「pyroclastic」の共起表現(1語右で並び替え) - Weblio英語共起表現検索 (original) (raw)

600,000 years ago, mainly with

pyroclastic and maar forming eruptions which continued

basin is filled with a series of volcanic,

pyroclastic and sedimentary rocks that range in age fro

Pyroclastic ash flow from the eruption formed what was

Ash is considered to be

pyroclastic because it is a fine dust made up of volcan

hornblende-phyric dacite flows, tephra, and

pyroclastic breccia, and concluded with the formation o

Vetman is a

pyroclastic cone in the centre of the island with a bre

Tuff rings,

pyroclastic cones of primarily ash, are built by explos


pyroclastic cones are located 7 km to NE and produced b

Pyroclastic dams are produced by massive pyroclastic fl

There are two main types: lava dams and

pyroclastic dams.

One of the most spectacular forms of

pyroclastic deposit are the ignimbrites, deposits forme

It is surrounded by a bright

pyroclastic deposit.

ck typical of rhyolite, andesite and dacite

pyroclastic eruptions.

n clouds form layers on the ground (this is

pyroclastic fall or tephra).

It is similar to a

pyroclastic flow but it has a lower density or contains

of two bodies which had been caught by the

Pyroclastic flow as they were fleeing a Volcanic erupti

in the case of an atomic bomb explosion or

pyroclastic flow from a volcano, for instance), it can

  1. were French volcanologists who died in a

pyroclastic flow on Mount Unzen, in Japan, on June 3, 1

4 km2), 100-to-700-foot (30 to 210 m) deep,

pyroclastic flow of the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes.

ee modes of transport can be distinguished:

pyroclastic flow, pyroclastic surge, and pyroclastic fa

Pyroclastic flows may generate surges.

The deposits of pumice-rich

pyroclastic flows can be called ignimbrites.

Plumes from the

pyroclastic flows rose 1.2 kilometres (0.75 mi), althou

ke was dry by the time a series of enormous

pyroclastic flows from the Yellowstone area buried Jack

ort from CVGHM on 3 November stated that 38

pyroclastic flows occurred during the first 12 hours of

he late Pleistocene and Holocene, producing

pyroclastic flows and tephra that blanketed much of the

he 5th century AD which produced widespread

pyroclastic flows and devastated Mayan cities.

hydrite-bearing magma, explosive eruptions,

pyroclastic flows, and surges that were devastating.

st likely formed from debris avalanches and

pyroclastic flows.

and are produced by the same mechanisms as

pyroclastic flows.

,000 cubic kilometres (240 cu mi) of ash in

pyroclastic flows.

or may not be accompanied by production of

pyroclastic rock.

Olivine lamproite

pyroclastic rocks and dikes are sometimes hosts for dia


pyroclastic rocks are formed by explosive eruption of l

Pyroclastic rocks may be composed of a large range of c

t, resulting from the juxtaposition of soft

pyroclastic rocks on one side against harder andesite a

In volcanology, a

pyroclastic shield or terrestrial ignimbrite shield is

There are also

pyroclastic shields in Africa, such as Emi Koussi in Ch

Unlike most shield volcanoes,

pyroclastic shields are formed mostly of pyroclastic an

Pyroclastic shields are commonly known to form in the C


pyroclastic surge is a fluidized mass of turbulent gas

n commenced; vents at Rotomahana produced a

pyroclastic surge that destroyed several villages withi

uit, or physically picked up by the ensuing

pyroclastic surge.

Base surges, which are now called

pyroclastic surges when relating to volcanoes, are more

discovered in 1996 and is interpreted to be

pyroclastic with intense serpentinization.