解決する鍵となる - Weblio 英和・和英辞典 (original) (raw)


対話がグローバル化のチャレンジに対する 解決策を見出すなるのです。例文帳に追加

Organizations represent social opinion. Dialogue is key to finding solutions to the challenges of globalization. - 厚生労働省

の共有[交換] 《共通暗号法を用いるにあたって当事者どうしで使用する暗号を決めること; 暗号化するためのを伝えるために暗号が必要になるというジレンマを解決 する方法として, 当事者間が部分的な情報を交換しあってを生成する Diffie-Hellman protocol などが考案されている》例文帳に追加

key agreement [exchange]発音を聞く - 研究社 英和コンピューター用語辞典

かかる課題を解決 するため、本願発明は、第二生成部、利用条件情報更新部、第一生成情報再暗号化部等からなる管理装置を利用する。例文帳に追加

In order to solve the problem, the management apparatus is utilized, which comprises: a second key generation section; a use condition information update section; and a first key generation information re-encryption section or the like. - 特許庁


Even if a bit length of the device ID is short, therefore, an operation is enabled. - 特許庁


There has never been a more urgent need to make progress and at this meeting we have focused on the key issues which will have to be resolved at this critical juncture if we are to move forward. - 経済産業省


This manufacturing method includes a preliminary forming step of taking a billet of the same diameter as that of a shaft part as a stock, swelling one end thereof and forming a slit in the axial direction of the other end thereof and expanding the slit to form a key member which is bent sidewise, and a full forming step of forming the key member formed in the preliminary forming step to a predetermined shape. - 特許庁



Advanced case examples include (1) the “Japan Brand Agricultural Corporation (JBAC)” that has realized a relay shipment between multiple regional bases, a key to the solution of the problem of establishing a stable supply system, which is the biggest disincentive for the export of agricultural products; (2) the “Japan Professional Agriculture total support Organization (J-PAO)” that supports agriculture management entities; and (3) the “Ehime Gaiya Fundproviding hands-on financial support to promising entities. - 経済産業省
