支持を表明する - Weblio 英和・和英辞典 (original) (raw)



We reiterated our support for increasing the utilization and dissemination of EGS, reducing barriers to trade and investment in EGS, and enhancing the capabilities of 8 economies to develop their EGS sectors. - 経済産業省

我々は,したがって,WTOドーハ開発ラウンドを,そのマンデートと整合的に及びこれまでの進展を基礎として,できるだけ早期にバランスのとれた野心的な妥結に導くことについての支持を改めて表明 する。例文帳に追加

We therefore reiterate our support for bringing the WTO Doha Development Round to a balanced and ambitious conclusion as soon as possible, consistent with its mandate and based on the progress already made.発音を聞く - 財務省


Comprehensive Development Framework: Ministers expressed support for the comprehensive approach to development reflected in the framework and welcomed the progress being made, and the lessons learned, in implementing it in pilot countries.発音を聞く - 財務省

内務大臣(日本)山崎巌は治安維持法なしでは治安維持に責任が持てないとして辞意を表明し、首相もこれを支持 するかたちで内閣は翌日総辞職した。例文帳に追加

Iwao YAMAZAKI, Home Minister expressed his intention to resign as he could not be responsible for maintaining security without the Peace Preservation Law, which the Prime Minister supported, and the cabinet resigned en masse on the next day.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In addition, it is important that the G-7 countries have expressed strong support for the report issued by the FSF and their commitment to the implementation of the measures recommended by the report.発音を聞く - 金融庁


We reiterate our support for the IFIs' continuing commitment to countering terrorist financing and illicit finance, including money laundering.発音を聞く - 財務省

インフラ案件におけるPPP(Public-Private Partnership)の実施に対する強力かつ継続的な支持を改めて表明し、PPPファイナンシングにとっての環境改善が、両地域の発展のペースを押し上げることに留意。例文帳に追加

Ministers reiterated strong and continued support to the implementation of Public-Private-Partnerships (PPP) in infrastructure projects and noted that an improved environment for PPP financing could help boost the pace of development in both regions.発音を聞く - 財務省


我々は、ラクイラにおいて表明された食料安全保障に関するイニシアティブ並びに農業及び食料安全保障のためのグローバル・パートナーシップを更に実施し、過度の価格変動に対処するための努力を歓迎し、支持 する。例文帳に追加

We welcome and support the food security initiative announced in LAquila and efforts to further implement the Global Partnership for Agriculture and Food Security and to address excessive price volatility.発音を聞く - 財務省
