「panicles」の共起表現(1語右で並び替え) - Weblio英語共起表現検索 (original) (raw)

The flowers form in broad, terminal

panicles and are produced biannually, once in late spr


panicles are loose, open and nodding.

Panicles are open, with as many as 9000 seeds per plan

Axillary or terminal flowers arranged in

panicles are small, yellowish green and fragrant, smel


panicles are 20-120 mm long, with many shiny, greenish

mall, inconspicuous white flowers in terminal

panicles, assorted male, female.

rs form small dense globular heads carried in

panicles at the end of the branches; the yellow anther

, the flowers are pale lilac, on long slender

panicles, considered inferior to those of B. davidii .

The staminate inflorescences are

panicles consisting of several erect catkins.

The flowers are borne on 2-5 cm long

panicles, each panicle with 50-100 individual flowers,

The white flowers occur in

panicles, followed by rounded fruits that are 3-4 mm l

horn like projections arranged in cylindrical

panicles, foxtail has a soft, single awn.

Yellow flowers form on terminal

panicles from December to January.

Greenish white flowers form on

panicles from May to July.

Golden-yellow flowers grow in narrow

panicles from June to August.

Yellow-green flowers occur in long

panicles in leaf axils in the months of January to Feb

The flowers are produced in

panicles in spring shortly before the new leaves; they

They bear terminal

panicles of pinkish or purplish flowers.

T. paniculatum bears tuberous roots and

panicles of flowers and produces tiny, jewel-like frui

rough, hairy shrubs with leathery leaves and

panicles of fleshy white to purplish flowers.

In May or June the tall

panicles of white flowers, branched and pyramidal in o

ce Research Institut researchers checking the

panicles of a deep water rice variety in CALABARZON Ba

(August to November) it produces stout, erect

panicles of tiny flowers with petioles 10-15 mm long.

pink), bell-shaped, 4-6 mm diameter, produced

panicles of 10-30 together in autumn.

metres high, leathery, elliptical leaves, and

panicles of green flowers.

to between 1 and 2.5 metres high and produces

panicles of white flowers from May to July in its nati

es long and 0.6 to 2.25 millimetres wide, and

panicles of white flowers.

shape and about half a centimeter long, with

panicles of clusters located at the ends of stem branc

and erect with densely clustered thyrse-like

panicles of greenish waxy flowers with yellow recurved

erect stems 1 to 4 feet tall bearing nodding

panicles of spikelets.


panicles often remain into winter.

calyx and yellow-green floral tube, appear in

panicles or spikes between June and September in its n

d chlorotic, are at best infertile with empty

panicles, producing no edible grains; at worst, they a

btecta are borne in many large, open branched

panicles that appear among the leaves.

flowers are small, creamy-white, produced in

panicles; the fruit is an oblong three-segmented capsu

6 m in height bearing small, loose off-white

panicles, the corollas with yellow throats, and exudin

The small pinkish flowers grow on

panicles up to 15 cm (6 in) long.

s green-white flowers arise on erect terminal

panicles up to 50 cm long from spring to autumn.

ite, 5 mm (0.20 in) across, produced in large

panicles up to 2.5 m (8.2 ft) long, extending out beyo

e or greenish-white, produced on short, dense

panicles up to 10-20 cm long in summer to mid autumn.

'O'Neil', which produce larger (10-12 inch)

panicles with brighter red flowers.

The inflorescences are drooping

panicles with flowers that may be male, female or bise

ticillasters in elongated terminal racemes or

panicles, with a blue-purple to purple corolla that is