「insulin」の共起表現(1語右で並び替え) - Weblio英語共起表現検索 (original) (raw)

ce 1935, metrazol, an epileptogenic drug, and

insulin, a hormone, were in wide use in many countrie

cogen storage levels, and this indicates that

insulin activates glycogen synthase by inhibiting its

eam by the β-cells of the pancreas along with

insulin, after a meal.

ased at low temperature and a special form of

insulin allows for this extra glucose to enter the ce


insulin, amylin is deficient in individuals with diab

vo Nordisk hopes to begin marketing the novel

insulin analog in 2013.


insulin analog is an altered form of insulin, differe

Drug Administration (FDA) refers to these as "

insulin receptor ligands", although they are more com

catabolic hormone that opposes the effects of

insulin and amylin.

This can change the potency of the

insulin, and it would no longer be as effective.

e-1 diabetes mellitus, the disease-associated

insulin- and GAD65-specific T cells isolated from the

It followed earlier reports combining

insulin and vasopressin analogues in the diagnosis of

nt linker between the A- and the B- chains of

insulin and facilitates the efficient assembly, foldi

e primary regulators of this are the hormones

insulin and glucagon, which affect the enzyme through

human serum albumin, human transferrin, human

insulin, and chemically defined or human lipids.

chemist who participated in the sequencing of

insulin, and became Austria's first university profes

AMPA iGluRs modulate the secretion of

insulin and glucagon in the pancreas, opening the pos

ceptor gamma (PPAR-γ), a central regulator of

insulin and glucose metabolism.

: those tending toward reduced sensitivity to

insulin and high blood glucose levels (hyperglycemia)

andful of exceptions - notably nitroglycerin,

insulin and some liquid antibiotics - most expired dr

rodents, while also remembering to take their

insulin and check their blood glucose.

rds a similar level of blood sugar control to

insulin and sulfonylureas, it appears to decrease mor

all mortality by about 30% when compared with

insulin and sulfonylureas (glibenclamide and chlorpro

ic hypoglycaemia, induced by an over-generous

insulin and had not neutralised its effects with food

ic islets of Langerhans produced and exported

insulin, and it steadily pushed Lacy up through the a

Dr. Frederick Banting, who in 1922 discovered

insulin, and all the people that have lost their live

sugar by stimulating the pancreas to secrete

insulin and helping the body use insulin efficiently.

ges in potassium produced by catechols and/or

insulin and/or thyroid hormone, which lead to movemen

1982 Genentech synthetic 'human'

insulin approved, largely thanks to its partnership w

To date, only leptin and

insulin are known to act as an adiposity signal.

has also been discovered that when GHRP-6 and

insulin are used simultaneously, GH response to GHRP-

Equimolar amounts of C-peptide and

insulin are then stored in secretory granules of the

researchers responsible for the discovery of

insulin as a treatment for diabetes.

, and ultimately resulted in the discovery of

insulin as a treatment for the disease.

Insulin aspart can be used in CSII pumps and Flexpen,

It has been debated whether or not

insulin aspart (or NovoLog/NovoRapid) should be refri

The pH of

insulin aspart is 7.2-7.6.

basal with rapid-acting mealtime control from

insulin aspart.

an overeaters' increased tendency to secrete

insulin at the sight and smell of food, though medica

iption factors such as SREBP1c, controlled by

insulin at the transcriptional level, and ChREBP, whi

' negotiations with researchers who developed

insulin at the University of Toronto helped launch th

rics and orthopedic surgery, the discovery of

insulin attracted him to internal medicine, specifica

1967 in connection with the discovery of the

insulin biosynthesis.

y appeared to admit many different molecules (

insulin, bovine serum albumin, gold nanoparticles) le

Lilly produces synthetic, recombinant 'human'

insulin, branded Humulin

human serum albumin, human transferrin, human

insulin, but animal-derived lipids (as with StemPro 3

Glory Enough for All depicted the search for

insulin by Banting and Best, with R. H. Thomson starr

by removal of the signal peptide and then to

insulin by removal of the connecting peptide (C-pepti

tions were focal, involving overproduction of

insulin by only a portion of the pancreas.

ers blood sugar by stimulating the release of

insulin by pancreatic beta cells and by inducing incr

he underlying DNA, the amino acid sequence of

insulin can be changed to alter its ADME (absorption,

w's Hospital, Northampton, where he was given

insulin coma therapy and electroconvulsive therapy.

ed to St Andrew's Hospital in Northampton for

insulin coma therapy and electroconvulsive therapy.

When they were not in a coma,

insulin coma patients were kept together in a group a

Cameron also induced

insulin comas in his subjects by giving them large in

Alex because of his diabetes, and his lack of

insulin could have resulted in a coma or even death.

3. "Atomic positions in rhombohedral 2-zinc

insulin crystals" TL Blundell, JF Cutfield, SM Cutfie

ients, ketoacidosis is usually accompanied by

insulin deficiency, hyperglycemia, and dehydration.

Insulin degludec is currently in Phase III clinical t

Insulin degludec also has the ability to be mixed wit

Insulin degludec is a novel ultralong-acting basal in

Studies have shown that patients taking

insulin degludec needed to take significantly smaller

As a phosphoprotein phosphatase,

insulin dephosphorylates the enzyme, thus activating

receptor binding, but blocks the formation of

insulin dimers and hexamers.

bits dedicated to Banting as co-discoverer of

insulin, doctor, war hero, and artist.

d its effects simply by taking food after his

insulin dose.

als work exclusively to provide medical care,

insulin dosing, blood sugar corrections, nighttime bl

e became ill in mid-1944, but refused to take

insulin due to his devout Christian Scientist beliefs

The success of

insulin enabled the company to attract well-respected

1922 Banting and Best use bovine

insulin extract on human

ations should be coupled with a longer acting

insulin for good glycemic control.

The pancreas must produce

insulin for this medication to work.

irectory of selected over-the-counter agents,

insulin formulations, and prescription drug products,

s blood glucose by stimulating the release of

insulin from the pancreas.

Diazoxide also inhibits the secretion of

insulin from the pancreas, thus it is used to decreas

opin and inhibits the release of glucagon and

insulin from the pancreas of fasted animals.

oli with the specific task of producing human

insulin from starting amino acids is an example.

ss by which serotonin controls the release of

insulin from beta cells in the pancreas and so the re

This uptake is stimulated by

insulin from the pancreas.

increases beta cells mass and

insulin gene expression, post-translational processin

former student of his father, on cloning the

insulin gene from carp.

region (ILPR) is a regulatory sequence on the

insulin gene starting at position -363 upstream from

A3 is a regulatory sequence for the

insulin gene

C1 is a regulatory sequence for the

insulin gene

A2 is a regulatory sequence for the

insulin gene

Z is a regulatory sequence for the

insulin gene

G1 is a regulatory sequence for the

insulin gene

A5 is a regulatory sequence for the

insulin gene

lin is the primary translation product of the

insulin gene.

DBP binds to a upstream promoter in the

insulin gene.

current marketed long-acting insulins such as

Insulin glargine and Insulin detemir.

ors, including dietary composition, hormones (

insulin, glucagon, thyroxin, estrogens, androgens), a

Blood sugar is regulated by

insulin, glucagons, and other hormones that control i

metabolic syndrome, including higher fasting

insulin, glucose, and triglycerides, and lower HDL-ch

the sulfonylureas group gained 3 kg, and the

insulin group, 6 kg.

The activity of this complex is stimulated by

insulin, growth factors, serum, phosphatidic acid, am

roducts and/or processes, including synthetic

insulin, growth hormone, and TPA, often beating out b

betes by control of the upstream activator of

insulin growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and mitogen-activated

The statement that '

insulin has been strongly preserved' is vague, as it

for the murder of an 80-year-old patient with

insulin, has been identified as a possible inspiratio

o coax bacteria into creating synthetic human

insulin, human growth hormone, and human TPA for use

erregulatory hormones, opposing the action of

insulin, i.e. acting against the hypoglycemia.

It is claimed to help build up

insulin in the human body and is sometimes referred t

insulinism refers to an above normal level of

insulin in the blood of a person or animal.

The group succeeded in producing

insulin in 1978, and in 1979, Riggs received the Juve

on of a diverse set of self-antigens, such as

insulin, in the thymus.

Collip's task was to prepare

insulin in a more pure, usable form than Banting and

nto almost any organ-and coax them to produce

insulin in diabetics.

returning to Toronto to begin his research on

insulin in the spring of 1921.

Particularly in type 1 diabetics the lack of

insulin in the bloodstream prevents glucose absorptio

In this roundabout manner,

insulin increases glycogen synthesis.

it is known for being

insulin independent.

It is assumed that the ability to respond to

insulin induced hypoglycemia translates into appropri


insulin injection (Munchausen syndrome)

le children born with diabetes to switch from

insulin injections to tablet therapy.

Insulin injections are intended to induce hypoglycemi

can specify the frequency of their real-life

insulin injections.

ease and is linked to the metabolic syndrome (

insulin insensitivity).

sors, such as the conversion of proinsulin to

insulin intermediates.

Hypoglycemia due to excess

insulin is the most common type of serious hypoglycem

mia are are quite variable, and so suicide by

insulin is probably less reliable than a gun or poiso

eir blood sugars in normal ranges, and 44% on

insulin left insulin-free.


insulin levels seem the likely link between metabolic

normalising plasma

insulin levels

The prolonged elevation of

insulin levels can lead to dyslipidemia.

was hypothesized that the grapefruit reduced

insulin levels, encouraging fat loss.

pression of the receptors are correlated with

insulin levels, as well as reduced in mouse models of

ose has a minimal effect on blood glucose and

insulin levels.

Insulin lispro (marketed by Eli Lilly and Company as

Insulin lispro has one primary advantage over regular

His approach to the first synthesis of

insulin lost out to Genentech's approach which used g

plex, bis(allixinato)zinc(II), shows the same

insulin mimetic effects.

ice, this vanadium complex was shown to be an

insulin mimetic with hypoglycemic effects.

y attempted to work with the more complicated

insulin molecule.

Harold Bourne published a paper entitled "The

insulin myth" in the Lancet, in which he argued that

rsity, who discovered the «Somogyi effect» of

insulin overdosage.

Allitt attempted to murder him with an

insulin overdose on three occasions that day before h

on 21 March 1991, due to Allitt administering

insulin overdoses, before he was transferred to anoth

etic, the 30-year-old father searched for his

insulin pen in the capsized ship; however, for the fi

Pyruvate dehydrogenase is stimulated by

insulin, PEP, and AMP, but competitively inhibited by

in metabolic control in many animals, whether

insulin per se is important in ALL animals is, I beli

Insulin potentiation therapy

th PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) to reduce

insulin problems and possibly improve fertility.

ns with GAD65 has been shown to preserve some

insulin production for 30 months in humans with type

1.He is the pioneer in modern

insulin pump therapy in India.

t, Morrison regulates his blood sugar with an

insulin pump attached to his abdomen.

ally known as the one of the largest users of

insulin pump and real-time glucose sensing devices in

2.The largest real-life data on

insulin pump usage in Type 2 diabetes was presented f

, for the first time published guidelines for

Insulin Pump therapy for India.These guidelines now s

Animas produces and develops

insulin pumps for people with diabetes.

The main activity of activation of the

insulin receptor is inducing glucose uptake.

Glycogen synthesis is also stimulated by the

insulin receptor via IRS-1.

vival of progenitor myeloid cells through the

insulin receptor substrate-2/PI 3-kinase/AKT pathway.

Insulin receptor has been shown to interact with Ecto

For this reason "

insulin insensitivity", or a decrease in insulin rece

It also activates

insulin receptor and has insulin-mimetic effects, low

In molecular biology, the

insulin receptor is a transmembrane receptor that is

Affected individuals have an

insulin receptor with greatly impaired functionality.

isease, having only one normal allele for the

insulin receptor) will not be affected.

mple of tyrosine kinase receptors include the

insulin receptor, the IGF-1 receptor, the MuSK protei

the disease is the lack of a fully functional

insulin receptor, which has a profound effect during

MUC1, Mammalian target of rapamycin, RASGRP3,

Insulin receptor, C1QBP, PLD2 and SHC1.

genes such as those for H-ras, c-myb, and the

insulin receptor,, and genes encoding housekeeping en

he kinase domains of the EGFR and that of the

insulin receptor.

here is a 60% homology between IGF-1R and the

insulin receptor.

role in signal transduction downstream of the

insulin receptor.

include glutathione-insulin transhydrogenase,

insulin reductase, reductase, protein disulfide (glut

The increase in calcium will initiate more

insulin release from each beta cell.

GIP stimulates

insulin release when glucose concentration is elevate

ows continued signal output (e.g., to trigger

insulin release) amid significant amounts of its prod

-glucose pentaacetate, was found to stimulate

insulin release, and might therefore be of therapeuti

ets, it serves as a glucose sensor to control

insulin release, and similarly controls glucagon rele

channel responsible for pancreatic beta-cell

insulin release.

are physiologically important in potentiating

insulin release.

c islets causing calcium entry and subsequent

insulin release.

for example on the peripheral cells (e.g. the

insulin releasing cells of the pancreas) and on the c

egend of Big Paw requires the extra dosage of

insulin reserved for such treks into celluloid and co

d that American men with abdominal obesity or

insulin resistance (a precursor to diabetes) were mor

increase high blood pressure include obesity,

insulin resistance and high cholesterol levels.

so appears to have a beneficial effect on the

insulin resistance featured by the metabolic syndrome

r form of the disease, in which there is some

insulin resistance but normal growth and subcutaneous

it may improve glycemic control and decrease

insulin resistance in people with poorly controlled t

his gene has been associated with obesity and

insulin resistance in children.

ncentration of HDL cholesterol increased, and

insulin resistance improved much more in dieters foll

delay progress to diabetes, and in those with

insulin resistance it slowed progress in the HOMA sev

hypercholesterolemia, diabetes mellitus, and

insulin resistance).

moderate mental retardation, hypothyroidism,

insulin resistance, hypoparathyroidism.

are autosomal recessive condition associating

insulin resistance, absence of subcutaneous fat and m

en by international experts in endocrinology,

insulin resistance, prediabetes, metabolic syndrome a

ubjects experienced weight loss and decreased

insulin resistance, although the mechanism was unknow

ribute to hyperuricemia, including: genetics,

insulin resistance, hypertension, renal insufficiency

n the Insulin-Receptor Gene in a Patient with

Insulin Resistance, Acanthosis Nigricans, and the Pol

ht to have the smallest effects on weight and

insulin resistance, but clinical experience with thes

f polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), including

insulin resistance, hyperandrogenism, and oligo-ameno

de production, nerve growth factor synthesis,

insulin resistance, loss of mean body mass, and IL-8

important in the pathogenesis of obesity and

insulin resistance.

It seems also to have a role in peripheral

insulin resistance.

crease in IMTGs was responsible for increased

insulin resistance.

effect and may be beneficial for people with

insulin resistance.

y be linked to the development of obesity and

insulin resistance.