あるふぁういるすぞく - Weblio 英和・和英辞典 (original) (raw)



Code Listing2.4: Listing files which belong to an ebuild file $ qlist vim/usr/bin/gvim/usr/bin/gvimdiff/usr/bin/evim/usr/bin/eview/usr/bin/gview/usr/bin/rgvim[...]発音を聞く - Gentoo Linux


File relational information indicating that respective files are a pair of related files is recorded in respective file management areas (header areas). - 特許庁


If the storing file name has been registered, file name of the file to be copied is changed and stored in the image file 4. - 特許庁


When the image file with the same name exists, the image file is secured, when an image file with a different name exists, the leading image file is secured and when no image file exists, the substitute image file is secured. - 特許庁


The management file F10 manages the image files in a state of combining attribute information of the left image file and attribute information of the right image file and is a separate file from the left image file and the right image file. - 特許庁

stderrに結びつけられているファイルディスクリプタの番号は、それぞれ 0, 1, 2 である。例文帳に追加

and stderr are 0, 1, and 2, respectively.発音を聞く - JM



Empty capacity required for storing the transfer file is selected from a deletion candidate file, and is used as a deletion object file. - 特許庁
