「grasslike」の共起表現(1語右で並び替え) - Weblio英語共起表現検索 (original) (raw)

Aloe wildii is a

grasslike aloe.

) long, .125 in.(3 mm) wide, basal, slender,

grasslike and flattened like flower stem"

ow bladed leaves up to 40 inches long (1 m),

grasslike and 0.4 inch across (1 cm), symmetrically ra

Ruppia maritima is a thread-thin,

grasslike annual or perennial herb which grows from a

It has a

grasslike appearance, with smooth, narrow and slightly

uces a thin stem and narrow leaves and looks

grasslike before flowering.

It is a perennial herb forming

grasslike clumps of several erect stems up to half a m

This is a rhizomatous perennial herb forming

grasslike clumps of several erect stems approaching ha


grasslike evergreen plants are hemicryptophytes, (i.e.

his is a small perennial herb, superficially

grasslike in appearance, growing in small continuous t

This bur-reed has thin, flexible,

grasslike leaves which float in the water.

e base of the plant is surrounded by linear,

grasslike leaves up to 30 centimeters long.

There may be thin,

grasslike leaves toward the base of the plant, which a

ducing a tuft of thready but stiff and erect

grasslike leaves up to about 30 centimeters long from

meter in height with a fuzzy stem and long,

grasslike leaves.

imeters in maximum height surrounded by many

grasslike leaves.

imeters in maximum height surrounded by many

grasslike leaves.

The basal leaves are narrow and almost

grasslike, measuring up to 16 centimeters long and no

ialty horticulture trade and available as a (

grasslike) ornamental grass for: a traditional garden

It is a thread-thin,

grasslike perennial herb which grows from a rhizome an

Grasslike plants are also referred to as graminoids.

It is generally a green clumping

grasslike rush with many thin stems wrapped with few t


grasslike sedge produces sharply triangular stems up t

es (the family Poaceae), as well as the more

grasslike species of the sedge family (Cyperaceae), th

an annual or perennial spikesedge with long,

grasslike stems to about 15 centimeters in height, sho