「renewables」の共起表現(1語右で並び替え) - Weblio英語共起表現検索 (original) (raw)

cts are wholly or partly owned by RWE npower

renewables, a subsidiary of German company RWE.

a case study in two reports produced by the

Renewables Advisory Board


Renewables also have permission to build 13 wind tubine

electricity, nuclear power, petrochemicals,

renewables, and emissions.

f electric power, petroleum, natural gas and

renewables) and social and urban (light, sanitation, ho

l be a 4 MW wave farm, to be built by npower

Renewables and Wavegen, 400 metres (1,300 ft) off the s

New capacity includes inter alia

renewables and combined heat and power (CHP).

topics of oil, natural gas, electric power,

renewables, and technology.

In February 2009, the partnership of SSE

Renewables and SeaEnergy Renewables, was awarded exclus

second wind farm project planned by Martifer

Renewables and REpower in Poland .

There are intermittent and reoccurring

renewables, and recyclable materials, which are utilise

s the voice supporting wind energy and other

renewables at energy conferences and in the media aroun

n establishing the legislative framework for

renewables at the European level.

and in December 2005 was named the Scottish

Renewables Best Politician.

tions to our electricity needs from nuclear,

renewables, clean coal and gas.

RWE Innogy (new

Renewables Company, from February 2008 on)

and innovation, carbon finance, economics of

renewables, environmental impacts, consumer behaviour.


Renewables has identified an area of land to the north-

ints, energy efficiency targets, high use of

renewables, high carbon costs and efficiency concerns f


Renewables, Inc. is a renewable energy company based in

elchett Medal on Realistic opportunities for

renewables: innovative technology

Texas, owned and operated by E.ON Climate &

Renewables is the world's largest wind farm with 627 wi

It is managed by Engineering

Renewables Limited on behalf of Garves Wind Limited.

E.ON Climate &

Renewables North America (formerly Airtricity) is spend

nd power offers financial incentives such as

Renewables Obligation Certificates.

The farm was commissioned by Powergen

Renewables Offshore, a division of one of the UK's majo

ess, resource adequacy requirements, and the

renewables portfolio standard would be put into law.

The wind farm, which was built for Npower

Renewables, produces electricity from 5 wind turbines.

The summit is also the site of Iberdrola

Renewables' proposed Bakke Mountain Wind Farm, stalled

Amid discontent from across the

renewables sector at the IEA's performance as a global

Terry Naulty of Liberty Green

Renewables told Fox 41 News the citizen response has pr