled" effect.

closely related Silvereye it is more common in

denser forest.

The rats lived on the higher hills and

denser forests of the island.

vations of 7,000 ft (2,100 m) are clothed with

denser forests of ponderosa pine, southwestern white

f packing snow drops, it will form an unusable

denser form of powdered snow called crust.

-12 cm broad, thinly hairy below with tufts of

denser hairs in the leaf vein axils.

data protection feature, faster processors and

denser hard drives.

While it is

denser in texture than radish cakes, both these savor

s of affect-displays among humans are regarded

denser in information than any verbal communication.

ing a divided highway before turning east into

denser inhabited areas.

it uses more of the background male vocal and

denser instrumentation.

is similar to Sedum acre, but has shorter and

denser leaves.

he Local Interstellar Cloud, a minor region of

denser material within the Bubble.

egion of interstellar space (a relative void),

denser material in a shell around it would strongly a

In general,

denser media around the bomb, like water, absorb more

ied) with less dense surface waters lying on a

denser more saline bottom waters.

y quickly progressed this sound into something

denser, more aggressive, and more akin to heavy metal

e cones having thinner scales; and in having a

denser, more rounded crown.

ject with individual gardens, in favor of much

denser multi-story apartment blocks.

ally leak from the atmosphere, but the lack of

denser noble gases in the modern atmosphere suggests

It is one of the

denser of the globulars, being of class III (I being

The smaller,

denser open cluster Messier 67 can also be found here

The underflow is generally the

denser or coarser fraction, while the overflow is the

Larger (

denser) particles in the rotating stream have too muc

of the liquid, with the effect that larger or

denser particles are transported to the wall for even

the cells must be refined to smaller cells in

denser parts of the simulation which contain many par

s are changed, usually firing more bullets, in

denser patterns, and travel at faster speeds.

pyroxene enstatite, MgSiO3, transforms into a

denser perovskite-structured polymorph; this phase ma

then added on top of the undisturbed primary (

denser) phase in such a way as to not disturb the men


denser plasmas can be created using inductive dischar

district is far smaller in area and has a much

denser population than the 2nd district.

Darker (

denser) regions of chromium form a band at right angl

It was re-zoned in 1935 to allow for

denser residential buildings.

ot a strict boundary, the sial grades into the

denser rocks of the sima.

le, "Fade like a Shadow," is emblematic of the

denser, rowdier sonics that permeate much of the reco

us eberhardorum has long hairs on the eyes and

denser scopa.

Its natural habitat appears to be

denser sections of tropical moist lowland forest.

ced by high-rise residential structures in the

denser sections of Belgrano.

he external pyramidal layer (III) merge with a

denser self-contained collection of cells in the inte

o increase its wattage to 1,500; giving WWHN a

denser signal in the area, however according to the F

When the

denser sima comes to the surface it forms mafic rocks

nd-member of olivine indeed transformed to the

denser spinel structure, as did numerous germanate an

nstituents, condensing the matter in an exotic

denser state.

e to being staked through the heart (they have

denser sternums), and can enter human residences unde

ed in the outer part of the layer to produce a

denser sublayer 6a and a less dense sublayer 6b.

It is

denser than Jupiter.

Eclogite is

denser than the surrounding asthenosphere.

A black hole, although

denser than a neutron star, doesn't have an equivalen

Lead tungstate is extremely dense (

denser than iron), stopping most photons that reach i

mpound is stable, but flammable; the vapour is

denser than air by 2.3 times.

A memory foam mattress is usually

denser than other foam mattresses.

Their colonies are

denser than those of any other great albatross.

y satellite would need to be more than 5 times

denser than lead to support satellites of its own; su

It is also much

denser than the granites and metamorphic rocks that a

d Carpet"TM or "Green carpet": A cultivar with

denser than average foliage, it is similar to "Repens

Sewer gas is typically

denser than atmospheric gases and may accumulate in b

est that the matter in this collapsed stars is

denser than nuclear matter, the densest matter found

was mostly uniform, some regions were slightly

denser than others with contrast densities on the ord

This air is

denser than the tropical air mass normally present in

arth orbit, a spherical body must be 800 times

denser than lead in order to fit inside its own Hill

Electroweak stars are

denser than quark stars, and may form when quark dege

Because these sulfides are much

denser than the silicate minerals formed by lithophil

st easily visible of these as being "light and

denser than the air in which the body is immersed", t

w basic hydrodynamical laws, but because it is

denser, the flow is measured as a whole, not coordina

density at the surface of the ion; usually the

denser the charge, the stronger will be the bond that

chestnut grows up again and the shade becomes

denser, the habitat becomes unsuitable for the flower

eddish brown scales that are sparse but become

denser toward the center; flesh firm, becoming green-

re act to modify the density of water, and the

denser water always lies below the less dense water.

Fender used

denser wood for this model, resulting in a significan

he trees are coppiced to create open areas and

denser woodland with its own community of plants and

halo thinning around older trees, thinning in

denser woodland and planting new trees.

ction of the permeable Blackheath Beds and the

denser Woolwich Beds.

That leaves the

denser Worlds depopulated, one by one.