「sutures」の共起表現(1語右で並び替え) - Weblio英語共起表現検索 (original) (raw)

o groove connecting the mesoscutal transverse

sutures across the centerline of the mesothorax.

thread in bristles for toothbrushes, surgical

sutures, and strings for acoustic and classical music

rean section by eight or ten deep silver wire

sutures, and the use of twenty or more superficial st

ite to pinkish chin, rounded humeral-pectoral

sutures and a filled Boletus plastral pattern.

as a material for the synthesis of absorbable

sutures and are being evaluated in the biomedical fie

The labial

sutures are black.

Sutures are simple, the ventral lobe double pronged.

Sutures are with lateral lobes and may possess dorsal


sutures are goniatitic with 3 lateral and one dosolat

anesthetics [while surgeons said] some of the

sutures are not [appropriate] for caesarean sections.

used at the upper and lower ends and that the

sutures are not channeled.

niform whorl section and essentially straight

sutures at maturity.

l-joint closure) of both coronal and lambdoid

sutures, facial hypoplasia (underdevelopment); bowed


sutures had been introduced into medicine by the Amer

Sutures have broad ventral lobes.

Sutures have mid dorsal, mid ventral, and sharp later

The specimen has unfused neurocentral

sutures in its vertebrae, meaning that the animal was

he introduced the use of absorbable magnesium

sutures in vascular and nerve surgery, and used elder

ssed, subtrigonal whorl section and ceratitic

sutures included in the ceratitid family Otoceratidae

ndary bone tissue except for example near the

sutures of calvara or tooth sockets.

e families by the presence of two subantennal

sutures on the face, a primitive trait shared with th

hey present a lesser chance of infection than

sutures or staples.

incisions and lacerations without the use of

sutures, or as an adjunct to strengthen the suturing.

For the production of

sutures, polydioxanone is generally extruded into fib

ividual, though the closure of the respective

sutures provides somewhat contradictory information,

Sutures slope forward from the dorsum which is on the

lose wounds in the skin, as an alternative to

sutures, staples or clips.

Devonian of Europe with an open umbilcus and

sutures that have little relief, described by Dybczyn

Olive-yellow, with a black-brown line at the

sutures; the lower part of the last whorl is very dar

For example, tapes that could replace

sutures to close a wound and a water resistant adhesi

annulated orthocones with straight transverse

sutures, transverse or slightly oblique surface annul

ened sides, narrowly rounded ventral rim, and

sutures with wide low saddles and simple serrated lob

Schilling pitching on an ankle that had three

sutures wrapped in a bloody (red) sock.