「fainter」の共起表現(1語右で並び替え) - Weblio英語共起表現検索 (original) (raw)

This star is smaller, cooler,

fainter, and less massive than our Sun.

This star is larger, cooler,

fainter, and less massive than our Sun.

ion, 12th magnitude 49 Cassiopeiae B, is much

fainter and of an unknown spectral type.

the comet has always been over two magnitudes

fainter and no fragments have been seen since 1889.

It should not be confused with the much

fainter and more distant globular cluster Palomar 5,

The secondary, HIP 12635 is 1.521 magnitudes

fainter and located at a separation of 14.6 arcsecond

semi-detached spectroscopic binary, having a

fainter B-type companion separated by approximately 0

The apparent surface brightness is even

fainter because, in addition to delivering less total

The system comprises three stars of which a

fainter binary component is known under the name HD 2

em) makes a striking colour contrast with its

fainter blue companion star.


fainter companion is magnitude 9.6.


fainter companion is a yellow-white F-type dwarf with

ided by the objective into two identical (but

fainter) copies, and a system of prisms or mirrors th

d, the Cornish army retreated and some of the

fainter hearts (and wiser heads) quietly stole away b

2M1207b is around 100 times

fainter in the sky than its companion.

e use of multiple stoppings-out to create the

fainter lines of the distant view.

imated peak Zenithal Hourly Rate was 173, but

fainter meteors were washed out by a waning gibbous m

leus (PNN) or white dwarf central star is the

fainter of these two stars.

h the designation of ADS782AB, and a further,

fainter, optical companion C.

able star, which repeatedly gets brighter and

fainter over time.


fainter pair, Nu Scorpii C and D, are spectral type B

stinguished from this species by the smaller,

fainter pale markings on the forewing and the less bo


fainter star is of magnitude 6 and is 4.4 seconds of

It is orbited by a smaller and

fainter star that is separated from the primary by ju

52" away from the main component and an even

fainter star in between.

An additional 30 or so

fainter stars are sometimes considered to be associat

It is slighly

fainter than IC 2003.

This makes it about 360 times

fainter than Pluto.

It is 250 times

fainter than the star itself and it located 0.73 arc

In October it was one hundred times

fainter than when it was first observed in August.

ough it has the Bayer designation beta, it is

fainter than Gamma Cygni, Delta Cygni, and Epsilon Cy

faint dwarf spheroidals, the entire galaxy is

fainter than the star Rigel (absolute magnitude -6.8)

re 30 seconds and the 1.5-m can reach objects

fainter than 21.5 V in that time.

.5 stars with the naked eye, about four times

fainter than visible to normal eyes.

e main sequence dwarf, about three magnitudes

fainter than the primary.

This star is somewhat smaller and

fainter than the Sun, and can just barely be seen by

erall apparent magnitude of 1.9, which is 70%

fainter than the Taurean Pleiades, and contains about

, its apparent magnitude of 3.65 is 3.7 times

fainter than the brightest star in the constellation,

WR20b seems to be single star, slightly

fainter than the faintest star of WR20a, though its X

However, this star can be much

fainter than is required for natural guide star adapt

arent magnitude is +4.82 (4.17 trillion times

fainter than the Sun) and the absolute magnitude is +

It is roughly 50 times

fainter than the star and is separated from it by an

lar gas and dust near the galactic plane, and

fainter than 23rd magnitude in the optical, but is ea

so its apparent magnitude is 8.05 (100 times

fainter than its absolute magnitude), it is not visib

ces as faint as 2 milli-Janskys, considerably

fainter than any previously catalogued radio source.

ome 100 Trans-Neptunian objects, most of them

fainter than magnitude 21.

1388 Aprodite has been observed to be

fainter then predicted.

olour is much darker: purplish grey with much

fainter white spots arranged in one row below the lat

ows that most GRB detections only capture the

fainter wide cone, which means that most distant GRBs

The secondary component is much

fainter, with an apparent magnitude of 12.49.